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1.0k · Jan 2017
If Only......
Joshua Green Jan 2017
If only i was as wise as i'd been told// It is not the most heart aching thing to say// But to say "I Hate You" in my head// "You Are A *****" in my head// It is something i always shy away from// To know the simple ideal of over bearing anger// For myself and throwing it, blaming it on my mother// what a pain i am// To myself, to mind// who could tell me otherwise// My mother whose done so much// deserves much more from me// And yet i am such a child// Being with friends and letting substances control my every being// As said by a "wise man"// You become the company you keep// But this is much more than just company// My mother is my love// My mother is the one who knows me// And yet does not, but tries and does// She is the only person capable of piecing together// A chard up puzzle with burn marks and making it seem brand new// This is for you mom.......
For You Mom
723 · Apr 2016
Her Heart
Joshua Green Apr 2016
You're my Achilles Heel
I catch a glance and instantly
My thick flesh starts to peel
I look at you and in an instant
My heart feels; so distant, i fell in love
And yet you threw it all away
These past years depression and anxious tensions
Came in hard and then hid away
I guess the phrase "I Love You"
Is to cliche; Cuz everyday we come in contact
You drift away; So "**** IT!!"
That's how i feel, my heart becomes a cage
And my mind has gained mass appeal..............
617 · Jan 2017
It Hurts (Part 1)
Joshua Green Jan 2017
I know what i need and not what i want/ Ironic, emotion is my one enemy// The one thing i wish i could destroy// Is the one thing that builds me as a man// Or should i say boy/ because i don't know what i want// I am in a loop and knowing for a simple fact that my one problem/ Is actually showing myself is hard// Harder than trying to break a brick wall// I am busy losing myself trying to help others// I am in a constant turnstile, swiping my card// Hoping that i can get to my train and ride away/ Down dark tunnels and find that bright light/ Leading to the surface// I still wonder what it is i want/ Constantly repeated in my subconscious, the same nuisance of a phrase// "It hurts"....."Its hurts so much"
Only The Beginning
585 · Nov 2014
Thrive Or Die Trying
Joshua Green Nov 2014
death is at the corner of the block just waiting
standing there waiting, wondering if
I should walk constantly
Got the **** in shoe and the roll up
In my bag, i reach the corner
I turn my head
And it all goes bad!!! One cop grabs me, the other one points his
Gun, i try to stay calm
Give them a continuous lie and then
Im home free, problem was
He had already read me
Rights, so now i'm about to do 5 years, at 13 years of age, man how do
I live through this now!!!
Finally out, im finally out!!!! Wonder
How the fam doin'?? wonder
If they're gonna miss the
Words out of my mouth?? Couple hours go by and then im
Home, my mom not home so i start callin up her phone, a man
Picks up, worst news i
Hear after 5 years, my mom overdosed, and now im all alone, the person who picked up was my gramps he held onto her phone, all alone, all alone im really all alone, no father figure, no mother n my mind is going cold
No point in living, no point in putting
In effort, so ***** it death is the answer i hope it don't hurt
#Unfinished lives of kids who try to survive
423 · Nov 2014
Joshua Green Nov 2014
desires only asked for through the weak/
we wish for what we cant gain through the streets/
these wishes become our only goal/
so we start from the crumbs as the bread unfolds/
even though we always meet a dead end/
we still push through cuz' our dreams have been cushioned/
by the time our dreams get crushed/
we turn to the gangs and these other ordeals that might help us/
we put our trust where our mouth is and we let it play out/
no father figure, no mother to trust the words out our mouth/
so we succumb to hate n' dying love/ we let our guns
talk for us/ and don't care who gets caught up!!!
the life of a everyday kid and teen who lives in the hood
407 · Dec 2014
Call Me Crazy
Joshua Green Dec 2014
Call me crazy, but I do think you like me/
Its odd to see things one way and be
Told another/ Its a bother to think
Twice about someone who probably doesn't feel
some srort of way/ Its okay/ One thing
I would say/ But honestly my mind
Is in disarray/ That question has me speechless/
I guess from now on I should speak less/
Cuz' whatever i say or do is a cancer
Spreads/ Call me crazy/ But actually wondering
How to approach you was joke/ From the
Beginning I should've never spoke/
Im not mad/ But i must be crazy/ Cuz' I see
Beauty where no one else does/ But I
Won't complain/ Cuz' having to
Fuss over nothing is like a game going through
My brain!!!!!1
This is based on personal emotions, i guess catching feelings is a game that continues until you crash :(
366 · Oct 2014
poetry through pain!!!!!
Joshua Green Oct 2014
Love is something that i never seemed to find
all these nerve wrecking mind aching
words SUBLIME!!!!
Every line written, every word said, every
single part of my mind already dead
wonderin' how i find time
To be able to hide how i feel, growing up
waiting to be killed, every night
it was another nightmare
Weirdly my dreams were always dark dimming
it was like i was skinny dipping
with all my demons!!!!!
Stuck inside a mindstate, contemplating on a
daily basis wondering whose
really there for me
Baleful mind is my worse asset just like living life
like a chemical reaction!!!!!
This was a starter poem wrote it off the top of my head........
please leave comments and rates 1 - 10 on how i did..........
THANKS!!!! :)
352 · Jan 2017
Joshua Green Jan 2017
Scared much never// But misunderstood mostly//
I am the Joker before Batman trying to to be myself//
while he bullies me and throws his forceful words// assuming,
that i'll be okay i play his game// i throw myself at the caped crusader//
Homing in, on his emotions rather than his location//
Knowing he is weak as I// He is as sick as I// "Mine" is the word//
He repeats in mind, as he screams// "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CITY!"// as i say in repetition// "God help  me"// hoping i'm heard// when i feel i am everything but heard//
Scared much, NEVER!!//
But misunderstood, MOSTLY!!//
TURNED COLD...........
this is based off a passive aggressive mentality
Joshua Green Dec 2015
Depression hit me harder than I'd thought this time, the loss of a brother pushed me to my end, since the day we met it was conditioned as a heart that learned from mistakes, the friends made were the stakes at high and the loss of self and gain of lesson was the turning point of a heart........and yet, he, no I dwell on the past, I drown myself in regrets of what I could've done and what I could've said, I had no idea that this would hurt, I'd no idea that my heart would ache more and more as I thought about you, I, I drowned in what other called depression, I called it drowning in your heart, I made excuses and made endless distractions abroad because I wanted to run away.......he felt the need to cope, so he bought drugs and told himself he'd be okay, he made everyday the same in his mind even though every day is meant to change, he felt his heart was tragedy and his mind was creatively crashing.......he, no, I told myself every aspect of the heart was a lesson, and every aspect of the mind was a growth, but how can that be when you drown in the unthinkable, you push yourself to see the unbelievable, he hopes for better days, endlessly knowing and knowing deeply he had no options in choice, he had no voice because fear of disappointments pushed him to sorrows.........I as a kid had no way of showing how I felt because tears were my friends and beatings were the antagonist, I threw endlessly screams and howls at the wall and tears flew, my blood flowed like it would in my body and it hurt, this boy who had endless love for change, learned pain is a must in the creative and even more so growth through pain.......he made endless quotes and endless stories endless songs and poems explaining his hopes and his sorrows as if writing a book of his life which couldn't be explained this boy became the steering wheel for a breed of children who knew hurt and put it aside to learn from what they saw, they learned what abuse was, they learned loss, when they lost themselves. And they loves to learn those adoring pretending basterds, hope for the best is what they'd say but advice given to them would not be looked upon as helpful, they had levels of pain and love which never countered their tell me the truth realizing that your heart and mind are loving and learning will you be quiet to the fact that holding him back will make the boy unhappy, wanting to grow and yet having a brick wall in the way.......telling me this boy is ambitious, yet apparently to gain and loss would he even be so......
343 · Nov 2016
Joshua Green Nov 2016
Anger itself speaks for us
                                   So please fear, what can be handled cuz'
                                                                                          Reality shows red and its never meant to really feel but always ****...............THE ANGER MANIFESTS, ITS SURREAL!!!!!!
Joshua Green Dec 2016
He broke the lapse of life by using his disability
Losing his voice and gaining an sense of mortality
Weaving the threads of life, while smashing thunder to ground
Like caskets slammed and thrown 6 feet under
This God turned man had found his own thread
And yet realizing his fate, realizing his quietus, this God turned man
Had created signs, As if he saw the casket slam
In his face, this God threw signs left and right no questions
Asked, giving hope to the hopeless while losing it himself
Aphatos found what he'd thought was a gift this man
Found his voice.......Wishing he never had
336 · Mar 2017
Dear Time
Joshua Green Mar 2017
"Why" is the only word that comes to mind......
Indescribably looking at the world as it tilts, I just have to wonder
Have to ask "Why", Why was it that I hadn't had enough time to Remake my decisions?, Why was it that I hadn't had enough time to Build a better bond with Armani "Rocky" Hankins, with my friend, I'd Called "brother" If I ever meet you in person DON'T GIVE ME YOUR SYMPATHY!! Don't make me stay up at night questioning you Everyday, replaying the same **** scene, the same sounds and things I'd seen, BOOM!! his body drops as his mans holds him like Jesus Holding the cross while his friends scream "ARMANI GET UP!!" "BRO, COME ON, GET UP!!"(X2) and every time!! EVERY ******* TIME!! After that, I couldn't stop dropping my head because I didn't want to Look into that sky, I didn't want to see his face again, I didn't want to Believe, I couldn't believe he was dead!, For so long I'd forced myself to Eat at the longest of nights that never seemed to get brighter, Questioning you! Hating YOU!! YOU ******* *****!!! STAY AWAY!! Stay Away From My Loved Ones! Stay Away From Me!! NEVER LOOK BACK!!! Keep Moving Forwards And Backwards And Paradoxically As You Always Do!! JUST ******* MOVE!!!!!!
                                                 Joshua Green
I ******* MISS YOU BRO!!!!!
330 · Mar 2015
No Name
Joshua Green Mar 2015
Thought I could drink away all my sorrows in one night/
I thought I could forget about  the frontier of that fight/
I got caught up with all this that that small mistake,
took over my life/ Wish i never screamed at johnny my
only son/ Wish that I could have told him "live life kid, have fun"/
But only thing i told him was "GO AWAY YOU STUPID ****!!"/
And seconds later heard my revolver get clutched/ I ran to the
room n then before i could stop it i heard the gun bust/ It was the
end of my only son johnny/ I was stuck, my mindstate was on replay n
my heart started to decay/ i started screaming n' swinging, man i was in a rut/ ****!!! I grabbed the gun cocked it back n let the bullet run/ I felt the bullet pierce my sternum, n my body became numb/ I stumbled onto the bed n I started to bleed out, I started coughin up blood n then I started seein clouds/  I saw different things n those things I did not expect, I saw my boy Johnny n he said "dad you've failed the test"/ n then I said "Johnny what the ****!?!, why'd you **** yourself??!"/ then he hesitated, looked at me n he had said " depression hits hard when you've got no one to help you out, especially when what you've wished to come your way has left you in doubts!!"/ "so please take it with a grain of salt n learn to live like it's your last"/ lookin at the way my body was it just made me laugh, cuz I hadn't even peeped that that bullet practically hit your ******* chest/ so please take a listen n please give me a smile, cuz loving what you've lost is like hating what you could never bring.............
323 · Dec 2015
For The Better.....
Joshua Green Dec 2015
No more excuses, no more laughs and fake smiles/ I've got to change, I'm so stuck in the past and dwelling on the future that I can't even choose where my present will be/ I've choked up and looked at myself as a clown and haven't even chosen my path, I'm straying from the given path and getting off at the wrong stop/I have to change for the better and no it's not for Rocky, it's not for my mother, it's for me, it's so I can adore what I'd become, so I can love myself like I love my mother, so I can love myself like  my friends and enemies love each other, unconditionally/ ironic right, hate turns to love and love turns to hate, but me the one person I'd rather not be is me, I hate myself with a passion because I always disappoint and never intend to/ I break down on the inside and crying is the thing I'd hate but love to do because it will let me know that I've become more than a man, I've become a man whose dreams became reality/  I'll become that person that's not looked at as another statistic, I'll be the kid everyone looked at as better day, the kid everyone put a burden on and he led them in the right path/ he helped them like they helped him, stories will be told of his ***** ups and then his strives will be brought up like water to a dry ocean/ he ***** up and then he arrives with a different way of thinking, his love becomes reality and he explains it through his actions not his words/ lust becomes his enemy and he eventually destroys it, it may have seemed to him like an endless maze of sorrows and endless ******* with nothing but desires unfinished/ but now, now this boy will become something better, his heart will become his desire, his love for a better self becomes his true friend and he does not stop till he feels his heart, he does not stop till that dark heart beat becomes apart of his mind state and motions/ for the better this boy WILL change in the aspects of Gods love, he will not hesitate and be afraid he will look at the ocean and not see darkness he will see his reflection and see his light shine through, he will see his heart beat louder than a whale squeal, he will become the one outstanding piece in a puzzle he will cause love to be his motive and will not change that motive until love is being until love is seen in the opposite *** and that love shown is given on a wide scale/ he may choke in certain aspects or maybe all, but he will not change his being, he will become the boy who became a man for the better.........
288 · Dec 2015
Like Water.....
Joshua Green Dec 2015
No point in being hopeless because hopeless does not spell love and change/ hopeless spells hate, despair and endless pain/ it spills fresh water into an ocean and taints it much like the tainted people in our country and world/ like water we should flow endlessly and yet know where we stand/ Not overflowing cities and hearts but more so overflowing the space that could be dry, like hearts today they are dry in passion and full on lust and anger, desires that are only temporary when love from the one who gave us life and wisdom is forever eternal/ loving in God and loathing in God are two separate things/ to loathe is to envy what you cannot have and to love is to show what you will adore in due time and adore it you shall because that love is like water through your veins/ Weird to say, but blood is the water spilled in oceans and water is spilled blood on the world/ do not mistake one thing for the other, do not mistake water for lustful drives, do not mistake hate for love, and do not mistake whatever you desire for something you need/ make yourself better in due time because what you were yesterday is not who you are going to be today or in the following years or months/ take everyday with a smile and thank God for what you have and what you will become with his love and guidance/ do not laugh at pain but adore it for it is the one thing that adds on to the lessons and better days that will come/ like blood that flows in our veins, so will the hearts of man like water...........

— The End —