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john p green Nov 2015
And just gotta vent
Can't truly understand
That simple connection
Between cosequence
And regret
Its like that shadow
Which puts needles
Straight into your brain
Until the day one realizes
Wow! If I just had only...
Then the sadness ensues
A flood of emotions
Now they take over
Haunts one for the duration
of one's life
john p green Oct 2015
We three sat
Down by the pond
To see the water wade
And talk about
Some of life's
Simple pleasantries
& some parts which
Well? not be so happy to share
Words here, words there
Words so simple
Yet so locked in a dense cloud
Thick cloud of light
Ambiguity and drizzles
Of comforting grace
Graceful deliverance
From the swirling storm
john p green Nov 2015
You know I took a tanker
To the cantankerous one
Well that got off to a start
When she hadn't yet ****
Hadn't yet **** they said
Cause hadn't time to start
Shall we dibble or dabble
About those most smart?
When all the others
Already let out a ****
And the cantankerous one
Smiles as she thus starts
john p green Oct 2015
Doesn't matter where
Don't even time yourself
Who really gives a care
For they simply ride along
With those vacant stares
Soak it all in, all in
As you stroll your way
Look! Oh! Was nothing
Just a bump in the road
Almost had that fall
Had to pull away nongravity
Make sure didn't go astray
Might have actually been
Been there on a several
Trying to get there now
And when I do, yeah!
Just give me a pillow
john p green Jan 2017
You are what you know
A glimmer in my eyes
Walking among clouds

Your breath breathes health
No nonsense going there
That simple smile draws crowds

Oh! How simplistic they see
For you shine, shine, shine
Like gazing upon a graceful star

Never forget thy majestic grace
Roughness, couth and rhythm
For you are the completeness

Overlying everyone's fortunes
With a simple smile and nod
Not meaning or thinking, just you
john p green Nov 2015
Want you to tell me just that!
It's not so hard after all.
Are you more then willing
To simply spill your guts?
You do oh! so fashionably.
And shall I offer that light?
That one which engulfs you
No what's the opposite?
Already figured it all out.
I truly do like that parade
Kinda makes me sorta jello
Especially watching two hands
Entwined with another fellow
Here I go once more ranting
Just try and stay clear ok?
john p green May 2016
Might I describe with a slightly cracked mind that simple act of coping with the tiny fact of how I must not overreact knowing I might become blind while waiting for that abstract moment to arrive whereas I am entitled to act highly surprised when you finally dial back...
Aye!  I lost track.
john p green Oct 2015
At times I turn, turn away
From what I scribble
Is it fear or that block?
Or merely simple dribble?
Cannot fathom
That unleashing inside
Tis why I write in the dark
No concept in sight
Now I form no reason
And reason obeys
Chaos decides
What time shall allow me
john p green Oct 2015
Did you care for you or me when I last spoke?
Dare you dare to realize
This is notta mere Joke?
For life can be fragile
And dissipate with winds breath
Carrying Your fragile soul
Unto those highest reaches
Then sprinkle droplets of love
Essence and all
All what? Yuo should know!
john p green Oct 2015
Did you care for you or me when we last spoke?
Dare you dare to realize
This is not a mere joke
For life can be fragile
And dissipate with winds breath
Carrying your fragile soul
Unto the highest reaches
Then sprinkle droplets
Of Love, Essence and All
All what! You should know
john p green Sep 2017
Can stone heart be removed from rock?
Ignorance simply plucked.
Leaving a clean city veil?
It stares with clarity your fracture.
It falls when both grow frail.
All wars are carved of this.
One slip can evil entail.
john p green Nov 2015
Used to be a time
Just being peacefully
Scratch ones ***
And in public
Without call from law
Used to be that time
Drinking fountins in park
Brought such pleasure
Yet where did they go?
Used to be a time
Swinging on vines simply
Yeah! Did bring pleasure
So much more I can say
Yet we don't have all day
To bring forgtten moments
Or even childhood fancies
Simply do it now with passion!
john p green Oct 2015
Will anyone come for me?
Throw a glare beyond compare?
Have a drink without a stare?
Imagine how simple it could be!
Just wash your hands
And throw it away
Does it count when you don't?
And when I don't
Who'll set me free?
john p green Nov 2015
Unwind that thread a bit
Begin with saddest level
Pull a little more to see
And the blissful one can be
How dark can one reach
Then comes a glimpse
Of a true humanity
After awhile becomes clear
That thread a mere tool
To unlocking gift of life
And all its memories
john p green Nov 2015
Chances are slim we'll reconnect
Though there's always belief
It takes just two to believe
Even more so words are muddled
Just can't catch that catch phrase
Whichever one whichever one
Yeah! right fine pleasing yourself
Just lay down and wash me away
Or maybe throw that rope my way
I may just climb aboard once more
Or yet simply cut and drift far away
john p green May 2016
I held the firefly jar
So tight
It broke in my hands
All my wishes
Took flight
john p green Feb 2016
Their song
Never ceases
For if it did
Thus would we
Constant ebbing
Never retracing
Tireless abandon
Without falter
Singing for us
To live for them
We are their hope
They once were we
Now seeking flight
And they our hope
Voices we'll soon be
Continuing the plight
john p green Nov 2015
Just because we wanna say
Doesn't mean we say
Or gonna say something
Need ya to hear me now
For really means nothin
If and when ya stand tall
Lick your lips now
Then stand tall
Ya know it's in ya
Never lose hope
Oh! That vital hope
It shall shine!
Choose that balance
Choose to realize
john p green Oct 2015
Something is in the air
Ever escaping, never clear
Neither positive or negative
No direction just there
Pure, everlasting and aware
Oh! Sweet smell of ambiguity
Flowing free and effervescent
Trying to unclench now to be
Yet in trying I'll never measure
For there are no weights
So finally not wanting to see
That enticingly sweet smell
Chooses now to encompass me
john p green Oct 2015
Can't wait to get that out!
Understand my meanings?
Just want to start
Yes! Finally over!
Time to turn off
Yeah! That spout!
How would I know?
For I'm a dude
john p green Oct 2015
And that's what some say
But yet one draws upon it?
Maybe grow from it?
Till the light comes their way?
It's not just what's written
Or spoken from a friend
It's always in that strength
Which carries us apart
john p green May 2016
Why does it matter the departure?
The first step ends in itself.
john p green Oct 2015
When white water crests the banks of yesterday
And tomorrow But never in the now experienced ever in the now
Only in the minds shard of wishing to be there
Once again awakening of memory thats wished will pass
Times sifted as of sands on far away beaches
Where clean rules supreme the fireflies gleem spark to flame
Of unkown fires longing to burn Burning to long
Ashes in time the meaningless meaningful glass looking
Through mirrors reflective spaces
Arrowheads greet the lone souls
Wander as children and *** will grow shapes
Shift to the edges of forever on threads of lonley
Gone days totally absent of ridicule or prying
Yes never to the now yesterdays tomorrow wishes
And flows out without self indulging in unknown spaces
Just lone souls on the sun on the moon beside skies
Shores with planted bones lays before you
Yesterdays tomorrow never in the now sleeping
Through times distance unknown to all but two
One in one and never in the now
john p green Oct 2015
The gruelling chores of life's temptations struggles lay upon us such strife
So harsh and waxing each day and if I may implore, what more oh! alive then the release
Just wait till you unfurl or simply taking in a whirl
Do I need that comfortable peace
Or a simple handshake making us ease?
I will attempt to be receptive to your kiss of peace
Never resist it! Let it fall and capture you!
It comes not to twist, but to fly high above the seas
With the sky and every day touch what we are due
Shove off the rejection! Catch the laughter infection!
For as we dance with waves not simmply gurgle an holler, also share that time mirroring our own reflection
Time will take us to that place
Don't dare intrude or even bother
For laughter has come around
And no one else shall resist the dance
john p green Oct 2015
Where did I know you?
That familiarity baffles!
I hold a strong pen
In my trembling hand
And yet to try to understand
These words trying to convey
Maybe it's your gift to befuddle
Or simply grab a glance away
I've heard about you, you know
Just don't look! Look other way
john p green Dec 2015
My black wingspan can shadow the Sun
Drawing eyes skyward from far below
The light shining off my beautiful bald head
Only reflects darkness for all others enough said
I'm not so special least that's the belief
Soaring patiently just for that moment
An ungracious landing so unlike my flight
Go figure I'm eager just to finally eat
Hopping and chomping hoping nothing draws near
For if something or someone gets too close
No I won't **** on myself that just cools me off
I'll regurgitate, lighten my load, get the hell out of there!
Because not a lick of predator runs through me
Just that big Mellow one, yet do you see?
Reducing final stages of decay effortlessly left behind
No need now at this point to thank me
Simply let me be and ****** stop judging me!
john p green Oct 2015
Now in sweat mode
Lost the wrench
Lost myself
Lost that mind
Once belonged to me
Ok! Stare...don't care!
Cause I'm now over there
So just go on with antics
My reflection always there
See it's my essence
Shielding me
Until I'm ready or not
To reflect upon me
john p green Oct 2015
You didn't have to go that way
All you needed was to listen
I chose to believe in you
Believed in your soul
But now there is none
Walked away you did
With your pretentiousness
Gracing us all with falsness
Are you strutting about
That false smile so proud
Look into shattered mirrors
Cause their shouting aloud
Nice to be deaf to all
Only listen to your own
Let's just stand back now
And hear that sound
The time when you fall
john p green Jan 2016
Rude transitional
Vessel conquering
Reaching deeply
Trying each level
Time succession
Rapidly grappling
Softness intensity
Discharging ether
Fuel dark whisp(er)
Paint syncopated
Drawing transition
Hole opens deeply
Perceptional peep(s)
Doubtlessly abated
Strings form syringe
Encapsulated chords
Rupture stagnate air
Steering mind's Roar
john p green Dec 2015
Hatred runs deep, Hatred runs true
Wright now there's no helping you
You come like a snake and leave like a mouse
All this time and help you want me out the house
That's fine but end of the day I'll be just fine
Written by Tyler on his 9th birthday.
Self titled.
john p green Nov 2015
Your laughter an immense surprise
Bedaggles my senses bringing light
Long lost light now in my eyes
Was that intentional as you blink
I beg no forgiveness as I think
Like a moth, a light, a life
You only have one to share
Shall we venture to care
Where to go and when to know
If that sudden urge approaches
Just laugh out loud my dear
john p green Oct 2015
Here child! Here you
Just lend me that hand
Let me lead the way
I'll show you I promise
Show everything I know
Just remember, listen tight
Also sit tight in that chair
For we're all here to gather
Appreciate, respect and share
A lesson of life well deserved
john p green Jan 2016
You flew from my side
As if the suns rays
Poured thru my hands
And I forged a cage
For which no free spirit
Dare risk singed feathers

I tried simply to hide
All anguish of days
No way to understand
Containing the rage
For which no real merit
Could cut away tethers

A mere blink of the eye
I saw thru the haze
As you took my hand
Saw fabric cut of age
But it's not fair ******!
Selfless be your measures
john p green Jan 2016
I like that ****-a-doodle
Doo me in the morning
Need that Rise and Shine
Special light in my eyes
I'd like it over easy
But only if you pleasie
No need a pulsing shower
I'm already wet you silly
Or a new connect the dots
Cause you hit the right spot
A new bedtime story's due
I'll read it without you too
john p green Nov 2015
Not quite sure where to go  now, as almost all tumbles entraping me
I will break through the mold of yesterday's utter deceipt
Chance a token, drawn from the pocket
Where miserey never gives receipt
john p green Jan 2016
Say, "Cancel Me" or "I'm Done."
Less you wanna go. For real!
No taking back.
A stone's throw, a simple one
At that.
No asking a re-try.
Just don't wish yourself away.
john p green Dec 2015
2 little doggies won in the fair
Kept in the family many a year

Both cherished and adored
Of course so all could see

Yet one day they took a walk
Not by vain ones but by a crook

Rest assured crook had no fear
Simply smiling at your dispair

Looks like another trip to the fair
Such a facade clutching you near
john p green Oct 2015
Just a suggestion for you're about
Wait! About to head out
Might want to watch yourself
And pay more attention
You said what for I ask?
Cause just look down
What's at the table or my hand?
Just look at your right hand
That cigarette is awful close
To your most personal belonging
Take off before you singe
john p green Nov 2015
What did you say?
Oh! wait, can i order another?
Is that a possibility?
Really! Well let's go.
This is sweet. Yet soothing with a twist.
A bit comforting, no, let's face it!
A whole lot of comfort.
Can I have another just the same?
Not possible? When will I know?
Oh! Okay, it still reverberates at the back of my mind.
What do you call it?
Ahh! I see.
Your voice.
john p green Oct 2015
So why crowd your ***** around?
Doing all that laughing
What ya thinkin?
Tryin to be so proud of your surroundings
As that kid cries out loud
Put a diaper on it
Or just blend like the crowd
Sorry! Just thinking out loud
john p green Oct 2015
Sense is senseless for those who grasp nonsense.
john p green Feb 2016
Don't know just wanna get there
Before I can feel the motion in the air
Times, seems like we're twisted sideways
That's why you better beware
In case you didn't catch it
They'll be following you everywhere
So put on that hat, just let loose a smile
Make sure you don't grimace
Cuz that'll last a long while
Just glad to be back
john p green Oct 2015
I scarfed contrast
Crazed that moment
Maddness I'd enslaved
Paths succumb to rain
Beckoned soul alive
Muddy limbs flopping
Infectious jelled riffs
Rules diaper no flow
Nawlins feeds the cry
john p green Feb 2016
but he can't I will show now and all this discombobulated mess that we call horizons we have no clue as to what really happens if we don't understand in water we freak out if I need money I'm hiding out what we can do in hell and over some What Where Are We R Who We R in when we go and how was I to go from now on until the very depths of despair
john p green Nov 2015
Where shall I begin?
Forgo all that nonsense
Just tell like it is
For my thoughts echo thine
As well as my heart
Twas nothing more bestie
Being there one for the other
An understanding so I saw
Yet what does trouble thee?
A transparent drip from a tree?
Do I now make sense or never?
You are my bestie otherwise
Know as you know me
john p green Oct 2015
If you ask, yes I do invite struggle
Why not? For I always embrace a new
Tickle me there or anywhere
Yet dont you ever dare! And I mean,
Yes and truely mean, yes you heard me
Let's just say as the cliche does go
"We shall not walk that walk, talk that
Talk". Blah blah blah!
Skid marks, iron fists, jokers abound
Who gives a real ****? And why?
Why so many questions?
When you already know
Just please don't pretend to care
Offer a how do you do!
Let it all go and simply sleep well
john p green Oct 2015
My quill runs dry
I have nothing and everything to say

No leash to tame me only words do I say
Don't look into my future
I've not looked into yours
I can be a follower
If I follow the right tribe
Even then just cast me out
Survival dares a chance
I do wish to gamble
Light footed and mean at heart
Some day you shall know
Whose pulse you left behind
john p green Oct 2015
Many people handle many situations
In various ways
Some may sit and wither
Others take them head on
No matter how you choose to handle them
Just know that mine will always be
The hand you need when you need it
john p green Jan 2016
Look to the Sky
And see those Clouds
Doing a High Five
Just for You!
john p green Oct 2015
Beware! For shall one seek
What those have often followed?
You know that fragmentation
You'll seek or see till the end
The answer lies in no comprehension
Just a simple smile , laugh or touch
Or piece of mind
So simply ask yourself
And don't dare
For at once the mind does close
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