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Sleep plays hide and seek
but keeping my cool, I
found it underneath the stars
reflected in a midnight pool.

and today I wondered where I was
because I didn't know.

Night again, the same refrain,
owls that hoot at me
there's no escape however late
and that's how things will be
Oh good
I don't have a psychosis
wrong diagnosis
are red in the face.

There is always interference
low ceilings
little clearance
but perseverance gets us through
even when we think we're through
we're not.

She tells me
to keep taking the pills and to
make the tea.
She tells me lots of things and
I usually agree.
With a name like Victor
I thought he would have been braver,

today was pretty much like working in the geriatric unit
all that moaning and coughing and begging Jesus to save him
and he's only got a touch of the 'flu
but what could I do?
I gave him a tissue and said bless you
about a million times,

I'm off to drown my sorrows in *****
and tomorrow's another day.
The shipping forecast
at half mast
sailing into port.

it's Tuesday and
not a day I'd choose day
but beggars can't be
some are not even losers,
only lost.

I wonder what wonders of the modern age
will fill me full of rage today,
the best?
the greatest?
the latest in a long line?
seems funny to me that the greatest thing since sliced bread
is bread that isn't sliced.

Crepes and a vape, but
carrots and such are all the same shape
regulation size and win a prize for trying.

fifteen minutes of my life I'll never see again
I leave them all to you.
*** in the..
...pity it was only a dream
because I live in a small town
where nothing ever goes down
unless it's the miners
going down the pits.
Dangling over those pits of desire,
eyes like red coals and body on fire

do you think you'll ever get there to
the other side or is the chasm that you
opened just a bit too wide?

and if it is what will you do
who will you cry to?

On the last day
when you put the last sea shell
to your ear
the only thing that you will hear
are the grains of sand.
Rainbows we danced on
crosses we hung from
dreams that we clung to
are all a piece of you.

and we outlived them
grew old and shelved them
and what remains
are the aches and pains
which nobody wants
but everyone gains,

it's a circus ring and we all bring
our lions and clowns
smiles and frowns
to put on a show
and then we go.
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