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Jae Elle Aug 2022
little to no progress
has been made
& she’s craving all the things
she isn’t supposed to

like a quart of rosato
& a bottle of

she does not bless this mess
& her only resolution
is to **** it up
even more

what happened to
summer camp
& only caring about
jesus and
three lane super

she stole the last drop
of raspberry
& it stung her throat
turned her lips to flames

it was still so sweet

how can there be such an
air of serenity in
this place
when in her heart there
is nothing but

only three pills to last
the weekend
& she doesn’t want
any of them

but they’re the only
for life at this

she is low

a dangerous, dangerous
kind of low
written approx 2007/2008
Jae Elle Mar 2012
take it by the blood
take it through the teeth
take it under chaos
under magic

you shine the brightest
when no one's watching

except for me
hidden in the trees

I gave myself away
one day
singing about your

you were angry for
a little while
but you laughed again
that night

empty pill bottles
broken bones
I'd found you on the

"where are you love?
where are you love?"

still ain't got a clue
who you were looking for
Jae Elle Oct 2012
a fool of a man
threatens me with his own life
demanding I yield
Jae Elle May 2022
I could make up some aesthetic intro
about how the rain is falling
& how the air tastes
but they’ve read it all at least
a thousand times,
at least.

it’s “spring” in Kansas and it’s rainy
& cold as **** for May
not much poetic about it unless
you’re like Shirley Manson
I guess
storms used to terrify me but
now I adore them;
transient and full of intensity
& beautifully


I haven’t really tried to write in so long
I had to force myself to pry open
the dusty laptop --
only because I knew I’d be too impatient
putting thoughts with pen
onto paper

I get why Buk relied on his typewriter
I just wish I had his mental fortitude to write
through complete writer’s block
at the edge of my
wit’s end

the world has not improved, as we kind of
all suspected
the supreme court is dipping their toes
into overturning roe. vs. wade

& all in the midst of the worst inflation
I’ve ever seen
(and a formula shortage)
it’s all a stage and we’ve all been
the puppets for years

but the fourth wall is coming down,
albeit slowly.

I wonder what he would have had to say about it.

enough, I’m sure.
Jae Elle Apr 2012
one night I remember
laying on my balcony
staring at the stars

I was very sad
I usually am in retrospect

I had spent a whole day
maybe a few days
feeling like I felt absolutely
& let me tell you
I wouldn't wish that on
but after that letter
there was just nothing left
to feel for a little while
you know?

maybe you don't
hell, I don't even know
if I know
that was years ago
& I have a ****** long-term

but I remember I kept that
letter for a couple years
got ****** and tore
it up one day
after I had stopped looking
at it for a good while
there are some things you just
don't need to see for a

you can never get
too lost
if you don't have anywhere
left to go

anyway, I'm losing track
what I was going to talk about
was how ******* cold it was
the night I was laying on
my balcony
it was mid-September
& there was this light chill
to the air that was just enough to
shake your bones
& I laid there and I was
but the stars were so
& I was angry with myself
for not enjoying them
& loving the life
that was graced unto me

whenever I get there
cold cold balcony crying
I light a candle
& think of home
think of you
think of all the love
you got
that you're too coy
to share

whenever I get there
at least I know
I got you
Jae Elle Jan 2012
the modern-day gypsy
has an ache
that can only be settled through
the open road

a few days with her
the all-American lifeline
of peace
& cheap bourbon
should cure her ailments
even if the small
country town
has little else to offer
friends, drinks, and
from technology

be back soon
with a fuller head
& happier things to write about

Jae Elle Apr 2012
8:22 am

the invitation she feared came
in the mail yesterday
she knows now
he only sent it to try
& change her

You are cordially invited to attend
the marriage of--

but she'll never tell him

"Its there if you change your mind."

she didn't bother
'cause around 6:30
that slip of paper
was on fire, dwindling to
on her balcony
carefully perched upon
her favorite bottle of wine

she'll send the RSVP back with
"will not attend"
old thing I wrote when I was 17.
Jae Elle Jan 2012
I was not born for the
cold-weather days.

My arch-nemesis is
the old man winter himself
& his pale clouds
Of silent bitter reckoning

We fight with
wind and heartache
& we're always too tired
to carry on
so we become still
& try to understand one

you'd think we were in love
but I was not born for him

& he doesn't love back.
Jae Elle Apr 2012
maybe its just me

maybe I'm crazy
& mildly dyslexic

but I swear when I go to
read my favorites

I always think the
the top of the page says
"Least favorite activity"
instead of what it actually says
this has been a hello poetry musings poem
Jae Elle Aug 2022
yeah, I lived in a

there weren’t as many
stars as I would
have liked to

but the parties
were great
& you could leave
whenever you

I think I stayed because
no one really
saw me

I left once I got
tired of
solving puzzles in
the dark
written January 17, 2009
Jae Elle Feb 2012
constrained and
he caught me in
a flame
of golden, righteous

he paid me
twenty bucks
& I read his palms
like a sad, sad
while I sipped on
my wine

I could see his mouth
ever so clearly
with its own longing
to read my own
in the contours of my

so I told him he was
going to die
& he still returned
the next week

when I told him he'd be hit
by a truck
he only laughed
& left me blue roses

the week after that
I had a cold
& refused to read
so he bought me a
& read the back of my
& I was tired enough
to let him

he was prettier
than a summer storm

a FedEx truck ran over him
the next day

I held his roses until
my hands bled
& no one could ever
read me again
Jae Elle Jun 2022
been another while;
suppose it was about time
I came back to the inevitable
keyboard turnstile

to the blank space that awaits
the usually worthless
words tumbling out
of this head

& ray liotta is dead

spent a week with my oregon lover
sans one kidney these days
happiest we’ve been
in months;
but the stride back to
reality we must

we both lost our jobs
& an *****,
we’ve scars to prove
the fact

but he lucked out with no
utilities, no rent
& I’m left with those and
three stressed out

& the kids are leaving the
upstairs flat

it’s hard to have hope in this
capitalist world
where the gas prices soar
& the billionaires hoard

it's hard to see a good future
when I’m
an unstable *** bore

the love and the storms
are what keep me
when all else seems
so tremendously bleak

& I pray lady luck lends
down her warm

to give us the life that we
desperately seek

but ****, was it a good *******
Jae Elle Jun 2012
when I was not
in solitude
I was out setting fires
to any little
that would burn

there was nothing much
to do
in that town

I drank alone quite often
in my last year of
high school
'cause sometimes the
taste of it was
than the words you
would leave me

I felt cursed

like you came back
for the sole purpose of
punishing me
for finally forgetting about you
when you had been gone
two years

so I figured
& I took my ticket to
the blissful cleansing
of my memory

but life brought me
back home
three years later
& decided to give you
a job at the same store I go to
every week

my gypsy blood is becoming
adamant that this was
in the stars
but we are still so
far apart
from the days we
drank on the midnight streets
& talked about how lovely
music can be

but you are just
so far
from me
& when you're around
its the only thing
I'm imagining
Jae Elle May 2012
some days I want to
go home
some days I can't define
such a place
some days I wish to
call my mother
tell her how I was mistreated
this time
have her beg me to
come home

but her home is not mine
not anymore
not a safe haven for
me and my boy
too much trash and cigarettes and drinking
& I'm through depending
on others

yet the day in
day out
from the mouth of
the man that
I kiss
is stripping me
of sanity
& I have to lock the
liquor cabinet
to keep from going under


breathe again

it will all be
Jae Elle Mar 2012
gold and gold
& glistening
prescription fire
for the blistering brain
to ashes
to dust
to fog he smiles behind
when I am asleep

leave this city

my dream-catchers stopped
& the sandman laughs at my
so-called nightmares
then steals my
& puts me in a horrid

I am desperate for dance
I am fearful of chance
Jae Elle Feb 2012
just gonna have me


good old fashioned

heart attack
Jae Elle Mar 2013
its probably about time
I wrote in this ****** thing
or bothered to write
at all

I had an eyelash on my fingertip
& no clue what to wish

you are fast asleep in the
& you told me I hadn't
had much time for
so I poured a margarita
& listened to you

my house is clean
but I fear I'm no
longer a
dream machine
instead dancing on the pinpoint
of stability

where did my soul go
if I've had
we're both in the know
& we're both on the

is it all in the crook
of your bones
or used up to keep
from being

when was the last time
I ever did spend on
my own?

mismatched jigsaw
& burdens to

I must be better
without being bitter
I must be better
without being bitter

I must be better
without being bitter.
Jae Elle Dec 2011
& here's the glorious part
the part that no one remembers
the bits and beautiful
of our lives so subtly
Forgotten in time
like the day you told her
she’d be the one
if it weren’t for everything
she would be a second
heaven to you
but the first is always
the best
& you will live that as
long as you **** well
need and please to
while you drop
into the heart of the
second without so much as
another glance
& your smile burns holes
into her conscience
forever teeming
with those all too reluctant
and i’m sorries
and she deserves so much more
than her petty
bewildered ******* daydreams
of all that she never had
but ******* well should have
as a new day goes by
& you still have no idea
what the ****
I’m talking about.
Jae Elle Feb 2012
one can never be
too careful
in open recollections of
what they see when
they are sleeping

we sat in one of the
middle pews
in a church I attended
as a child
you held my hand
& kissed my hair

then we were on
my couch
while my fingers traced
the back of your neck
& so forgiving

real or not real?

could have sworn you looked

but they say everyone in
your dreams
is only a reflection of

which is very clear
to me
when I wake up and you're
not around

it makes me feel
& weird with want
a criminal
laden with a seven year

& the days spent
are anxious and very

they really ought to
medicate me
too much truth for my
tongue to be telling
maybe soon I'll start calling
you by your
Jae Elle Aug 2022
they got her dreams upstairs
in time
for an honest redecoration

& she never felt
just how lonely the
day would be
until she saw the

now she’s filling
& taking names
for granted in her brutal
anticipation for

on a cool summer’s

they all saw this coming,
but the dosage was

so they burn and they burn
while she sails
& fails once more to

to a cool summer’s
found in an old journal, written in October 2008
Jae Elle Jul 2012
she took you for
on the edge of the

said you'd never
want her
'cause that's not how
a friend would

& the silence
through the cool
night in late

I just wish you could have
seen her

how many sighs have
made their
farewell descent
past her blushed
& bothered

to protect the impression
you've kept her
plot twist:
we carve our initials into each other's rib cages
& watch strange movies
for eternity
Jae Elle Apr 2012
o' come and quell
the quiet storm
the aching in my veins

we're nothing short of
astronomy in this stellar space
& the more you give in
the sweeter you taste

blueberry smoothie
my bare legs soaking sunlight
& I wish for the power
of invisibility and the tender art of

you creep up on me
like midnight mist
& the confidence you give
echoes in the distance

I only run in fright
I only run in the night
Jae Elle Apr 2012
I put my hair up today
some things just have to change
whether I want them to or not

he blamed me for the belt again
shouting 'cause he lost it two days ago
& the only fault for its disappearance must be my own
the crazy thing is
I almost believe him
the feeling of guilt rising through my throat
an almost apology
but I choked and celebrated silently
when he finally left

just kidding
I closed the door
shouted "good ******* riddance"
made a cup of coffee
& put my hair up

some things just have to change
but I fear it
Jae Elle Jan 2012
just go and
snort some of those
bright white lines
off your iPhone
****** *****
& leave me to my own devices.

I broke the ******
laptop after
Jae Elle Oct 2012
she left the pen on the shelf
for the last few days
afraid of her own mistempered tongue
& the way she felt so alone
in a crowded

to dive in
with nostalgic hope
is to die
in heavy-laden glances
from the stage
& realize that this is all
you will ever have

& it is hell
as it may always be

but you must let those eyes
gaze upon you

until you realize
you must walk away
with heightened

'cause honey you were never
good enough
to stand up there
in the laughter
& the groovy depth

never good enough
to sing along

& you really ****
at the two-step
Jae Elle Feb 2012
I stood in the door way as he put his coat on
he said
"let's go. I don't know what you're waiting on."

our son was babbling
so I playfully babbled with him
"don't repeat him. he knows how to say 'ah.' teach him real words."

he pulled the car in front of the store
I thought he was waiting for someone to cross the road
"GO. what are you ******* sitting there for?"

he drove past the turn
I remained silent
"thanks for reminding me to ******* turn there so we could go to the office"

I get back in the car with the slip
that says I owe 32 hours of community service
or we lose our tenancy
"I don't even know why you stopped going. all you do is sit around and do ******* nothing all day, instead of looking for a real job."

days like this are offering a lot less
than glitter and gold

I should have something brave
and hopeful to respond with

but I don't

this isn't a poem
this is the truth
but I won't do much else with it
than write about it
'cause the talking don't help
& it usually leaves me a
lot worse off


how was your day, honey?
Jae Elle Mar 2012
there are completely irrelevant
things in our lives
that we will remember until
the day we meet our

his eyes blue
as a clear sky that you
never notice all day long
until you finally
look up

& you can't look away

there's just nothing else there
but blue

& the way that he's looking
at you
Jae Elle Aug 2015
waiting for diphenhydramine
to kick in
has left me a special place
in hell tonight
all that plays on syndicated
is you telling me you've always
been this way
& I've only known "you"

you are a liar

but I already knew
the lump in my throat
& burst into tiny
gasps for air and tears
as I realized we may never
be as we were --
a pair of lovers
infatuated by the graces of
each other's hands
& whispers

I felt a mighty urge to open
the heart box
(where I keep your letters)
& couldn't
if I did I might believe
that all of it is
all of it for
I know that isn't
I know of your love
& I know it is
the brief lapses in clarity
when you touch my legs
or play with my hair
or use your little sing-song voice
when you talk

"wherever is your heart
I call home?"
has the world eaten it
& made you long to be

"oh, god forgive my
when I miss
Jae Elle Aug 2022
the sky was red
with your

when you thought
it wouldn’t

the night made it
seem snowy
if you tilted your
sight at
the proper angle

the train down the
moved so hauntingly
between the

& I couldn’t find
your soul this
written November 11, 2008
discovered after about two hours of digging through old facebook notes. I actually have modeled a few poems after this one.
Jae Elle Oct 2020
if you watch closely;
it all simmers deep into
the knife
& the chalice
you can only compel
the limbs that still long
to be held
without consequence
of malice

& oh, how it still simmers
in you, baby.

we lay our weapons
down as our
kisses melt to frowns
to wonder if we just might
need them, maybe

can we control that path?
can we trim up all
the edges
to avoid the ****** bath?

you plot your grave
far from my skin
& my armor is too small
for a heart so
flushed with sin

when will we raise the
shield again?
for yet, my love...

I cannot let you
Jae Elle Oct 2012
let us sink into the
of the holy unknown shaking
that is a cold hard kiss
to the neck

a shivering dream

what fervor!
she casts her breath out
in a panicked

pure ecstasy
with a bold-pressed silent stare
that echoes

Jae Elle Feb 2012
"yes, I'll have one
on the rocks

pretty please."
Jae Elle Apr 2012
she'd been in ballet
since the age of three
a queen of the castle
she'd have you

her eyes were cold
& grey
hair as dark as
the shadows under it
but her voice was soft
& sweet as honey
so I never believed the things
she would whisper
in her sinister

her parents were murdered
when she was ten
she spent the rest of her days
fighting crime
as a suited-up *******
with a multi-million dollar arsenal
of weapons designed to bring
the evil of Gotham
to justice

no, I'm kidding
but her parents really were

she's always been this way
before that
always so serious
she couldn't stand it when I
grew my hair out
so she chopped hers off

we both knew who
was stronger
who was braver
I'd seen her in many a fight
& she never lost
I feared her

but there was something within me
that she feared too
& she swore to sever it
with any might she had
like I was her only weakness
skin and exposed bone
we were

she was everything I wanted to be

& me
my imaginary friend and I are like oil and water
Jae Elle Feb 2012
stay away from the computer
clean the apartment
remove toddler from dangerous objects
stay away from the computer
clean the apartment
**** myself
clean the apartment
stay away from the computer
remove toddler from dangerous objects
look for a job
before my husband throws me out
clean the apartment

Jae Elle Feb 2012
oh, sink me underneath
your tired bones
& I'll rest until my wings
grow back
for I fear I'll never
fly in
these desert days
where the sun is higher
than I am
for what seems like
an eternity
& the moon is my
long-lost lover

honey, what
I want you to understand
is that I would sail
a billion stormy
death-laden waves
to get to where you sleep
at night
& for that kind of
I **** well deserve
the desert days
but I'll gladly take them

there's only so much land
before you reach the
Jae Elle Jul 2019
it's mad season
& we cling to the
but who taught
this girl
to fight fire
with folly?

she's painting the
she can't stand the
she won't be held
she's unhinged, she's

we seek shelter
from storms
she stands calmly
within them
the thunder her
& the lightning her

we should have
known better
than to leave her to
but how do you
a girl with no

one day I asked her
"of what is your

she whispered
"my darling, it's all in
the rain."
Jae Elle Jan 2012
I want you to
To me only on
Rainy days
While my bones are
Weary without

Today I shall
Call you my
& you will
Sleep underneath
My wings

You always had your
Right to know,
But they'll steal your
Right to
& your heart has
No place
Tacked to the

You hid the poetry potion
Too far beyond the
& she still caught you
In the glow of
& all the beautiful
Never made sense
To us.
January 22, 2009.
Jae Elle Aug 2012
he'd left her lips
pulsing red
at the very thought of him
sharing his

all was left unsaid
she took her pills
& sought solace in her

there is nothing in the
more difficult to wake
than the dead
aside from
the ghost in her
& the sorrow she

nothing more to dread

but the road she has not yet
the courage to
Jae Elle Nov 2023
these days I
find myself trying
to remember
how to


with an air of
almost seeming like
it was my

but sleep supersedes
& when neglected
can impede

one's ability to

so how did you
find me in
that deep, hollow

was it the left
second star?

was it the glow of my
smoldering cigar?

or was it the signal flare
I lit on top of that cop's car?

sometimes it takes the
smallest flames
to see

your fire is never as far
as it seems
to be

so on the second star
we'll meet;  
pass the cigar to
the beat
of all the squad cars
burning in the

& maybe just maybe
one day we can
live inside of our own

Jae Elle Oct 2012
she’ll conserve your leverage
if you invade her

you aren’t bargaining
for devotion
& she isn’t waiting for moths
to eat away at her coat

shouldn't you have
that we’re in a ******
this time around
where beautiful grapes
are never ripe
& she isn't infinite
enough for your
& sense of divine

compassionate knight,
haven’t you known
to stumble so often
until now
when she has finally freed
you of your
combat burns
& cherished wounds?

call her intuitive, but
she caught you
long ago
through a forest clearing
with a box of
& too many dreams

you told yourselves you
were too much
again from the vault of 2009
Jae Elle Apr 2012
if you stay in the
you can see her
beating heart
a siren
emerging from
imaginary depths

dirt on
your skin
she creeps right in
a weightless delicacy
midnight hair
starry-eyed goddess

breath on your neck like
a soft prayer

the smell of lilies

screaming in the distance

"all you dream of"

"at the bottom of the sea"

her hand on your chest
the way she sang so sweetly
into your shirt

you dive in a little deeper
& sleep with her
once more
Jae Elle May 2012
the summer disperses into
the asphalt
you disperse into my
& I cannot carry on

the sky was raw with
your pain
a pale blue and silent
just before the dawn

the wind will shift in
your favor
& I'll waver in my
to say you're wrong

the full moon seen in
the daylight
are all the words I ever
to tell you of my song
Jae Elle Aug 2020
gonna be a long night.
I'm going to enjoy it, too.
I want the sweet to soar above the bitter.
I want to spread love
& leave the lingering taste of it
on everyone's breath

another chapter ends
& it's my choice not
to end it in minor

because honey, you
meant a lot
to me

& I love that you always
seem to go right where you
need to be

so go
& I'll hold onto
what lingers
when you leave

but you can still remember me
in lo-fi beats
& pale blue dreams.
Jae Elle Mar 2012
oh miss lovely lady

wasted before the clock

strikes one
Jae Elle Oct 2012
the whole self-help scenario has never worked
well for me

I spent my days in
& out
of conscientiousness

forever fueled by what my heart
hungers for

& nothing on the table
is worth a

my glass is not filled
with enough
to ripen my anxious

my bed is a battlefield
of lost sleep
raised voices
& blurry dreams

I could dig myself to the
other side of the

& never feel any more
Jae Elle May 2012
the morning wake-up call
from a horrifying dream sequence
the kind where you slowly sit up in silence
& stare at the wall
too shocked to make a sound

the nightmare was in itself normal
everyone was kind to me
but it felt untrue
they all had daggers hidden
deep in their palms
ready to strike at my slightest

I made my coffee and dove
into the online world
where he found me as a green dot
on the screen
sought me out and mentioned
that fate had once again not been
our mutual friend
& he had walked in my mother's
door just as I had left
the other day

the tears welled up
casting colorlessly behind my hair
I knew it too
I saw his car hiding in the back
but I kept on driving
I had to go

I had to go

now my hands are shaking
another outcome of
too much java
& not enough sustenance
he kept asking what was wrong
what was wrong
its all wrong, honey
& I'm two short tiptoes from
driving into
an open field
clutching unharvested crops
& screaming until my
lungs give

I should have stayed
Jae Elle Mar 2017
her breath
was lost in the
of woodwork
that housed
the contents of
her previous

every beat was
a gasp for
the air she so solemnly

a taste of its
pressure before all
that broke

well, the ****** thing
was locked shut
in a former haze of

& she'd taken full
of lush-ridden amnesia
to summon the

cirrhosis sounded like
a fantasy ride
to a resurrection of
the past year

& she can't open
the safe
she cannot open
what was

but she's grown enough
to cling onto
like it's her last

& she doesn't even
"cryin' won't help you
prayin' won't do you no good
when the levee breaks..."
Jae Elle Aug 2012
everything turned to nothing
summer simmered down
blood boiled up

I can scream into my pillow
the whole world will still listen
& pretend not to hear

I've become everything that
I feared


I built a house of hate
drop of a hat

coffee doesn't sharpen
& liquor left me little

lost hope for the one who
knew better

but never
Jae Elle Jan 2012
give up the
the warmth in your toes
is hard to filter through
& years
of the wrong dose
in this glass
that's ever too close
to **empty
Jae Elle Mar 2012
she sits in a booth
far back in some corner

panther in the grass

it wouldn't matter
he could smell her perfume
from 40 miles away

& you don't forget her scent and
the way her hair looked like
black sails in the
western wind
soaked within the pale moonlight
of your last days
as a
human being

so how do you really decipher
who hunts who?
a riddle is a riddle is a
tirade of unanswered questions
that they never dare
to ask

always watching, always wanting
the ****
& the thrill of it

so why does she walk blindly
into the den of wolves
full of loud music and heavy tension
& far, far too much whiskey
knowing full well
this night may be one of her

she didn't seem to mind
when I asked

she smiled from her hospital bed

"oh, honey, he was well worth
the fight."
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