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I can tell you that i disagree with a woman at the gungahln meeting last night

you see as they were talking about a new public housing development

she refused to have them accept mentally ill people, because they could grab a child

but, there are heaps of mentally ill people all over canberra and australia and the world, you

see she was a real *******, i know she is just protecting her grandchildren and that is fine

but, she needs trust the mentally ill, you see i have a history, but i am on medication for it

and the others are too, they need to be trusted, you see she is treating the mentally ill like ****

and need to be shot, but there is such a thing as medication, and if you don’t take it, you get locked up

for a very long time, but this lady, who i remain nameless, is a real idiot, she has the nerve to say

mentally ill people are ****, she is ****, you see i like kids, and if i lived there, i can guarantee

that no child can be harmed, you see it’s women like this, who can force the fights between the rich and the poor

the regular and the mentally ill, you see she is ****, ,and i appreciate nobody writing me back, i didn’t want to

start an argument, but her opinion is so right wing, i know she is looking out for her kids, but she has no idea

what it’s like to be mentally ill, not one little bit, you see macauley culkin looks weird but he is probably a very nice guy

i know there are a few of the mentally ill who look strange, but they aren’t really strange, they look like reincarnation hooligans

and they need to be looked after, i am going to help out at common ground, and there will be a few ya know, odd ***** so to speak

but that is just a word, but this lady, who i remain nameless, really insulted me, because she is from the rich way of thinking

and me, is sort of in the gutter, i would love to see her in the gutter, to see how she feels, and if she was given a home, i want

mentally ill to complain about her living in her house, to see how she likes it, now i have nothing against wanting safety to the kids

but not all mentally ill people are evil like she thinks, actually i find it fun to see them walking around having fun chinwagging with other people

no, i really found her hard to bare, ok, i would prefer to see women like her, to be given a lecture on moral behaviour, you should respect

people, all people, ok, she was only against mentally ill people having a home, WHY, common ground is coming left leaning, and this complex

could be left leaning also, i just want this lady to think before she speaks, she was pointing out, she prefers able bodied rather than the mentally ill

that is morally wrong, MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE ARE QUITE COOL, she didn’t stay that long, but if she did, i would caused a sticking tongue out battle with her


gungahlin, and add a little working class, yeah left leaning behaviour coming back to gungahlin, COOL
Today is Monday today is Monday
Monday is pork chop night
As Homer Simpson would say
Tuesday is hot dogs
As Homer Simpson would say
Wednesday is pizza night
As Homer Simpson would say
Thursday is just beer
As Homer Simpson would say
Friday is pasta night
As Homer Simpson would say
Saturday is burger night
As Homer Simpson would say
Sunday is bacon and eggs
As Homer Simpson would say
Everybody happy
If you don’t copy Homer you will
Nobody on earth wants to be like Homer anyway
As each night you eat these foods
And park yourself down on the couch
You will look smell and act like Homer
And will you be happy
My ****** oathe you won’t
Today I went back to bowling after 2 weeks off and, mate I scored a beautiful 212 game in the first game with 6 strikes and the rest of the frames being spares
No open frames in my first game and the second game was lower but still a great score of 173 with 4 strikes and 3 spares and, mate that was a good score
And that is where the strikes ended for the day when I bowled my last score of 126 which was no strikes and 4 spares
A bit more dismal than the other two scores but I made a series total of 511 which is radically awesome, dudes the best series total from me since I came back to bowling this year and we are sitting on 5 th of the ladder also which is awesome

Here is a poem

Awesome day awesome day
At Belconnen bowling alley in the winter
I scored well but I dropped down
As the games went by
In the winter
I didn’t let the cold bother me
I didn’t even need a cup of tea
To warm me up yes, to warm me up
At Belconnen bowling alley in the winter
212 and 173 and 126 oh yeah
Making the series a whopping score
Of 511 oh yeah it was rad it was rad
The best score of the year
My second 200 of the year
Totally awesome no matter what you think
Yes it was an awesome day, yeah
At the bowling alley in the winter
Ooooooh yeaaaaaah

Frame by frame scores
First game

1.     X.           29

2.     X.           49

3.   9 /.            69

4.      X.            89

5.     9 /.          106

6.      7 /.          125

7.       9 /.          143

8.       8 /           162

9.        9 /.          182

10.     X X X.       212
Total.                   212

Second game

1.         6 -              6

2.           X.           36

3.            X.           63

4.            X.            81

5.          7 1.            89

6.          8 /.           108

7.           9 /.           128

8.             X.           148

9.            8 /.           165

10.           7 1.           173
Total.                        173

Third game

1.             8 1.               9

2.             7 2.             18

3.              6 /.             37

4.               9 /.             56

5.                9 -             65

6.                7 /.              81

7.                 6 3.             90

8.                  7 2.             99

9.                   8 -            107

10.               6 / 9.            126
Total.                                126

Series total.                      511
Totally radical dude
a ***** gets captured in the psych ward

you see today ron is busy when a loudmouth beer drinking ***** has been admitted

after he got in a terrible fight, and charlie chaplin said, howdy and the ***** said *******

YA ****** and charlie said, i was in silent movies, and i think your jealous of me

and the ***** said, silent movies were made a long time ago, and we must focus

on the here and now, ya know, be positive, so to speak, and charlie said who are you?

ands the ***** preferred to stay being ***** because to him *****’s a cool, and

the ***** sat down olly and said, do you know, i am jesus christ and i was really created

by the devil and olly said, no, you are not, i am the one who can tell each others previous lives

and then the *****, said ******* YA ****** and asked ron for a beer, because hev was

chucked out of the club in false pretences, he never laid a finger on that woman in red, you see

they were playing lady in red, and i danced right up to a lady in red, i never touched her

and ron said, did she say for you to stop, and the ***** said, no, buddy, but if she did

i didn’t hear her and ron brought out the lunches which looked discusting, but the ***** still ate it

and yes, he really liked it.   the 2nd harry walked out and said, i am not a pedaphile, i am nice to everyone

and ron said, yeah your nice but i thought i locked your door, because we have a minor here

and we have requests from his parents to keep him away from you, and tommy walked out

and 2nd harry walked up to him and said, boo, and tommy said, my parents are scared of you, not me

and 2nd harry said, ******* ****, you looked very scared last night, and tommy got his keys

and jabbed them in his leg, and draws a bit of blood, and 2nd harry, went over to ron and said

look what your minor did to me, he should be locked up, and ron said, is that why you scare kids

because they jab you with their keys and after lunch ron went on youtube and looked at 2nd harry’s site

to see if there is anything disturbing on it and found nothing, and went out to start a art class where

they write stuff out of them, like olly’s encounter with the ***** this morning, ron thought these people

need to be creative, or try and find their creative side, because ron doesn’t like long stayers except for

charlie and patty, who are being stuffed around by the government and put in here because the streets

was too rough on them, and in the HDU, all weapon like utensils are taken away from the patient, so

charlie and patty are safe, mind you ron wanted to move them to a group house, but the rents were too high

so patty and charlie live in his HDU, ron came back to the HDU to give the ***** a ****** because the drink

was going to his head, making him very angry, but ron, got a bit of muscle man doctors to calm his so he can be sedated

and after the art class with tommy patty and charlie who were the only ones who attended it, ron packed it up

and in 1 hour, he brought the dinners out and 2nd harry had his in his room and the others had it in the dining area

and after dinner charlie and patty as well as olly went to the TV room and the others retired to their bedrooms

and at 7.00 pm, ron brought out the nightly medications, and everyone took theirs, except for the *****, who

claimed he wasn’t mentally ill, he was just a fun loving guy and after the medications, at 8, ron brought out the

supper and then clocked off, bought chinese food, and went home to retire to the couch watching TV.
Baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool
Enough for each sheep
Owner to call
The people who do knitting and stuff
Everyone wants the sheep to look rough
Moo moo brown cow
Have you any milk
Yes sir yes sir
As pure as silk
You see I want my genetals
To bring a lot of milk
For the supermarket
Meow meow tabby cat
Have you got our cuddle
Very close like a famous huddle
Go meow when a burglar comes scares him away that famous cat
Meow meow tabby cat
Good on you
I would like to cuddle a beautiful bub and a beautiful Bub if that
Very cute and he smiles at me
Yes that sounds real cool
Yes he smiles real cute
Babies are cute oh yeah
I say cute adorable bub
You see when they grow up
They do a lot of things
Like drama and choirs and playing sport
But right now yeah now
They are beautiful bubs
And very very sweet
Yeah babies are cute
Wearing their little onesies
And nappies full of ****
And they cry out happy sounds
And you say don’t be sad little bub the world isn’t too bad
And then little bub cries and cries very happy sounds
But sometimes you can’t tell how happy they are
Don’t cry baby
Don’t lose your head
I do love you from the feet to your head
If you keep crying I will put
You to bed cute little bub
you see i want you to sit there

because me, the man wants to tease you after all these years

ya see, i didn’t get to tease you when we were kids

so, i will ****** well tease you now

you see i don’t care if it hurts your feelings

i don’t care if you don’t want it

because, mate, you tried to be like us, back then

and the victim said, don’t tease me, cause i am a better artist than you will verve

you see you are a negative little ****

who doesn’t care about us, ya know you are the victim i am a bully

then the victim said, why do you like bullying

only baby men bully, cool people like me, do art

bullying is for no hopers like you who is just jealous of my talent

bullies are just jealous cowards who hate life

you see i will never be a bully, cause i love life to bits

i am better than bullies and i am better than the teasing men

you see those teasers are saying, your still getting teased or bullied

but i say, only baby men tease or bully

people who want to go to jail

you see i am cool man, they say cool you i say cool me

your a bully and i am a filthy slob, at least slobs never go to jail

i will say i am a slob forever and the bully is a little baby man wa wa wa

today i went to bowling and i got 1 medal from the tournament

last week, which is really awesome, and i got a certificate for the tournament

as well, i also won a easter raffle prize, which consisted of lots of chocolates

which i am trying to give up, so i can feel fit, so i won’t be eating the chocolate

easter eggs, but i will keep the cup and paper plates and napkins in the feel of easter

my scores today if you find my frame by frame scores hard to read, were 132 and 139 and an awesome

184 to finish up, there is no bowling next week, but i am off to Sydney to watch the hyde park easter parade

which will be awesome, dude, see is a poem

today i had fun, but the easter eggs weighed me down, but i ain’t i ain’t

i ain’t going to eat the eggs because i will be going backwards

and mate that is not what i am prepared to do

i will put the cup in my cupboard and napkins and paper plates too

i could make kids very happy, if i gave them away

so i will, i will give them away

i am too old for a kid

and my bowling was great

my last score of 184, was especially superb

and if i eat the chocolate, my scores will slip

so i will say, no chocolate for me

as i move on to my next phase in life

off the dreaded sugar

i got a medal and certificate as well

i feel happy and cool, oh yeah

bowling was great

i felt i was playing well

cool, mate cool i am enjoying myself

oh what a good bowler am i

here are my frame by frame scores,


1                  X                    19

2               9 -                      28

3               9 /                      46

4               8 1                     55

5               6 3                     64

6               6 1                     71

7               6 2                     79

8               8 /                      95

9               6 /                    112

10           7 / X                   132

TOTAL SCORE                 132


1                8 /                  18

2                8 /                  38

3                   X                 58

4                 8 /                  77

5                 9 /                  95

6                 8 1                104

7                 8 -                  112

8                 8 1                  121

9                  5 4                  130

10                3 6                   139

TOTAL SCORE                    139


1                      8 /                     20

2                         X                    48

3                          X                    68

4                       8 /                      85

5                       7 2                      94

6                       9 /                     113

7                       9 /                      128

8                       5 /                       146

9                       8 /                        164

10                  8 / X                         184

TOTAL SCORE                              184
Covid is bad
I have covid
I feel hot flushes
Where I need to turn on the fan
On a cold day
And then I get cold flushes
Where I have to turn it off
Maybe put on Heatre
I find it hard walking to the shop
I need to stop and rest
Every 2 minutes
I want rails on every footpath
Easy for me
I feel someone is poking me
But I want to be tickled
Like my daddy used to do
Now I am siting waiting for
A f..n lift to get out of hospital
And back home again
Can’t wait till covid goes
Richmond ****
Richmond ****
The only reason why they won tonight
Because the umpire was going for them
Like match fixing or player doping
Because why would a team who
Has been on top all year lose
The preliminary final
You see port were attacking great
But they weren’t taking marks
When they needed to
It was like storm bearing raiders
The losers might as well not
Been in this game
I hope the Brisbane lions best Geelong
Tomorrow and Penrith beat Souths
But it was frustrating that raiders
And port lost after such a good season
Sugar strikes us down
You see everyone will have so many spoonfuls of sugar in
Certain foods and drinks
Like Coke and donuts and tomato and BBQ sauce
And Mountain Dew is definately not dew of the mountains it has caffeine and sugar in it
And the brain says have sugar cause it gives us energy well it is just fake energy
I used to drink a big bottle of Coke doing a poetry concert on YouTube and despite I might have felt happy if was just fake happy
I like the colours of pizza and Coke and hamburgers and loliies and other soft drinks but the colours mean nothing
I developed obesity
Because the sugar in my diet was too much
I ate a big rolly poly cake
And every Easter I like the big chocolate bunny
In 2013 I was running to burn all the sugar but I ate more sugar to build up my weight when or if I stopped running
I didn't really feel good great
At the poetry Slam sure I read my poem and was cheered off the stage but I felt very itchy and tired and yes everyone liked me and they thought I was cool but I had cracked feet and tinnea on my feet and now I have exthma on my legs I was very unhealthy
My brain was telling me I need sugar it gives me energy and Coke adds life to your day
Well that is a bunch of crap
Especially when aborigines eat healthy food can give on to sucrose and fructose but then again I did and I got obesity
I have just made a choice to start working with a personal trainer who told me to watch a show called that sugar film teaching me that sugar can really dominate your life in foods you will never think had it but junk food is bad
I could relate to one boy who wanted to get dentures after having very unhealthy teeth
But the pain of the dentist drill
Forced him to rethink his decision still wanting to have soft drink
Even the party drink in alcohol would be bad for you because they can have sugar as well and you can party with water which might be better and you can also have a berry which makes things sweeter like a lemon and a chilli and apple cider vinegar
But sugar is in that berry
You can bet your ****** oath
You see sugar is the big bad wolf of the diet world
Bah humbug is what you hear in
My dad
He was going go on off with you
But I heard him going bah
So I went bah bah black sheep
Have you any wool
Yes sir yes sir three bags full
Bah humbug I know dad isn’t Scrooge
Bah humbug is what I heard from him
He was in the lounge room smoking cigarettes saying go on
Off with you
I was hearing bah as if he was a Scrooge
It was hard to hear why he said it but then it finally hit me
I might have been a bit abusive toward him yeah I was indeed
He went go on off with you bah humbug came to me
I went bah bah black sheep have you any wool
Yes sir I have sir three bags full
Go on he was saying like the old fogie that he was, go on off with you is what he actually said
I treated dad like Scrooge when he disciplined me at Christmas
I said be nice be calm it’s Christmas don’t be the old Scrooge because I am a cool person and I can’t understand
Why he went bah to me
It drove me round the bend
I said bah bah black sheep have you any wool yes sir of course sir three bags full
Don’t yell at me dad it’s Christmas treat me with respect
I know mate I am trying mate
Go on off with you bah humbug
Oh yeah that might be what he said but I heard bah as if to say
Bah bah black sheep have you got a woman’s kid
One opinion two opinion
Shove em up the ***
Bah I heard from dad but he said go on off with you well
I like to think that he was Scrooge reformed but you can’t tell family this
I will always hear dad say bah
Go on off with you
Barry and Ashley and Leslie
Performing on Jupiter moon
Singing waltzing Matilda waltzing Matilda you’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me
And flea, flea fly, flea fly flo
Vister, coolabah coolabah coolabah vista
Oh no no no not the vista
And we are the bad and mean green machine Ashley liked league and hated Aussie rules
He said why do you like Aussie rules league is much better
And Leslie one day organised a church play which I participated in despite me being a Buddhist
I found it fun though and I used to sit at the mall and Leslie talked to me there, making me feel like I have adult friends
Ashley said I had a good imagination when he was reading my poetry
The band played waltzing Matilda as the war was on back then
We still have a war like when people disagree with us
Yes that seems so bad
Barry joined my bowling league as another helper and Leslie came to my play in 2003 to watch it with the ladies from Vinnies and Ashley was a regular customer at the kaleen swimming pool when I went there each Wednesday and I always said hello to him and I joked with him and he joked with me it is sad that they all a no longer around because they each made me happy
Waltzing Matilda waltzing Matilda you’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me
We sang and we threw that jumbuck in that tucker bag
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me
And Barry gave me an Apple computer to get me up with the joneses and make me really enjoy the internet, ya know
I was hopeless at the computer once but now I know how to use it
Now we are singing all these numbers like world of our own
And Georgy girl and many many more death happens but it is great to know we come back to life performing at this cosmic concert stage on Jupiter showing that death can be fun and uplifting knowing we will come back
So Barry Ashley and Leslie
Thank you for making me feel like a normal person when I went out
Barry loughton was a great bloke

you see he liked Aussie Rules and Fitzroy was his team

he had a hobby farm as well and i liked the idea of when he told me that

actually Barry was the man that changed me

you see he liked watching the FAT and he liked writing his poems

he liked the old style cricket and we joked about seeing the other half live

I liked Barry loughton, he was little but he was nice

you see when i watch TV at home and a show like the Glasshouse

or ***** laundry comes on, i think of him

Ir was hard when i found our he was dead

he fucken hung himself, WHY WHY WHY

since then I went backward because seeing his happy face and knowledge mind

was all i liked, we went to the war memorial him and my mate Dan

but i am searching for him, what me being Cronus and all

and i found him

Barry Loughton is now Darcy Tadich age 10, who is the latest inclusion to the Neighbours cast

I liked Barru loughton’s stone in the shoe poem

have you ever gone through life with a stone in my shoe, I do,

well Darcy has that stone now

can i tell you one thing, barry was a very happy choppy when i rang him up

we talked about his trip to the Bradman Museum and trips with his son

now, i wish 10 year old darcy all the best after his last life was a terrible suicide
a **** beautiful woman sits next to me

you see, the men, who means nothing for straight me

my hormones are in check, the woman is hot

it’s like she came out of my melting ***

she has some cookies, c’mon won’t you share

she said yeah, i would love to share

but don’t eat too many, for they are for me

and yeah, they’ll be perfect when grandma comes over for a cup of tea

your a good sort, i am turned on by your tattoo

and i am turned on by your love of technology wollopolloo

i like your beautiful little pony tail

it will be a long long time before a pretty thing like you, are going to be frail

i go to the chemist to buy myself a ******

and it’s a party, let’s buy some beautiful bon bons

come back to my house,you see it’s ready for you dear

we have champagne for before, chardonnay for the break

and finish *** with a nice cold beer

we get some grapes to shove up your ******

like they do in ***** videos, i did ****** well warn ya

so please pretty lady, why don’t you *** me up

as you are looking at your text messaging on your phone

*** with me, is definitely is on the cards

you can have a fun time with me, but realise, dear, i haven’t any money

you can have a ruin time with me having *** outside ya see, but one reason my dear, enjoy it’s while it’s sunny

yeah, your a pretty lady, squeeze some *** out of you, pretty lady
This morning I saw too men who worked at the fruit shop at Belconnen mall opposite the amcal chemist handling the fruit and vegetables with their bear hands
I don’t know who they were
But in these times with the coronial virus, you have to be fucken careful
I don’t know if they washed their hands nor if I know who or what they touched
I personally stopped eating fresh vegetables and converted to frozen vegetables because of the virus
These men shouldn’t touch every vegetable and fruit because of the virus
I thought it was discusting
Nobody knows if they washed their hands
And I think the shop looks very *****
No these men were in the wrong
For touching the produce with their hands with no gloves
Obviously these men have no regard for anyone but themselves
The coronial virus sounds bad and it could **** as well
I think people need to test these people and every customer who handled those fruits and vegetables
I didn’t want to cause a scene by telling them but I think what they did
Was wrong
Very very very wrong
Please wash your hands and don’t double handle foods
Keep the virus away
Today former doctor John Becker was loving his life with Chris Connor even if they weren’t married or had kids but they always were very friendly with each other but one day John was getting voices in his head from all the people he yelled at when he was a doctor and John wanted to quit his job and go around the USA to escape his voices but Chris told him that if he did that he would regret it but John wasn’t wanting to listen to her because his head was going crazy
And later that day Reggie rang John saying that bob visited her saying he was happy about being at the hockey with him and hearing that made Reggie mad and she was yelling at John on the phone making John worried about where his life was heading hearing fake voices and getting old friends ringing him up upset with him and this made John want to visit his blind best friend jake in his new home in baltimore but when he rang him up jake said he was married with 2 kids and they know nothing about his old life and that is how Jake wanted to keep it.
John got very angry with jake saying I helped you a lot back in the early 2000s late 1990s and jake said yeah I know but you don’t understand this woman doesn’t understand anyone describing the people I was with back then and John said, come on give me a break I helped you now you can help me and jake said ok come to Baltimore but this isn’t a way to turn back the clock and John said goodbye and hung up the phone and said to Chris that he is going to Baltimore to visit jake and Chris started to get upset saying you just want to turn back the clock to back in Those days and John said I am hearing voices and I need to clear my head and Chris said how about I come with you it would be great to catch up and John said fine I guess and suddenly John planned to quit his job at the doctors office leaving Margaret and Linda who are still working there very much in dismay but after thinking about it Linda wanted to retire anyway and move to Los Angeles to meet a former boyfriend and Margaret was starting to feel lonely despite John not leaving yet because with Lewis dead she felt depressed and asked John and Chris if she can join their road trip much to Johns dismay but after saying no in usual John becker fashion he finally gave in and said I will pick you up tomorrow at 7 am and Chris said Margaret is lonely and depressed and could be too depressed for us but John said, she has been working for me for a long time now and she lost her husband and besides it would be good for Jake to see the old gang again and Chris went into the diner to ask hector if it will be alright if they close the diner or sell the diner and hector said well I was looking for somewhere to go in the future but why now and Chris said me and John and Margaret are going to visit Jake and his kids and hector said Jake has kids now, I would like to see him even if he can’t see me and Chris said maybe just let me John and Margaret go because you know johns car and hector said I will fly there where does he live and Chris said ‘Baltimore’ and hector I was always wanting to go there, so let’s go and I would like to see how the blind father is going anyway and when Chris told John that hector is going to fly there John did his usual Becker rage but after that he said ok as long as he doesn’t want a lift and John was suddenly hearing the voice of the journalist in the diner who accused him for being racist and he said ok let’s go to Baltimore and when they got to Baltimore after nearly crashing into a few cars who flipped him off they made it to Jakes house and Kylie who was 6 and Samuel who was 4 answered the door and Samuel said hi are you the angry man and after hearing that John was hearing the voice of Sandra who wrote that book referring him to the angry man and then Jake came in and said hi john
It has been a long time and then he heard Chris and margaret’s voices and said I didn’t expect a reunion and John said Chris is my friend, we live together and Margaret lost Lewis 2 years ago and hector is coming here soon by plane and Jake introduced his wife to his old friends and he said
Judy, this is my friends from the past and Judy said, hi Jake has told us so much about you, in that I say he told us nothing about you and Jake said there is one more coming by plane but it is good to have a reunion and Judy said maybe for you but not for me and John remembered his first dinner party with the gang when Chris and him first met and after that hector turned up and said, it is a pleasure to see you Jake unfortunately you can’t see me and Judy Samuel and Kylie went off to bed and Judy said I hope you guys have accomodation because this house is too small and John said I used to sleep on the couch in front of the tv
So I am fine but Judy said no find other accomodation and see you tomorrow or tonight for dinner, Jake said and at the end John and Chris were talking to each other loving seeing Jake and his new family for the first time and Margaret and hector were depressed together
Margaret because she misses Lewis
And I have no idea why hector is depressed but he wasn’t having *** so that could be the reason
As he is trying to relax watching the nba on cable, Chris is annoying John by showing him all the garments she bought at the shopping centre and John said I am going now and Chris said where are you going and when John said he was going to Jakes, Chris be careful of his wife because I don’t think she approves of the people of her past and John said, Jake needs friends and if Judy can’t except that, too bad and then John went to Jakes and watched the nba and John said do you remember when I said give me your big screen tv and a big argument broke out between John and Jake and Samuel walked in and said daddy who is winning, Jake said home and Samuel said YES and Jake said to John I never gave you the tv and nothing has changed and John said yeah that was the past this is the present, now instead of watching **** you watch Sesame Street and maybe cool cartoons, John then said, you are cool now, Jake and then Jake said remember when you put too much sugar in my coffee but I am willing to forgive and forget, I am a family man, you seem to be the lonely doctor I knew you as and john said ***** you jake and Judy said if you are going to say swear words like that you can leave
Jakey isn’t the same man HD was back then he is a father now and meanwhile back in the hotel Linda rang Margaret up from LA talking about her relationship with another man she just met on the Hollywood sign and Margaret reminded her of when me someone on Valentine’s Day and they broke up on the same day and then Margaret said and today isn’t Valentine’s Day and Chris knocked on the door to model her clothes for hector and Margaret because John was too busy watching sport with Jake and meanwhile Judy said we are having dinner now Jake so your friend has to leave and John remembered Chris’s ex, when he pushed his way between them but said no after knowing Chris wasn’t impressed and John went to the local bar and saw bob there watching cable and said to him what are you doing in here, the bar Is a place for retired people or workers you are none of those and bob said remember when we hung around the diner and you invited me to be your super and John said no Linda did and bob said oh Linda how is she and John said in LA and bob said is her parents still alive and John said mother dead and father still alive but doesn’t spend time with her and John brought bob to be reunited with Chris and margaret and Chris and to meet hector and suddenly Chris decided to throw a pizza and coke party much to Johns dismay and everyone is happy and John was regretting his reuniting of bob when Chris asked bob to join the road trip and bob said fancy Jake being the only one to have kids and he’s blind and John said, I thought you would have kids now bob and they all went to sleep
Today will be an interesting day for John Becker, when he was asked by Jake to watch his son Samuel playing basketball for his local school and John was unsure if he really wanted to go but Chris said to him that he needs to go to be there for his friend Jake but John said he left us back then without asking us, and I am not his father so why do I need to go, I thought when I gave up being a doctor I gave up being there for people and Reggie and Chris and Margaret told him he is going and then Reggie said you like sports don’t you, John said yes, and Reggie said well, in the usual Reggie way and Margaret said you are going and so are we, mind you bob and hector wanted to go to see Samuel whip their backs and John said ok but I am not Wearing a tuxedo and bob said I still have the gravy boat you gave me because you missed our get together watching sport and John said ‘good to know’ and Reggie and Margaret said that was a gift for your ex wife’s wedding and you gave it to bob and John said I didn’t want to go right and I got to the station I met a man and he said he was watching the game, so I went home, I didn’t want to go anyway and Margaret said we helped you that day and you lied to us and John said what is the big deal it is in the past and Chris said forget it, let’s go to the court to watch Samuel play
And bob said yes this is going to be fun and hector said I quit my job to go on a road trip with all these people, sounds good and I quit my job to watch kids sport, interesting and bob said I am married but she hates the way I act when something goes wrong, so she refuses to have kids with me and the gang went to the school gym to watch Jakes son Samuel play and the game started and John yelled out as a tall man sat in front of him and he remembered the lousy time he had trying to watch lethal vision and Jake pointed out to Reggie that because of her, his girlfriend through his cane into the traffic and nearly killed him and Reggie said I wanted you to give me that spot for art history and Judy said, really is that what she did, how terrible for you Jake, well me and your kids will never do that to you and after this weird past conversation the tall man left after John coughed all over him and Chris said that wasn’t very nice of you was it, and John said, I had to do that, he was reminding me of the bad time I had that day and I was so stressed I accidentally left Jake in the movie theatre, it was hard
And Chris said really, how did he get home, the next day I rang him to see if he got home alright and he did and Samuel scores a great basket and feels very proud of himself and Judy said to Jake Samuel scored and Jake yelled out well done buddy and Kylie said dad can I have $15 for a hotdog and drink and Judy and Jake said’no’
You can have lunch when you get home and Kylie was starting to ***** saying Samuel gets what he wants all the time, and Jake and Judy said, when we go home you can choose between Mac and cheese and pizza and John said, welcome to the real world Jake and bob said yes that is the real world, blind, wife, kids, junior sports where have you been, we all were out partying and you, Jake were settling down, you even forgot about our planned trip away by aeroplane after Reggie left the diner and Jake said, yeah some trip, they didn’t have peanuts, so we bailed on it, and Reggie said I had to do what I needed to do and Chris said, I took over anyway and it was a rough time but don’t worry especially when I found out you slept with John and Jake said and he tried to hide it by going in the diner with padlock keeping it locked from the outside and then Chris said I threw water on his face but in my defence it wasn’t good and John said, do you want kids Chris and Chris said, maybe one day but it would be hard knowing how hard my parents coped with my sister and John said ok, we are on the same page and then after that conversation was over, Samuel scores the winning basket and Jake and Judy took them out for pizza and the gang went home to talk to each other about where their life was heading and Reggie met up with an old college roommate and they went out partying and Chris and John sat inside watching tv Margaret and hector and bob were remembering old times talking about their 6 years in the Bronx, and everyone was happy
Till next time
I want something to calm me down at bedtime it is the only way to be
Everyone should be calm at bedtime oh yeah we should
It is good to be calm and it is
Good to be cool
But being calm at bedtime oh yes indeed
Dreaming of going to space to play around with the dead
Like my uncle Stan and ray
And my good old dad
It is really good to be calm
At bedtime
And think about the parties
You will have and don’t forget to say as you are planning to go to bed it is a happy thing to be
Welcome to Australia Britain
Or France i turned to the party
In my underpants just my underpants nothing more
If you plan a good birthday party
Plan it after bed
Because you will get really tired
Oh yeah my Aunty said
You see plan your life never turn back yeah mate yeah it is fine
It is good to be calm at bedtime
Dreaming of silly things as well as smart
Getting drunk in methane smoothies and you feel very cool
You will always break the golden golden rule
Being calm at bedtime is cool
Don’t you think
Welcome to Australia Britain or France I turned up to my party in my underpants just my underpants nothing more
Nothing more nothing less
It puts me to the test
You see being cool at bedtime
Oh yeah that sounds fine



















































You see I am a drunken *****

You see I am a drunken *****
I get drunk every day
And all my friends treated my house
Like a night club anyway
You see we'll drink one and then another and drink more and more oh yeah, you see when I get drunk
I have a lot of fun, teasing my folks to make them understand I wanna be cool
You see I am a drunken *****, I get drunk every day, and I really really party, yeah,man I had such fun
And now I go to the local mall and offload all my problems, they actually say to me, tell someone who fucken cares, then after I leave there, I head straight for the CBD, and wait for the pub to open, so I can start off getting drunk, you see mate, I was having fun teasing my dad, and I never killed him no, cause I just having fun, and he tried to take it out of me, you see I am a drunken *****, I get drunk every day, and I have so many beers, yeah I enjoy it so very much, yeah, boy am I so cool
Then the next weekend I went to the Raiders match and I saw the Raiders win and that made me happy, yeah
And after the game, I went to the pub and partied with all the guys and we sang old drinking songs, man we were having so much fun, and I drank beer after beer and another beer to follow, yeah I feel so cool, and all my friends think I am a loser, but that doesn't bother me, because I am a drunken *****, and I get drunk every day, I sink one down my gullet and after that, I through another down, I feel so cool, I am a drunken *****
And beer is the medicine oh yeah

Sent from my iPhone
I'm a boy, I'm a boy

You see I like to listen to heavy metal, really, really loud
And I will play my air guitar to an imaginary crowd
Everyone cheers for our local team with me, and football games
And I will be locked in a room with my friend in iron chains
You see I love partying and I live life every minute
Thinking about the girl's I kissed and all the near misses
And I will go and watch some special event
And I talk to all my chums,and after that I take my bestie out
To get drunk and be dumb
Cause you see, I'm a boy. I'm a boy, but the girl I know doesn't admit it
I' m a boy and I'm a boy, if you want to f..n doubt me, then forget it
You see, I will take you down to Happy days
To play space invaders, but you won't sit and watch me
Cause you prefer Ben 10, and I love to drink so many beers
And maybe if I'm sick of that, I will have a wine
All I need to do that, is to pick then from a vine
I muck around with people I hate, just to be so cool
And yes my dear, I have no enemies, because baby, this is why
I'm a boy, I'm a boy, but my girl won't admit it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy, if you want to f..n doubt me, then forget it
I go to the gym to flex my muscles so I can be strong
And if some **** tried to pick on me, I will tell him to get f..d
And I will also run around the lake with my little bro
We will stop half way, so he can catch his breath
And we just had a good talk, we said things like
Drinking is dumb, only women get a kick from that
And we said, let's do drugs, only women do that too
We said, how about listening to guys music and eating corn ships and salsa
Yes, that's cool, now after that we'll go home Ane talk to Aunty Alsia
You see I'm a boy I'm a boy, but my girl won't admit it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy, if you want to f..b doubt me then forget it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy, please bad man don't take me
I' m a boy I' m a boy, I am cooler than you anyway, man
Oh yeah I am a boy and you are spastic

Sent from my iPhone
i would like to come back as a cat

just imagine what the world would be like

if i came back as a cat

you see i could be a lazy cat lying all over the couch and the garden

i could be a clever cat, doing things that cats aren’t meant to do

i will fall asleep in my bed and imagine doing concerts in outer space

as well as building new worlds, to make the future great

i know i only get 20 years, or maybe even less, but who cares

i could have a lot of fun in my life

if i came back as a cat

you see i could watch TV with my master and then he’ll put me to bed

i say goodnight to my master and he says goodnight to me

you see i ain’t much into the real world ya see

the life of a cat will be the life for me

i could go around catching mice ya see

making my owners very happy ya see

i might be able to have a try of my masters

freshly brewed beer, he will just give me milk or cream

who knows what my owners will be like be like ya see

the life of a cat is the life for me
Schizophrenia schitzophrenia
You are a schitzo schitzo schitzo dude
You are a bit mental
And you have no brains mate
You are a schitzo dude oh yeah
You need to beg to have a better life
But personally you could run into strife
It is a desease that can make
Me feel sorry for them
Some people can be better people on their own
But schizophrenics have to have their meds to be better
And I feel really sorry for them
Because it can be a struggle really mate it is
The rich calls them schitzos
Big schitzos as they are having problems yeah
Because most of the time
When they were kids
They were as normal as pie
But overall most schitzos
Fall apart at 20
And that is a mighty real shame
When I was a kid I played basketball
I was in the school concert
I watched the footy with mates
And I was a bowler too
And then I fell apart
Like getting in trouble with the law
And my head was trying to push me down like people started to tease me
My mates didn’t want me around
I had to hang around in the city
And at the mall
I just needed a mate to hang with
But I was a schitzo
I went back to bowling
Playing better than as a child
Making me feel great oh yeah
But in other ways I was learning
More about mental health
In the wrong way
I was getting dillusions
Which made me do what I didn’t want to do
And sometimes I can’t get my youth back
I needed to grow up
And get my mind out of the gutter
And move on to being the best version of myself
But all the jobs I want are impossible for me to get because I am a schitzo
I want to make a difference
I want to come out of my shell
I am certainly not shy
The word the cosmos gives me
If I want to move on is a ****** schitzo
Everything is moving away from me
And my past is coming back to haunt me
I don’t want to be a schitzo I want to be the best version of myself
I want to be a warrior in my life
It is better than being a negative schitzo
Please I need to see people
Act like I am a changed man
No mored dillusions for me mate
No more dillusions ever
Call me cool getting the better of my illness
I am moving up
And moving down
Up and down
All around the town
Pulling everyone around
Reaching down to get your cool kid out
Come on down and win a prize
Doesn’t really matter what is the size
Just squeeze your body till the juice pours out
Shut up you great big ugly snout
You don’t understand why people don’t get
I am trying to be a cool kid on the block
You see I had fun
My head is a mess
Johnny brown and his wife Jess
You see the other day
I went to a party
Being real cool for a smarty
Sing songs like you shook me all night long
Nutbush city limits chicken dance Macarena
Too cool to mention
Putting your best friend on detention
Making him pick up *******
And write lines annoying thing to do
But the thing is
Don’t be naughty and you won’t need to do it
King Kong is an ape famous in the movies
Then you get some young person looking
Really groovy
you see last night i went to some mattes house and he told me of all the bad

stuff i did, especially the day ii tied people up, and about the time i teased everyone at the mall

and he sat in his house saying to me, wanna can of beer, sand then he said, go to bed, buddy, there

is nothing for you here and i said, i am reformed now, all that is in the past

and he said, it’s alright for you to say it’s in  the past, you did it, meanwhiles we suffer from P T S D

and you \take your medication like a good little boy, while we suffer

and then i said, i have schizophrenia, a form of mental illness, and he said

you mean you are a mental head and i said yes, i am a mental head and

all the bad stuff that i done is all due to that and then he started teasing me something fierce

because me being mental seemed to make him happy,and i said i want you to understand

that i am suffering just like you, and he said, no you are having a good time

and me calling you mental is the best thing i can ever do to stop you, you see i want you

to go to floriade and i want people to give you P T S D and then i want canberra never to have

a christmas parade and i want the excuse is, we haven’t got any money to fund it, actually the

only parades i want in canberra are little kids easter bonnet parades where you get into trouble

for taking photographs, and i said, mate, don’t you want fun, here, and he said, yeah i want fun

the fun i have when i am teasing you, and i said, please forgive me, and except i have a mental illess

because, maybe i am the reason for your P T S D and i have excepted that, you need to except that i

did all that because i am mentally ill, i said i don’t deserve being teased like that, i have a voice, i need to

BE HEARD and he said, what crap, the only voice you have are your mentally ill voices and then he said

if you really want to be heard, you could’ve done that when you were young and like us, now after you

gave us P T S D, it’s mighty hard to forgive you, and then i said, i am suffering too, i have a mental illness

and then he said, i don’t want to hear your problems with your mentally ill brain and then he said you should never

tell anyone that you have a mental illness particurily if you are the reason why you are suffering, and then he said

i dopn’t care what athena is doing up there with your teeth, or whatever became of the drug ice and why don’t they use

methane anymore, then he told me, i am a criminal instead of being mental, so never say your mentally ill, you are just a *******

bleeding criminal, you lost your gnomes you painted at floriade, because i want you to suffer like a criminal does

never tell us your mental, just except our punishment for a criminal like you, i yelled SHUT UP, AND LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE

he said, neh, and went off to a party i wasn’t invited to because of my mental illness causing their P T S D.
When I say I am positive
I don’t mean to covid
But I really don’t know that
I mean I love life
But I could have Covid
But really it would be so awful yeah
I dream of playing concerts in the sky
And I don’t want people to give
The virus to me
Cause I want to be positive
In a loving life kind of way
Not not not to covid oh no
I want to live my life
Talking to my friends
Giving high fives oh yeah
But because of covid 19
You can’t do that
It could drive you fucken insane
I don’t like this virus
Cause it ***** up footy
I don’t like this virus
Cause you can’t watch movies
If you were out of work
Before it came
You have buckleys of ever getting
A job right now
Especially if you ain’t young oh yeah
And you have no chance of being
In an essential service job
When I say I am positive
I don’t mean to covid
At least that it is I hope I hope I hope not
I prefer to be positive in loving life
I am glad that movies and theatre
Is online but you still have to pay
Oh yeah you pay
You can watch concerts and footy games
Having fun guessing players names
If you are old and you can’t go to church
You have to stay home and pray pray pray
To keep being positive
But not to covid
Oh yeah you need to be careful
If you party at all
You have to do it on your computer
At home
And if you are singing loudly
Your neighbours will be upset
So you say to them
Fucken live your life
We can’t party in our clubs
Or festivals so let us party at home
It shows that I am positive
But not to covid
Even if I am it won’t **** me
Well I hope I am right
I won’t go at it without a fight
I haven’t got covid yet
But I can assure you mate
It won’t silence me
Nothing can silence me
You see I like being young, but I am pushed to being old

You see when I was 11 years old
I was a happy little kid, who loved
To play around and muck with other kid's
Then I moved to my new house
And there was this man up the road
Who grabbed kid's murdered them
Which made me very scared
But, you see he liked me, yes he liked me so much
He liked me so much in fact,he never wanted to harm me
He wanted me to be his friend
And try to keep him from doing evil
And he played cool for me with all the cool kids
Just because he treated me like an adult
You see he liked how I was too mature when I stood up for myself
And he liked how I believed real men's kids watch footy
And sit like adults, while their bros are getting mugged
But that wasn't his fault, he stayed with me saying
Your not a kid, no way your not, you are getting kidnapped
If you say your a kid, so say your an adult and we will treat you like one
But I told him, listen mate you see
I like being young, but I am pushed to being old, by you
So he got up and told me, that I ain't so tough
He said I will be dead, if I tried to be a kid
I said, listen mate, you can't **** or kidnap me fella
And I love to see you fucken try
You are a weakling and I hate you
I told him, ok I will be an adult
But he just left, saying your time is up
And the next night when I went to see the Choirboys
I spent the remainder of the night bribe kidnapped with shy people in a
Kidnappers house, and he demanded my parents to pay a ransom
For me to return, but I am looking like dying
Because, my kidnapper said, I have you
No kid will be kidnapped, because dude I have you
You see you like being young, heh heh heh heh
Yes, I am making you old, see ya later, shy boy heh heh heh

Sent from my iPhone
Bevil purnell is living it up
On YouTube named Jackson tracker
He really loving life
On YouTube named Jackson tracker
He helped a lot of refugees
And he was there for all of his kids and grandkids
But now he is on YouTube as
The great Jackson tracker
Bevil purnell is going to theme parks now as well as fancy eating
Bevil purnell is loving his parents
Who take him to see the world as
Little cute Jackson tracker
I know bevil misses his last life
But his new family are living it up
Yes bevil is now a tracker
The famous
The famous
The really famous Jackson tracker
You are still a little young dude mate
Yes you are still a little young dude yeah
You are too shy to be like us
Yes, you are a little young dude mate
Just muck with your family by having dinner, watching tv, or listening to music together
And be a little young dude to us
Cause you are too shy to be like us you support Sydney and they are winning you are a little young dude mate because you like parties and pizza and if you can’t eat that you meet mates for a meal or a drink mate
You are a little young dude mate
You are cooler than anyone else yeah and we go on YouTube and perform for our fans we are little young dudes mate get down and drink and get down and party like a real real real real smartie
a aee mr leonard thomas, tried to be like all his friends and foes, sometimes it’s positive

and sometimes it’s negative, you see he tried to be like his brother after he was shaken

for a piece of his lunch, and being like his brother really worked for him, and then he wanted

to do things, so he tried to be like his mummy and daddy, but all his school mates laughed at him

and didn’t want to be a friend to him, and this made leonard mad, and tried to be like like the

lunch bully, to shake up a few school kids, but not for lunch, he wanted these kids to suffer,

so he attempted to kidnap them, saying heh heh heh heh, and then he made his new mate

patrick, who showed him that all that was wrong, and pat showed leonard to PARTY, and because

of all the teasing in the past, leonard tried to be like patrick, to make himself feel better

and went around teasing all the men, and the people at the mall said, no your not like patrick, buddy, we are

and after people said that, leonard just wanted to fit in, so he ran up the road yelling saying i am still

cool, and your too shy, i am still cool, and your too shy, i am still cool, and your too shy, cool kids do what

i do yeah, only yeah mate yeah kids, do what you do, mate, but then more people teased him, and because

he tried to be like patrick, he has patrick in his head, teasing him his way, to stop leonard from getting teased

by hooligans, and leonard was tired of these voices and quickly he had to be like his dad and start to cook

for the mentally ill people at the local mental health drop in centre, he also went on camps and bowled trying to

be like sam marshall on home and away in the 1990s, and yes, he was a good bowler, but he was losing hyp side

as patrick said, i am not mucking with crazy leonard, but leonard had a lot of mates, so patricks voice wasn’t bad

and he cooked, washed up and did vacuuming and put the garbage out, and picked a few vegetables from the

garden, like what his mother showed him, and then all that trying to be other people, started to give him crazy person

voices, and one crazy voice, because at the bbq for the footy, leonard tried to be an old happy volunteer, you see

leonard tried to be like all these people, because, leonard is a lazy *******, and joining groups and trying to

be like other people, stopped leonard from being big fat and lazy, but it also gave him nasty voices which leonard can’t stand

and then leonard killed an animal trying to save it the wrong way, and rushed to the psych ward, put on risperidal, which

brought back his lazy community work, actually leonard was being yelled at by everybody, left right and centre

and he was also told, that to be like the in crowd, you have to have confidence in himself and a proper purpose in life,

you see leonard, has problems with people teasing him, all the people he ever tried to in his past was pushing leonard

down, to be lazy, leonard started to look up in a weird way, and he stopped taking risperidal and started taking seroquel

which gave him energy to run, and yes he tried to be the six million dollar man, to run up the road pretending to have bionics

and went into a job cleaning houses for the needy, for a few years, and then started to help out at ACTEW, leonard doesn’t

regret taking these jobs, mainly because it brought upon a superannuation payment, and cleared patrick’s voice of

take leopard’s pension, he can work, and leonard after all the helping he does in his life, he said, well give me superannuation

but it would be nice if fucken Tony Abbott would give me $2000 for that volunteer helping, but leonard doesn’t expect that

cause, he is a very nice person, and then he lost his paid job, after the seroquel made him hyped up enough to pump

words on the computer and go down and steal money from the hawker IGA, and drop a few dollars on the ground, so

the poor people can pick it up, and then leonard will go and throw everything over the balcony saying, i am cleaning

away my **** in him, leonard lost his 2 gnomes, but hopefully a poor man near him has them, it was leopards way

to help the poor, but it caused more harm than good for leonard, so off to the psych ward again, he met a girl who

was stabbing leonard with a plastic fork, and a bikie who ripped the TV out of the wall, jesus christ, the devil, god

and even elvis, leonard said he was greame thorne and george washington, copped a ****** serve by stupid quacks

and leonard was out right before XMAS, but not to his jiob, but then leonard, thought of reading his stories on youtube

and playing the local brumbies night live and the raiders show, both teams ******, but it was still fun doing the shows

leonard started doing art, really enough to rid all the stupidity from his brain, and started to perform in a play and poetry

slams, and sang a cool blokes version of the 12 days of christmas, it went down well for leonard, and got in a few

weird little fights, when he started to toast his successes with champagne, it’s the only time he drinks alcohol, and

then leonard started drinking coke, it’s good for his creative stuff, like gives him energy in a way, but the coke gave

leonard all of his times trying to be like other people, leonard says, must drink little bits, despite going to the mall

for many celebrational drinks of coke for his stuff on youtube, and leonard wants each and every voice, to fly up

out of his head, he will do great tapestries, but leonard, really needs odd voices to keep up his fun stuff, leonard

has to realise that the people he tried to be like ain’t his fucken stupid little daddy

quickly leonard be like me, before people say that your shy,

From the northwest side of Canberra
In Belconnen kind of town
If you go up there
You must beware
Of a big man named Brian Allan
He loves sport
And watching soapies too
Because dude he is rough
Around every edge ya see
He likes to holiday in Sydney
And Adelaide as well
Won $72 in Melbourne mate
On Melbourne’s big day
You Brian will really party
And he will push you all around
He will push you
You will sit there
And fucken take it
Like the fool you are
I am big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Badder than a really tough boon
Meaner than a bank robber
Big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Never gives up a fight
He will win each day and night
You see as Brian goes out
Seeing people protect him
Brian says no
I don’t need protection
I am big and tough
Then Brian’s friend Patrick
Tried to tickle Brian everywhere
On **** and tummy and head and foot
To try and ****** protect him yeah
You see he is big bad Brian Allan
The biggest toughest man oh yeah my friend
Mean like a bad bully
And tougher than really bad boon
You see he is big bad Brian Allan
Tougher than everyone
Eventually he will beat Patrick hands down
Yes that will be great
Leave us big bad Brian
Brian said NO
i am a big man who deserves a break

i go to a restaurant to buy a nice well done steak

after that he goes to the nite club

to party with the young dudes, yeah that is cool

you see the queen of hearts really stole the show

and we took our blowers and we let out a very big blow

thinking about the bad stuff that is happening

simon parkes said just one thing

how about send us a new diamond ring

i want to ask a girl to marry me, said simon

yeah, let’s do it, give her a ring

with a very big diamond

hey, let’s go to the good old pub

and frown at the people who look all so smug

you see the men are here to stay, have a nice day

as we send them on their way, party on
Hi am bimmy jarnes
And I am performing this quarantine concert from my living room with my alcohol pile mr drinkerbocker and my hat rack friend mahatma kote and scarf
And my first song is I am a real bludging man
Not working anymore
Just sitting down alone
In my house near my award and sign
Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi
Relaxing oh yes indeed
Then mr drinkerbocker said to mahatma kote n scarf
That we must drink as many beers we want oh yeah mate yeah
Oh yeah dude, I am real bludging man
Then I go to the kitchen
To get a can of beer
It is like going to the bar, mate
But you don’t have to pay
You just get drink and sit right down
The best way you can
Oh yeah dude I am real bludging man
Ok thanks and now my action song for you
Mr drinkerbocker mighty fine
He will mind these drinks in time
Let’s get the rhythm of the vb
Ready to party with me
Let’s get the rhythm of the mighty fine
Party on days go on always loving life
Mr drinkerbocker mighty fine
He will mind these drinks in time
Let’s get the rhythm of the Carlton draught
Ready to be hungover the next day fast
Let’s get the rhythm of the mighty fine
Party on days go on always loving life
Mr drinkerbocker mighty fine
He will mind his drinks in time
Let’s get the rhythm of the Melbourne bitter
While watching your footy team win no crowds
Let’s get the rhythm of the mighty fine
Party on days go on always loving life
Mr drinkerbocker mighty fine
He will mind his drinks in time
Let’s get the rhythm of blue kamakasi shot
To really be cool a lot
Let’s get the rhythm of the mighty fine
Party on days go on always loving life
Mr drinkerbocker mighty fine
He will mind his drinks in time
Let’s get the rhythm of champagne
And go out and play a drinking game
Let’s get the rhythm of the mighty fine
Party on days go on always loving life
Thank you and now here is my next song
You picked my hat and coat up off the ground and you put a scarf on as the face everybody cheers you on
Oh yeah mate yeah
You bring the sunflowers in from the backyard and put them at the bottom as the feet
He is my best friend I have ever had
Never ever arguing with me
Mahatma kote n scarf
Everything is looking cool
Breaking every golden rule
Yes mate you are a tool
Using coffee to make you feel unreal
Yes yes yes mahatma kote and scarf
And now here is my award called the
National imagination award which I won because I have a cool imagination
I won this award one Sunday night
In a bar a long time ago
Everybody liked me then
I was cool
I was cheering the loudest I have ever cheered yes this felt great
We had roast chicken vegetables and a tasty mud cake
For my award is such a great friend
Never ever let’s me lose
Oh yeah partying in the club is what I enjoyed then
I really set fire to this town
Number 1 is to find my phone
That I lost yesterday
Number 2 is to have a shower
Putting on cologne
Number 3 is the happy hour on your YouTube or Facebook stream
When you party and you enjoy it yeah
I could really set fire to this room
With a cigarette lighter
And ok that was it there ain’t no more
Unless you come when Corona is over yeah
G’day and welcome to Kepler sports club and my name is bimmy jarnes my first song is this crazy dream

You see when I lay down to sleep last night my head got many thoughts, of tackling sleep apnea yes, what a ****** it was, you see I tried to sing flame trees, but I lost my train of thought and I hated my version of working class man, it sounded as if I was a bludger, you see I really like to party, drinking this lovely drink, maybe this Victoria bitter for a hard earned thirst, you see I tried a bit of surfing but got a attacked by a shark, I ran outside the water saying never ever again and I went back in, the shark was still there
So I went to the beach to relax on the surf and I tried drinking heavily but that never worked at all, because I sat down outside the police station and they said c’mon we’ll take you home
Then I went to the club and danced with the teens, I wasn’t being inappropriate just having a dance, but the barman threw me out, I told him to get lost, then he said, mate you have no right to do this and then I did a **** right on the front of the pub and he said I am keeping you and he rang the police, but when they came they just drove me home, giving me an lecture as they drove, then there was a drunken man who really needed a drink and I came into another and used his money to buy me a drink, we got ****** together and when we were totally drunk and he was plastered as hell, I took $300 from his cash to buy 4 cases of beer and I nicked off back home with the cash and beer but after I finished the last drink I regretted it a lot, but wait a minute, no I didn’t he might have been a phedaphile, you see you see, that is what I wanted to do

My next song is my version of g’day g’day

G’day g’dsy
Welcome to my world
It is make believe
And full of drinkers who
Want to bash you up
G’day g’day
You could be gullible
So I want to tell you this
Let’s try and understand
Just one little thing
If you as dinky die as an Aussie
You would drink him down to the ground
G’day G’day
Using a ****** to have *** with a model
And then we say to him
That this model isn’t as dinky die as a eculyptus
Tree bring planted right outside
You see mr Robert hughes
He was a real mate of mine
Untill he molested his youngest
On-screen daughter, a real stupid thing to do
I don’t want to look at Martin fucken Kelly
The name really scared me mate
But when I hear these simple words
G’day G’day
He was an Aussie
You see that he was very dinky die
So I took him out the back
And I punched him
Knocked him senseless in the park
G’day g’day
I am a drunken *****
I was saying to this idiot
That what he did was unAustraliwj
And he said, how about I do it to you
I went over to the phone
And rang the police
He said, what are you doing
I am getting you off the streets
Kepler doesn’t need you
So I picked him up and threw
Him in the bin and said G’day
And he said G’day back
And said this one little thing
Just say G’day and go back where you belong

My next song is I can’t wake up

I can’t wake up
My head is getting clogged full of apnea
It is wrong to think you have it
Especially when people think you are crazy
But I say no mate, I am not crazy mate
I am just a man who can’t get up
Because I can hardly breathe
I can’t wake up
You see I wanna drink a few bourbons
And show you the Kepler night life
There are hookers and strippers
And religious figures who want
To see their religion getting a lot of cash
And I say you are a stupid mess
You see I like this place
There doesn’t seem to be any wars
But the war that goes on in the pubs and bars
My friend, is really really bad
I can’t wake up
From this stupid bed
Because I could feel that Kepler
Is the place for me
To rest my weary head
I just can’t wake up

Here is my next song called living off an all night hot dog

I had fun at the club
It was the single party night
At the labor club
And the time was 1-00am
You see I went with my best friends
4 of them, 3 found chicks
And the other one didn’t
Because he was so gay
Not that there is anything wrong with that
And we got onto the dance floor
And half my eye was on my date
And the other eye was on finding
A gay man to go out with my friend
You see one guy said, are you happy
With your sexuality mate
I see you are looking at this man
And I told her, yes I am straight but
I am here to find a lover
For my gay mate
She told me, waste of time
All the men just like girls
Not that there is anything wrong
With being gay my friend
But overall it is a nice gesture
To help find a friend for him
But Kepler has a gay bar
Two doors down
Do you should’ve taken him there
But I will help you, so I need a hotdog
Will you buy me one
And we can talk about your friend
Oh yeah party yeah
On a hot dog cooked at 1-00am
Oh yeah party yeah
Drinking at a place that drinkers go
To celebrate good tidings
Then we sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall
Till the lady said
Sing that song again my friend
Sing that song again
I will come up and knock you senseless
Then you will say to me
Those 99 bottles of beer my friend
Were putting curls in your hair
You see I went inside and a man was talking to my friend, I went over and said
Did you know this person was gay my friend
And he said, I am too, I came here cause I broke
Up, mate with a Kepler security guard

My next song is my friend Matilda

Once a pretty lady walked in a social club
Ready to drink a few ales with the boys
You see she got really hammered
And the man sitting at the bar said to her
It is fun to see if will work with her
You see my friend Matilda
My friend Matilda, my friend Matilda
She is a lady that I love
You see I talk to her
In a club up here on Kepler
I want to marry Matilda tonight
Matilda said I don’t marry
On first dates no way
I am a traditional man
Who marries the normal way
Who watches both of us get plastered
My friend Matilda, my friend Matilda
Loves to drink on our wedding day
You see she gets drunk
With everybody watching her
You see I can’t my friend Matilda doing this
You see Matilda went to Alcoholics Anonymous
To tell them she has a problem with the bottle
But they told her the problem wasn’t her drinking
It was the problem of her shacking up
My friend Matilda, my friend Matilda
AA wouldn’t help her
Because she wanted a relationship
With a nice man
With a nice man
With a nice man on the block like me

See you next time I hope you all enjoyed my show
Everybody cheered as he walked off stage
Bimmy jarnes performs again on Kepler

G’day and welcome to my show
The first one shows my love of teddies

Little cute teddy bear
Running around without a care
Cuddling everybody there
Little teddy bear
You see with this teddy bear of mine
Eats his honey, so divine
I think everybody’s fine
Little teddy bear
I drink this smoothie full of methane
A cows **** is what it is
And my bear sits on my bed
Waiting to give me a very good dream
What do you what do you
What do you mean
Teddy was put through the washing
Became nice and clean
Little teddy bear
I love my little teddy bear
Running around kissing and cuddling you
Yes everyone loved you near
Little teddy bear

Next song party in the land of Kepler

You see drinking and smoking
Not worrying about the side effects
Oh yeah bow bow
Every day you meet
Going off to the pub
Seeing people looking very smug
Giving a dime to the homeless
Saying drinking and smoking
Is healthy up here
My mum said it is healthy nowhere
Maybe she is right
But there is nothing wrong with
Giving it a go
Oh yeah bow bow

Sydney Sydney Sydney
Going to win this week
I personally think the giants are weak
Go the mighty swannies
Win oh yeah mate yeah
As we see them score many goals
Show em Sydney
Show em your the swans
Be the 2024 winners
Carn the mighty swans
Let’s win the premiership
And pour some champagne
Into the cup
And drink the whole thing down
Show em Sydney
Knock ‘em till next week
Where they will have problems mate
And we will have the cup
Oh yeah bow bow

Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Of the psych ward trying to get reformed
You see I am having fun in my house
When I should as quiet as a mouse
Drinking a Coca Cola down my friend
That is what I like to do
Everybody wants to party with me
Even the crew from the famous ED
They say you are the ones to party with me
Yeah yeah yeah
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
Of the psych ward trying to get reformed
You see back in Covid day
People were running on the beach
When they shouldn’t be, hey
And they take all the toilet paper ya see
And the hand soap as well
You see we had to stay inside
Like we were trying to hide
I hated it, I like doing things oh yeah
And PARTY is one of them
I was
Standing on the inside looking out
Standing on the inside looking out
With Covid trying to get better
With Covid in the psych ward
Trying to get better and get reformed
Oh yeah bow bow
Birdie and baby sitting in the tree enjoying life with the family
Saying hi to each other being really cool
And the mother goes ga ga yes
Both are cute
You see just imagine the fun you will have when the baby grows up
He will probably be an actor a singer or a gymnastics fanatic
Yes birdie and baby enjoy themselves
Doing what they want in our humble home
You see the birdie gets stung
By a bee and mother watches her baby carefully that it doesn’t get stung
Because he is so tiny and ever so cute
Birdie and baby enjoy listening to mummy singing the play school theme and bananas in pyjamas and Sesame Street
Yes birdie and baby feel complete after all that playing around and they feel cool, man
Today s ****** fat and ugly woman
Stuck her finger up at mr
Saying she wasn’t like my mum
I said I know ugly *****
You are too shy to be like my mum
You look as like you want me not to
Stare at you
I said gladly my eyes will pop out
If I looked at you too long
She said I am not your mummy
I said yes I know you are too shy to
Be like my mummy
Patrick Enright said let’s trase Brian
I am not like his daddy
I said Patrick I know
You are too shy to be like my daddy
That woman looked like she spent
Time in gaol
God knows what for
But she is a ****** criminal
And that is why she stuck her finger up
She is too fucken shy to be like my mum
Patrick is too fucken shy to be like my dad
I suppose Patrick should marry that fucken *****
They would be suited
Two ugly people hitching up
That would be weird
My mum and dad are much better than
That criminal lady and her hogan husband
I don’t wanna be with bogans anyway
One day at the Woden special school in 1985 bad things were going to happen for 2 of the students in year 9, you see there was this relief teacher named Bernie Johnson was wanting to kidnap 2 year 9 students Julia Clarke and Brian allan but these students were good and they never got into trouble but Bernie was walking out to the playground when it was his turn to do playground duty and when he saw Brian talking to Julia he put his hand around their mouths and said I will get you and kidnap you and your families will be unhappy because I will have a ransom
For you 2 to be returned but brian said you won't get me and Julia because we are from year 9, meaning we are older but Bernie said yes, but I could give you and Julia a phoney detention where I tie you 2 together and get rid of all your pus and Julia Clarke and Brian allan became very scared as they said to each other we must
Be good in class, so they went into class and unknown to them they were late and Bernie gave Brian and Julia a green card to say see me after school but brian and Julia were very scared for their safety and tried to get out of it but Bernie said
If you don't turn up to detention
I will **** you both tomorrow in school and as the lesson went on brian and Julia were scared of what is going to happen to them when the bell rings and then the bell rang and brian and Julia ran out to get the bus but Bernie came out and grabbed brian and Julia and threw them in the boot of the car and said
Heh heh heh heh you children are coming with me and Brian and Julia were ******* in the car trying to scream and then he pulled over as you saw Greg Keenan who was a year 9 student from Deakin high
And Bernie grabbed him and tied him in the back with Brian and Julia and sang a song
Oh yeah this is the time
I have 3 year 9 kids ******* in the back
I want to ring their parents and make them pay a ransom
For the 3 year 9 kids ******* in the back
And when Bernie stopped he unloaded brian and Greg and Julia and locked them up in his chicken coop and then rang each of their parents and they
Weren't prepared to help so Bernie whipped the 3 year 9 kids till they had red lines across their back and Greg, brian and Julia  were screaming HELP let us go and they said that 20-000 times and one man who was walking heard them and wanted to investigate
But Bernie said mind your own business I make my kids suffer when they are naughty and believe me, they are naughty
And the man left and after 6 hours of thinking he rang the police to check his house and
When they got there they searched high and low and then as they went outside they saw brian and Greg and Julia lying dead in the chicken coop and the police arrested Bernie and
Each family had a funeral for
Greg and Brian and Julia
May their next life be good
a blackout caused by evil daniel pederson

you see brian allan was sitting there doing his art and suddenly daniel pederson’s spirit forced the power

to go out just in brian’s apartment so he can tie brian up to his bed, and brian was trying for a way to

get free, but daniel had a hold on brian allan, and said, you are still a yeah mate yeah kid brian, and i will make sure

you are tied to the bed, and then i will leave and have them turn on your power again

brian was wriggling and turning saying, help me, let me out of this cage, untie me, please let me go

my power has been turned off, so daniel pederson can get the better of me, then daniel tried his best to keep

brian’s dad and family from saving me, please let me go, brian said, but the gag was tightly on brian’s mouth

and daniel told cameron goon, your not a cool kid, anymore sure mate, and then he said, don’t be a cool kid, cameron

brian is suffering through mental illness, and i am the cause, cameron said, heh heh heh, please keep his power off

and daniel said, i am dead, you know that is not how it works, i turn off brian’s power, i tie him up, and suddenly his power

comes back on, and he feels kidnapped and you cameron do what you used to try to do, because brian allan is looking at

his daddy’s next life, brian was screaming, HELP HELP, let me be like pat and chris, and daniel said, neh, you are trapped by

me, cause you are too woosey to write this out of you, and brian screamed, TURN MY POWER BACK ON YA ****, TURN MY POWER

BACK ON, AND UNTIE ME, you evil little ****, and brian remains struggling on the bed and daniel forces cameron to lift his feet

up off the floor, like bobby bullpitt did to ted bullpitt on kings wood country, saying, brian allan isn’t like us anymore, he doesn’t work

and brian allan tries to say through his gag, i work, and if daniel turns the power back on, i can work on that, and daniel said, you have

to work on this, because you aren’t like us, brian, you ain’t a man, brian your too shy to be a fucken man, and as daniel said that brian

was struggling on his bed, saying, i have been kidnapped by daniel pederson, turn on the fucken lights, so i can have power, i have no torch

so daniel has me right where he wants me, as brian said that, daniel said yeah, i do, and i will make sure you suffer for every crime you do

or any crime you have done, every time you enter a shop, and you haven’t enough money, daniel will put in the corner of your mind, to steal it,

because, brian allan isn’t a cool kid, and i want you to know, every kid you see on youtuibe being kidnapped is my spirit, even if it has adult spirit

you see daniel pederson said, he ain’t stupid, he isn’t going to let my dad win the battle, but brian allan was screaming HELP HELP UNTIE ME FROM

THIS EVIL SPIRIT NAMED DANIEL PEDERSON, and daniel said, you are with me now, brian allan, i turned off your power, to make it look like i have

you with me forever and ever amen, and once i have what i want, i will turn your power back on, and untie you, but as long as you never get employed or

always suffer with a lousy canberra bus service and as long as kids in canberra do as i say, brian allan will be a kid forever, never to be an adult, your only mates

will be the scruffy old scott and ******* old paul, and i want patrick and cameron to try and go, get ****** brainy get ****** man get ****** brainy get ****** man

in your head till you die, brian allan, you will suffer forever and ever, and my voice will say, keep teasing brian pat, sure mate, brian was worried that he was losing his

cool kid credits, and daniel said, yeah, you have lost your pat and chris credits, and forget about being like your parents brian, i made your dad die, so we can place

the words your father isn’t around anymore in your head, brian allan, if you didn’t want this, why were you laughing at cameron, no you will suffer, and daniel is having fun

putting in patrick’s voice, him saying ‘i am not ya daddy brian’, no, none of them can save you from me, brian allan kid, but you are not a kid, ya see, you laughed at

cameron being *******, i will make cameron laugh at you, you will suffer brian allan, brian was wriggling about on his bed saying let me go, i am like os, and daniel said

you are losing your os credits, you are not like your family anymore, you are still like your old fri———ends, budddeeeeee, brian yelled out, HELP, SAVE ME FROM THIS


hear the words, your daddy, ain’t around anymore, brian yelled out, let me go, free me, but daniel pederson said ok, you can go, but, i have the power to turn off your power

brian cronus greame thorne patrick dunbar allan, you will never be the man from albert waldron, you see you were hearing these voices from the days of albert waldron, all the

men saying, yay, here is big bad brian, but i turned off your family man, so you can commit a crime, because you, brian allan is a victim of kidnappers, from a kidnapper like the evil spirit

daniel pederson, heh heh heh, you will never defeat my spirit, heh heh heh heh
Hi dudes and welcome to the candle festival which is at Nara park behind the Albert hall and there is a good band on the stage playing classic 80s music
From the act senior college band a bit of survivor and abba
And a whole lot more
There are a lot of stalls  where you could buy a lot of great souvenirs for the young and the young at heart and there are many demonstrations like judo and drumming and sumo wrestling  and at sunset a beautiful candle garden will light up the night and the crowd is beginning to build up, yeah
This is totally awesome and as I am walking around you see people getting ready to do their demonstrations
Welcome back and isn't narrabundah college energetic
As they performed their great Japanese dancing and over at the demonstration area they have calligraphy Japanese style
And there is a drumming workshop under the trees near the food tents and the judo dudes are showing off their styles isn't it wonderful and then we had a duet from Gungahlin college and mate they blew me away with their fine Japanese voices and at the moment the stage is at intermission waiting for the school choirs to begin l am looking forward to that
And as you look around you can see the judo dudes and dudettes displaying their judo skills by lifting their opponents
Over their shoulder, and over onto the mat and over at the ikebana tent they are showing us how to put it together with a fine hand which means she is trying to keep the beauty and now the judo has finished and the sumo wrestlers are showing their skills and I would hate to meet up with them in a dark alley and as you walk over to behind the ATM machines the kids are displaying their drumming skills, there are kids from babies to toddlers and aren't they having a ball
Yeah this can really brighten the imagination real hard and the school choirs are on the stage displaying their singing talents
Yeah, this candle festival has it all, I didn't see much of the school choirs and Nara university high school but o guarantee they would have been great and the sumo wrestlers really had the crowd glued to the stage and on the main stage there is a smoking ceremony and the karate is taking up the stage and soon they are having a sake barrel ceremony and this is going to be totally awesome dudes
It is now 6:26 and now we will feature some great music from ms satsuki odmara (koto) and Robert stockee (didgeridoo) & dr yukihiko doi (Japanese court music) and everyone is listening to this fine music as they await the big candle garden ceremony which I hope this year is awesome and the party is well and truly on the way I hope it is a very good ceremony
It will like the, whole evening
And kids are flying kites as well as making lantern, it costs a bit but it is jolly well worth it if you have kids pulling on your jumper begging for something to do and there is an array of very good stalls if you are looking for an early Christmas present for someone in your family, yeah that is sooooooo!awesome and on the main stage there is George & noriko with their wonderful blend of blues and Japanese sounds and they will get the party started right, they will get the party started quickly right
Aren't George and noriko great they are getting the crowd into the party mode and I love how they yell out koupei too before this song but, mate this is music and party combined and
Everyone is gathered round the stage tapping their feet as await the lighting of the beautiful candle garden
As we are nearing the end of the first set of George and noriko, the sun is going down
Behind the tree and soon as they let out their last koipei
The night is nearly upon us
And those candles will light up the beautiful garden here at Nara peace park
We just had a very beautiful
Ceremony with the chief minister and enstiguished guests and as they light up a few lanterns in the candle Garden we are entertained by koto and didgeridoo and Japanese court music and I can tell you, this is very cool and o think the didgeridoo sounds totally awesome with the other instruments and as we look around each tree has blue green and pink lights, and I tell you that looks great and a lot of families bought candles to wave around and the music was great
And now we are into the last 2 acts on stage and George and noriko are coming out to yell out a few cool kowpei and I think this will be really cool
You see he sits down on his chair and blasts some great blues and Japanese Music
Or Japanese blues and they are showing us how to party, dudes
Saki saki saki is the sound you are hearing  as they are playing a Japanese blues song which
When he says saki we say saki
He says saki saki saki we say saki saki saki and they get their beer and yell out kowpei
And everyone is recording the music and finding out whether
It worked and then as George and noriko are introducing the next song and now it is time for the last song which is rad dude
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
That is the last song but I am hoping they do an encore which
Will be pretty cool  and then he yells out koipei
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
And I think I will shake my pockets as that is my money maker oh well they didn't do and encore as they are setting up for the taikoz drumming
And as they brought out the first drum and there should be enough drumming to last from 8-30 to 9-00, I think the crowd
Are cheering taikoz on as they prepare
Those drummers were totally awesome and very fit
I know I couldn't drum like that in a million years, I liked how the drummers moved from sequence to sequence
They must put in a lot of days a week rehearsing for that
And when the drumming was over I talk a walk through the candle garden and my phone conked out so I couldn't get a picture but I might have some
Photos of the candle garden in a couple of days
So that is it that is all
So let's shake your money maker to buy some saki saki saki and yell out koipei
Catch ya later dudes and dudettes
****** oathe ****** oathe
That I am a man
I love life just like a really cool man
I don’t do bad stuff cause that is
For the kids
I am a cool man
****** oathe ****** oathe
I am a man cool oh cool
I am a man
The coolest man in Canberra
Might even be Australia
****** oathe I am a really cool man
Loving life footy etc
Really makes me happy
Loving family life and family shows
Really really neat
Yes that is so cool
****** oathe I am a man
Who loves the footy no matter who is playing and watching other cool sports really makes me cheer
****** oathe mate I am a man
The coolest in Australia
And Canberra too
I have memories of me partying on the dance floor in the club
Yes I am a family man
I will watch the voice to see the up and coming stars pounding out their songs
To win big money and a recording contract
I don’t get drunk no more
But I am still a cool man
I get high on life
As I get older and as I have fun
I hate people committing crimes
Because it is quite bad
But I say mate ****** oathe I am a man
Keep your nonsense out of my life
I am a family man who loves life
I will enjoy partying at home on a Saturday night
But if somebody wants me too
I will go to a family event
Where everybody parties
****** oathe ****** oathe
I am a cool man
****** oathe I am cool, mate
Don’t ya think
I am the coolest dude in Canberra
Don’t ya think
I really oh really the coolest dude around
I am cool very cool yes indeed
****** oathe I am very cool
Don’t ya think
I know how to be very cool
Don’t ya think
Everyone in this town
Thinks I am so cool
****** oathe I am cool
Don’t ya think
I am into watching football
I am into watching Netflix
I love life when I go out anywhere
I like watching sports like skateboarding comps
Because that kind of sport makes me cool
I have memories of being at the skatepark having fun
I never could ride a board mate
But I still had fun
Everybody knows I am the coolest dude around
And nobody can take my cool away
****** oathe I am cool mate
Oh yes I am
I used to party in the clubs drinking gross drinks
What I can’t understand why people choose to follow in my footsteps
Maybe it is because I am so cool
****** oathe I am cool
I know people like me, ****** oathe.
I know ****** is rude but it is still cool oh yeah
I am cooler than everyone
hi dudes and dudettes

i am just here to say that in the 70s a big thing

happened in the cosmos, you see bobby darin died

in 1973 and from that moment he performed music on the moon

like if yo see a gentlemen bee around a little bee buzzing

and do a dear a female deer ra a tropical golden sun

me a name i call myself and far a long long way to run

and every time i looked up at the moon i saw bobby darin performing up there

and he played you must have been a beautiful baby

and many more of his songs he wrote back in the early days

and bobby told buddha he wasn’t ready to stage an  earth body

because when he died it was 4 years after neil armstrongs moon landing

and bobby darin wanted to control the moon by entertaining the undead

you see in the cosmos bobby played baseball and the moon was champions

in 1978 and 1979 and it was then when he entered the ****** of his next life’s mother

so, he could control the earth and look after future lives like from friends and future children

and when it came time to re enter the earth as shaycarl as he is known today

who is a youtube family entertainer and a farmer with a few cows and cats and dogs

bobby darin is making sure that shaycarl helps in the future of this planet

by making sure the world sees what his family is up too

and in 2010, he turned 30 and now he is turning 36

this year, and he through bobby darin his last life

is trying to make his family have a lot of fun

his youngest son jackson was my cat lucky and my old school mate scott mcdonald

and there are more former famous people in their family

you see shaycarl to me looks like he admired neil armstrong

and another thing too bobby darin is watching the shaytards on earth TV in outer space

everything that shaycarl does is made to turn more viewers to him

as i listen to multiplication, i hear the voice of shay car;

and i watch shaycarl on the shaytards and yes, bobby darin has lived on
Bouncing bouncing bouncing
Up and down and around the town
Trying not to **** people off
With my bouncing bouncing bouncing
Celebrate with a glass water
Do it if you really feel you ought to
You could celebrate with a glass of water
Every day and night
Get down on the dance floor with
All the chicks
Tick tick tick tick tick tock tick
Dance to songs like working class man and pour some sugar on me
And run run as fast as I can
Then the next day I will run the block
Even if I feel slow
I will still run the block
I have to put up with the pain
Remembering friends named
Pat and Dave and Wayne
Bouncing bouncing bouncing around
Party up and party down
This is fun but feeling like an elephant is sitting on you is not
You must try and move move move
You must try and move
And that will make you feel really good
Hello guys and gals, this morning i had a fun time @ bowling

my scores were 146 and 162 and 141, which were awesome scores dudes, indeed

i bowled my first splits for the year, which i found ****** annoying

but i spared one slit, which was ACE, and there was one member of my team that didn’t show up

but i thing she pre bowled, here is a poem about my day @ bowling

i got a few strikes, but more spares

which isn’t too bad but i made a few splits

it wasn’t that good, but it’s only a game

i certainly claimed man, my claim to fame

i got some great scores, all over 140

it was awesome how i made that possible

it was ****** cool

i feel when i got

and strike and a spare

i felt like i was sending those pins packing

to the other side of the world

congratulations it was fun for all

fun ya know, yes bowling is fun any old how

here are my frame by frame scores


1    7  /       18

2   8 1         27

3   8 -          35

4   8 /          51

5   6 -         57

6   7 2        66

7   9 /         86

8     X       106

9   8 /        126

10   X 9 /     146



1   5 1          6

2   5 /         26

3     X         53

4     X        71

5   7 1        79

6   6 /         99

7    X        118

8   9 -       127

9   9 /        145

10   8 / 7    162



1     5 3        8

2     9 /       27

3    9 /        45

4   8 /          58

5   3 6        67

6    6 /        85

7    8 /       102

8    7 -        109

9     9 /        122

10   3 / 9       141

Hi guys and gals, this morning i went back to bowling after we had the easter weekend off, and today i bowled

170 and 129 and 147, i mainly got spares today but i did get 5 strikes in 3 games, that was awesome, but it was the spares that got my scores

the way they were, i enjoyed bowling tis morning because i got one over average one below average by just 2 points and one below average

by a lot, but i still remain over 100, AWESOME DUDES, and now see is a poem

kick *** kick ***, it was a great day you see

three scores over 120, that is right on the money

i love life, playing a sport like this

as i bowl my Parramatta ball down the alley

i feel very radical yeah

kick *** kick *** what a morning it was

with my god knows amount of spares, dude

and just 5 strikes

take me down to the bowling alley

take me down to the crowd

don’t buy me peanuts or hotdogs or fries

it clogs me up so i don’t bowl well oh no

i need to bowl at my best mate

but when i miss oh who cares

it’s 1, 2, 3, 4 5 strikes on the money dude

at the bowling alley

here are my frame by frame scores today


1             7 2              9

2                X           29

3             7 /             48

4             9 /             65

5             7 /             84

6             9 /           101

7            7 2           110

8            9 /             130

9              X             150

10         6 / X           170

TOTAL SCORE       170


1                8 /             18

2                8 /              38

3                  X              57

4                7 2             66

5                6 3             75

6                8 1             84

7                9 /             103

8                9 -             112

9                8 1             121

10              6 2              129

TOTAL SCORE             129


1                   X                   20

2                9 /                    38

3                8 /                    54

4                 6 3                  63

5                 7 -                   70

6                 9 /                   86

7                 6 /                103

8                 7 /                122

9                 9 /                 138

10               6 3               147

TOTAL SCORE               147
Be a boy tough and cool mate
Be a boy who loves life mate
It is good to be a boy mate
Everyone knows boys are
Into boxing where they can gain strength
Each boy knows how to get strength
Into their bodies oh yeah
Girls can fight if they want to
It is normal for a girl to want to be strong yeah
Cause it helps them defend themselves yeah
Nowadays boys and girls are equal on strength
Boys have the power but so do girls as well yeah
If you see a boy party it could be obnoxious and girls seem to let out a smile yeah
But both boys and girls party yeah
With a smoke in their mouth
Then the boys and the girls
Try and give up to be a success story
All their friends will like them
Just for giving up smokes oh yeah
Boys lift heavy weights to prove their stronger
Girls do the same for the same reason
Both genders muscles are getting bigger as both become flexible
The 80s line boys are better than girls
Doesn’t really exist anymore
Boys have to be nice mate
And so do the girls mate
If both genders can get along together
The world will be a better place
We are the boys who go out and party, and get into trouble, oh yeah we're bad

You see I went to the club to watch a really cool band
For starters it took a while to start and when it did
I was the only one dancing, you see I was the only cool one there
And I went to the Brumbies and I yelled when they dropped the ball
Saying we stink we stink we stink
Then after that we went to an old house in Wanniassa
And I knocked on the door and this lady answered and said
How are you little cool dude, I am the evil white witch of Canberra
Who are you, you fine gentlemen, who are you
I said I am Brian Allan, and I am the head cool boy here in Canberra
The evil white witch said, not for long, I have Mark Marlor and Brendan Schultz
Both captured in my den in the backyard, yes it looks like a chicken coop
And I want you too, because mate, you are a little brat who hangs around witch's houses
I tried to escape, but the witch before my eyes, zapped me in chains in the den
With Mark and Brendan, and this was going to be doom for us
The white witch wanted to feed us, because he wanted us to fatten up
For the big feast, which was in about 2 weeks from now
And these three Canberra kids are the Canberra kids who will bring peace to the city
For the centenary, yes the white witch was sitting in her chair saying I have the cool kids
Mark, Brendan and Brian were saying, we are the boys who go out and party
And get into trouble. Oh yeah we're bad, cause we end up being chained in an evil white witch's backyard den, and we are by all means doomed
The witch came down to the den and said, have you boys gained fat yet
You 3 can no longer be muscle boys, cause you are my prisoners
I have you forever, kiddies
The white witch made sure that Brendan,Mark and Brian were securely chained in so tightly, and then went on a little walk around Canberra trying to find more Canberra crowd kids to catch, and he walked past the Duffy shops and the white witch saw Luke Salvorg who was. Under 12 for Weston Creek and he was riding his bike down tbe road, and yes, like all sports boy, he thought he was never going to be kidnapped, because he was too loud and too fit, but the white witch waved her arms and suddenly Luke found himself in the witch's den chained up, he was scared and Mark Marlor, who knew him, said, we must eat, because we are going to be the food at a dinner party, you see we all are kidnapped by an evil white witch, and don't worry she only wants boys, because boys are tough
You see, we are the boys who go out to party and get into trouble, oh yeah, we're bad, cause we end up being chained in an evil white witch's backyard den, Luke said please mummy rescue me, please, and I want you to do it now

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