Lately all I can think about
Is what is truly real
Or just my perspective?
All I can dream about
Is reality, or what it seems to be
What is an illusion?
I can hear nature speak
Trees whisper, and cackle
Leaves giggle, and crackle
The ocean breathes, and sings
Birds dance and fly with their wings
I can feel the colours of different people
I can see the pain that people carry
Only to wish I could relieve them
But I can only support and believe
Everything will be okay
My attitude affects me
My mood, my fortune
The food I eat determines
my feelings and emotion.
I'll continue to look inside
To grow and learn
Love is truly what I yearn
The answers aren't always in the past
Or even the future.
Reality is inside us, around us
Now and eternally to last
I am unfolding a map
Of my soul and what it means
To truly understand
The Truth.