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2.7k · Jun 2014
Jenna Dixon Jun 2014
He has a heart of gold
Kept locked away in an iron box,

Curious, I picked at the lock
He lift the lid and showed me,

He showed me what was inside
And my heart beat for his.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Three Girls
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
Three girls sit in a room
One with waist long black hair
That flows over her dark clothes
Her figure hugged by a black corset,

The second has hair the color of sand
It plays in long waves
Over her professional attire
But a tattoo shows her wild side,

The third a head of dark brown
In curls it matches her hippie skirt
She laughs and sings with joy,
This one is care free

The first girl dressed in black
Is called by the name of Jenna
Having remained hidden so long
She looks to the third girl for guidance,

The second is Marie
She is determined and strong,
But not nearly as strong as Jenna,
She too looks to the third for guidance,

This third girl is very well known
Ever person can see her
She is not hidden from sight,
She is known well as Lauren

These three, yet so different
Are all the same
Each one has a secret,
Known only by the third

This secret has been held
Long over the years
But each girl will shine,
For they are all one in the same.
986 · Jul 2013
He Was Quiet, She Was Shy
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
She turns around in her seat
To see him sitting quietly,
A low hum rests in the class
As students pretend to do their work,

She takes a breath to say something
And he glances up,
Shyness overwhelms her
And she turns back to her work

The boy says nothing
And goes back to his
The girl bites her lip
Nervous, unable to focus,

She turns abruptly and speaks
The boy looks up in shock
A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth
A new friendship has started,

She soon learns
The boy is bullied
For his worn cloths
Yet she does not mind this,

In the halls after school
The boy sits against his locker,
The girl approaches him
Noticing his black eye,

An outstretched hand
Was all he needed from her
To smile again
And she did just that,

Their friendship grew
And blossomed into love
But he had another detail
One she did not know yet,

At his mother's grave
He speaks to her
Explaining the subtle scars  
Her eyes water in sadness,

How could a father
Be so cure to his own son?
To hit him repeatedly
Until his skin broke,

This had to stop
He had to be freed
From the horrors of home
But he won't let her,

He said his dad would **** him
If he saw any legal authorities
She bows her head
Wishing, praying for his safety  

On a cold night a siren awakes her,
Sitting up in bed she watches
To see the way
The emergency response vehicle goes,

Her heart stops,
She knows the path it took all too well,
Climbing out her window
And grabbing her bike

She starts after it
Her eyes stinging from the night air
She arrives to see
It was his father's new girlfriend

Who had made the call
To put an end to things
But it was too late
She hadn't reached the phone in time

The girl runs inside,
Past the medics,
To see his body at rest
On the floor still bleeding

She falls beside him
And cries out his name,
If only he would answer
Everything would be alright,

Holding his hand tight
She whispers her apology to him,
Sorry she never did anything
Sorry she didn't save him,

The father thrown in jail
The boy buried six feet down,
The girl stands at his stone
Vowing her heart will never love another

She places a single rose
On the cool gray stone
And turns to walk back to the road
Her head hangs low, eyes fixed on the ground

She never saw the car that hit her
She never heard it
All she knew was it was over and done
And she was in his arms once again.
928 · Jun 2013
So Small pt. 3
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
A shadow on the wall,
I have become that,
Something few to none notice
I'm content at this state

For now I am the silent
The innocent one I am
I'm sweet and smart
People pay me no heed

But still I dress to conceal,
Not too loose, not too tight
To loose and I drown in fabric
To tight and I get mocked.

Will they let me be?
Can I break out and become
Something worth while
Now that I'm no logger taunted?

We'll see as high school passes
Am I still hated for my body?
I don't want to be silent anymore
I've built myself into a cage and I want out.
917 · Jun 2013
So Small pt. 2
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
Looking at my clothes
I pick what I shall wear carefully,
The first day of middle school
Is something I'm dreading.

Maybe they will have forgotten
That I'm so dreadfully thin,
Perhaps they won't notice
If I wear this sweatshirt

But what is the use?
Words like anorexic and bulimic
Haunt my ears
I can't escape this hell.

The next few years
Will they carry on like this?
If I shrink and hide,
Will they not see my anymore?

Keeping silent is the key
I've slowly been forgotten,
An occasional glare is thrown
But I can live with that.
868 · Jun 2013
The Driving Force
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
This driving force
That compels society,
It sikens me,
Is it all we think about?

To find one so perfect
To perform such a deed,
Am I just too old school
For a world as fresh as this?

Young in body old in mind
I'm not fit for this era,
Media splattered with ******
And I want none of it

Strange I am indeed,
I've been the desire of many
But I've given in to none
This is my body, my life

I chose what to do with it
Though you may think I seek one thing
I shun that very thing away
But why so harsh?

Isn't it just a natural act?
Every living thing does this,
Yet I wont participate
Why? Why indeed.
680 · Jul 2013
Time Passes Quickly
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
A new teenager
The young girl looks on
With hopes that the next few years
Of 13 and beyond will be great

Her older brother has a new girlfriend,
Her sister just graduating high school,
And the girl so young sits in wonder
As her brother graduates college.

The 14th year passes by quietly,
Her brother off to California
Following his girl
Her sister studying hard.

Now 15 she enters high school,
A freshmen year she finds delightful
As she slowly discovers herself
Threw new people she has met,

She has fallen for a boy
One her close friend once dated,
Dare she speak a word?
No, she sits in silence.

Sweet 16 here so soon,
The boy she feel for
Now is hers
Her close friend thought it cute.

17 and the fire of life burning strong
She knows who she is
But keeps it a secret
Drawing attention to her self is not an interest.

A senior in high school
18 year old now
Sick of school
Never planing to go on,

A new graduate,
Her sister engaged
To marry the next summer,
Her brother and his girl still together.

Realizing at 19
She will be 20 by then
When her sister gets married
Her teen years will be far behind,

When did the time pass?
Her teenage years had just started
But there is no pause button in life
So now is the time for action,

Too long she has spent pondering,
She knows what she wants
Her boyfriend still steady,
Now to go forth and conquer.
659 · Jul 2013
So Alone
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
This place so familiar
So well known to me
Has an empty feeling
Today the glass seems more fragile

The music plays to fill the silence
But it has no effect
I hear it clearly
Yet I'm still so alone

The sun shines
But not on me
No reasons for the clouds
That hover over me

No dog to bark at cars
No birds sings songs
The flies are still
I'm here alone

So alone
So very alone
625 · Aug 2013
All of This and More
Jenna Dixon Aug 2013
The hols in his shoes
His ruffled hair,
The way he's so jumpy
A sweatshirt never changing,

The ***** shirt
That also holds blood stains
From fights past,
Holes in the knees of his pants,

His foul language
The anger beneath the surface,
Scars dealt by others
All of this and more,

His kind eyes
The glowing smile
A warm hug
His ringing laugh

All of this and more
Is why I stay,
Stay with him here
All of this and so much more.
606 · Jun 2013
So Small pt. 1
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
The glare from another's eye
Seeps into my back
Though I'm just a little girl
I know hate as well as anyone else

Everyday the jeering goes on
The comments don't stop,
I go home and throw things
In anger I don't know what to do with.

The doctors say I'm underweight
They fret and panic about --
I know I'm fine the way I am
Why can't they see that?

But it is no use,
I haven't gained an ounce.
My mother told them it wouldn't work
But then never listen,

A little girl hated
By her peers for physical appearance,
A thing she cannot help,
The venom of jealousy begins to flow.
599 · Jun 2013
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
Secrets I must keep
Secrets I do hide
All of these are locked away
Never to reveal themselves,

Not every secret is necessary,
But I've grown a habit
Of telling nothing
Not even trivial things.

From this grew a mask
One I was unaware of,
People don't see me
They see a falsehood

I must tear this mask from my face
Free myself
live --

But old habits die hard,
And I sink back
Away to where it's safe,
Where I'm nobody

What I am will be a shock,
It's time to cast away the veil
And let this world see
I'm nothing like they thought I was.
590 · Jun 2013
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
An etching, a sin
Some may call it
Of the Devil,
A mark of damnation

Carved into your skin
For all to see
Who will reside in hell
While others dream in heaven

A splash of ink
A bit of color
Not natural at all,
But vibrant

A work of art
A sign of community,
A bonding
Unlike any other

This is not a blasphemy
But a showing
Of the bright colors
In your soul.
577 · Jul 2013
Am I Ready?
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
Burning inside myself
I itch to break free
To spread my wings
To fly away, my own way

Living my life to please others
While letting myself just
I've done this for too long

But how to change
To what I am
Without hurting or losing
The one's I hold dearest?

"Those who matter don't mind
Those who mind don't matter"
Or so they say,
But I find this untrue

How could my own family not matter?
This is why I've hidden,
For so long I've been a butterfly
While inside is a black panther

The winds of change are stirring
Making me jumpy,
Ready to break free

But am I?
565 · Jun 2013
So Small pt. 5
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
Embracing myself at last
The comments made now
Are from friend who don't know,
They mean well, so I tolerate

I'm shy of my body
But I've grown to love it
After all, it is me --
Should I not love myself?

I'm a bird free from captivity
Though still wary
I'm more free that I've ever been,
I will not be thrown back into that cage

Having only reached 99 pounds
I carry myself in silent confidence,
My weakness is my strength
I won't let it hold me back

I'm taller for a girl
Now grown to womanhood
I've gone this far,
Let's see just how far I can go.
This is the end of my mini series.
560 · Jul 2013
The Touch of a Dove
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
Her dove flies among the highest clouds
Soaring and cooing completely at peace,
She perches on a golden twig beside a long lost friend
Happy with her reunion she looks down
And finds a gathering of people dressed in black—

She glimpses the tear stained cheeks,
Understanding she flies down—unnoticed
And sings her last lullaby,
Although it may be hard to hear
Just absorb the silence around you and listen—

Feel the unheard notes of her lullaby,
Soon she flies back to her perch
And is welcomed back
She continues to sing her song,
You can hear it in your heart—

Look inside yourself
And feel the soft touch of a dove.
Wrote this a LONG time ago.
549 · Jun 2013
The Teenager
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
The cave of a teen is known by others as their room,
This is a place that you enter at your own risk
You may be shouted at
Or greeted with violent music

But this is the home of a teen
Heed the sign that reads "do not disturb"
It was hung for a reason
And a very good one at that

Children look to the teen in aw
But with a twinge of fear at the same time
The old bicker amongst themselves
The teen is too energetic and vibrant for them,

'Tis a pity that the teen should grow old
And become one of those they hate so much,
But the screaming teen will forever be inside you
Let it breath and live your life exactly how you want.
542 · Jun 2013
Cost of War
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
There she sits
A little girl in white,
A daisy in her hand
A smile on her face

Not a care in the world
But the shadow across her face,
Yet no one sees her
She's far too small

The path she walks on
It's make of bone,
She drops the daisy
And it withers to ashes,

Out in the field
She finds a man,
One that has fallen
Due to a ball of iron in his side

The little girl kneels,
Placing a hand on the wound
The man looks up
To see the pretty little face

"Come home daddy,"
The small lips whisper
A tear escapes the grown man's eye
For one thing is certain

He'll never see his little girl again.
470 · Jun 2013
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
My eyes swell with tears,
How could this be?
My cheeks glisten
As the silver drops fall

Cold chalky eyes,
They look at me
They look thew my eyes
Into my soul

But why?
When did this red fill the room?
Who could have done this?
The one I love breaths no more.

My knees give out
And I fall to his side,
I touch his face
Leaving marks like war paint,

My hands,
When did they become so red?
And this knife,
How long has it been by my side?
458 · Dec 2013
I've Grown
Jenna Dixon Dec 2013
Just a few short months
That's all that's passed
But still I feel I've grown
Even if just the slightest bit

Sometimes all it takes
Is a new setting
New people
and new a place

My eyes have opened
I know how lucky I've been
My family loves me
And I love them

This is all that is really needed
But I have so much more
A home to go to
Friends to smile with

Some don't even have a smile
Some don't have a home
Or a family that loves them
Yet I am fortunate enough to have this

448 · Jun 2013
So Small pt. 4
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
The thigh gap,
The small waist,
Media tells us it's perfection
But how could this be?

What happened to Marilyn Monroe?
I look nothing like her
But more of the modern perfection,
This cures I've lived with is beauty?

They say they wish they had my body,
Fine, take it and go threw hell,
I don't want this
I never asked for it.

But shouldn't I be glad to have this?
Why would anyone want it?
My ribs show like I'm starving,
My wrists are too small

I don't understand
But isn't it about time,
Time that I loved myself
For the way I am? It is.
420 · Jul 2013
No Reason
Jenna Dixon Jul 2013
For no reason
No reason at all
I have grown numb
To the world around me

No will to get up
In the early morning light
No care for those around me
But why, why be this way?

Nothing has happened
I've lost no one
Life is just a gray fog
The reasons behind it

Remain a mystery
But maybe that is why,
Nothing has happened
I'm at a stand still

Is it time for change?
416 · Aug 2013
I Will Always Remember
Jenna Dixon Aug 2013
Embracing, I am glad to see you,
See you again after all this time
Knowing it will be long till again
We see each other,

Picking up where we left off
Like no time had elapsed
The way you smile,
It makes my heart sing

People might thing us a couple
The way we act together
But that doesn't bother us
Let them think what they want,

This friendship, this bond,
It's something special
And as little as our paths may cross
It is something I will always remember.
410 · Jun 2013
Mother's Child
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
The piercing all over his face
You shutter at them,
The gaping holes in his ears
They disgust you,

This dangerous boy
He's running wild and free,
Such a creature as this
Should be kept in a cage,

The bright colored hair
Hides one eye
While the other
glares out at the world,

A monster it seems
You run away,
Laughing behind his back
You mock his choice in clothes,

A thing no mother could love
Or so you say,
But have you seen me?
How proud I am of this,

That boy you hate so much
He is my son
And I his mother,
He brings me no grief

No one could love him more than I.
378 · Jun 2013
Back Home
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
Having seen much in life
The traveler sits down to rest.
He has been here and there
To places not yet known,

He has no reason to rush
Time is on his side
He has no intrest in a hasty life
This place he rests is home.

It has been nearly a life time
Since the last he saw this place,
He left it as a young lad
Eager to set forth on an adventure.

But like every life, age catches up
Now in his old years
He has found nothing is the best something
He has nothing to worry about

Nothing to push him too hard
Nothing to hold him back
Nothing to twist his mind
Nothing to promote unrest,

He is content to sit in silence
For life has been long and good to him
Here is where he'll stay,
The place he loved as a little boy.
365 · Jun 2013
The Colors Fly
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
The colors fly in his eyes
Colors that I cannot see,
But he tells me they are there
That each one is right in front of him

I reach out to him
Taking his hand in mine
What brought him to this?
This place so dangerous and low.

His glazed eyes find mine
And we hold for a moment
A smile illuminates his face
All I can do is smile back

This walk in the woods
Was meant to be sweet,
But now I sit here beside him
Holding a cloth to his head.

He brings up a little mushroom
And stares at it in wonder,
How could such a little plant
Hold so much destructive power?

He didn't even see it
The rocky drop that took him down,
Fractals blinded his vision
And I was left to watch in horror.
362 · Sep 2013
I Am Alone
Jenna Dixon Sep 2013
How can I possibly help
When I'm the one so lost?
How can I give advice
When I don't know what I'm doing?

But I give the help
That I wish I had,
I give the advice
That I truly need,

But do I listen to myself?
These words need to come
From another's lips

Before I can hear it
Another must speak
These words of encouragement
That I say so often,

But when I look around
There is no one there,
No one to help me when I fall,
I am alone.
355 · Aug 2013
Jenna Dixon Aug 2013
Songs of past generations play
Bringing smiles to faces
That know the tunes so well
Taking them back in time

Back to when they where the young
The ones that caused the trouble
And made the grown ups shake their heads
And question the future

Someday that will be me
Remembering my childhood
And teen years of glory
I hope to smile like that someday.
349 · Sep 2013
Have You Gone?
Jenna Dixon Sep 2013
A dream told my you left me
But it was just a dream, right?
You wouldn't really leave
Would you?

Then again we haven't talked
It's been ages since the last time
But I still love you, do you not?
Please still be there,

I don't want to come home
To find you gone
Please, I can't lose you
Not now, not ever really
338 · Jun 2013
You Don't Know It Yet
Jenna Dixon Jun 2013
These words are pounding,
Inside my head they thrash
Ever tearing at my skull
To be heard; acknowledged,

My heart is bleeding
From the weight it carries,
You don't know it yet
But maybe I can sort it out?

I can't breath anymore,
My lungs are filled
With this ocean of tears
But you don't know it yet,

You smile and I smile,
We are as if one
Hearts beating and bleeding
Only you don't know it

What have you done?
This horrible poison,
It runs in your veins
Slowly killing me

All I do is smile,
Laugh, and sing sweet songs
But you don't know any of it,
Not yet at least

Not yet,
You don't know it yet.

— The End —