broken legs approaching the podium lost in open water stranded in the emergency room with a four inch dislocation and wasps burrowing into my intestines
wake up from slumber you cannot call your own walk run move proteins block and blur motion
if i thought i could do it i probably would have done it being in the hospital long enough has taught me that colors correlate to days and that the opposite is true as well
i have too much of what makes you good and that is why i am what i am
there is a person living in your skin and we can all see it there is a human animal trapped inside of you and we can all see it just because you try to do away with the idea that it cannot exist does not mean it does not
razorblades broken off in glass three cigarette burns on my forearm and five cuts to the neck proved nothing to me but only to remind me that i had finished
in killing all the natives of what i declared my homeland i felt a lot better about myself and everyone else around me
i sat in the forest and tore myself apart i threw myself a party and then i threw up my dinner and then i spent the rest of the night in a bathroom i made
entering here, i have realized that never will i leave
i strung myself up by the throat between the trees at night and hoisted myself to final mental victory this is it i've done it this time this is it and i am sure there will be no more
notions are not as smooth without schedule and proper timing you will be made to forget all that you should remember if you do not etch it deeply enough into your forearm
chipped off a piece of brain matter earlier this morning zipped it up for later knew id need it to remember you by even though i thought id never forget
do not come into my home and tell me what the truth is i will show you what truth is and behind the truth i will show you another grand ******* spectacle of a liar
i didn't light my house on fire to be consoled by ashes and fragments i did it to prove that between puddles and eggshells, there isn't too much room to move i hope that you can see that now
if you smile commit yourself to it clench your grin between your jaws
capacity and expression are not mutually exclusive assign yourself an emotion and delve into it until your bones crack stiff and under pressure
don't worry about the mountaintops don't worry about memorizing prayers don't worry about the cheshire murders don't worry about the economy don't worry about voices don't worry about the weather don't worry about heaven don't worry about hell don't worry about ships don't worry about haircuts don't worry about fabric you aren't here
soothe the mitochondria back into function prove your worth show us what a thousand years worth of natural selection can do
make the animals angry by replacing their medicine with salt they are animals after all they should be made to delicately pry it from under your fingernails
we don't do funerals around here we don't wear black clothes around here we don't eat three square meals a day around here we don't get between six to eight hours of sleep every week night around here
pry my ******* teeth out with dental floss and a hammer remembering only to wash your hands first because all of your temporary muses have died and you have nothing better to do
a carcass is as productive here as something with a pulse you think it will never happen to you but there's always a margin of error for everything always
that my ribs may be sheared apart to create mock wings to writhe incessantly in the sky towards warmth all i wanted was to find warmth and the sun decided to burn my wings instead
in my ultraviolet coffin i had a few thoughts but none worth mentioning most of which i regret even if i cannot remember them as they were in the first place
a wish to fly a wish to escape a wish to not be here anymore not anymore
the ship was underwater before it could be properly evacuated and i was drunk in the captain's quarters with a switchblade to his throat he missed a spot when he was shaving that morning and i offered my services
a spot on the canvas of my mitochondrial conditioning my dendrites receive no stimulation as i laugh so i feel nothing as usual
crack my clenched teeth in a practice of proper response eliciting reinsert the breathing tube and rip the catheter out of me no
i bit through my fingers i ate my fingers down to the knuckles bone has a rough texture and my teeth cannot break through to plentiful marrow
i clenched the exposed knuckles and made a fist in an attempt to vaguely hit who i thought was bound to be there but no one was there so i spat blood as i hit myself in the face for an hour
sometimes horses can be used for therapy and sometimes they cannot be utilized if they break their legs