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Jessi Hennessy Aug 2015
She try's to keep it real
That boy she loved gave it all to her and made her strong now she is in tears wondering what she did wrong?
Is it that she was to clingy
Was your head going insane she has never had such a good boy such loving and fun she felt like her self but that was to clingy? You want to go on live life and have some fun, What!! Isn't she good enough to make fond memories with?
I walk down the street with tears falling from my eyes
I see street lights flashing
Ambulance rushing cops and children screaming
Mothers crying dads over in the coner trying to keep it real trying to be the man.
Then I see everything in this world is cruel wake up!! Wake up anything you say can hurt someone anything you do could end someone's life
The guy who shot that poor girl is crying he don't know what hit him, I wish everything was just a dream I'm so sad he broke my heart be carful of who you you hurt you could through away the moon while counting the stars.
Jessi Hennessy Aug 2015
I fell in love with the monster he had me by the strings, I was his puppet,
His sweet company, I was his lie his cheat his bound
I was someone who was always there trapped because he had me by the strings, I fake the smile because I know when I'm sad it gives you the boost gone for good this time, every story has a twist,
You had me by the strings
Still pacing back and forward, still the ache  in my chest, the smoke in my lungs makes it hard to breathe, I'm not your puppet no more, but a puppet can't cut their own strings. So where do I go from here?
You gave her what she wanted, your sweet company, do you dream of me when you sleep next to her? I hope you feel guilty, cold and weak, though you won't show it cause you're good at hiding, secrets are your bestfriend the only thing you know, so look me in the eyes and tell me what you see a girl inside who's been through misery, I was his puppet but now he has no strings, call my mind, but the number is in listed gone for good this time every story has a twist.
Jessi Hennessy Dec 2014
I wish my poem's were as sweet as my personality, But when people have the hide to hurt me and leave me on a highway of disaster
To a road so dead, nothing out in the bushes
My poetry comes my feelings and sweet tragic love story's all that becomes me it's all I know what to write, is the storm of depression but at least people can relate and ask me, "Can you write me a poem?" I feel the love and the need from someone wanting to read such emotion
My poems are me and you
But my personality is the sweet girl always miss leaded, Poems are the only kind of touch I need to get through such disaster on the dark highway through a grief of a loved one, The love of a guy and the tears of watching mother cry.
We all come together in some sweet hurtful way
Jessi Hennessy Dec 2014
I feel like a truck driver on a deserted highway
But stuck in like this dark hole and I am going no where I feel like the highway is dead with no living thing in sight like its my own type of hell, all I see is dark ahead of me and sad things stuck in my mind, the thing is I don't know where I'm going, I feel like there is no reception
Because I feel so alone, head lights flashing
But still the dark surrounds my dark travil into this hell, when will I come to a city with life?
When will I come to flashing lights where am I going do I just turn off? Shut my self off?
Say good bye? Travel this highway alone until I reach my safe spot away from my dark torched
Jessi Hennessy Nov 2014
Broken love
Shader like glass
I still love you
As the glass cuts through
I hope you see
How much I miss you and would like to hold you
I'm miserably loving you
I search the skies, the faraway oceans
hoping you’d feel my emotions
I miss you my beautiful queen
I write this down and I hope
You see how much you really mean to me
I will fight for you my
True love my one and only
Beautiful queen.
Jessi Hennessy Nov 2014
For get the kiss
That spoke with one million words
That couldn't be said
I walk up and down this dark hall way like I'm nothing
I smile like I'm ok like the devil has got me in his way
Like a single star in the sky
For get the touch upon a hurting body
Of a haunted mind
A sick and twisted sad girl
That wanted more
The devil plays on in side her mind
He plays the games
To get him to hate her
They don't know it's all in there imagination
in love with a broken boy
Who's body is on fire
In love with his mind
His warm in brace
She kisses him
And he feels the want in his heart
In his mind he go's all blurry
He can't speak
He just sits there
Looks at her
And smiles so aggressively
That scars her
She looks at him and kisses
His lips hoping the pain the medical attention she gave him eases the pain
She undresses him
In her mind and kisses the
Boiled hatred he has
Boiling under his skin
Hopping the sad
Devil leaves his and her body
The one that makes them feel
Pathetic and ugly and worthless
She kisses him
Again and hopes he never for gets
She hopes one day they will meet again
But with out the worry of the devil
Consuming there body
She kisses him good
Bye she hides the love
That has swollen up into her heart
He will never know
Forever a secret her devil will never show.
Jessi Hennessy Oct 2014
I feel like braking bones
As I yell out to the top of my voice
I try to scream out so loud but no noise
Is escaping I can't even talk to my best friend
The knife is beside the table, I feel completely dead, I wish I was wanted I wish people had open arms I wish I didn't feel this way because I feel like I'm dieing in side, I'm finding it hard to walk as I'm slowly dieing I can't even breath while everyone is laughing. Kissed by depression and hugged buy anxiety they are now my best friend, sitting up so high from the city below watching the cars go by, I sit and think where do I go wrong why am I kissed by depression and not by you? Why am I hugged and snuggled up to anxiety and not with you?
I don't know where to go now, I don't know where to turn I have to disappear but would anyone even know? Would anyone even care? Kissed by depression hugged by anxiety trying to make a sound but sadly no one is listening.
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