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JP Dec 2015
"How spiritual world
sees arithmetic's?"
monk replied, " If you add
we become 'ONE'.
subtracts means 'Two'
multiply means 'GOD'
divide means 'Satan'….
JP Jan 2017
Her beauty
opened the men mouth
It's a old way of saying
JP Oct 2018
When you fail
you blame
Blame is
Reward for losers
JP Dec 2016
villain kidnapped heroine
before tasting
checked the hero destination
on his new apps…
JP Dec 2015
A group of fox
came to the farm
saw the grapes
thought about
the fable
to hunt
the farmer..
JP Feb 2016
mind record her words
in the form of book
asked, Why??
when she leaves
I read it to you….
JP Oct 2015
She came home
from office trip.
Cleaning the bed
found a ring
not hers
JP Dec 2018
her starring
reduces me
a rabbit sitting
in front of a lion..
JP Jun 2016
a thief entered
master bedroom
husband and wife
opened wardrobe
found a naked man
both of them
JP Aug 2017
time set
a dual
to sleep and awake
to alarm...
JP Aug 2018
Millions of eyes
Earth created her
own dress..
JP Aug 2017
It's nature way
of collecting and
JP Oct 2017
great lover of women
seeing them
and running towards them..
JP Sep 2016
an advantage in
acquiring knowledge is.....
a period of experience
will transform into wisdom
you become
'Invisible' while crossing
the cross roads of life... when
others are waiting for the signal.
JP Oct 2016
a mix to sip
the metaphor of
day and night
JP Jul 2019
like a frog
like a princess
for a kiss...
JP Jun 2018
a magician
got into the box
never came out...
JP Dec 2017
a small
misunderstanding with her
a dream
Walked into the library
selected a book
it's empty
Whole library books
empty inside
Got up
a message from her
JP Aug 2017
It happened
in the book store
I saw her but
wouldn't recognise
both are staring each other's
as if we know....
While driving home
I could able to connect our memory
this was the girl who snubbed me
when I asked her mobile number
a strange happened
when I was in the shower
when I staring....
her body giving a clue
her mobile
She unknowingly
displaying to me.
Is her body giving a clue
to get in touch with my memory??
That means
Nature helps but we miss...
JP Dec 2017
Last day
her eyes touches
extra second
a wave
that leaves a message
from the deep ocean..
JP Nov 2017
Hickory Dickory Dock
Thieves in our Block
Clock struck Twelve
Ghost came out
Thieves screemed and shout
They caught and locked
Hickory Dickory Dock!!
JP Feb 2016
Sitting on pavement
she passed with her friend
a fear grips,
as if
am going to steal something
the beauty of smoke
clouded my eyes
she got all the colors
every time I see her
my mind colored her beautifully
eyes tend to open in anxiety
Its an illusion or real??
checked with my friends
they ready to help me
took me to ophthalmologist..
JP Jul 2016
an invention
to compete with nature
to color
JP Apr 2017
An explanation to
my girlfriend
why am having dark complexion??
I can blame my government
By birth
am half white..
In our city
often power goes off
staying under dark
I became darker..
JP Apr 2017
took my bicycle
on the way.... Girls College
Full of colour
Human way of colouring..

Pedalled further
a beautiful garden
Full of colours
Nature way of colouring  

Pedalled further
a Bird Sanctuary
Full of colours
God way of colouring...
JP Jul 2023
a little boat
on the mid of sea
for a wind
to blow...
JP Feb 2016
an idiot
our missing part..
JP Dec 2017
pay to laugh...
JP Dec 2015
reading dhammapada,
someone slipped
laughing buddha
on my head
a splash of jam
Enlightened !!!
JP Jun 2018
The beauty of ***
it keeps you
in animal state..
JP Mar 2016
an income
less valued
used for lavish expenses..
JP Oct 2017
The system of Marriage
accepted after
trying out all other way of
living with opposite ***
found the less tortuous one
to settle the score between them..
JP Apr 2017
Driving inspector
interviewing the lady
for issue of driving license
Inspector, "what you do
in case of Break Failure??"
Lady replied, "I will honk
horn... Sir!"
Inspector said, Good and
issued license to her..
JP Aug 2017
Divorce walked in
when he switched
his mode from listening
to hearing...
JP Nov 2018
Mother comes home
from office
asked the two years
old child, "how are you?"
the child smiles,
that's the answer for her presence
If the child cries
that's the answer for her absence..
JP Feb 2019
Who is good?
the land or the farmer
Is it a farmer?
he gives food to the world
Is it a land?
It allow the farmer stand on him
he rip the land with tractor
Still it's gives its energy in the
form of crop..
JP May 2017
Devil have fun
in terrorising
send different types of cyclone
human also equally
fun it
naming such cyclone.,
JP Jan 2016
Competition is nothing, but looking for some external
factor to drive you, People who has strong self will not depend
on competition to raise. Generally, people who
practice competition has reached the top of the world,
stayed as rich, but also carried enormous amount of guilt
and finally, some of them taken refuge in Donating
their earning to the charities.

The competition lover, find their life miserable,
once they became old. They all experienced a kind of
big hole inside of them coz their nature of movement of
life was depended on external factor. Initially, the competition,
which has given special kind of energy to reach their goal
and the same has made them to feel weak and empty.
If you create an illusion of competition in every walk of life,
then the net result will be disappointment. So instead of
depending on external factor, Better to develop our self in
small phases.

To develop Self, we can use competition in the beginning and
once the 'Flow' is created then we can switch over to
strengthening the SELF.
JP Jan 2019
a luxury place
to be in mother womb
the cozy place
Where your mother even
breathe for you..
You dream house is nothing but a magnified womb
JP Jan 2017
my love
became a draft
on arrival of
new smart executive..
JP Nov 2015
We always want someone to compromise.
someone to share less in business
someone to adjust
i.e. wife/ someone to take the blame…
We want other party to agree to our term
to show our power or superiority,
the result is, in turn we create a new enemy.

The person who compromises  means
mere surrender to the whims of the other,
to earn less income/respect/accepting less power.
In real terms, Compromise is a temporary factor
and there is a possibility, the compromised person
will reclaim at indeterminate future date.
A wife who compromise with her husband behavior,
may withdraw in future and it will lead to the birth of divorce.

In short, Compromise can be effective for one to one
situation i.e. temporary.
But not suitable for long term
JP Nov 2016
In life
Alone is default
Relationships are programmed
Doubts are virus
Love is vaccine
Internet as wife and
reach Motherboard...
JP Mar 2016
a music festival
entered auditorium
watching my pattern
of my behavior
was influenced
by the crowd
expressing my joy
relishes my animal behavior
walked back home
to find a clear mind
its kind of therapy
the world enjoyed…
JP Jan 2016
with a raincoat..
JP Feb 2017
first step
against humans evolution..
JP Jan 2016
embarrass the shopper
as if, SIN  committed
with caution..
JP Apr 2017
a mistook concept
by authors
You cannot soar
your confidence at will
It's a byproduct of success
and organised work
If an idiot says
he is confident
What we call over-confidence
It means
he will be over because...
Being confidence does not
bring competence..
JP Sep 2017
I found hard
to believe her love letters
Understanding me
She gave a tight kiss..
JP Dec 2018
Love is a truth
Truth is an event
Event is future
We move with love
the truth behind such love
will expose in future
Changes our perception
other person was true
Love means event means future
we once believed the
Sun raises and set but
actually we rotate in
Earth axis for rise and set
If sun never rise means
we stop rotating around
Same way
When a lover Ditch
It's we ditch him not other
JP Apr 2017
My girlfriend
caught me for lying
she said, "you lied me"
I replied, "Sorry, I lied you"
then she, " your are not true??"
No, I replied, "am true, I agreed my lie"
But she, " because you agreed, cannot be true??"
I confused
Is agreed to lie is not true??!
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