i am an orphan until my organs function and my heart beats and my hands move correctly i am surely made of glass, and through no fault or choosing of my own have been abandoned by my own flesh and crumbling bones
i am a surrogate for someone else i was never here
i ripped out all my stitches and i bled on your doorstep i wanted to prove to you that i have never been coward that i am nothing less than what everyone expected that i can live up to embellished standards that i don't need fixing that i don't cry in my sleep that i don't look over my shoulder at least three times before i smoke a cigarette that i am not becoming a creature of habit more and more every ******* day that i wish i had no mirrors around here
note from the author: i have always loathed myself i can't stand who i am anymore i am tired of changing but i need to i am tired of hospitals and neutral colors and pills and names that i'll forget i am tired of pretending to be a ******* and not even living up to that
you know i'm sorry and you know i will be for a long ******* time
i hope you know who you are because i've been losing a lot of faith in myself lately but i hope you know i wrote this to make myself feel better because no one's hearing me
two steps forward and seventy five back a dry heave with each meal
i cannot feel my heart anymore as it balloons in my throat i cannot feel my stomach anymore as the knots bend there way out of my skin and explode on the floor for you and only for you
you have created all that you wanted to let go you have created all that you never wanted to be there you have created me
the sun rose on the wrong side today i stared into it until i went blind the crows came to visit me again at the hospital and they didn't make me feel any better
today i came to and realized i'd thrown it all away
the tragedy of restlessness nightmares as fast as experience can be filtered properly the problem of unrest is that it causes one to see things that they might not want to
paranoia induced by hypnosis state of eternal and improper sleep