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  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
brandon nagley

Last eve', whilst mine Filipino rose
Was falling deep into her slumber;
I started to doze off, into hypnagogic state
I wasn't sleeping, nor was I fully awake.


In the midst of this hallucinatory reality
I couldst discern a tender mild voice, betwixt this actuality;
The strong yet forward word's spoke as this to me
Brandon, "doth thou want to cometh home to JESUS CHRIST" ?


As tis the word's JESUS CHRIST were in italic bold font
From the way it was saidst, it was sung as an angel wouldst singeth his name up in heaven; someone, not knowing whom, asked if I wanted to cometh home, was this an angel, or a dream?


Ive hadst encounter's with demonic being's daily, as tis I've had angelic encounter's as well, wouldst twenty seven be mine last;
As I've thought of this a many whilst's, as tis every musician of mine I've loved died at this age, as two plus seven equal's nine.


Nine, mine favorite number, mine sport's digit always chosen as a boy, nine, the number meaning completion in all religion's;
The figure representing the completion of life's own cycle, as tis so many star's completed their journey at 27, was I being called?


Didst someone asketh me to cometh home? Back where I belong? To the star's? To God's son? Number's alway's meaneth something; in mine bible, in all religion's, in all thing's, as tis angel's speaketh in front of thee or in dream's, was that mine angel? Calling me?
True story... While between sleep and awake while watching Jane sleep last evening, the words loud yet soft spoken said to me
( Brandon, do you wanna come home? Or are you ready to come home but I think first thing I said... Lol then after the words do you wanna come home.... In a singing different angelic song they sung... TO JESUS CHRIST!!!! Wowww that woke me up from mine intermediate sleep loll umm honestly not ready to go back yet yes do wanna be in heaven now and escape this horrible world.. But I have so much more to change about me and help more people out and do stuff with mine queen Jane like meeting her so definitely not ready yet though as anyone should know... It's not up to us when we wanna go back home always or die... As our dear poet Ernest knew .. When God wants us he takes us plain and simple.... I know even when I get into that cycle of sleep when happens every soo often even stuff like that doesn't happen... I deeply believe one of mine protectors whether a family member or an angel most likely one or the other asked me last night that question in mine sleep.. Then that singing came in angelic and I was awake after lolll so yeah... Always pay ATTN.. as angels and demons more than exist.. Demons I
especially know much about being literally ( physically attacked) by them daily...  For those who wanna scoff and mock really don't care I've shown Jane this while talking with her one minute next I'll show her fresh scratch big and long on mine body! Or wherever they scratch... It's a constant thing... Why you ask? Demons hate hate hate see anything to do with Christ and Christs father... Especially Christ.. Though I sage mine house alot as does !mum.. And pray alot for Christ to make them go then they always leave.. They hate hearing his name.. They don't care to hear any other name that you might call on.. Noone else will protect you.. But they know Christ is the only one.. The PROTECTOR!!! And hate it when you say his name then they leave.... Thanks for reading..
hypnagogic state- means the place between sleep and wake.. Like paralysis in a way...
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Rock me babe
wild and hard
move me fast
never stop
Rock me babe
wild and hard
Close your eyes
and see the light
shine so bright
in your eyes
sweetest smile
Rock me babe
wild and hard
Link to the song: Rock me babe
  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Jax levii
Take a glass
And shatter it
And watch it
Turn to dust

Leave some
Metal in the
Rain and watch
It slowly rust

I know you
Have glue and
I know you
Have paint
And you are
Doing all
That you

But please
When I say
I cannot be
Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015

Where we stand in the World,
Do anybody knows,
Where we stand in the Universe,
Do anybody feels it;
Where we stand in the space station,
Do anybody reaches it;
Where we stay's in the beloved one's
Do anybody clarifies it;
Someone  who reject us from our heart,
Do anybody fulfill it's heart.
Someone who reject humanity,
Do you know where he goes;
Why everyone of us is not  rejecting  teacherous minds,criminal minds, terrorist acts,
When we will open our minds and eyes.

Jimmy Hegan Oct 2015

Beauty  are of several kinds and features
Some Women  carries natural beauty in heart & soul,
Inner Beauty which build's our mind and soul healthy,
Outer Beauty which creates magic on several human kind,
Only Beauty is worthless ,
But Beauty with Brains rules the Universe;
Beauty depends on faith and trust;
Without faith beauty is worthless;
Without trust beauty is worthless;
Beautiful Relationship needs both faith and trust to make  married life prosperous.
Beauty should not be destroyed by cunning thoughts and ideas,
Beauty should not be destroyed by Love Betrayal & Adultery;
Beauty should not be remain lonely and separately  from youth,
Beauty  should not be  used in ******* and red,blue  street's;
Beauty should not be jealously and proud of it's own  beauty.

  Oct 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Lost in you
When I see you
I fell so deep in love
I am lost with you
in the ocean blue
Only sea of time
will shows the way
to a secret place
deep in my heart
Deep in my heart
I am lost in you
I am lost in you
in the sea of love
and every single day
I belive more in you and me
maybe thats the way
it should be
Deep in my heart
I am lost in you
Link to the song:Lost in you
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