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Jeremy Sep 2016
Your truth sounds slow and disorientated
Like film left to marinate in the sun
Your equilibrium fluxes
Because in one hand you grow a flower
In the other you a tote a gun
Fiends you thought you put to rest
Are now agile and sprung
Hope where there was
Is now barren and overrun
By silhouettes of soldiers that strip you naked of your eden
Holding you still
While they dance and fornicate with the curves of your freedom
A ****** she was
Now she can't stop bleeding
Drug laced memories are measured to be eaten
Then sold like gold to a punisher of felonies
Tasting so heavenly
The poison gets the best of me
But not the death dealers
Its protein to them
Consumed to navigate down the lines of their stem
An all powerful but misshaped gem
You spit in mirrors because your reflection reminds you of him
The same glass in your eyes
The same shade in your skin
Waiting for a reaper to punish you for your sins
Well Im here
So dear why do you refuse to let me in?
Its rude to have death waiting at the door
I have souls to collect
Way more valuable then yours
You change the locks along with your mind
Because the words that sounded sweeter then lullabies
Betrayed you as soon as your lips began to pry
The silence was broken
The moment my existence was spoken 
This ride is free so don't offer me a token
You close the blinds
When you see me approaching
Like I was jehovah witness
Casually collecting donations for forgiveness
***** this is strictly business
I don't give a **** about the religious
I chase them down for the fitness
Consume their glow because its nutritious
Chew it to pieces
Until my metabolism increases
Their remains makes my breath smell worst then human feces
But their thoughts move me like psychokinesis
I didn't choose you
You choose me for the reason
That you thought it would better off holding my hand then a demons
So open the door or slide me the key
You called for mercy
Which means you called upon me
The summoning ritual planned so carefree
You been awake for too long
Its time to go asleep
Since I started school I have been dreaming about reapers a lot
Jeremy Sep 2016
For a while I have been making sure my poetry was made clear to read

But I'm more at peace

When it only makes sense to me
I always liked my steak cooked rare
It taste better that way
  Sep 2016 Jeremy
Michael Blonski
I ask,
Is it more poetic
to write the most
beautiful of stanzas
devoid of any truth
or meaning?

Or, writing
from raw emotion
where beauty resides
behind the words
and ink flows
like blood and tears?
Jeremy Sep 2016
I left footprints in the snow

A map to guide you home

But you mediated until the sun pierced through

Until there was just water on the roads

This is destiny

And what is destined has no control

So maybe our paths will intertwine some time

To greet each other souls

Or maybe it won't

The finale no one ever knows

But until judgment day live out your days

Learn to Love

Learn not to hate

Embrace your mistakes

Because there will be many until you ascend

And I'll do the same right to the very end

Mediating just like you did

Patiently waiting for the day that it will snow again
Jeremy Aug 2016
She finds me handsome

But refuses to intertwine branches

Because of the fear of letting go

I extend

She retreats

She is afraid I'll strip her naked of her leaves

Then leave to let everyone know

That her alinements once laminated with flowers that hung along the seams

Can no longer grow green

No matter how hard she tries no to let go

I reach again

The answer is still no

Even after  I explain that I can mend the pain that lingers in her soul

But she has heard it all before

She needs tangible truth

Before I can manage to help myself to her succulent fruits

But my papers are long past due

Well expired past its rebellious youth

And my word holds no currency

She has heard the angels lie and the devil speaking truth

So she can see right through my poetry

So I have not choice but to be


I tell her I just want to play with her emotions like a pianist

To conduct a tune darker then any onyx

She looks at my hands and laugh

She can tell that Im a novice

She knows I never played anything but my own mind

Still knowing this she open up her gates and welcomes me inside

So I walk around her confines with ill intentions

To take her hostage in her own dimensions

To shatter her glass citadel

But instead her castle becomes my home

An oasis from the false heavens and the truest pits of hell

That reside in my psyche deepest catacombs

I entered as a man on a mission to colonize her insides

But now I am a slave to her ways

Shackled around my ankles to be held in place

As she throws away the key and lowers down the cage

But I never felt so at peace

Even though I am bound with a ball and chain

I never moved with such ease  

Titled me as your property

But I never felt so free

So I'll gladly stay behind these bars if its your jail

I'll gladly endure your Chinese water torture

If the water comes from your wells

I'll gladly be buried alive

My lungs oxygen deprived

As long as its your earth that I'm buried inside

So punish me the way you see fit

For trying to destroy your precious archives and your ancient monuments

But know this

I see the beauty in it now

I didn't back then

But I promise I do now
Jeremy Jul 2016
You use to breathe life into like my name was Adam
You would open up my chest and rearrange my atoms
Have them in total symmetry like a planetary alinement
Your image would dance around my thoughts in total confinement
But now I have no choice but to find serenity not in your voice
But in the defiant silence
Because I see it all happening
I see it perpetually evolving
Your craft for generating problems
And your lack of problem solving
And that is why I haven't slept since birth
There is nothing worst then closed eyes
Except believing not seeing is a blessing instead of a curse
What about you?
Are your eyes color true?
Can you differentiate from what they say
Between what they actually do?
You say I need to spot looking
But I stay cooking new methods to stay to myself
As you protect your wealth but neglect yourself
I remain stealth
A shinobi of the darkest nights
A no face assassin
A killer of all light
Clipped wings keep me grounded
But my voice takes flight
Submerge into the shadows
To emerge to greater heights
Expose it all
**** it I just might
But I won't  
Not because of fear
But because you need to encounter it on your own
Let it defy you
It will try you
But its up to you to take control
Jeremy Jul 2016
It's during restless nights such as these when my mind is at its optimum state

Where I am able to tap into my psyche to excavate emotions and notions once frozen like nitrate

I feel the temperature rising

Becoming irate

The flamethrower steady mediating while it patiently waits

It has me excited but also afraid

Like tight roping a bridge thats charging a toll I can't afford to pay

Or knowing I overdosed on a drug with no antidote

In order to coast its euphoric waves

Causing my heart to quit its job and my pupils to dilate

As Im dethrone from my throne and thrown inside a crate

To be placed to sleep for an eternity in a tumulus grave

But I smile because they see me as resting

When my soul is wide awake

Even though my body is stiffer then a new pair of shoes

I can spend all day seeking for the truth inside the truth

But I'm terrified of the journey and what I might loose

And the answers

Fearing the exposure and what it could prove

Do I have a halo or horns?

Or maybe both of the two?

I need to swim deeper

So I do

Until my lungs fill with water up to the brim

And burn with white fire hotter then fallen seraphim

But I continue to breast stroke into the abyss

Past the wine jars

The greek paintings

Past cities more lost then the city of atlantis

Past the treasures of the galleon of San Jose

And into the door way of what was took off display

And this will be the place where I will drown

In exchange for discovering what was never meant to be found
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