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Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
I just want you to need me as much as you need oxytocin, dopamine & serotonin. I selfishly want your sky's to be gloomy without me. I want everything & everyone that's not me to feel like a mistake. I want you to feel that you live in a black & white world If I'm not around.

I want you to need me.
But when you need me,
you become monotonous.
I want you to need me
& as soon as you do,
I'll leave...
Subtle manipulations...
Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
Other times I kiss the northern winds, let them dance with my curls while caressing my curves. Drifting me away, a feather in a gentle tornado towards vague, dreamlike, foreign lands.  

& in other occasions I belong wholeheartedly to the moon. She's my favorite intimate lover, the most passionate of all. Her dark mysteries keep me addicted to the light she steals from the sun.

Then when the sun takes me, lights me up, burns me, sweet sweet fire, as he embraces me. A Phoenix coming back to him over & over. Naked scars & whispers of warm love, poems that tell me he shines for me, keeps the soil under my feet warm for me, tells me he lives for me.

All the while the ocean waits patiently for me to yet again submerge myself in the chaos of its storms. Maybe all the salt water in the oceans are just tears that've been shed waiting for lovers to embrace its madness. Oceans long for fearless lovers, lovers that fear not the wrath of its solitude and forbidden passion.

& once in a blue moon I sit in silence & succumb to the unknown. Most of the time words fail me and I can't describe the way I unwrap myself in the darkness. Dark matter, the ether, my intangible lovers living in the same place. There's an art to losing yourself in places like these.

Sometimes I belong to you, but for the most part, I belong to myself.
Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
She longs for nights
When galaxies appear
In the vast sky
& silence conquers.

While others dream
She found a woken
& lively tranquility.

She identified with
The darkness of the night
And how stars will only
Show themselves upon
What once was mishap
Or a frightening concept,
The dark.
Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
Have you the slightest idea of what
It's like to have a person you love
dissolve into madness?

He dove in head first to a bottomless
pit of insanity.
& no matter how much we try.
We can't even send him a memory of
what the sun used to looks like.

Let's say you have a different outlook on life,
& the people you love most tell you it's not real.
That you're demented,
and everything you see as real isn't.

Then arises the question:
If perception is key, when does it become a reality?
What is real?

& if physics is correct,
this is all just a probability.
If so, then why does it hurt so much?
When physics and emotions mix...
Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
I taught him,
I taught him how to
Kiss me.
In the ways,
In the same ways
You would.

& as a result
I  might have a biased opinion
on my grading method...
Joliejoliesara Jul 2015
still think of you
you know, i
still love you
despite the effort
& the men that i've savored
you undeniable you,
like the sunrise you can't prevent
Joliejoliesara Jun 2015
she tried to visit
so she could talk to God
but at the gates of heaven
they asked her for a visa.

They denied her entrance, so
she jumped the gate with a pure heart.

An immigrant in the realm of heaven.
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