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it didn’t use to be like this
with nights rolling into morning
with sadness waiting in the dark
with thoughts that don’t stop
and only the moon for company


a happy girl used to fall asleep at 10 o’clock
every night
because that’s what daddy wanted
and she wasn’t going to disobey
afterall she was daddy’s little girl


daddy’s gone now
and that was all before you
you with your charm
and kindness
and the ability to make sad days better


now i sit in the dark
unable to fall asleep before 3 a.m
because you are on my mind
because you are my
 Jul 2013 Jiminy Cricket
He said he would leave her,
She was always nagging him,
Besides; he loved me more.
He wanted to be with me, he said.
Poor little fool I was, I ate it all up.
Like vanilla icecream with a scoop.
I wanted to be with him.
Instead, I was lost in his lies and promises.
He could not leave,
He was invested in her.
i think maybe you'll always be someone
who takes up a small amount of space
in my heart. sometimes i feel like i cannot control how
often i think of you - it's like a bad habit i turn to when i remember
that we happened once. and so i go looking
at pictures of us so i can prove to myself how happy
we were. even though we weren't happy,
but if you look at a picture of two smiling people
long enough you can convince yourself
you won't talk to me now, we haven't spoken
for six months. i've tried reaching out but you never
respond. i can't say i blame you, but i think it's just really tragic
that you can have such a strong connection with someone
and grow to care for them so much in such a short
amount of time - and when you don't give them what they want
from you, they all of a sudden will never
talk to you again. and they don't give you any
warning. i can't say i miss you, but i suppose i miss
the way i could make you laugh or the way we talked about
real things. maybe the silence between us just makes
me lonely.
i hope you're happier than when i talked to you
If I give her what she wants....Will I get what I need....the mind of complication...falls victim to questions...and wonder...cuz those things cause wander... and I look lost while I'm looking around...Post in confusion waiting to be found...see the mind plays tricks..and body makes you sick... but the heart don't heart don't lie....but I call it the soul...because the heart can die...But the soul lives forever... between you and I...because I gave you what you'll remember what you need...and that would be thought.... when I am dead and gone...When I can't give you what you want...but you'll have what you need...My Heart....
 Jun 2013 Jiminy Cricket
I'm getting drunk-
I don't care
If I'm not supposed to
I just want
To feel
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