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 Apr 2013 Johnnie Rae
Nothing but a fiend
To the light,
The darkness,
The substance.

A horror:
Intoxicated beast,
Broke a mirror,
Swallowed the taste.

A lack of
Your love,
Your heat,
A heart...
Took away better days.
I no longer know.
Some people say angels walk among us.
I never thought it would be true,
until just a couple minutes
I saw her. I have found proof.

She was sitting in the train.
She waited to arrive to her destination.
As I admired her beauty, I prayed for her destination to be mine, but it was all in vain.

She stood up, and headed for the door.
I cried inside. This must be wrong.
The most beautiful angel had appeared before me,
and I let her go.

I couldn't ask her name.
I couldn't get her number.
I couldn't have a chance,  but I got something better.
I have proof.
Saw the most beautiful girl today, and inspired me to write this.
If today
was your last day,
what would you do?
A little something forfor us to realize life is just a moment. Lets make the best out of it :)
At night I place my hand over my heart.
Feeling for the beat that means I'm still alive.
Still here. Still breathing. Still worth it.

I can remember the day you brought me flowers.
You showed up, shirt pressed, with that same sad smile.
I didn't want to tell you the truth.
That my lips had already known another man,
that my finger tips burned at the thought of his skin.
So instead I told you that I only saw you as a friend,
despite the weeks of rough *** and stolen time together.
After everything, how could I admit that you were so much more?
I'd already proven that you were clearly not enough.

Tonight I'll place my hand over my heart with tears in my eyes.
Praying that for once I'll be able to believe it's beat means I'm still alive.
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