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Jeremy Jul 2016
Im trying to let you down easy
But your rolling to hard
Your Eyes made out of sand from a hour glass
Gazing into the ceiling of stars
Hoping to just catch a glimpse of who you truly are
Not your name
Or your ancestors dancing flames
Or the construct and deconstruct of your DNA
But to unravel your purpose
The reason for urges of the currents jolting in your brain
The motive for the moving left instead of right
Why your demons masqurade during the day
But parade at the peak of night
Why do you hide?
Why do you fight?
Why do you lay under a canopy of what you wish to be?
You have sight but no vision so what can you really see?
Why do you keep secrets from yourself and no one else?
You dream to be rich but malnourish your health
You pray to a god but don't know who
You find a cup of ricin enticing knowing the flavor that it brews
Why you do the things that you do?
Answers you need them
The fiends you feed them
Regrets you bleed them
Your words you bleep them
Apologies you keep them
Your flaws I see them
Clearer then prehistoric waters
Tainted with blood like the nile after the slaughters
You thought your punishment was elusive
But I caught her
Raised her as my daughter
Became both her mother her sister her brother and her father
Then released her into your world
So you can see the product of your abuse
And wear her like a neckless to choke on it like a noose
  Jul 2016 Jeremy
Ahchosi Grandiose
Outside the box I've watched the clock move as my style grew outside their view.

This position of weirdness.

Bald and beardless.  

Only those who follow themselves can feel this.

They're locked. 

                           Exposing truths. (Lost)

As a pseudo detox.


For trying to refute the fox.

  And yet if these words Ever appear foreign


Too deep.

                      Concealed in my ocean.
Jeremy Jun 2016
I guess its just one of those things
Where I'm wrong but i'll never admit it
Trying to swallow my pride but the taste is sour so I just spit it
Like listerine in the sink
Or tequila chased by a lime for a drink
You would always say I need to stop talking before I think
And that if I build a ship out of my promises it would do nothing but sink
So it seems  
You must of made this desicion based off a vision in a dream
To R.I.P these connections so effortlessly at the seams
To walk away for the fifth time because this time you have had enough
Yelling "If you would of acted right I would have stayed"
But sorry to say I'm no Shia Labeouf
And even that ******* has demons too
Yeah he rich and famous but he could still catch a flu
Sorry but not Sorry because its true
I Just like the way I use to feel about you
But thats all in the Books
And there shouldn't have been a first
So there is no chance in hell for any second looks
Not even a Delorean can take us back now
Not even if Doc came back to 2016 for his TLC plates
And became an Uber somehow
But don't feel special
He just needs the money for Marty who ****** up his brain
After those daily trips to the 80's for the hookers and *******
Even though you can get better service and stronger stuff
For around half the price these days
Time traveling to the past to escape the present pain  
But I understand
The kid just wanted to hold on to that nostalgic feel
Having *** to some Marvin Gaye
While taking a bump the horizontal way was probably what made it all real
So real it made Marty believe he could fly
7th floor dismount where McFly almost died  
Wow that was a dark type of Cheese
But **** it I said it
I said a lot things and did a lot of things that I regretted
But back to the topic
This isn't no gimmick
This is my true Image
My hair is really Black
My skin is really brown
I may change shades depending on the lighting if you move me around
But that's it
You try to change my whole being into something more profound
You swam my minds uncharted waters and expected not to drown
But Its all good under the hood
Like a k20 with only 20 miles on the dash
And a clean carfax showing an accident free past
I'll be lying if I said I was not going to miss your ignorant ***
But just that *** because I never did like your mental
And I can do with out your dentals
A smile so fake Colgate would ask for credientals
Thats probably why we could never really mix
Like I was water and you were oil
You wanted more and I wanted ...
Still don't know what I wanted or what Im gaining from all this
Imma just stop rhyming and tell you the truth
I might say Hi when I see you but don't get confused
I never thought I could hate so much
until you gave me the reasons to hate you
And yea I lied about the stop rhyming stuff
Just like you did all these years when it came to everything pretty much
You were a smooth talking assassin
A no pulse having quadruple agent
Similar to bond but without the Aston and the accent
But please believe me when I say that I wish on a comet
That nothing but good comes your way
Im being very Honest
And that I hope to be there when it doesn't
Because that would be nice too
To see you on the receiving end would be a refreshing point of view
Jeremy Feb 2016
Pick up a mirror
And throw away the gavel
Because we are all on the same journey
We just choose different paths to travel
Jeremy Jan 2016
Im up to my neck in sand
Helplessly watching the waves persuade their way on to land
This was unplanned
But I was told this is the key to what makes a man a man
So instead of fearing my demise and choosing to hide
I decide instead to go to war with the demons that manifested inside
The pockets of my subconsciousness until they wither up and die
Triumphantly clearing any and all thoughts
In order to concentrate on holding my breath for impact
Like a ****** between shots
And even though I have very little
I give it all that I got
So I can prove my self worth to a world that couldn't care less
About the lack of morals compared to the spike in senselessness
But as the tide draws near I see the truth that they hid clear as day
That even though I sold my soul to live
I will die anyway
Jeremy Aug 2015
I once met a sage 1000 years of age, who wore eyes that were hazed with the tragedies and victories of the glory days, who had feet that set ablaze a trail across the circumfrance of the earth, A man who has been in attendance for the death of this world and its rebirth, protecting and collecting the stories of the people, who's truth made them question their belief in their cathedral, and during this meeting we held a conversation consisting of no words, only the exchange of vibrations that spoke a language unheard, He asked me, "Where is that you go when your eyes become glass", and I spoke honest, "I envision all the mistakes I have made in my past", he laughed, a laugh that can be heard through out the cosmos and beyond, stating that mistakes do not exist, but I insisted he was wrong, telling him that there are many things that I should of done differently in life, he smiled and replied "But you do not have the privilege to live it twice, so embrace those mistakes because they molded you to the man you are today, and the moment you realize that, the lighter the burden will weigh", and all I could say was that I agreed, realizing that this wise sage, who knew so much, was actually me.
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