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Jessi Hennessy Oct 2014
I written the book of life, you are something you are someone's reason to breathe, someone's reason to smile, someone's son, someone brother and someone's true love and someone's friend and that I say I am, I am you're friend of life I'll write down and I'll will stand for you and fight.
I am here to day not just as you're friend but as the angel , as you're ghost that isn't seen but as soon as you need me or someone to lean on I'll be right there at you're door, I'm now just going to hide in the back of you're mind and when you need a friend the angel the written book I write for you now.
Give me a buzz bring me to the front of you're mind I'll be a friend for a friend in need.
Jessi Hennessy Oct 2014
This feeling is tucked in I don't know how to express
This feeling is utter hurt
After I cried all that I could, my eyes still shed countless more tears I try to sleep, I have nightmares of so many fears
I walk in footsteps on an unsure path
My load feels so heavy I am not sure I will last.
I am afraid of life now that you're gone because I have always had a mother for oh so very long, you were my first love my first kiss my forever wish, loosing a mother is the hardest Battle, it's like I'm on a filed jogging bombs,
Because my heart explodes for ever on.
I miss you mum but heaven needed another angel, Call my mind but the number is unlisted, I will always hurt but I promise mum I will try my hardest to stay very strong.
Written for a friend*
Jessi Hennessy Sep 2014
Oh the struggle to stay ture,
The struggle to be me,
I'll never be the same, but I do ask you to still love me, I will love with all I got, but remember apart of my heart I do not have that, someone tiny, someone that had a soft heart beat, someone with the power that had it feel like real butterfly's kicks,
Someone with skin so soft, took half of my heart, she lives with the angels now, so remember if you want me to love, I only have a half of a heart, I'm still breathing fighting the depression that has came on like rougher sea then I have had before, remember I'm not the girl I was before, death, lost changed me
I'm a fighting woman, just remember I try my hardest to love.
I have heald an angel
I have seen one before
I will always love forever more
Jessi Hennessy Sep 2014
A body of beauty
A smile of strength
A laughter of wellbeing
And a kiss from the above
a touch to wish you good luck
Stand brave and fight the demon
Smile and wave
Don't let thing's, people
Bring you down
Make a wish
Take a chance
Stand you're ground
Be king
Be brave
Be wise
And be the smile
Everyone looks upon
To know you were kissed from above
That you have the power to stand you're ground. .
Jessi Hennessy Sep 2014
I've had my share of dark sky's
I've had my share of love
I had my share of tears
And everything above
I have a lot Going through my
Mind his smile is stuck on reply
I'm knocking it to the ground
I'm standing up for my self letting go
Of my demon
Snuggling with my angel
Having his warn in brace
There is something good in side of me
The smile of such life
His hands on my hand
Her in my heart
I'm letting go I'm moving on
Letting go of my favorite two
I'll see you again
I know I'll see use both
Just be happy and smile
I'm moving on
I'm throwing my demon away and snuggling with the angel.
Jessi Hennessy Sep 2014
I might be the silent whisper in a blank letter, I might be the reason for a broken heart and a reason to hate, but let's just say no one is perfect, bullying people of the weak speak the matter, it's all the same, it's the he said, she said *******, flowing through our veins, the empty cry in our heart of the moment we have to say good bye, why can't we all get along? Because others like to prove they are better because right down in side they feel ashamed in the body they live in, Death? I'm not afraid I'll wait my silent cry for him to take me, friends back stab each other make lies but that's all in the human nature, who am I to speak? I don't mean to do no harm?
I'm just trying to live, live through the pain, you're a rose blossom so beautiful so strong, suicide is for the ones that don't feel as they can go on, the world is cruel depression in the blood of the weak may I speak? You can be strong just breath you belong.
Jessi Hennessy Sep 2014
I may not be a florist
Oh trust me I wish I was
I may not be perfect
But that I don't wish of
I want to be alone
But I want you always beside me
I want you to love me
But not spend all you're time on me.
I wish for things
And some things I do not wish for,
A girls dream?
Should I start?
That day we all, well most of us think about?
I'm waking up I'm starting to love my self
Maybe now you could love me too.
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