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215 · Oct 2015
Threat to Moon?
JP Oct 2015
A poet love moon
for many reaon
but why politicians?
a recent race is for
who controls the moon
and may set up missiles
and target
enemy countries, rather
sending armies….

In future,
Is country who owns
the moon owns the Earth?
214 · Jan 2017
JP Jan 2017
Every family man
seeing his monthly income
within few minutes
on commitment,
are the one who supports
the concept of "Blackhole"..
214 · Jan 2016
Is dream big a myth???
JP Jan 2016
A man bought
                       16 storey house
it never brought happiness
In that 16 storey, he could able to use
                      one floor at a time
In that one floor, he could able to use
                     one bedroom at a time
In that one bedroom, he could able to use
                      one bed at a time
In that one bed, he could only use
                     the half of the bed…
Is dreaming big, just an illusion
                     of happiness???
JP Dec 2015
When watching
action movies
what happen was
hero goes
for accomplishing
the mission,
carries a Silencer Gun
when he shoot
their will be
no noise..
But how come
the victim also
die silently….
214 · Apr 2016
Let we Think…
JP Apr 2016
it’s a common word
used in our life
you cannot eliminate
miserable from our life
miserable is Life

Cave man lived miserable life
his survival was miserable
hunting was miserable
he stand naked before nature
that's too was miserable

to move out miserable
he found civilization
schooling is miserable
job is miserable
marriage is miserable
running family is miserable
old age is miserable

what we have understood??
the term miserable
is nothing
but the life
another name of life..

If you want to escape from miserable
Death is the only exit….
214 · Dec 2017
JP Dec 2017
a new year!!
want of calendar
to foresee
the movement of time
day, week, month….
we plan ahead
to invite disappoint
reducing weight
increase our earning
expecting good neighbor
goes as per...
If you are not checking.
214 · Jan 2017
JP Jan 2017
when a person attempt
to do a ******
but failed
will be protected by the law
with fewer punishment
if succeeded,
he will awarded
full punishment...seeing
here attempt was the same
why not punish
both of them under the same law??
213 · Jan 2016
a small pond..
JP Jan 2016
her footprints
in my garden
every time I see
a drizzle
from my eyes..
213 · Jan 2016
JP Jan 2016
her eyes
the nest
213 · Mar 2017
JP Mar 2017
when lovers
decided to continue relationship
to next level
Each of them
bring thier reservations
to reconcile and accommodate
for the third.
the birth of third in between them
called Marriage...
213 · Jun 2016
JP Jun 2016
a sick person
narrates stories
to **** the rebel..
213 · Oct 2015
My "Why" Girl
JP Oct 2015
"Why" she born.. somewhere,
when I am waiting for her…. here.

"Why"  I carried Love Letter to my college,
when I know she was not studying with me.

"Why"  I bought gift every year,
when I don't know her birthday.

"Why"  I earned Six Figure Income,
when I know.. Cannot marry her.

"Why"  I selected Beautiful Dresses,
when I don't know her size.

"Why"  I gave her Friend request in Face book,
when I know she will never accept…

"Why"  I bought  a Luxury Car,
when I know she never prefer to travel with me.

"Why" she sings so lovely,
When I don't have a recorder.

"Why"  I wait all these years
when I know she never love me..

"Why" she born so late,
when I born so early….
212 · Jan 2016
JP Jan 2016
paid money
buy a hose
to **** life…
212 · Mar 2016
JP Mar 2016
a man
out of caves
created civilization
need of controlled future
found a term projection
it is just an
extension of intuition.

a development happened,
when he moved
more into projection..
projection like a plague
wiped out present
now…..we live
only in future…
212 · Nov 2016
JP Nov 2016
People rushed
to see the display of
very rarest collection
"Moses axe"
below their is specification
the handle thrice and
blade twice changed...
212 · Oct 2015
Pain of Love3 :
JP Oct 2015
Waiting for your Girl Friend …… 
she comes with her neighbor son in a bike……
sitting closely… ……….
the bike pass right next to you…
she looks at your {Begging} eyes
and don’t feel bad coz
she applies….
Law of jealousy on you……..
212 · Aug 2016
JP Aug 2016
a feel of something
a flood in my heart
an heaviness
seeing neighbor
and his possession
a beautiful wife
a beautiful house
and few children
an emotion to possess
...... but mind compensate
an another emotion
came like a wall
called ENVY
stops me.......
to self pity
directed my mind
towards fate...
Every time
seeing them
kind of hot air
its another type of Greengas
Injuries to society....
212 · Jan 2016
JP Jan 2016
a split second, came out of my house
I live in my head,  eyes are the mouth
life enter my brain with noise from my ears
innerman, I don't know who he was
sit and arranging incoming life, gave it to my memory
got back to my house, checked memory with the experience
nothing matches,
am misrepresented by my brain…
212 · Sep 2017
Learned from sports
JP Sep 2017
Always push your life a little
towards your goal

In life, face one problem
at a time

Concentrate only on
which falls inside your life net

Apply always controlled

Sometime catch other legs
to reach, also part of life

exercise your animal characters
within the ring
211 · Apr 2016
JP Apr 2016
a kind of character
very agile
very intelligent
very strong
very dedicated
never like to follow
the pattern of society
a rebel,
trouble other to believe
there is Devil..
very interesting candidate
to be part of
birth of Hero character
He know very well
only in stories and
they are defeated…
211 · May 2016
But it never happens....
JP May 2016
feel an edge
when her eyes
stays few second more on me

feel an edge
when my colleague
maintain eye contact in meeting

feel an edge
when my father
worried my health than career

feel an edge
when mother wanted
my girlfriend to stay few more hours

feel an edge
when policeman smile
for my vehicle paper... intact

feel an edge
when my restaurant manager
rush to provide me cozy street

feel an edge
when my neighbors children
comes to take second opinion about homework

feel an edge
when my car service engineer
wanted my car expenses to minimum

feel an edge
when my sister measure
more love than my gift…

feel an edge
when my girlfriend never
mind waiting for me……….
211 · Oct 2015
JP Oct 2015
I just entered her
heart by saying
Hello' and
small smile when I
meet her eyes.

She didn't
know am in her heart
sit silently.
when she sleep
I wander inside,
feel jealous about
people who occupied
large spaces….
211 · Dec 2016
JP Dec 2016
tax payer even  with
selfish character
is an altruist
he pay tax
to government
to service the poor..
211 · Jan 2022
My Girl
JP Jan 2022
my eyes touches her
and return to me
gave me a new
energy to my life
as like
whenever the rain returns
to earth,
it brings with it the things
of the air...
211 · Apr 2017
JP Apr 2017
the whole world
affected by memory loss
Except few people
Completely lost their memory
they decided to
recorded their memory
as follows

****** was a dangerous virus
Killed million of Jews.

WallStreet a place, where
People find Heaven or Hell.

America and Russia two bad
boys always fight each other.

Olympics people runs for
other than food..

Religion created many team
then, such concept used in sports.

Government a team to loot
from poor for welfare of poor..

Cinema a big hut
Unbelievable made believable..
211 · Apr 2016
Mom care..
JP Apr 2016
if a child
       sleep too long
mother hand
      was the first thermometer
211 · Dec 2015
Failed, but not
JP Dec 2015
A question asked
in first grade admission
It starts like..
teacher gave three pen
to you as gift
and next day
Principal gave
three more pen
as gift
How many pen you
I answered, "Ten"
reports say, "I failed"
but they don't
know, I have already
have four pen at home.
211 · May 2017
State of temporary
JP May 2017
a book and my girlfriend
has similarities...
can **** my loneliness
She travel in me
with her messages.
the author travel with me
through his characters
Sometimes few hrs
or few days
but both leaves me
once again in the same state..
211 · Feb 2019
One Day..
JP Feb 2019
I got up as usual
with the help of alarm
But still dark
It's almost 7.00 am
Just look down from window
All residents of the flat
standing under common lights On
Sun failed to raise for the first time
Earth failed to move
All news channel are peek in "TRP
Rating" for the one last time
One part of the earth going
to die and efforts will be taken
to transport population to other part of the shinning world..
Hereafter just DAY in one part
and NIGHT in another.
Within few days entire population will get shifted to other part
hoping within few years people travel with cylinder to enjoy nights.
All government decided
No need to travel to other dead planet.
Travelling and surviving other side our earth going to be great challenging..
NASA drops all other planet expedition and move their base to dark side of our planet..
Again my alarm went off
It's a dream!!
210 · Apr 2017
JP Apr 2017
Ego is the first enemy
to Love..
In office
her goodly eyes
always makes an attempt
to bend my ego
to fall in..,
210 · Dec 2015
JP Dec 2015
she fumed,
why you lie?
I explained, See
you can memory
a fact or incident
in the form of story
sometimes the mind
was so biased
while netting a story
of your loved
So, I lie to lie
to be in your
good book
am not responsible
its the nature
of brain…
When I lie
I'm not…
210 · Apr 2016
Is night means….dangerous
JP Apr 2016
Is we loose
     condition mind at night

Is a night means
           animal mind
many looses self
           a big sorry….later

Is night encourages
           predator mind
women means
          prey to male mind

Is drinks used
           at nights
to suppress conscious
           encourage mistakes..
210 · Jan 2016
JP Jan 2016
its dark allover
needed companion
lit a candle..
210 · Oct 2015
JP Oct 2015
She came home
from office trip.
Cleaning the bed
found a ring
not hers
209 · Apr 2016
a date..
JP Apr 2016
on bed,
her posture
an animal in me..
209 · Nov 2015
Its always Reverse...
JP Nov 2015
I joined Boxing class
went with a glove
practicing on sand bag
I wise man came
told me to strengthen my legs
then my hip, shoulder, fist…
He said, "it always other way
around". And also adviced,
"to have a beautiful life",
its not love and marriage
First marriage and then
love your wife….
209 · May 2016
a misunderstanding
JP May 2016
her soul
likes me….but
mind refusing...
209 · Jun 2016
self-help books
JP Jun 2016
the conditioning
in the form of book..
209 · Sep 2018
JP Sep 2018
My girlfriend
asked, "Do you still love Hema?"
Replied, Yes!
Do you still love Rima?
Replied, Yeah!
Do you even Divya?
Replied, hmm..So, What?
How dare you!
Replied, I love girls to love you!
209 · Jan 2016
That's why..
JP Jan 2016
I walked in
wonder of the world
never felt anything
a dream
revisited the wonder
a total dark
a mild noise
sat and listened
chat and the giggle
of the workers
who built the wonder.
the structure retained
the sound and vibrations
of the artisans…
209 · May 2017
disgusting world
JP May 2017
true love to separation
can happen
without any effort...
From love to marriage
can happen only
on karma..
209 · May 2016
a date..
JP May 2016
She was so beautiful
like a grammar
to illiterate..
209 · Aug 2016
JP Aug 2016
a confusion on quotes
Like a tree, you should grow and branch out
then another
You're not a tree. So move; make something happen
confusion cleared after marriage
former, you should practice before marriage
later, after marriage for your inner peace..
209 · May 2017
JP May 2017
a date
she ate icecream
while my eyes ate her
once got over
left her in the entrance of her home
for her to walk in
was more like

the chariot and horse of Cinderella
for her to enter in her house
So they can back into pumpkins and rats..
208 · Sep 2016
Goods train
JP Sep 2016
It's balances
Demand and Supply
an economist....
208 · Jan 2016
let count..
JP Jan 2016
kissed Earth
only planet can tolerate humans

looked up
two Stars carryout shifts neatly

feel the Air, taste the Water
eat the Light…

carry our Dead
have to earn four hearts

survive the survival
keep my Senses on condition

fumbled here,
hearing six as ***

208 · Jun 2018
JP Jun 2018
Both were pushed into the room.
Where she pushed him from her bed
people around cut the wire of Direct.
He was placed next to her,
He cried out of love to attract the attention.
She still in sleep and could hear the song of his..
He was rolled in cloth and moved to her hand.
he was given her ******
he ****** thinking he was breathing but food came into mouth and his nose is open to breathe
Now, the bonus, the smell of his mother
The birth of bond never dies in him  and subsequently added
when he smelled it from his daughter..
208 · Sep 2016
JP Sep 2016
a study confirms
an ******* is good
for evolution
208 · Mar 2016
Great mistake...
JP Mar 2016
a party
dating a female
a male interrupting
later came to know
her husband
a light drawn
am like a cockroaches
ran and hide…
207 · Apr 2016
JP Apr 2016
am became hers
while kissing
she slipped
her breathe
into my mouth..
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