It is here and gone,
in the blink of an eye.
We live and then we die,
in between there are times
we hold so dear, but we know
that death is always near.
Sometimes life just goes so
slow, other times it moves
way too fast, and nothing
ever seems to last.
When we are young, we
want to be older. As we age,
we wish things would slow
down a bit, and we want to
be young again.
Time is like vapor in the air,
here one second, gone the next,
and you can never get it back,
no matter how hard you long.
When you are here, live life
while you can, be thankful
for today, because there is no
certainty that there will be
a tomorrow.
Learn to love as if there were
no tomorrow, enjoy what you
have, be it little or big because
we don't know how long it may
last. Time just goes so fast.
We blink and forty years is gone,
our kids are grown, with kids of
their own. Our parents are gone
and we wonder, "did I say goodbye"?
Our youth is out the window, and
we sit and wonder, " how did I miss
all of those years", but we always
seem to remember the tears.
And we wish that we had known
that it would be like this.
We try to look at what we did,
while we were here, and look
around us to see what we hold dear,
and think what could have been,
if things had been more clear.
Whether we lose or win, it is very
clear that we will never be here again.
Love like there is no tomorrow,
for there is no certainty the
sun will rise, or you will be
here to see it.
Realize that what we are doing
right now is all that we have.
Savor it and live life while you can.
Enjoy the present, forget the past,
make what you have now last,
because it just goes away so fast.
Jon York