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jeffrey conyers Aug 2014
What must I not do, Lord?
What must I not do, Lord?
Should have been asked of the lord once more by Adam and Eve.
For when they disobey they was headed for personal discovery.

Adam was placed in his personal serenity of peace to work
With the ability to eat from any tree except the tree with knowledge about good and evil.

Like a baby he was dictated to act.
Not inquire of God the reasons why not?
Soon ,  he would be blessed with woman.
For the Lord God didn't want him to be alone.

They was naked without awareness of themselves.
Until they met the serpent.
Who deceive them with various questions?

But by listening to the master of manipulation.
They soon had their eyes open wide with knowledge.
That the serpent predicted would happen.
Except they couldn't be like God in the least.

This is where sin begin?
They instantly comprehended they was naked.
Knowledge they didn't have before.

And like us before strangers, they covered up.
And like a child who did something wrong?
They hid until challenged by God to appear.

So question?
Why did God not want them to know themselves?
Personal discovery always leave us upon a awakening journey.

Also, this is where blame begin?
He blamed her.
She blamed the serpent.
And God punished the serpent.

This is where discipline came in?
Followed by pain and consequences.
But discovery was something they faced.

God did require things to multiple.
Which they did accordingly.
They are the parents of Cain and Abel.
Both with traits of them.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2015
God knew.
Go knew their weakness.
God knew, their curiosity would peak.
When he advised them to avoid the tree of  good and evil.

We all been there.
When challenge to not do what others states not too?
Some of the best wisdom gets tossed to aside.

Just like Adam and Eve and the tree of consequences.
Wherever there's knowledge?
There's will be some seeking it.

For if they have avoided this.
We wouldn't be going through this mess.
But to be innocent, means to be gullible to anything.

We taught in life wrong from right.
God knew from the start these two wouldn't adhere to his advice.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2017
Have you lost?
Most you have stolen or manipulate to get.

Wrong have been done to you.
Justice has been shown kinder to you.

Oh, you not better than any other race.
Don't get it twisted that you are.

But you have all the political connection to divert the laws to your advantage.
Similar to you changing the images of Christ and to some Santa.

You join all the hatred groups led by idiot males.
Some are bright but more dumb as a nail.
Especially when they spell Niger instead of the correct word.

But the truth stands in you not understanding this.

The races you hate will forever exist.
Learn and adapt to this.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Add a little sugar to you.
You'll be sweeter.
Add in some honey to you.
You'll be sweeter.
Add a little loving in the mix.
You'll be hotter.

Hot enough to engulf into a moment of romance.

Give a tender kiss to you.
You'll be ready.
Give a soft touch to you.
You'll be willing.

Warmth enough to share our feelings.

And after we add a little more ingredient to the moment.
We'll soon be enjoying more than, we thought possible.
And like someone greedy, we'll be seeking more.
Up to the point we won't be hungry.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
Our friends seems to think.
When it comes to us.
Except, I'm not that addictive.
When it comes to love.

We each other sweetner.
In creating a certain joy.
After all and in truth.
Who wants to be with someone?
That you know is a bore.

If you was a drug.
I'm strong enough to walk away.
I'm not like certain folks stuck to a play station game.

Your personality.
Yes, it drew me in.
But many could apply mine to you.
Every now and again.

We addictive.
Not to the point of losin' control.
But to the point of knowiing the way to go.

You no ******.
And neither am I.
We know exactly when to say goodbye
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
Add me to your book.
Because I am now your friend.
Make me a plus.
I'll be there in the end.

Don't try to divide.
Because you will need me.
And don't try to subtract?
I'm the one that has your back.

And that's more than a fraction.
Could ever equal to be?
Now ain't you glad you adore me.
rights controlled by jeffrey t. conyers
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
Add me to that list.
There are not too many people.
That don't get talked about.
And you appears to be one.

Just the mention of your name.
Brings out the sweetest comments.
You described in some of the nicest terms.

Obvious a sign of goodness connected to you.
That you must have earned.
So , now add me to that list.

I believe you represent yourself well.
If spoken negative about.
It's mainly from people that jealous.

We see this a lot.
When you build up your reputation.
Just to find those looking to bring you down.
Except , your reputation stays in tack.
Which I truly respect.

I'm just requesting you too.
Add me to that list.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
Add me to your life.
And multiply your love.
It be blessed by the one above.

Add me to your life.
And watch your world improve.
It be worthy to have someone above.

If the sunshine is a bright beam of light.
So hot.
So hot.
Your smile would be the same.
I would work harder to keep it upon your face.

So add me to your life.
And multiply your love.
Why subtract?
And be a minus of a heart that cares.

Because one plus one makes two.
That's why I know I'm the one for you?
jeffrey conyers May 2017
That finger that you have pointed at someone else.
Should also be pointed at you.
For no one is perfect to another.
Except one.

And that we can't become.

If those you see as less.
Then we all should address ourselves.
If riches of wealth is your goal.

Would you contribute some to help the poor.

If any race offends you.
Then address yourself?
For you in need of a clean up project.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2019
See, me now?
Not when I'm rich?
Don't even tell me about your regrets.

I won't acknowledge you.
But remember that you didn't see me then.

Now I'm successful within my life.
Or headed that way.
Here you come for a chance to try once more.

Except, you overlooked be like trash you walked by.
Be not shocked?
That I got ahead.

These things happen?
When you're a determined man.
jeffrey conyers May 2020
Love is strange.
Even the one you love.
They will overlook the obvious?
Until another pay you attention.

Then you say, now you notice me?
When others have seen me?
Then they cry and complain.
When you never changed.

They just realize they must compete more.
Since they silently open up the door.
By taking you for granted.

A diamond that shines get noticed all the time
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
It's been spoken and stated too.
If you don't want people to know your deepest secrets.
Then keep them to yourself.

Just imagine.
Those that have kept a diary.
To them it's private.
To others.
It's a mystery
Until, you are exposed.
Then everybody's knows.

Yeah, many states they never heard the news.
But notice the problem they have finding a jury.
Just to be fair.

It's like writing a book about yourself.
Many things are left out of their autobiography.
Either for it's embarassing to them.
Or cause pain to another.

Except, in many diaries.
People wants to write and keep everything.

Noww, when it's in their parents hands.
Then many loves to cry foul.
But all they did was find it in the open.
And, who doesn't believe some parents loves to go snooping?

A diary is just a book.
Which can expose you.
Or protects you.

It all depends on what you want it to do.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
It's been spoken and stated too.
If you don't want people to know your deepest secrets.
Then keep them to yourself.

Just imagine.
Those that have kept a diary.
To them it's private.
To others.
It's a mystery
Until, you are exposed.
Then everybody's knows.

Yeah, many states they never heard the news.
But notice the problem they have finding a jury.
Just to be fair.

It's like writing a book about yourself.
Many things are left out of their autobiography.
Either for it's embarassing to them.
Or cause pain to another.

Except, in many diaries.
People wants to write and keep everything.

Noww, when it's in their parents hands.
Then many loves to cry foul.
But all they did was find it in the open.
And, who doesn't believe some parents loves to go snooping?

A diary is just a book.
Which can expose you.
Or protects you.

It all depends on what you want it to do.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2021
A directive.

A directive.

So when the police state it?
Don't keep on moving?

Cooperate and most likely you see another day.

When mom/dad say be quiet?
Tak if you want to?
You know the consequences aren't shaking your hand.

Okay, you more likely will get a back hand.

When the boss?
Say you are fired.
This isn't a let's talk about it session?

It's a stern statement.

Not all police shooting racist.
Think of your family members and their personality.

Some just mouthy.
Some just hardheaded.

All things that happen have a different perspective.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2021
Everything is not racist?
We simply have a different perspective.
Each side has a point.
We can't say with all honesty they don't.

Not, all races have been treated fairly on the playing field.

And when they succeed against all odds?
Then one side thinks it is because of various rules in place
Afraid to admit, you were far ahead of the field of players.

And now you must honestly complete.
But they do have a perspective to speak.
Even if a few think their opinions are weak.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2013
I'm love by you, in a different way.
I can't help but notice it.
When your former's look your way.

You try not to look.
Except, your smile gives you away.
It's fine.
It's cool.
I'm still the one being loved by you.

But, if he makes you happy.
You're free to leave.
But you will remember me.

For I'm the one that make you smile more.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2020
In this world of sin.
I simply see no end.
Women freely love messing with married men.
And apologize not.

Just a temporary thrill between two.
She got what he needs?
He has what she seek?
We live in a ***** world of lust and corruption.

Many sit within the congregation seeking one or two out.
Yes, don't think all go to church to simply sing or shout.

But pretenses are saints and sinners
In this ***** world, there is no winner.
Just more saintly sinners.

Those you meet that keeps it real.
Must be respected.
Even if we try to detest them.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2016
The felon cries about struggles when out.
The mother's cries when your child shot and die.
Life's not fair to anyone.

But life's lesson is in pushing on.

If you released back into society to rebuild.
You must adjust and adapt to society's requirements.

To regress back into your habits that placed you behind the walls doesn't accomplish anything at all.
Many expecting you to fall.

And to those mothers wills sons constantly going in and out of prison.
Some ties to you cut when you the enabler to them.
Obviously, you're not too important to him.
Until they behind the walls again.

Push, promote to change.
Upon this earth we only here for certain days.
So adjust and adapt to pushing on.
Women, brag about being single mom.
Men barely address it if they are raising the child saying I'm a single dad.

You adjust and you adapt and carry on.

Some of the greatest mothers around without a man has excel.
Because failure wasn't an option.

So, adjust and adapt and carry on.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
Some men wants to be a father.
They don't want the tag of husband.
Some women wants to be a mother.
And also be called a wife.

It's a moment of adjusting.
And both won't get it right.
This do the right thing.
Isn't always the right thing to do.
When love isn't involved.
And we wonder why the divorce rate is high.

Use your head.
Simply, means use your mind.
It's a moment of adjusting.

To some men.
Women are bait.
And men are the fishes trying to reel them in.
So gets caught.
Others feels offended.

Use your head.
Again, mean use your mind.
It's a moment of adjusting to truth.
Which many truly don't want to do.

Now watch how friends becomes enemies.
Without considering the child.
Use your head.
Use your mind.
Truth is there to see.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2016
Ministers preaches transform from the world.
In other words be not conform to it.
But w must adjust to the world that God created.

Problems exist.
To some a total mess.
We see conflicts between voters and selected presidential candidates.

One wants to bomb any of another racial climate.
Call them radical without accepting truth about his own.
And once elected and bodies of soldiers lying upon the ground.

Then you see voters trying to turn opinions around..

Adjusting to the world.
Means adjusting to truth.
We surrounded by forces of various groups.

Then you a woman that many states lies when in truth all politicians does when before us.
None can admit that they hate to see a woman lead.
After all scriptures wording keeps them as a secondary gender.

A book ritten by men to govern us all.
ith words that God inspired them to write.

Adjusting to the world means adjusting to changes.
Some w failing to ompletely explain.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
I'll always admire the English.
Their enunciation is so clear.
And it makes you wants to speak better.

To some it's the accent.
And that's apart of the attraction.

Sean Connery, perfectly sound of Scotland.
Tom Jones, Welsh sounding voice.
Has you wishing one was yours.

Then again.
None of them have to be famous.

We should try to sound our best.
Even if we never be English.
We can pretend to be one in our fantasy.
Unless you are one.
Then you'll know, what I'm talking about?
jeffrey conyers Aug 2016
Ok, admit it.
Of all the others, I make you laugh more.
Admit it.

Admit that my face makes you smile.
My humor drives you wild.
Admit it.

Just my mere presence elevates you to motivate me.
If ever sick I'm aware I'm the cure you need.
Admit it.
I'm Dr. Happiness.

I might never been the best lover you had.
But if you like to build my ego up.
Go ahead and brag.

Just remember I'm the one daily on your mind.
Dr. Happiness, so admit it.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2018
For so long you deny it.
Even tried to hide it.
But your eyes tell another story.
So admit it?
Admit that you love me.

Never one to push the issues.
Never one to cry and request some tissues.
Always putting on a strong front.
So admit it?
Admit that you care.
For anyone can see some feelings there.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
You're like a rose blossoming into a beautiful flower.
One I could look at for hours.
You're like a star high lighting the sky.
You a good man love surprise.

You're extremely wonderful.
You're extremely charming.
You are worthy of adoration.
Yes, you are.

I'm fond of you.
Proud to call you, my adorable you.

If I'm loving you too much.
Then it be up to you to leave.
I refuse to love you less.
Cause you been the best thing to happen to me.
Yes you.
And I forever call you, my adorable you.

This I will confess.
As long as I have breath.
I'm going to go out of my way to please you.

Call me love sick.
Call me silly.
I just don't care.
You deserve more.
To me.
You're a good example of love.
Adore me, because eventually you will love me.
Hold me, eventually you will feel me.

Like the warmth of a cozy blanket my arms will be your comfort.
Yes, your heater.

So, adore me.
Eventually, you will love me.
And it will be so unselfishly.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
Advice, not asked for.
Is giving anyway.
And that advice sometimes creates more problem for you pay.

So ask yourself?
Was it worth it to listen too.
Realize that it only affecting you.

Sure you'll find those"I told you so".
But these the one whispering about you behind close doors.

Some states that they knew marriages wasn't going to last.
But when they do last years and years.
Then notice the things they states.

When many states cheaters will never change.
People don't realize two shares the blame.
Advice, are just simple wisdom given to some.

They must take the knowledge and apply it wisely.
For if they don't.
They will be hated despisely.

**** if you do.
**** if you don't listen.
Just don't tell them you won't.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2014
Some ladies in marriage know it's a no win relationship.
That in your man's eyes you are love.
But never like the admiration of love for his mother.

Writers and counselors writes books.
Saying you should place your wife first.
Which several men does.
But many ladies know.
When it comes to his mother.
She's still number one.

Common sense and book sense sometimes don't mix.
Just put men in a group and sit back and listen only.
And pay close attention.

The the first lady they know.
The first lady they love.
The first one to listen to them.
A closeness within their heart not to be broken.

And it has been stated and said:
To judge a man treatment of his woman.
Judge it upon ways he treat his mother.

And many treat them wonderful.

She's his comfort source.
When things goes wrong at home.
But one that know to avoid marital problems.

To this son, she's his queen.
And his spouse first lady to the throne.
Who will inherit the true title of Queen?
Only after his mother has moved on.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2019
People, give it
Except don't follow it.
They become experts.
Except to you a hypocrite.
And we constantly see this.

From who?
The advice giver.
They know more to advise you.
Then they do themselves.
And most likely their life is a mess.

Yes, the advice givers.
Maybe we are to reverse this.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
I woke up to a fantastic morning.
Another day of life.
Is nothing to complain about.

Some wake up.
And instantly complaining about it.
I accept all the challenges that I will face.
Because, it's a fantastic morning.

Somewhere in this world that we live within.
We must face the reality.
That they are worse off then us.

What sunny to me?
Might be gloomy to them.
For me.
It's a fantasic morning.

Just as beautiful than yesterday was.
We control mostly anything affecting us.
Except life.

From the day we was born.
We was surrounded by love.
And our birth was on a fantastic morning.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2020
In a faraway land.
Was a culture minding their business?
It was others that showed interest.

Intrigued with the free labor of these folks.
They captured and shipped to another land.
And yes, some were sold by their very own people.

In a faraway land.
That many would get to revisit again.
They arrived unto another country and became the property of the plantation.

Sold, abused, separated, and ***** of their heritage.

Time will travel down through centuries.
And others would say to this culture-go back where you came from?

But then that means they too should leave.
Because in a faraway land those shipped here were among their ver own people.
Comfortable and loved more.

And now their descendants.
Not going nowhere?
Because your heritage kidnapped them from a faraway land.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2024
I said hello, and you spoke.
The prettiest sounding tone I ever heard.
And it from only a few words.

Soon, you would become my world.

At the end of both our conversation, we say, I love you.

We laugh, we play, we love in various ways.
And only a few words started this.

And when we're apart?
You're not aware of how much you're missed?
jeffrey conyers May 2018
David initiated it.
Bathsheba accepted.
Even those she had a husband and of him a wife.

Men daily start off with some form of tricks to get his kicks.
Some ladies operate on this pay for play schemes.
Sound harsh but truth sounds mean.

It's the people love of money that makes it's the root of all evil.
Not the thrills.
For what news now?
Will be news later in coming years.

Affairs, affairs.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2013
From a president to a senator.
We hear them speak about affairs of regret.
Without saying, they got caught up in the moment.

From the husband down to his spouse.
Many only regret the affairs of regret.
Only when they first get found out.

Cause it was fun when it begin.
And it's forever a good memory in your head.
Just don't mention it doing an argument.
Cause you might be in for a surprise.
When they speak about their visitors.

And the only affairs of regret..
Might just be only yours.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2017
The truth is...
Rich or wealthy has less worries than the poor.
Oh, you didn't know?

Many foolishly called the Affordable Health Care by another name to reflect truth.
You know "Obama Care" as if, it didn't sere great purposes.

Of course certain medical staff complains.
But many, are in co-hoots with the medical companies for profit.
So their vision were of a different division.

Now, with the new regime in place, we see them trying to dismantle it.
Oh, you didn't know.
This is, what happen when you get new fellows?

And now the folks complains.
Yes, about the Affordable Health care, as if, they didn't know the truth.
That although, it wasn't completely perfect.
It severed a purpose.

Strange that one group complaining more.
But these was the one seeking a new leader.
One, to follow their agenda.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
He real.
He is what you feel he is?
What he is not?
Is a fictitious God.

Some, will forever question this or that?
We are human.
It's to be expected.

Some say we brainwashed into this belief.
And that written words are just fictional creation of guys that study accordingly.

Dictating the unjust against the just.
Then we all mirror that fact both ways.
And what's wrong with giving an unseen God higher praise?

Heck, there is power in that name
jeffrey conyers Jul 2017
See me, see truth.
Believe I'm only explaining truth to you.
Hear me, hear wisdom.
That's all I'm explaining to you.

Where blames lies?
We place only on one side.
When most of the times another was standing near by.

Stare, listen and then speak.
Make no mistakes about my knowledge to you.
For wiser folks than me has tried to school you.

Except a fool continue on.
Until knowledge leaves us all.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2022
I came
I went
I returned again.
What a fool I must have been?
jeffrey conyers Aug 2016
You fall for words spoken to you, quickly.
Without any suspicious that those saying them just wants you physically.
Then once, they accomplished their purpose.
They are gone and once again, you're alone.

You fall for those with sympathetic stories, with haste.
And your kindness makes the situation worse.
To some, you're a fool.

Many lovers has used you.
There's nothing wrong with being alone.
But once they depart your life.
It seems you're expecting again.

Love, don't use.
Only the wants of being needed do.
A fool, you has become for others to use.
And it seems a part you have became so use too.
jeffrey conyers May 2013
A fool don't realize they are one.
Until it's too late.

A fool goes into financial ruin to impress.
Afraid to admit they created their own mess.

Then when reality set in.
That's when common sense soon begins

They see that chasing someone to the point that they go broke.
And the return feelings doesn't come their way.
Then they are willing to face their pain.

A fool is a fool when they hold on to dreams.
Until they wake up to see that the dream has faded away.

Being an idiot is too high of a price to pay.

The funny thing is we all have been one.
So we really can't advise no one.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
Have you realize love blind many into saying stupid things?
Things that the stupid sometimes tries to explain.
Like, he beats me because he loves me.

So, when did love becomes abusive.

Sometimes situations dictates sadness.
When you have no place to go.
Or your family has left you all alone.

Inner strength and survival skills will pull you through.
Even, if you're a woman wth a destructive fool.

This saying a man that beats a woman.
Won't hit a man.
Realize honestly.
These are just words.

A fool is a fool.
He just realize others gets offended.
If he tries to hit you.

A fool is a fool.
And will learn his lesson in the end.
The sad part of it is.
He lost you in the end.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Almost like you just get an honorary mention.
A footnote not worthy of more attention.
But without your guidance and heart of love and respect.

The three wise men would still be looking for the child to come.

You did what only a few still do?
Step up and accept the role you too took on.
But the history of your importance vanishes when he became grown.

We know more about his mother.
Heck, even more about her cousin.
Hardly enough about your death or burial.

And many know he deserving of all that glory.
But if here in the flesh, he must admit that the man he grew into has to owe a little to you.

A man called Joseph.

But you a footnote, we hardly or barely know.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2024
Been together for so long.
Seen the good and the bad face the happiness and the sad.
And sworn to one another, they not going nowhere.

And we call this a forever love.
Made for one another.

On the same page when attacked.
Sworn from the beginning to have one another back.
And from all indication, it's a true fact.

They in a forever love.
Made for one another.
Yes, a forever love that they found years ago.

He still the gentleman that open doors.
He is her forever love.
Made for one another.

She calls him King.
Except, he simply accepts being her man.
With eyes for no other.

He aware of the gift and prize he has.
And cherish it immensely.
They have a forever love.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
When did you know you first love mom/dad?
The children's asked.
And this is, where the beginning of love get a rewritten vision?

She will say this.
Some he might agree.
He will say that.
To which she will reply.
But through it all.
You can see the love within their eyes.

She will blush.
He will laugh.
She will say, quit making up stories.
He will say, she has a memory lapse.
This is , where the revision comes in.
But through it all.
You will see love.

Which makes us want a forever love.
When we see our parents still enjoying one another.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2024
Who's afraid of hell?
You should be.
Those that embrace it.
Soon, will regret it.

Who afraid of God?
You should be.
The Almighty has the strength to end many things.

God, stated, he would destroy the world by fire.
Obviously, he could use water to carry that plan out.

Who afraid of death?
You should be.
Except, it can't be helped.

For there is a time for everything.

Who afraid of love?

I hope no one.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2024
Guess, I'm cut from a different breed.
I stick with a friend through various things and themes.
When others abandon theirs?
I am in their corner.

If judged upon a crime or something wrong, they have done.
Are we all saying, we are better than anyone.
Don't get me wrong about my friendship t you.

I be the first to call you a first-class fool.
Long before you made that choice to travel that road.
I am sure your conscious told you not to go.

Even, when under all levels of attacks.
Here, as friend that has your back.
Whether you're famous or simply not.

Sometimes, in this abusive world some friends all you got.
Judge me, hate me, that is your right.
But don't tell me I can't be a friend to someone, you dislike.
jeffrey conyers May 2016
We read about you.
We know about you.
You preached upon.
But, do we really know you?
Yes, you're still a mystery to us all.

Segments of your life is overlooked.
Simply because they don't know all about you.
You might have done things some stated you did

Oh, they can argue it.
They can debate it.
But they wasn't there to deny it.
Sure many won't even buy it.

Yes, there are sceptics or scrutinizers and rightly so.
All our lives isn't what it seems?
But it wouldn't bother you if you were exposed.

You accomplished your appointed goal.
You came down to save a lot of souls.

So rather we know all segments of you is secondary to the primary you was assigned.

Jesus, I'm glad to call you a friend of mine.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
Be honest?
We all say stupid thing.
But it's funny when you see people with power say a dumb thing.

After all, I'm the president.

Like Congress can't shut him down.

But many afraid of the redheaded clown.

For they might get exposed.

We know his secrets constantly coming forward.

After all, he's the president.

He has created his own mess.

With selecting of his own associates.

Trump boys.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2013
There's one truth that's known.
Love will always exist.
This is obvious.

There's one truth that's known.
Hate will always exist.
The only differences is love will always win.
Have no doubt about it.

It has substain relationships others thought was impossible.
It has built upon love to make people treasure it more.
After all, it's love.

Hates does nothing more destroys.
There are many relationships that can be pointed  too prove it.
And then they blame it on love.

Love creates the rules.
But it's the people that has final decision on , who they wants to give it too?
After all, it's love.

Once found, it should be treated like gold.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2015
I've came to this conclusion and the truth too.
That if you remove my love from your heart.
You'll be empty after all  I have done for you.

Stay, in denial by not facing facts.
As much as fiction gets more attention.
You must be aware of things that has emerged.

Remove, my love from your heart.
And you would be empty.
A lost soul seeking me again.

I gave you confidence.
I gave you support.
I gave you dreams to be.
Most of all I gave you love.

So eradicate your feelings for me.
And watch your world crumble down to your knees.
After all I've done for you.
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