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It's true...
I divide myself
into teeny tiny pieces,
leaving behind
important bits-
cause a glitch
with the rhythm
of my heart.
Sad it is;
that sometimes,
The hardest thing you'll ever do-
Is the best thing you had ever done.
I sit on this island                                                           ­                                                 I sit on this boat
             ill-equipped                                                     ­                                                   ill-equipped
 ­        How I got here?                                                            ­                                        How I got here?
             well... by ship                                                                                             ­     island trip...        
         I simply stare out                                                              ­                               I gaze upon the
                   upon the sea                                                              ­                            empty sea
             No ounce of hope                                                             ­                          All out of faith
                         left for me                                                               ­                     inside of me
                  I think of times                                                            ­                   I recall the time
                   away from land                                                             ­               earth so grand
                        My tears drop                                                             ­           Sobbing quietly
                         splash on sand                                                             ­        into my hand
                     Huh? What's that!?                                                           ­ Wait! Is it true!?
                                           could it be?                                            more than sea?
                                 Swimming, swimming                           Rowing, rowing
                                                          ­      hurriedly            steadfastly
                                                  ­                       SHIP!  LAND!
                                                           ­                    I'm free!
                                                           ­                         ...
Quick write... Hope yall's get it.
When I touch you
The world melts away.
I close my eyes
To be with you completely.
Exploring your body
To Feel what you feel.
Speaking without speaking,
Listening to your unspoken thoughts.
Being in that perfect moment,
Blissfully giving into
Our desire...

We are two bodies connected,
With but a single touch.
Whenever I'm around you, I can't even speak. Your very presence makes my heart thump erratically.
I swear you can hear it.
And to make things worse, I can't even breathe. No, I'm serious. I gasp for breath, literally.
And if it could get anymore embarrassing, I'm pretty sure I'm dripping in my own sweat.
Yet even though I know I'm a wreck;
You look at me like I'm somehow perfect.
I can't imagine what you see in me.


Whenever I'm around you, I can't believe how lucky I am.
How did I manage to end up with a girl as beautiful as you?
I know you don't believe it when I tell you that you mean the world to me,
But it's true, I'd swear it.
I just can't fathom how you can't see it.
That you are the most unique and wondrous person I've ever met.
And yet, you look at me as if I'm the one whose perfect.
But honestly, I don't know what you see in me.
Beauty isn't a universal concept, we each see it in our own way. And sometimes you might think, oh no, I'm not beautiful. But you need to know, there's someone that thinks that you're more than beautiful. You're perfect.

My thoughts for this morning. Again, I'm not too poetic or anything. I just try and write and come what may.
Makin' deals with the devil,
                just to find some satisfaction.
        I sign my name in blood,
                      nothin' but a dangerous interaction.
But if danger is the only thing that makes me feel,
                     than so what if I never heal?
           I'd rather live like this,
                           In debt to the devil, than let my own demons run amiss.
      So how does it all end?
               Simple as this:
I live my life on the edge,
                          with a simple pledge—
                 when I finally fall over,
                                when I die,
                 tell everyone this:
She only lived this way so she wouldn't be alone.
               While everyone turned their backs and let her roam,
The devil waited with open arms,
                   welcoming her home.
Any feedback?
I'm not drinking
not tonight
I'm alright
it's really not a fight.
I mean did you invite me
just to spite me?
I only want a sip
put the bottle to my lip
refuel my ego trip
time passes
wine glasses.
Is that my cigarette lit
I don't have a problem.
A touch,
it only takes one,
my mind comes undone.
I want only what I see,
set me free,
you hear my plea.
Your hands wander,
no time to ponder.
Essential satisfaction,
enact a chain reaction
in this disgracing interaction.
I'm buried beneath.
Thoughts break.
Body ache.
I shake.
No one gets to see this side of you,
the only one that's tried and true.
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