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 Aug 2017 Jeremy
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Nov 2016 Jeremy
David W Clare
By: David W. Clare

As she stood there combing her long Thai-dolly hair, I went berserk!

Her allure made me demure...

Her intrusive big green comb made me fawn. I was so glad she wasn't a blond...

...oh how I hated to sleep alone that Phuket, Thailand night.

I dearly needed a young girl to love on until the early morning light...

Mystical island trees, made my incense clouded nose sneeze...

The open window filled our hideaway with a lightly salted Andaman Sea breeze...

She gave me her dark surprise most guys might never realize...

Feminine chocolate kisses for my attack... became my desire and late night snack!

(C) in perpetuity
(P) FilmNoirWorks
**** Asian girl of 20, I met in Phuket Island a while back. She was very nice... yum!
I've look at we she admires..
Her perception of art. 
My heart expired. 
I mean I didn't invent fire.
I'm just not assertive enough to be the supplier of silly words that transpire to not be higher.
The lows proved it.    
 It's translucent
congruent to my point perfectly.
 You sought freedom in the material world.     
­Fear is the enemy.
As a result you were comfortable being a *****.
Rather then exploring the universe with me
It reversed me, cursed me.  I'M GLAD I BROKE FREE.
It's not enough to rhyme so I break the very fabric of time to tell you,

stop calling yourself odd

because I'm bronze

in comparison to those drunk off gold..
To each his own !
Let's melt metal
create a tea kettle

be healthy and understand we were the first who settled. (To discover)

then beat up Christoper Columbus after that hungout with Americus,
only to conclude it with me and you seeing how they've built the pyramids....
Although I know the truth at best,
I confess there are different levels of comprehension,



so I can understand why you let yourself become possessed

You were obsessed with being asleep, but even If I tried you wouldn't listen to me.
Of course the easier method was to chose auto pilot over an expert seat.
You studied fashion and I studied the law of attraction, you left me for the devil and I became the guardian of relativity in which I look over all who's distracted.
------ Lack of moderation,/  so I've created sensation,/ Debaucheries ,/ the world's mocking me/ Stalking me/ Remixing/ Poisoning Elixirs/ The pictures i've painted /Will not be famous/ Filter out the strangest

Dichotomies started the economies / there's no third eye/ I learn the truth off the third lie/ bird eye's view of prey/They artificial with the Self sacrificial/  the fake spiritual/ instead of logically solving the issue/
seal your fate for being fake/

with one shot of the arrow/

ignore christmas carols /

got bored with the correlations of cows /

experienced the highs then said how,

NOT why, understood the lows, to flows like a shadow, my failures became the saddle /

negative energy/

the beams from the grid make it easy to walk through walls and **** ya *****!/have you stuck with my kids, at night i abduct and then sell for the highest bid but i cloned em before i sold em, so you're stuck on the poem on HOW you don't notice/ i reflect G /the better me/, the setting me up to die, so i rolled A SEVEN with one die, then sold the lie
/the (die-oh-knee-sis) dionysus, got you to be obsequious/

rhymes don't need a technique *****, i mean at least you can make money off thesis/Jesus code, natures story resold
death ,
no worth

no work
The color yellow is attracted to me. Induced by flattery
                 It just wasn't my battery.>>>>>>>

For I sought out clarity......

and instantly she wanted to marry me

  if I said yes then where would that carry me?

The lone wolf has no constituent need to breed.

And yet,  The world keeps messing with me!

Reflect then learn new speech creating star seeds,

so in In a way, All my children are in need!

Just Trust in me and the color 3.

It's tough for me

To act like it's nothing to me.

At my best. Depressed.

What does it feel like to be obsess with me?

I'm numb to that shock of chi.

What happened to me?

My creativity.

Is for me to ignore my victories.


It depresses me. I never get to cherish me.

All in secrecy the love for all starseeds...
 Sep 2016 Jeremy
While loving,
Give yourself fully,
Love thy friend completely,
Do not give room for hate.
For us to make a better world,
We need to love,
Love wholeheartedly

*Ovi Odiete©
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