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 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Be careful, child
My heart is cracking porcelain
Be gentle little girl
You're playing with the fire again

I said please, honey
Try to take it easy on me
I forgot what love was like
A left and right
Your house at the end of the road

Such a beautiful house you have, honey
Did you paint it on your own?
You have a pretty garden
Are those tulips in the yard?

It's beautiful the way the sun comes in
Through the windows
It's so great in here
I'm so happy to be here
Let's hold hands -
Oh I'm sorry
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
K Balachandran
she was part inky night,
part,  enticing ethereal light;
wanted to dedicate her a song,
but she vanished too soon.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Rock Road
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
At 5 a.m time stopped moving
Hands came and pushed down my door
They dragged me out of bed
It felt automatic
Everything moving
And I'm only half-awake
It's strange how hands and guns and winter
Can take you by surprise
And when the wind starts blowing
Like a dying hound moaning
You feel hands upon your neck
All the friends I have
And all the family
But I only ever think of you
When I'm half-awake
And people start pulling
My body off the bed
Only thinking of you
Face down in the grass and dew
Handcuffs around my wrist
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
BB Nothing
It shouldn't hurt
It shouldn't burn
But it does.
I shouldn't be mad
I shouldn't be depressed
But I am.
You shouldn't speak
You shouldn't influence
But you do.
Love shouldn't survive
Love shouldn't capture
But love does.
My mind shouldn't justify
My heart shouldn't hope
But they do.
So where does that leave... us?
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
BB Nothing
I can't say I love the world or that I've made it any better
But believe me when I say I try with every letter
I do what I do not only for myself
The care I have for you in my heart has no stealth
It's no good inside, so whether you like me,
I'm just trying to provide for you.
Appreciation can be a motivation
When I try to handle all the satisfaction
I get from within,
So stop trying to win
Just join the revolution
Rebel the evolution
And embrace this universe in **peace
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Erin Melody
i see my house
when the floors were covered with old wood
and plastic
and our dog was black
and our counter tops weren't finished

we loved to dance in the kitchen
she would come in from a cigarette
and i'd surprise her with her favorite song

and we'd dance

it would go past my bedtime
and i would look up at her for a second with worry

but she just kept on dancing

god only knows what kind of clear liquid was hiding
behind the cabinets or in the bathroom
but that was the beauty of the neivity of childhood
i always just thought she was happy to be with me
happy to be free
just dancing in the kitchen
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Erin Melody
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Erin Melody
you draw me in just like you always do
and my skin begins to buzz
daylight shines and reflects in your pale eyes
your frailty hides behind the snarl in your lips
and i've never seen you so focused
as you watch the smoke slide away from its chimney home
as you watch my skin slide between your fingers
i breathe you in as much as i can hold
only you can give my body this freedom
you bury your face in my hair
and you slide your fingers across my chin and towards my throat and
softly, like a leaf cutting ripples through placid water,
they create a path in my skin
i'm silently begging you to stay here in this bright room
as you bring me back to those nights we'd lay together
awake in the flickering blaze of the television
lost in each others' skin
thank you for cradling me in your long arms one last time
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Erin Melody
i think of you, and my memories begin to wrap around me
each breath gives me less air as the python of my anxiety squeezes the life out of me
you toy with my heart
you see these emotions that decorate my sleeves
yet when you speak, your words are cold and swift
as if your eyes have been tightly shut
any kind of tears i could produce would be lost to the ground before you could begin to care
and you let me go on burning
you let me go on, stifled
you go home to your girl
and i'm left reading your words over and over,
pleading with them
begging them to change
i'm left begging you to open your eyes
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Ginger Gray
I awaken
On your shoulder
Lost to the meaning of this
Who am I
To you
Who is that
Your skin
On the rough
Angles of my face
I have missed this
More than what you
More than what you
Will ever know about
You are a righty
But then again
So am I
A singer
A musician
An artist
A dramatic being
So many likenesses
But it is far too hard...
For both of us
So many flaws
So many issues
Ropes between us
Chains on my ankles
A knife in my gut
Your hand
Soft on mine
A beacon in the darkness
A comfort
Another question to ponder
Another problem to solve
I love you
I do...
So much baby.
But why the **** did you bring me back?
Wonderful title thought up by Glenn McCrary.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
JA Doetsch
We will walk through the Cherry blossoms
in Japan, hand in hand, meandering through
the falling petals.  Our winding path
will weave through the countryside  with
no goal in sight.  We will stop in front of a
particularly beautiful tree, whose branches
are just beginning to look naked.

I will look at you, brush a stray blossom
from your hair...and whisper

               .                                                                ­                   
                   .                                                                ­                
                     .   .                                                                ­            
                               .                                                                ­          
                                     .                                                                ­        
                             We trek the Arctic circle and witness
                             the absolute beauty of the Aurora Borealis.                       
                             We're be bundled tightly in our parkas,                                     
                    ­         but we are still be able to feel eachother's                                   
                  ­           warmth.  We laugh as we throw snowballs.
                             We lie in the snow and make angels.                                          
               ­              Well...they'll start out as angels, but in the                                 
                            ­ end, they'll just look like snow that two people                          
                             have just rolled around in.                                                  
           ­                                                                 ­                      
                                              We can't help it.  As we embrace,                             
                           ­                   I whisper
­                                                         .                                          
                     ­                                     .                           ­             
                                                          .     ­                                   
                     ­                                   .                             ­             
                   ­                              .                                                  
             ­                              .                                                        
       ­                                                                 ­                          
         We stroll the beaches of Hawaii, refreshing ocean                                    
         breezes cool us.  I picked you a flower,
         which you now wear in your hair.  Your cinnamon                               
         brown skin offsets your beautiful white smile.                                       
         We run through the breaking waves, our feet                                                
         leaving ephemeral indentations that are as                                             
         fleeting as our cares.  We fall over into                                                     
       ­  the surf and let the ocean wash over us.                                                     
        ­                                                                 ­                         
              I kiss your nose and tell you                                                          
   ­                   Aloha wau ia oi                                                               ­             
                              .                    ­                                                
                ­                  .                                      In China, we race eachother along   
                                     .                               .   the Great Wall to see who can get 
                                        .                   ­        .    to the end first.  We both end up   
                                           .                     .       dragging eachother across the         
                                             .               .           finish line...which happens to be      
                                                 .   .   .               a few hundred feet away.          
                                                 ­                        The locals shake their                
                                           ­                              heads disaprovingly, as we stifle      
                                                    ­                     a giggle.  I lean in and remind you  
                         ­                                                   Wo ai ni..                    
                                                             .  .                      .            
                         ­                                 .       .                     .          
                                                       .            .                   .          
                                                     .               .                 .            
                                                   .                  .   .   .   .  .            
               ­                In Soviet Russia, girl kiss you                                              
               ­                and I gladly let her, for she                                               
              ­                 and I have had one too many shots                                 
                          ­     of *****.  Our faces are rosy and                                       
                      ­         we lean into each other as our feet                                     
                       ­        make hard noises on the cobblestone                                       
              ­                 streets.  Saint Basil's Cathedral                                          
             ­                  looms over us, as our lips dance                                           
                ­               a familiar dance.                                                           ­       
                              ­            Ya tebya liubliu                                                        
 ­                                                .                                                
            .  .  .  .                          .               ­                                   
         .             .                      .                                         ­           
       .                .                   .                                                      
      .                    .  .  .  .  .  .                                                 ­       
    .                                                           ­                                   
We gaze at the Taj Mahal, a building                                                         ­   
built for a man's true love. I would                                                            ­      
build you a city.  we take in the                                                              ­          
mighty majesty of Everest.  I tell                                                             ­                
you I'd climb it for you.  You tell                                                             ­              
me to stop being silly, and say
you'd get bored waiting for me.
I give you a back rub instead.                                            

  Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae 
                                                            ­             We travel the dutch  countryside
                                              ­                            and kick off our wooden shoes to
                   .                                          ­            watch the tulips blooming.
                       .                                            .     I dedicate an entire field to you.
                          .                                 ­    .         You blush.
                              .                           ­   .         we fall asleep in front of a windmill,
                                 .     .                  .          watching the shapes of the clouds pass
                                         .      .      .             over us. I whisper in your ear
                                                             ­                                                                 ­      
                                                                ­       Ik hou van jou
                                                             ­             .                        
                                                                ­         .                          
                                     ­                                  .                            
                                   ­                                  .                              
                                 ­                                  .                                
                               ­                                  .                                  
                             ­            .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                                           ­ 
    France has never been as beautiful as                                                               ­   
    it is now that you're here.  We skirt                                                            ­         
    the cities and explore the countryside,                                                     ­           
    Endless fields and clear skies bring                                                            ­     
    out our inner children, and spend the day
    romping and rolling until our clothes                                                          ­  
    are stained and our muscles ache.  I                                                         ­             
    lay beside you, panting.  In between                                                          ­       
    breaths, I manage to impart                                                           ­                
    ­                                                                 ­                                       
               Je t'aime                                                           ­                                 
                   .                                                                ­                        
                    .                                           ­                                             
                   ­   .                                                             ­                         
                        .              ­                                                                 ­     
                          .  .  .    .    .       .          .                                                    
                    ­                                            We explore Roman ruins and concoct      
                                                   ­             our own love story had we been born      
                                                      ­          in the Ancient city.  I would have        
                                                    ­            been a mighty General, who saved      
                                                     ­           you from a terrible dicator.  You            
                                       ­                         tell me to stop quoting Gladiator.       
                                               ­                 We share a kiss under the shadow           
                                               ­                 of the colleseum.  I brush your         
                                                   ­             hair from your face...                       
                                  ­                                                                 ­       
                                                         ­                  Ti Amo                              
                                                                ­               .                          
                      ­                                                        .        ­                    
  ­                                                                 ­        .                              
                      ­                                                                 ­                   
                                             ­                           .                                  
  ­                                                                 ­                                       
                         ­                                                                 ­                
                                                ­                    .                                      
     ­                                                                 ­                                    
                            ­                           You smile and reply                                   
                        ­                                                                 ­                 
                                               ­             I love you, too
Feeling hopelessly romantic today.
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