After all these years, I can still proclaim, you're the one I love.
Yes, after all these years.
In a changing world, where relationships fade?
In our eyes, love has stayed.
We have our share of good and bad times.
You're still the star that shines in these eyes of mine.
And I hope I am still that radiance in your eyes.
After all these years, I still adore you more.
And I hope you're keeping score because I will be a ten.
And I'm not bragging or boasting because you have spoken it.
Even if it dips to a four?
I rise again with the love and things I do to keep you smiling.
Just looking at you makes me smile more.
Yes, after all these years, you control my spirit and guides my heart.
Yes, in my eyes, you been s blessing from the Almighty God.