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 Dec 2022 Jeremie
Fresh Air
 Dec 2022 Jeremie
Can I ask you
To filter air gently
Through your lungs
Before you release it
Into my mouth
I will devour you one day
We will burn
Like the sun when she finally dies
Big, and bright, and beautiful
You have never felt the cold before
I would not believe ice existed
After I feel
The warmth of your touch
Burn through me
Peeling back my layers
Until we come to center
I’ve got you
Right where I want you
Under my skin
Burrow into my soul
She longs for you
Like a breath of fresh air
 Dec 2022 Jeremie
First Sight
 Dec 2022 Jeremie
You asked me
If I believed
In love, at first sight
I replied, eyes closed
I do not care much for the beginning
As long as there is love in the end
 Dec 2022 Jeremie
 Dec 2022 Jeremie
Do you feel
Naked, vulnerable
I will dress you
In my love
Clothe you
There is no need
To be ashamed
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
If, the daughters of our past selves
Could see us now
They would be in awe
Of our beauty
They know the battle is before them
They know they can win it
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
Twin Flame
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
If you cannot love me in this lifetime
I will ask you in the next
Chasing your gentle soul
Across time’s expanding galaxies
My atoms will search for you

If you cannot bear to love me then
Wait, until I am reborn
Until I am reincarnated as water
Until you drink me from the river
Through cupped hands

For 3 eternities I held my breath
Baited this moment on your lips
Waiting to be devoured
Purge yourself of me while I am pure
Let me fill you, satiate your thirst

This is not my first life
Only my first time living
Consume me, gentle spirit
I am yours
I am alive
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
You knew I would never be evil
Never be cruel to you
What you did not know
Is that once you are evil to me
Once you are cruel
I will never allow
You the opportunity to do it again
There is strength in my silence
When I find weakness in your words
 Sep 2022 Jeremie
When I say your blow
Struck me to the core
Know, I am not a soft caramel center
Not melting in your mouth
I am the center of a young star
Holding it's own in the sky
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