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jeffrey conyers Nov 2018
She still the one.
The one that makes you and feel so much joy.

Yes, she still the one.
That makes you realize just how much you do love her.

After all these years together.
You two are used to one another habits.
Yes, after all these years together.
You two still look out for one another.

You probably got friends still search ing for a lover.
After having many, many more.
And never thought about sticking to one.

Once you got used to one.
You look up and there's someone new they bringing over.

But you two after all these years together.
Your true love has kept you both with each other.
You still the one in each other life.

That makes each smile both day and night.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2020
After all these years, I can still proclaim, you're the one I love.
Yes, after all these years.
In a changing world, where relationships fade?
In our eyes, love has stayed.

We have our share of good and bad times.
You're still the star that shines in these eyes of mine.
And I hope I am still that radiance in your eyes.

After all these years, I still adore you more.
And I hope you're keeping score because I will be a ten.
And I'm not bragging or boasting because you have spoken it.

Even if it dips to a four?
I rise again with the love and things I do to keep you smiling.
Just looking at you makes me smile more.

Yes, after all these years, you control my spirit and guides my heart.
Yes, in my eyes, you been s blessing from the Almighty God.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
I heard the rumors.
And play them off.
I just thought you wasn't interested.
Or even had the time.

I thought I was out of my mind.
When truth came true.
That after all this time.
I felt a connection to you.

After all this time.
We have something in common.
After all this time.
We have something to share.

Love is like lightning.
You'll never know where it will strike..
You just hear the thunder roaring.
And wonder about the rain.

So after all this time.
I'm simply amazed by the fact you even looked my way.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
I hear you mention him.
And all the wrong he done.
You seems to eliminated me,
from the presence of your life.

Strange, you don't know my name.
After I've been good to you.
You don't know my name.
After I've supported you.

It's great.
It's fine.
That he gets the blame for the pain he has cause you.

But be fair.
I've been a cure for you.
I just know.
You forget my name.
After I've been good to you.

And it seems you doting on him.
Being the best thing to affect you.
When in truth.
It's has been me.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2015
Energized, memorizing to my mind.
Oh, we have a wonderful and splendid time.
After loving like that, I'm hooked.

Look at my eyes, they tell a story.
Look at my lips, they expose a message.
After loving like that, I'm yours.

Those unplanned encounters leaves better memories.
I guess because you touched a nerve with your romantic intention.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2020
I take the blame.  But not all.  You not as innocent.  But this aftermath have shown me various things about a woman.  I just won't tell you.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2016
After, the first pain.
The hurt should reside.
After, the first tears.
You should have found pride.

After , the first fool.
You should be more careful to love.

Except , here you are again similar to where you been before?
You relate to certain songs cause it reminds you of you.

After, the humiliation of accepting and giving.
Here, you sit within your hurt feelings.
A reminder of things you been through before.

Yes, the first fool.
You should have learned that love grows where it feels welcome?
And that nobody's on this earth is ever perfect.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2014
Did you feel love?
After the moment.
The moment you gave of yourself.

Did you have regrets?
When you felt the feelings wasn't giving back.
Least after the moment.
After the moment you gave of yourself.

Oh, you can tell.
Cause your heart begins to speak.
And your mind begins to question things.
After the moment you shared of yourself.
Especially when the phone calls begins to become far and in between.

Or they begin to treat you different.

It's always after the moment.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2020
After the money is gone.
Will you still be here?
Or like those seeking the spotlight vanishing once the light goes dim.

Will you be one of them?
Tell me now?
Before this relationship goes anywhere?

Tell me, where you stand?
What's wrong with an honest answer?

We know that those with money attracts.
More of us not fooled by these selected memories allegations.
Even if pushed by the experts.

Because if those seeking quick wealth?
Then connect to someone seeking an on the spot lover.
And they mainly the wealthy seeking a mistress or a lady seeking a lover.

Then when the affair is over?
Now they a well-known published author.
After the money is gone.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2013
Some don't blame you for using a fool.
They live by the premise, see a fool, use a fool.
But after the using is gone.
Just maybe.
Just maybe your conscious will begins to guide you.

Remember, what goes around?
Comes around.
And you might get used.

Gorgeous, as you might be.
And finding men willing to do anything to be with you.
Always remember that advice of don't be cruel.

Cause one of these days.
Your looks will be gone.
We all realize looks doesn't last for very long.

And if they do.
It's the heart within you that says a lot about you.

So, after the using is gone.
And you accomplished a lot.
A user might come along.
And manipulate you for what you have got.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2014
Oh, sometimes, it's too late for, I'm sorry.
After the words you said.
Sometimes the consequences in the end isn't worth it.

Sure the tongue is a evil ***** of its own.
Quick to speak words out of your mouth, at the expense of a person feelings.
Then like many, you realize the bad taste effect.
After the words you said.

You know them.....
I can't stand you.
You get on my last nerve.
I wish you have never been born.
Or to keep it real.
I wish you dead.

All phases you regret, if you have a heart.
Especially when one of them comes truth.

After the words you have said.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Keep whispering those words in my ear.
After this.
After this.
You know the exact things to say.
After this.
Even during this.

Keep giving.
Keep loving.
After this.
Ooo, after this.
Love never has been more wonderful.
Than during this.
Yes, I'm loving it.
You're proving it.

Keep holding me so closely.
After this.
After this.

The pleasure, is so inviting.
Oh, so exciting.
That I could continue on.
After this.
While we doing this.

Keep on doing, what you're doing?
Keep on going.
Keep on going.
Even during a storm warning.
Keep on going.
Keep on going.
We be the lightning for one another.
After this.
After this.
We even be the rain.
We even be the joy.
All I asking you?
Is to keep on giving more.
After this.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2014
After a storm, you wish for calmness.
After any pain, you wish that it would fade.
After a gloomy moment, you wish for a better day.

And after you.
What else do I need?
When you're blessing me?

My prayers, was answered the day, I found you.
Then others say, after you found me.
They point to the smile shining better upon my face.
That your loving and understanding erased the hurt.

And they go on to say, after you.
I could never locate another better than you.

That after you.
I would be a fool to ever leave you.
Or have you depart from me.

You're a rare kind.
You're a rare beauty.
And it has nothing to do with the physical.
In various ways, I know I would be miserable.
Yes, after you.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2014
There's something, about a full moon.
That makes things better at night.
With the  stars shining bright and the gleaming of the moonlight.
What else do you need?
Besides, a lover to make it right.

There's something, about a full moon.
That makes your moods feel right.
With the one you want to love within your loving arms.
Who could careless about the weather?
With candles burning and the situation turning into something dramatic.

Yes, there's something about a fool moon.
That makes you feel good at night.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Girl, you're like the flame of a candle.
That has me memoring every hot part of you.

And the wax that's melting down.
You kept me rising up like the ember.
Burning hot.
Really hot.

You're a fury flame.
That has left their name.
Upon my heart.
Upon my mind.
Which suits me fine.

Cold water can't douse me.
Or put me out.
I'm burning hot.
Really hot.
I love what you have?
I need what you got?
I really do.
I really do.

Need a taste of you.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2020
Again, I decided to try once more.
Expose myself to love again.
While knowing not how it will eventually end.

In our minds we have it laid out.
Visualized and planned to be precise.
In our minds, it's very nice.
Until reality set in and we depart.

We access it.
We process it.
Then we must face it.

So we let days, weeks months, even years go by.
Always blaming the other side.
Until we realize.

Again, we will give it one more time.
While hoping it ends way better this time.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
You must love sports.
When football quarterbacks say it's my fault for the lost.
Like the coach played no part in play calling.
Or not sitting the QB down in time.

Wishes and prayers don't win games.

And again and again, the excuses are the same.

Once rich the mindset must become I want a championship ring.
Think of the honor and recognition it brings.

Then you must have a winning mentality.
One motivated by the coaches standing on the sideline.

Champions are determined winners.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
Against all odds his message got through.
And when we read of him.
We see the burden he went through.

Against conflicts and obtacles that arised.
We read how many came forward to testify.
And, how many changed their ways and gained fame.

Some walked justly and failed.
Others walked wrongly and changed.
So, be glad we know Christ, by Jesus name.

It's the one we call out when all else fail.
It's the one we yell when we have and emotional feel.
We,  who believe know that He is real.

Who besides him don't get mad?
When some people deny him.
Who else accepts being called a prophet?
Like the word would offend him.

He's secured with his status.
He raised Lazarus when he died.
Who amongst us isn't glad to be alive?

Mention him to some and watch them get offended.
But pay close attention to them  when they are down.
And slowly watch them mention the King with the crown.

In the name Jesus things can be restored.
And in the bible his life is constantly explored.
Because He was given to Us out, of true love.

So, let always celebrate the Lord.
rights owned by Jeffrey T. Conyers
jeffrey conyers Jun 2019
I gave it, so unselfishly.
Ask nothing in return?

I presented it as a golden treasure.

It's worth all the presentation and should be honor like one.

It's joyful and so much fun.
A gift made for more than one.

I presented it out of my heart strictly for the one I love.

Accept it?
Protect it?
Cause what I'm giving you?

Is my love?

A gift that calls so wonderful.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
I bought you flowers.
A gift.
I bought you a card.
A gift.
I put all my feelings within this and send them to you.
I brought you love.
A gift.
You just refuse to see the pleasure of it.
But you knew it was there.
You just refused to receive it.

I offered you comfort.
A gift.
I offered you support.
A gift.
I alerted you that I was here when you had no place to turn.
But your pride hindered all of this.
But you knew it was there upon your reguest.
For in me you won't find a sign of selfishness.

The door is always open to you.
To come and receive this gift offered unto you.
jeffrey conyers May 2016
Beauty of aging gracefully
Not even thinking of surgery

When your hair turns gray so wonderfully before you.
And others trying to being up youthfulness if you color it.

While others mention your grace and beauty of getting old.
These winks that stands out upon your face.
Apart of life changing pace.

Some call it your golden honor.
While you call it your wonderful honor of God.
Cause he designed us and played apart in us aging gracefully.

So what?
If parts doesn't perform the part they once done.
You be surprise of the respect you get more older than you ever did when young.

Yes, aging gracefully.
Is a blessing we all should hope for.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2014
A girl named Hope.
Make you hope for better things.
A girl named Faith.
Had you believing in the impossible.
A girl named Believe.
Made you see the reality of your imagination.

A girl named Caress.
Had you showcasing your caring ways.
A girl name Miracle.
Turn out to be miraculous to the world.

Love she knew.
Has the strength to make you know it too.

A girl name Violet.
Reminded of of the flowers that blossom.
A name name Dream.
Made you know, what's pleasing?

Whatever name she has?
It will carry weight beyond measure.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2014
It's true.
It's true of things a man just can't do.
It's fair.
It's fair to a mother a man can't be compare.

A girl need a mother for the physical changes they eventually will go though.
Similar to a boy needing a male figure to direct and guide them.

Yes, some guys can fix and curl girls hair.
Except with it that time of change for a female child.
They always turns too mom, sister, aunt and grandmother.

Cause a girl need a woman simply in their lives.

To advise them about boys.
Those troublesome breed of male heaters.

To advise them about hygiene .
To guide them through hosts of many things.

A girl need a mother.
A girl need a woman.
Even if it's just a big sister.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2020
She searching for Boaz.
Or seeking a Godly man in their life to love.
Get upset when you question her?

But long before many ever met Go standards in scriptures.
Many males held to high standards were they like the guys many avoid.

The wisdom male had plenty of opportunities to earn that title.
The one that couldn't built for God because of ****** hands.
Was an adultery soul and murderer?

And that disciple that never travel with Christ held out to be a greater disciple than those that were Christ's inner circle.
Had to be frightened to change.

So that Godly man that women love to speak of wanting.
Went through somethings to change.

Who among us, now?
Is truly perfect?
jeffrey conyers Nov 2014
Strange that in many divorce or hurt women life.
They starts to seek a godly man.
Then what was your first?
Someone you accepted to make it your love relationship work.

Scriptures of all those so call "just"men.
Was some of the best sinner?
Who broke commandments?
Even when many understood them.

In true perspective, they seeking a man they trying to mold.
Who will slip and fall like others?
Where they can say , he was a man that follow the scriptures?

Their godly man.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
Listening to George Jones.
Or Mel Tillis.
Or Maybe Mickey Gilley.
I'm just a country boy listening to a country song.

Good loving.
Or a good feeling.
I'm just a country boy listening to a country song.

Listening to the original Statler Brothers.
Singing Flowers on the Wall.
Or Marty Robbins singing My Woman, My Woman, My Wife.

There's nothing greater then a good country song.

Whether it's by Johnny Cash.
Or Johnny Paycheck.
Or Roger Miller singing Dang It.

There's just nothing like a good country song.

Sure they reminds you of the blues.
Or the blues reminds you of country.
Either way the message is cleared.
There's nothing like a good country love song.

Throw in some Tammy Wynette.
Or Loretta Lynn.
Or play you some Dolly.
And you'll see the story happening.

Cause there's nothing like a good country song.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2013
A good deed is sufficient for itself.
You don't have to tell anyone else.
God never boast about helping us.
He does it so cause of his love.

Many have went out of their way for you.
And in your own heart you know that too.
And you just might have done the same.

A good deed is sufficient enough.
Think of those that have saved someone.
And you never see them coming forth.
They didn't do it for any rewards.

And this wasn't said to offend anyone.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
A good man.
Has his reputation in tact.
A good man.
A woman can easily tell him.

He don't run from responsibilty.
He accepts that.
And even a little more.

He holds his own against comments.
He deserves all those compliments.
That gets level toward him.
To his child.
He leaves a good impression.

To his woman.
He gives her reasons to adore him.
Even stay in love with him.

Because ,he's a good man.
Not ever pretending to be.
He could teach others.
If they willing.
To adapt and be like him.

Because, he's a good man

And raised perfectly by his parents.
Yes, he has his faults.
But he's above being bought.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
Those that know.
Knows these words are true.
I'm a good man.
Just for the ways I treated you.

I cherish you.
I respected you.
Went out of my way for you.

Those that knows.
There's no need for me to lie.
I , myself know I'm a good man.

Which you must admit.
For the things I go out of my way to do.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2013
He works.
He comes home to you.
He deals with all the drama you put him through.
He's a good man.
There's not too many in the world like him.

When you feel like arguing.
You realize you can't bait him.
That 's a good quality of fate about him.

When your temperature rises.
He calm you down.
He has his feet upon solid ground.
He's a good man.
Selfish, he is not.
He gives to you a lot.
Thank the Lord for what you've got.

Your family and friends salute him too.
Advises you that you won't find another like him.
He's one of a million.
One of a kind.
He's a good man.
Which sometimes you fail to realize.

He's not the jealous type of guy.
But you are the apple of his eyes.
Which shouldn't come as a surprise.
All because, he's a good man.
And he's yours.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
For various reasons.
A good man is hurt now.
Yes, here in the present.
Probably at this moment.

His woman might have died.
And he left alone to cry.
To shed all the pain that he feel within.
He lost his very best friend.

A good man is hurt now.
Yes, men feel pain.
Don't matter what others say?

His woman could have left him.
For no apparent reason beside she wanted to be single.
And he gave her everything that was within his power.
Some might say, she isn't worth the tears.
Then love makes you do things that many thought was impossible.

A good man is hurt now.
He might be unemployed.
And feeling less than he should.
Then again, he might not be looking at the better side of sadness.
Cause at the end of the silver lining.
Things just might get better.

A good man is hurt now.
His child might have died.
And it's hard for him to figure out why?

God has his plans.
We are under his plans.
Somethings we can't control.

But if we could.
We would still find out , a good man would be hurt.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2024
He stops me in the way to the gate.
And asked various things of me.
Did I achieve the things I should?
Or did the things I should.

The same things he asks of you.
Were you helpful to those in need?
Reach out those with kindness.

Show love where you should?
Did only the best you could?
He asked so much more and waited for my answer.

He said he been watching me and aware of so many things.
And then he approves me to walk through that gate.
And said don't rush for I won't be late.

For I was a good servant.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2013
To the man that lost his woman to things he done.
Then you can never blame another one.
To that abusive lover that tries to control.
And use violence in all the worse way.
Then why you upset?
When she walks away.
You deserve the blame.

To the friends that tries to defend this fool.
Remember birds of a feather seems to flocks together.

To the man that loves to visit the prisons for crimes.
Blame yourself.
If your love interest moves on.
To the woman that has tried to stay faithful.
You hadn't nothing to apologize for.
He made a choice to commit this crime.
And you deserve happiness in your life.

To the man that loves to be Hugh Hefner.
Your ******* days has made you suddenly alone.
When you come home.
And your loyal lover is gone.
You deserve the blame.
Totally all the blame when she's gone.

A good woman deserves to be loved.
And if you recall you once had one as yours.
And now she is gone.

Just remember these words.
A good woman deserves to be loved.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2020
Stay true to you.
Stay firm, stay honorable.
You a great example of love.

Your eyes show it.
Your smile reveals it.
You a great example of love.

What many think is impossible?
Only is because they never felt it.
What has never touched another?
Is available if they search for it?

Because you're a great example of love.
Seek it.
Find it.
Request it.
It's available for us.
Stay honorable
jeffrey conyers May 2013
He play sports with his son.
He knows his wife is his life.
And mom knows she's number one.

He goes to church with his family.
He faithfully do the same with his job.
He provides.
Even when it seems hard sometimes.

He listen to his children's day at school.
Even smile and read to them too.
He's a good man and a great dad too.

He's living proof that not all men are bad.

He plays with your fiends.
When they request for him to participate.
He protects them too.
As if they are also his.

He's a living testimony that not all men are bad.
To you alone.
He deserves to be respected.

And while they will never surpass a mother.
Man great men know they have or had a great father.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2016
Love be love to love as trouble be double full of trouble.
Baby be baby to him as he be baby to her.
It's their world of exploration.

Life be life to living as living be worth living.
As it's joy in giving if you enjoying the part of receiving.
Hell be hell to those that feels heaven isn't worth going.
It's their very own decision.

Confusion comes to those already confused.
And amused by the confusion.
For knowledge scare many into hiding their smartness.
It's their world of creating.
That makes for a great situation.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
All forms of music have them.
The yearning fan seeking to meet that star.
Some quickly to accept a VIP pass to get to the party.

Just like in the adult exotic field with VIP offering.
It's not for the innocent.

If you accept the invite.
You most likely will remember that exciting or boring night.
Where you partake in the game of thrills?
But remember in most cases even most entertainers never force them.

A groupie conquest is to get them.
jeffrey conyers May 2024
It's took losing you to find my type of love.
With you, I was living in a fantasy world.
Far from any type of reality.

Sure, I warned you just playing the along game.
And I saw that truth.
When I lost everything single thing.

Cause I looked around and you have moved on.
But then she came a long and brough clarity to me.

Build up all my insecurity to see a brighter light.
And now(now)
I am living a happy life.

But it took losing you to find my type of love.
Maybe, the only good thing you did for me.
Was leaving me.

Because now (now)
Because now (now)
I am living a happy life.

Happy and soulful life.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2013
When alone, I cry.
I realize that I'm one of the lucky guy.
As long as I have your love, I'm blessed.
This is something this man can confess.

There are things you'll never hear me say personally.
But will write them in words.
My world begin with you.
And for sure will end with me loving you.
As long as I'm loved by you.
I've been blessed by God above.
And that alone is something wonderful.

The way we met, we can't forget.
The way we love, was meant for us.
Yes, I'm blessed.
Which I'm not afraid to confess this.

I'm loved.
Truly loved.
And as long as I have your love.
I'm a happy man.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2020
I see a smile, so constantly.
Whenever his lady comes around?
It gets wider whenever she gets near.

And this a sign of a happy man.
Who is so proud of his woman?
She is his lady-Happy man.
She is his dream-Happy man.
She is the one that he quickly hurries home too.

He lives for her.
He does for her.
He cares for her if she ever sick?
Like she cares for him if he is ever ill.
He's a happy man and it shows.

He a happy man and careless if you know.

He doesn't complain and he could.
But he comprehends she has some complaints too.
So he sees the happiness over the sad.

And if you ask him?
He will say he is a happy man.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2021
A heart lost on love?
Will forever be broken.

Words held back.
Will never be spoken.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2020
I know this hard to believe?
But a heart so blue(only seeking to be love).

And they always seem to be the ones that hurt(after giving so much).

Sometimes they ask why?
They the one that keeps getting used.
Like one of those various mechanic tools.

But this is real.
A heart so blue(only seeking to be love)
And they take chances( over and over again)

There's no sympathy for those that cry.
All you seem to hear(you just picked the wrong guy)
Which you are aware of?
And this does happen.
When you trying to be love.

Love does exist.
We on this earth can confess to this.
So find the one you need and never have to worry about a thing
jeffrey conyers Jun 2014
A heart that never loved.
Is a heart that will never know love.
Oh, this might sound like twisted words.

But once truth appears.
Then you comprehend the message.

A heart that drift unloved.
Will eventually wants to be found.
No one want to be lost forever.

Even a sad clown seeks happiness.
Someone to turn their frown around after it has been upside down.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2024
When I met you?
You were someone I didn't want to know.
Chasing you wasn't my goal.
Because you had a heart that was cold.

If love ever shined upon you?
I guarantee you it didn't stay so long.
Without your permission it had to move on.
Because you had a heart that was cold.

Then within time I saw a change.
Where hatred once lived?
Love replaced it
And I admit with all honesty and truth.
That you no longer have a heart that's cold.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
A hero died the other day.
Well, respect for the price many soldiers pay.
Some don't come back.
Some were prisoners of war.

A hero died facing his bravest battle.
But he has left a legacy that will last forever.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Don't be upset.
Don't get mad at yourself.
It's only a problem when it's the girl gaining experience.

So, you slept with several.
Notice the negativism directed toward your gender.

Why guys earn notched?
Women gain negative comments.
Then again, many earn high compliments from men.

Especially,the men who came to respect them?
Go out of the way to defend them

To some women with experience.
Is a woman with skills to teach them.
It's just a hidden secret.
Many men's hate to be taught.

Similar to those that hate women bosses.
I can't say.
We all like to be educated in various ways.

It just a males mental block.
That a woman of romance know more than them.
They are the emotional ones.
While men are considered the physical source.

It's a hidden secret that in relationship women has always been the instructors.

They know more about the male pride.
So to soothe their egos they act like students most of the times.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
It's no fable.
During the forties, who didn't admire Clark Gable?
With the common sense of Rhett Butler.

For instant.
Who didn't want to be Cary Grant?
In Affair to Remember.
Admiring and loving a woman forever.

Who doesn't know a shy man like Gary Cooper?
Who came across as a true trooper?
Who stood his ground in High Noon?

And what man didn't burn for Elizabeth Taylor?
With the beauty to make them roar like the MGM lion.
Or is it only me.

Maybe, I'm just living a Hollywood's dream.
Thinking of things I wanted to be.

Lights, Action, Camera.
Is all I use to remember.
When I was pretending be Tyrone Power.

Maybe I was Sean Connery.
Doing all the secret agents type things.
Maybe I'm the Lone Ranger or the Cisco Kid.
Out to do justice for those in need.

These are the things that fantasies do.
When you realize pretending is better than a toy.
Which has been replaced by computers.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2017
Oh, someone sinned.
But they was a holy man.
Suddenly, he was judged by many.
You might say plenty.

But didn't Jesus requested some around him that acted perfect to throw stone.
But none did.
For even a holy man isn't perfect.

We measure others too.
Means, we must be ready to be measured too.

If ALL were perfect in God's eyes.
Than there wouldn't have been any reason for Christ to die.

A holy man cried.
Confessed and apologized.
And requested a radar at the front on each church door.

And spoke, for those that perfect and can't forgive another.
Pass through the radar.
But none accepted.

For a holy man is like us.
A simply man preaching love.
Church is for the sinners and not for the saints.

For lost souls, you're hoping to attract.
And watch Jesus' welcome them all back.
Oh, the sadness of certain communities when folks speak.
They talk about violence weeks after weeks.
Without accepting they control the narrative.

Quit defending that infamous son/daughter doing wrong.
The gang members that think they belong.
One of the biggest intimidator factors in the community.
And it's not to be level at the cops.

When you a participator in the level of crimes.
Oh, folks don't like to bring companies to this area.
When thugs stealing and looting and you remain quiet.
Just waiting to buy it.

Upgrade your community starts with you.
We, all aware of the fools that loves being down.
Afraid to accept responsibility to turn things around.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
Some lesson.
We must learn the hard way.
That's why many parents works to guide us.

Except as a child.
We sometimes likes to use our own mind.

Here child?
I've have a present for you.
Your choice.
On which one you like.

A whole dollar.
Or a hundred pennies.

And like a child I went for the green.
Only later to find truth.
When my mom honestly spoked to me.

She bought truth and logic too.
When she stated I should have took the pennies.

She stated if I lost the dollar.
I would be completely broke.
But if I lost a penny.
I would still be rich.
Because people would replace a penny in a minute.

While getting another dollar might be harder.
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