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So you want me to quit?
Say I'm too old.
Throw in the towel.
Let my cards fold.
I've been told that before by another -
she went by the name -darling mother
So you want me to give up just like that?
a wrinkled old woman, ugly and fat.
I've been told that before by another-
he lived with me, was just like a brother.
So you want me stop doing what I love
want me to shut up
put out my light
or all the above
I've been told that before by another -
oh ya, let me was my grandmother
So you want to pretend I don't exist-
wipe me off the face of the earth
make me regret my birth
I've been told that before by a friend.
Will you finally be happy when I reach
my end?
Sat down in Alice's
with Guthrie
he trusts me
don't know why,
it's a nice place
and Alice serves up
good food
when she's in a mood to,

Arlo was rabbitting on about
some sort of a song
which was more
like spoken word
to the sound of a guitar

and then the cop car pulled up.
Arlo, one of the Masters.
Another day to ****** away
work is okay so they say
but what use to me

never mind it's only a moan
not to mention that intention
of being good and not whining
one more resolution fails.

I dine on the past as if each moment is my last
always saving a memory just in case it might not be
and in that, I will never go hungry.
how far, you ask, does a willow bend
and what makes it weep?

Monday came on the same day
that's another bet that I lose
I win when I wake
take a look at her face

She sleeps on.
Only the shadows change
so being naked and
using that as an excuse
well it is being what it is
that makes us unique,

I prefer antique
I just wanted to let you know
that classic will do.

She said,
but she was talking about the
I, as a man misconstrued
you can't choose who you are
only what you will become.
She and I first said
a dozen years ago

the future
is being written.
12 years in the blink of an eye.
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