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 Mar 2013 Johnnie Rae
I am a bit too loud
without trying, and
I promise myself I'll
stay quiet although
I never have. I keep
in mind the things
my father says to
me, that the wise
never seek chances.
If wisdom is sought
I have never had any. I am
too loud without trying, witty
around the edges, with a cornerstone
made of sand.
(c) Brooke Otto
 Mar 2013 Johnnie Rae
I burnt your face into the sheets

The world has spun again

I am done, with your empty everything.

Took the world from my grip.
I drowned again in your scent.
I burnt your face into the sheet.

But I'll love you forever
 Mar 2013 Johnnie Rae
Most days I wear flip-flops because I am too lazy to wear socks,
and I like the feeling of summer somewhere close to me,
and I like to watch my feet move. Do you know, there
are so many small little bones in there! it amazes me.

My mom used to massage my feet to wake me up.
She's been the best foot-massager of all, better than all the friends
and the boyfriends. Better than the early morning
sleepy-satisfying stretches, better than the feeling of sunlit
warm wood on my bare feet. Better than grass. Her calloused hands,
and softly hummed melodies. Tattooed arms, faded turquoise. Sun on her
skin. If I could see my mom in myself every time I looked in the mirror
I think I would be relaxed. I would play more music. I would spend
my next paycheck taking a day off with a pina colada and
tattooing a turtle, on my foot, just like hers.

Flexing my feet. Cold night air. Flip-flopping on the concrete. I wish
I could dive into the ocean, ice-cold, something worth laughing into
the nighttime. So much seriousness all the time, I think that people
need to eat more butter and not take skin to mean so much.

Silly, really, I guess. But a Mom-massage might just mean the world
sometimes. And smiling with someone is like a Mom-massage, right when I need it most.
To everyone who's been there, thank you.
Hugs. I also really like long hugs. If I give you a long hug it means I think you're really great.
 Mar 2013 Johnnie Rae
Andy Cave
Everyone plays a part in the game of life
some are meant to succeed and thrive
while many are starving and struggling to survive.

This game has top tier people who rule the rest
while there is people on the bottom rung just trying their best
there is people like you and me and if food's on the table we feel quite blessed.

The people on the top control most of the cash
while those down below struggle to even make a splash
even if given an opportunity it's gone in a flash.

To the greedy, the overly wealthy, the top tier class
I have something to say while it maybe rash
you can kiss my poor, lower class, white, American ***.
"Maria, I love you so much,
and you are so adorable,
so marvelous
and so good,
and I feel so happy when I'm with you,
that I just want to die while we love each other."

You **** me every time I hold your hand,
even if it's cold,
yet my heart could not beat more vividly
than when you're around.

The sweet poetry that gently dances from your lips
is like a million tiny arrows going through my heart,
each leaving a lasting mark of what this means to me.

How can I feel so alive when you **** me constantly?
I lose myself in you.
I lose contact from reality.
Time stands still as our bodies dance a perfect, unrehearsed coreography,
inviting the stars above us to join this beautiful harmony.

You killed me again.
That smile you timidly and lovingly show to me,
imperfect, and, yet, so flawless,
it takes me away to a place I didn't know.
A place where all my pain goes away,
my worries vanish,
the world is gone,
and there's only me and you.

Please, don't **** me anymore.
My heart skips a beat everytime I even hear your name.
Oh, your name.
It comes out of my mouth so easily, so playfully,
and everytime it sounds new to me.
My lips just effortlessly spell your name,
feeling every letter of it kiss me tenderly as my mind wanders off,
off to your mesmerizing eyes.
Those eyes which cast a spell on me.
This spell that keeps me from taking my eyes off of yours.

Deep, loving looks, each looking for protection,
fearing a new sad tear to roll off,
yet convinced they are safe in my eyes.

*Would you **** me one last time?
The paragraph in quotations is a rough translation (made by myself) of a dialogue in Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls" (yeah, my book's in spanish). It is what inspired me to write this poem.
 Feb 2013 Johnnie Rae
Empty, flatline numbness, marry me! Marry me!
Oh, jester in white inhale yourself; nothing but a fool.
Do you know your fate?
Majestic brutality, do you know your fate?
Heart beats so rhythmic, it's a brand new taste.
A white noise craze, walk along the pretty phase.
Tongue tied fantasies, drop dead harmonies and the worlds upside down.
Posiden met Godzilla, it's nothing you said it was.
Kitty cat, baseball bat ate your face, jester start again.
Ghoul, ghoul, ghoul dressed in white, take my veins, weave a gown.
We will dance, tonight, dance so pretty in the light.
Tell me, ever painted beauty in blood?
Oh, wicked numbness, Marry me! Marry me!
Save a tree, eat a ******.
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