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 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Max Tomasi
The rolling thunder booms
Far off like a metronome it keeps beat for the distant birds to sing
For they know what looms in the distance
They sing to let go of others' fears
As the notes drift into the sky each hook picks up the burdens of others
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Grain Alcohol
Thick in
My rotting belly
I pass through the door
Leaving it wide and abandoned
I trudged to the middle of the yard
Cold dew and grass at my feet
A majestic cloud
Now fallen
White fog
No light is mentioning his existence
I sit on God's floor
Still dark
Writting this poem on my skin
Ball point pen
And there like a leap
The first ray of a sweet
Orange sun
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Charon's Obol
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Down on my luck
My body is empty
A shell of only emotion
And thought
Shaking like a scared dog-
The most damning evidence comes when I stand
Do my legs fold under me?
Or does the earth no longer find me relevant
No longer fruitful
No longer worthy to walk on her face
Cool air
Gives my inhale something to talk about
As I fall back to the dew
"Earth, if you have (ever) loved me; cradle (now)
My broken body in your arms."
"Just a drop of water fallen from a leaf
Could quench my thirst"
To ashes I must return
I am dust and gravel
Sift me between your fingers
Know me
Be my disciple
Speaking my thoughts to all who will listen
And one (night)
When your heart skips
You will know it is time
The ache on the wind
No longer possible to ignore
Go out to the darkest corner of the forest
And lie among the twigs and leaves
I am there with you as you become radiance
I am there whistling your favorite song
Giving you peace
Giving you (spring and her color)
Deer live their lives around us
Acting as sentinels of (morning)
Earthworms cursed with blindness
Burrow beneath us
Hungry little fingers growing in color
As the horizon tips us
Into the glow of our star
Quietly now, darling
You (are) a stranger in this life
But you will haunt all you have touched
The smell of your skin
Is upon your letters
And your dresses still) hold your beauty
Your shoes still worn through
You will not be forgotten
So rest now
I wipe your parched lips with a cloth
Dipped in the cold waters of the river
I smooth the wrinkles in your shirt
And fold your fingers above your chest
Placing between your warm palms
A smooth shell
I plucked from the sea
(Long ago)
When you were but a child
And I was (summer)
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Pablo Neruda
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Jon Tobias
I had never seen the truth turning into a graveyard
until it passed through my tombstone teeth to
sit in your ear like a ghost

These aren't sweet nothings
my sweet nothing

And you deserve much more than  the devil
living inside of my cheeks

This is the way truth sets us free

The same way a suckerpunch leaves us winded

I imagine that is how our souls leave us

But you try and explain that to a nurse
who is busy checking your mouth to be sure
you've taken all your medication

You know how you're supposed to live like you are going to die tomorrow
I say
How 'bout six months from tomorrow?

I really have tried everythin
including ******* down the backwash of a sunday baptism

It only tasted like fear

The kind of fear I don't need right now

We bought a casket

Plotted a plot

I got a tattoo of an expiration date on the bottom of my foot

No day or month
just this year

And you've been brave
You are saving your tears for when I am not here anymore

And I honestly never saw how the truth could turn into a graveyard

Til we both started talking to each other

Like ghosts whispering all the things we never got to say in life

No matter how you look at it
I tell her
*The truth always feels like it's arrived too late
Thank you so much g for that amazing first line. I hope you approve of what I turned it into.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Ginger Gray
Licking around the columns
Into the windows.
Acid rain
Splattering my decently ancient notebook
Tears on a dark day.
Crumpling into a heap gracefully on the floor
Embellished with sunshine.
Search lights
Shining into my open window
I know they're looking for you.
A voice
In the dark
Your voice, how I've missed it.
They won't miss us.
They won't blink an eye.
Won't shed a tear for our disappearance.
I kiss you one last time.
Let the flames engulf my fragile frame.
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
Let Go
 Feb 2012 Jae Elle
I once held the sea
But I loved her so
I let her go
Every drop of her I released
All the hidden treasures
Lost in her belly

I once held all the birds
Because they were my friends
Singing stories to me
About long forgotten lands
But the only good bird
Is one not captured
So their cages I opened
They whistled their thanks

I once held the sun
For she only could keep me warm
But the moon was jealous
So I let her run

I once loved you
More than I ever loved myself
I would die for you
I lived for you
Everything your name
But when the winter bit your heart
You forgot my name
So I gave you all I had
My heart
My soul
My song
And you walked down Virginia Street
Hand in hand with him

Last night I drempt of longing
The taste upon my tongue
The voice of birds came softly back
The warmth of yellow sun
The sea came rushing back to me
Bathing me in love
But I waited and I waited
For I needed you the most
But you would never come back to me
The owner of my heart
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