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 Dec 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
I used to wear my heart upon my sleeve
But then it frayed,
And now I'm left with a pile of string
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
High as the sky
Touching the clouds
My fingers separate the haze
As I fly by endowed

Of the person I am
At this time of tranquility
My thoughts flow free
Like the river runs swiftly

I take you in
And let you out
****** abounds
If I had the strength, I'd shout

Such a brief encounter
As I breath you into me
Now sleep, I must
Because, you make my dreams ******
 Dec 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
Anon C
It is your eyes
I love black coffee
no sugar, no cream
much like your eyes
deep and dark, mysterious
except I am pretty sure once you jump in
unlike my black, bitter coffee
your demeanor is sweet
and skin soft
so you could say
your eyes are my new coffee
I am forgotten,
As my footprints
in the snow.
I can't find words
to properly observe
my absurd

I'm dealing with
A lack of a fifth
I'm missing my thumb

Well like an appendix,
I'm useless
for your senses.

your numb to me
your like Nestle
chocolate is addicting.
and soothing

But I went to rehab
where I met Ahab
who was on Jihad
cause of some white girl

We realized
were hypnotized                          savages
victimized by
the key word being lie

Now were stagnant
spaced on various fragments
adorned with magnets
to the walls

*in cement
part 5 of kutisha series vilio
also i find a lack of punctuation helps this poem
© December 11th, 2012 by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved.

                        ­                 How is it that                            when you need
                                   something - anything -           from me, I run franticly
                              to your side to aid your desires...But when I just ask for a
                               little compassion, a little distraction, a little satisfaction.
                                You look right through my pleading eyes to the person
                                    behind me and seductively say, "Hey, could you do
                                        me a favor?" And that's when I melt inside. I feel
                                          misused, abused and yet I can't wait until I'm
                                               reused. Because I believe that next time,
                                                    will be the last time, the final time
                                                          when you realize that I might
                                                           ­  not come running. Instead
                                                         ­        I'll be waiting for you
                                                             ­       to miss me by your
                                                            ­           side - like I miss
                                                            ­               being there.
                                                          ­                   *Someday
Let's say
for instance
that you make me feel
like a wild animal who wants to make you all mine
in many ways
some that you would probably find enjoyable
and let's just suggest
that I want to be
yours in just about every way you can think of
mental, theoretical and physical
of course
more than anything
I'd rather like
to be playing in your sheets
with you,
of course,
such things aren't quite as fun when alone
we can just be a couple of silly people
becoming gods
we can make the world beautiful
from within the privacy and secrecy
of walls
thin enough to disturb neighbors
we'll make it a little game
see who can
drive the other crazy enough
to be locked up
and ever and ever more
I will spend my hours
learning every nerve ending
every temptation
of yours
I'm a good little learner
and you're a wonderful teacher
let's just be terribly perfect
and do nothing
except each other
until the universe decides
it's time for existence to nullify
and then
we can just say
we knew happiness more than
any *******
could ever hope to lie.
A battered photograph
cannot fully capture
the mossy green of your eyes.
Camouflage is your color,
my dear.
 Dec 2012 Jene'e Patitucci
The way her chest falls and rises again
to come back and meet with her clothes,
I find it comforting - not sure why,
but I do.

Maybe, It's because when I see her breathing in,
Slowly, relaxed, on time,
She can do it, so then I know,
So can I.

The waves come in and hug the sand,
Just like her chest does in breathing.
I come in to hold her hand,
but she's forever leaving.
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