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JP Oct 2018
a beautiful painting
of a **** woman
Men's staring
trying to inseminate
through their eyes..
JP Nov 2019
point in the
Where devil sits
passers to dive...
JP May 2016
an expense
a factor drive us to work
you work to match
the standard or
the standard will bring
your talent to match
a driving factor
a kind of motivation
you may never listen to your parents
but you have to………..expense
an insight
your expense column will
determine you becoming rich…. i.e.
If your expense column
filled with saving and investment
JP Jun 2016
Spending in love
ended in marriage
become expenses
become loss...
JP Jan 2017
some products
very expensive
can be bought
only as
"Daughter Gifts!!"
JP Mar 2019
Invented the words
Love and Hate
and declared opposite
In real
both arise from
the same emotions called love..
JP Dec 2016
Travelling in a bus
a decent worker
revealed his life
He hates mirror Coz
it shows
he is outdated
His hobbies is talking
His exercise is walking
He visit brothels Coz that's
the only place will receive respect
His savings are children's
His wife is a nagging and
But like a rope give
meaning to his life's....
.......... Is life means this......
JP Jan 2019
I went back to village
and to my school
I know
There was a tree
at the entrance of playground
When I saw now
a kind of invitation to me
to sit underneath
a few minutes
Is it my perception about or
the tree itself
We always have our own
thought about the thing around us
and if you think deeper
You come to know we know lesser
than they really are...
JP Jun 2017
Reaching 90%
and withdrawing
from love or target
It's say more about the gap
where we have to step in
and fill..
That 10% determines
our character and integrity
We slip out beautiful love
on those 10%
we are more Valuable
than our partner
and on target
we take the last session for granted
Once we know
how to practice integrity
through what we do
We are helped by the process
to complete...
Keep in mind
Prayer never help in these
You want world to behave
to your tune
It never happens...
JP May 2016
a dream
walking inside my brain
found a book
named "experiences'
opened the book
starts reading
my experiences
a disappoint…
the book full of nothing
a record of my failures…
JP May 2019
break up
he was sitting inside
the church.
Love Failure
heavier than the Cross..
JP Nov 2017
Love is a disease
first fever
chest pain
sudden loss of energy
a hope
starts again..
JP Dec 2017
Why we call
Earth as mother?
I have seen small children
run in bare foot
in the park though
small stones never hurts them
but I struggled..
Is earth as mother
her children with an invisible
layer of carpet..
JP Dec 2017
a child
made paper boat
float it
to see river moves..
JP Nov 2019
walking down
the valley
an awareness
Valley is like
a broken bowl...
JP Jan 2019
my friend
blank to his problem
and struggle to get a solution
from inner experience
and decided to live through
slowly learning to live and fight
to come out of such problem
more like a chick
coming out of shell..
JP Aug 2016
at home
I move often
heaven to hell and
hell to heaven
of her change in mask
wife to daughter in law
daughter in law to wife
JP Jun 2016
In college
gave a flying Kiss
a slap in return
Love brought hate…
the Newton law..
JP Dec 2018
always has a boundary
constructed a wall
Though the wall gives security
it's also created prison around her
that's where her loneliness enters!
JP May 2019
The day
the man understood
there is no God
he brought
JP Dec 2015
Man is an exploited animal,
The only species which exploit/cheat/**** the same species.
I always wondered why so much confusion in our
present world compared to 60 yrs before.
The truth is world has developed in fast phase for the past 40 yrs.
Those items considered luxury has become necessity.
The credit tools like credit cards/personal/home loans are
teaser to our life. The govt. knows very well these are traps
for the common man to exploit his entire earning,
every borrower are paying enormous amount of interest
on present tool of Credit. But,
still license are given to corporate to exploit in terms of
fast foods/ credit institutions/industries which detrimental
to our country.

The concept of prison were introduced to move
dangerous people in order to safe guard common citizen.
Now, the law of verdict can be easily postponed/delayed.
So, instead we are forced to live in a gated community
like a prisoner.  

And, we are only united  in the words like
Economy/States/ Consumer but down here we all are
living like an individual, losing rationalism slowly and
unknowingly falling into the style of indifference.
We are no more we are, we are driven by
markets/ads/newspaper/media. they control every aspect
of our life. We lost the tradition of living by
moving to freedom for everything.
The country which practice freedom for everything
are facing lot of atrocities- Anyone can go out,
shoot any one. Unethical business style - using chemical
to induce food taste, Wars -  to loot other
nation natural resources & foreign currencies,  

The simple answer is understanding the
present form of freedom and creating little
awareness about our expenditures,
will help us to live happily.......
JP May 2017
I sat
the lonely tree..
JP Oct 2016
For girlfriend
*** is the extension of love

For organisation
Promotion is the extension of love

For worker
Bonus is the extent of love

For teacher
Grade is the extension of love

For wife
Loyalty is the extension of love

For sons
Toys are the extension of love

For daughter
Dad is the extension of love

For servant
Dependency is the extension of love

For legs
Vehicle is the extension of love

For mom
Everything is the extension of love

For government
Subsidies are extension of love
JP Nov 2017
a hero
die early...
JP Jan 2019
She opened her conversation
she was an introvert
after the date was over
came home
How come?
She still staying in my heart...
JP Nov 2016
a camera
that photograph other
not itself..
JP Jan 2019
he has one reason
to climb the
Mount Everest
It is there..
JP Apr 2017
her face
my life book..
JP Jun 2016
a million followers
they don't know
the real you….
JP Jan 2018
Some rejection
you group yourself
to prove they are wrong
You proved it...
But Still
You are wrong Coz
you looked like failure
You got rejected

the situation differ
After achieving that
You have proved
they are wrong and
You think you are Right
But again
You are wrong
They rejected your past
but not your present!!
JP May 2017
A lonely evening
went to terrace
Slept on the floor
a mild wind
kindled my dream
a telescope on hand
can feel
my house started raising
like a skyscraper
Can see the distance
My beloved soul
left long back
focusing much closer
she was aged
Whispered her name
she turned back, "Do you
still recognise me??"
Me replied, "In you,
I recognise me.,"
JP Jan 2017
In exam
I know Answers
Questions were wrong..
JP Dec 2015
Book waited
in the store
to buy..
atlast, a man
came and bought
the book
wasn't happy
he is the author…
JP Dec 2015
A question asked
in first grade admission
It starts like..
teacher gave three pen
to you as gift
and next day
Principal gave
three more pen
as gift
How many pen you
I answered, "Ten"
reports say, "I failed"
but they don't
know, I have already
have four pen at home.
JP Jan 2016
Failure is a fantastic feeling,
we don't agree coz we are conditioned to
believe success can bring beautiful feeling.
Failure helps people to stop wasting their
energy and resources. Failure has teached a lot
to human than success.

The success people are always works for
early accomplishment. What happens?
When you reach your ultimate goal, you find  
emptiness. an abyss.
very difficult to fill that especially
when you are in a  corporate world.
you experience the tiredness of feeling
alone at the top of  the world. a new fame
brings new enemies, then.... drop everything and
take the route of becoming a sage.

And being a sage was not so simple. To live doing
nothing was the most cruel habit. Why?... Think,
you are going to live your life through  begging.
It means you want others to work and feed you
in the form of charity. Hence, the real joy is.... in
living slowly, and proceed to achieve our goal in
paced manner spread over the entire life. and the
best way of living is.. every minute of efforts invested
in corporate world must be compensated for living a  
contented beautiful life.

Brushing failures and touching rare success are
the real juice of happiness...
JP Oct 2017
People using the word
a thought
Is it a disgusting way of expressing
their failure in night
through out in words
in day light...
JP Jun 2016
Law of separation
a myth
an action to believe
as solution
actors are separated
but the problem
even in their absence.
JP May 2017
Woman always
an ambitious person
try to
replace her as ambition..
JP Jan 2016
loved such life
looking outside
only to disappoint..
JP Nov 2017
a gorgeous princess
came to the pond
looked in
allowed the frogs
to kiss her shadow..
JP Dec 2016
Fairytale was always special
it's reached well to
the latest generation Coz
of storyteller.....
It's nothing but a memory
of wisdom and  passed on and on
But, the beauty was no one
attempt to change the structure
of the story....
If you analysis the fairytale
will be shocked.... it's a capsule
carrying an immense truth
about our life...
JP Nov 2018
a love movie
the closes shot of princess lips
the audience look like frogs
in the pond named theatre..
JP Nov 2017
Princess came back
few thousand years
She saw a bus stand
in the place of the pond and
some jobless
instead of frog..
JP Nov 2017
After few years
the unmarried
Princess came back
to the pond
looking for the frog
with a hope..
Fairytale are always the hidden truth of search in ourself. We look for frog, our frog to kiss us and be companion to us. Here frog is just a metaphor for lover. The kiss is the acceptance of love from the stranger.. Who loves you and waiting for you..
JP Nov 2017
she wrote to me
her heart out
am cautious in reading
sometime fall in illusion
One fine day
She left a note
"It's all fiction.."
JP Mar 2016
a Devil
someone good spoil.
JP Feb 2016
a master of great archery
worried about his best student
his presence rated them second
a feel of insecurity..
JP May 2018
her eyes
pushes me for love
my words
pushes her for marriage
Both pulling to the same place
but the journey has to begin..
JP Nov 2017
he walk to his office
children to their school
she went to kitchen
Evening came
all are tired
God saw this
as happy family..
JP Dec 2018
Why we fight
never get divorced
When husband fight
with wife
the inner female in husband
love so much the inner male
in wife
The fight was outer but
they hug each other inner...
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