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If you would tear my clothes open
on my chest you will see
a never ending hole
in a silhouette of you.
© Lacus Crystalthorn 2013
I'm addicted to pain,
as much as someone who is
addicted to hurting their veins.
The adrenaline rush it gives me,
compares to no other.
I look for drama because I'm
a self-depleting person, who
is only satisfied when they're hurting.
I put myself in horrifying situations,
it's a day to day occupation.
I trap myself in a dark hole,
like that of an abyss, my heart
can barely pronounce scared due
to its lisp.
Angels and demons kiss my soul
with death defying holes.
I tend to feel lost without no control,
to regain myself is an everlasting toll
of hatred and resentment.
Looking into a mirror,
to only find yourself terrified
of those hollow eyes.
A face tells a story,
but mine seems to not stop,
like an undying pendulum clock.
It was only a kiss, but it felt like much more.
Little spark from her lips ignite a fire in my soul.
Her hands holding my head. My heart feeling the rush.
She had had too many drinks, and I mistook it for lust.

My mind couldn't believe what my body had felt.
What she called a friend's kiss I called a lover's caress.
I lost, I won, I gave up. She wouldn't make up her mind.
Was it an alcohol fueled thing, or was it really her love?

Her voice denied what her lips were really trying to say.
"We're nothing other than friends. The kiss didn't mean a thing."
It didn't happen again, but I can't help but think
was it only a game, or did you mean it for real?.
Happened while I was out with her.
We've all done some stupid things throughout our lives.
These stupid things have hurt others, and in retrospect we can only feel guilty for having done so.
But I say, don't feel guilty.
**** happens. Move on.

We can't fix what's done.
As far as I know time machines haven't been invented yet
so stop worrying about what you've done.
Instead learn from that mistake.
Let it turn you into a better and improved you.

We live in the now, as much as we'd like to go back.
Enjoy the moment.
Learn from the past.
Envision your future.
After all, the only thing that matters about our past, is where it takes us.
We **** up only to learn. Life goes on. Don't let mistakes from the past hold you from moving on forward.
They told me to write about the family dynamic,
and even though they were careful to say

"The" family dynamic,

I was quite sure they wanted to say

"My" family dynamic.

The way I'm quite sure that when my mother asks if I'm gay,
and if that is the reason I'm sporting a gay pride belly ring,
that she is actually saying,

"I swear to God if you're a **** that's the last straw."

Catholic upbringings seem to only account for politely covering up
hidden agendas, not actually purging them in place of acceptance.

My family dynamic is the blank stare I gave my mother that day.
It is the uncertainty I feel on a daily basis. A constant debate on
whether or not I should send her fragile ideals about me spinning
off their axis, admit to being bisexual. In my mind I always look
her in the eyes and say something along the lines of,

"Don't worry mother, I could never be gay. I enjoy a good hetero ******* too much."

In reality I smile and shake my head.  Leaving her to go on living in a world
where daughters don't have premarital ***, or lose babies, or try to **** themselves.
In a world where her good catholic daughter could never be gay.
Sort of different for me, what do you think?
 Apr 2013 Johnnie Rae
I'm caged
And these four walls
Are strangling me.

I've choked
On your pathetic

Some friends.

My throat has been cut
By the blade
Of your arms.

A ****,
I tumble like a rag doll;
Four walls pushing and pulling.

Find me an escape.
Become my escape.
Cut their chains
And save me.
Save me.
Save me.
Save me.

Another nosebleed.
Another lifeless weekend.
Go to your parties,
Go to your fames.
I'll sit and petrify again.
 Apr 2013 Johnnie Rae




                                                                                              P O E M.
I don't know... I think I've lost the plot.
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