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jeffrey conyers Aug 2014
I accept you for, who you are?
Accept me, for who I am?
We all have faults to deal with.

I'm not gonna change you.
For who you are now?
What attracted me?

I'm not like those millionaires.
Who fall into love?
Then wants to change you around.
Just to please their high class society crew.

But if you decide to change.
Then I'll support you all the way.
I never been one to just join in to be anyone friend.

But I will always give respect to them.
If they earn it.
So accept me, for who I am?
As I accept you, for who you are?

Cause that's the one I came to love.
Stay the same.
Don't ever change.
Just let the years we are together make that change in that person.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2020
You met me.
Then tried to change me.
I didn't try to change you.

I accepted you as you are.
Not perfect at all.
You're not Jesus the son of God.

You met me.
And instantly saw wrongs.
I saw your imperfection and admired them.
They made you stand out over others trying to fit an image.

So accept me?
Or forget me.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2023
Accept me.
I'm not going to change to fit your mood.
I am an individual.
Same, as you, with a different mentality.

So, simply accept me.
Or leave me alone.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2024
It's my gift to you.
And all you have to do is be open to it.
Accept, my love.
It's sincere and true.

Let it marinate in your head and melt inside your heart.
Because in my eyes, you're a shining star.

So, accept, accept my love.
It's totally real and reserved for you.
My word what I give?
Will never, never ever hurt you.

So, accept my love.
And embrace ever segment of it.
It will leave great memories within you.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
I write you poems.
I sent you cards.
Accept the obvious.
It's you I love.

I call you constantly.
I stay up late talking to you.
Accept the obvious.
It's you I love.

You mainly can tell when love hits you.
By the things you say.
And the action you'll do.

I avoid my friends to be with you.
Some I have known.
Even before I met you.
Accept the obvious.
It's you I love.

For, when love comes over the pointed suspect.
It easy to locate the hunter creating the conflict.
By their will to commit.

So, I accept the obvious.
I'm in love.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
Accept this.
Accept that a person leaves when they feel their love isn't been received
Accept this.

Accept that many times you play apart of being alone.
Remember, a home is only a sweet home.
Until the love of your life feels the love is gone.

Then you're questioning why?
When the information is before your eyes.

Accept this.

In our case accept that my love is yours.
Accept this.
Accept that you are love today and forever more.

Accept this.
And acknowledge it.
For the facts are very important.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2020
Quit denying the obvious whites.
A majority of you are racists.
Accept your racists' ways.

It's ingrained in your nature.
Deeply rooted in many of your very own heritage
The bravery you never had?
When you let others dictate to you your friends?

We ALL have seen if applied pressure the way you cave in.

Accept your racist ways.
All states have some forms.
But it's the south those good rednecks that striving in it.

Alabama and Mississippi legacy forever connected to that image.
Locked outside major cities from the true society of people the world represents.

Sooner or later inherited racism eventually might come to an end.
Many of society not shocked that white ministers preach it.
All ministers players with various scriptures to get you hooked on their messages.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2019
He smart, according to him.
He knows more than anyone of them.
Except he's controlled by one.
Made to look stupid by another.

Now the Intelligence directors need to go back to school.
Yes, according to him.
When war comes, we just got to blame his supporters or base.

I would say race.
Then their lesson has mainly come from seeing body bags of loyal soldiers who fought the cause.

According to the clown, the best trained and knowledge spies leaders need more training.
I laugh when folks say he's a bright businessman.
When bankruptcy for years has been his best friend.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2019
We often and constantly hear about scriptures that God inspired men to write them.
Can, you image the RAGE if females rewrote scriptures under God inspiration?

For so much seems to limit what a woman can do within scriptures.
We very aware some denomination frown upon women preachers.
According to man, they wasn't called before congregation to preach.

Yes, according to men.
They can be this and that according to the male writers of the books.

Things, we very aware many won't accept and most likely will never happen.
We won't see Pope Linda.
We won't see Bishop Elizabeth.
These, are not their calling.

According to men that wrote the books.
They must have been the only ones inspired by God.
According to man.

But when you dive into scriptures you'll find some great and powerful women.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
Does anybody knows the truth?
Or just spreading rumors.
According too..

Even the news avoid honesty.
By reporting stories from the newspaper scene.
According too..

We hear this often upon magazines shows.
Or folks working for People's magazines often speaking quotes.

So, does anyone truly knows the happenings?

Half mix truth mixed with lies.
That creates more trouble.
Whether you're dead or alive.

But the limited folks buy these tales.
Because according too..It's nothing but the truth.

Least, according too.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2017
For, some strange reasons, many loves to say what's the requirements are?
You're too youth to be this or that.
Or attack your maturity level.
Well, according to the experts.

But in truth, we have witnessed many prove many wrong.
Whether it was being a young dad or mom.

They give you the pity act.
When they bring up obstacles they faced in their past.
And this is according to the experts.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2019
According to who?
I don't love you.
According to who?
I just think they jealous of you.

Rumors flying high like a bird in flight.
More like fiction than facts about our life.

So according to who?
I don't love you.
According to who?

Others in society love to be in our life.
As if they don't have one to enjoy.
Thet live for a drama to keep thing stirred up.
But get upset if it about them.

According to who?
I don't love you.
According to who?

And watch me show them that I do love you.
And soon they are the picture of a fool
jeffrey conyers Sep 2016
A terrorist lives.
A black man killed.
One bombed a city.
The other  raised his hands.

What about black male scares white officers?

It's something.
It's obvious with truth.
But many know many weak wear badges when without they never was bad or tough.

Accountability is the key.
Unless higher command demands truth from roques within the force.
You will find injustice instead of justice.

The old line pay back is a mother address revenge.
But two wrongs makes nothing right.

Fearful officers just needs tactics skills in people approach.
And a majority states this what white officers needs th most.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2015
Like clothes given to you that you just add on to what you have?
Our love is about the same.
Like the purchase of new shoes.
When you already have plenty.
And need no more.

I find we having accumulation without elimination in our life.

And as find as this seem.
Just like friends surrounding us that means nothing positive.
Some we just have to avoid completely.

Somethings you must rid yourself of in life.
Except love which has power.
Which has a serious worth.
And in our life, we have accumulation of it.
Without elimination surrounding it.

I keep on accumulating.
In hopes, we never eliminating this love between us.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2014
I don't need a lawyer.
Or need to stand before a judge.
I admit my guilt of love.

I don't have no need to be offended.
No need for a defense.
I operate not upon pretense.
Cause what I'm accused of makes sense?

They offered all the evidence.
Even used fingerprints written to you upon a letter.
Yes, I'm that guy.
Yes, I'm that fella.
Accused of loving you.
admit my guilty
jeffrey conyers Apr 2018
In the corner of my heart is a certain place reserved for you.
And in that certain place is this feeling.
A feeling I call love.

In these lovely eyes of mine.
Is a true feeling divine.
Highly recognized in my mind.
I have a certain place that's yours.

No other can even enter that door.
Even if they have a key.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2020
Now that he broke.
Has used you up to his advantage.
You calling out to me.

At one time you had everything.
So what?
It might not be the best.

Now that you a **** on his post.
You must admit before your sadness many predicted this.
You ran up against a man who many called the magician?

And you became his trick bag.
Now you reaching out to me.

Oh, I could be rude.
Or maybe even cruel.
Two words you have become used too.

But something deep within me.
Keep saying don't let you sink.
Or even fade away.

Everyone deserves a chance to change.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2019
That was then
This is now
But you keep reminding me of my past

Remember that was then and this is now
I am a changed person

Find me a perfect person upon this earth?
And I only say you're not Jesus

For every time, you mention my dirt
You're simply reminding me of those righteous so call people in the church

Quick to judge you.
Until you judge them back

I am a changed person
I must be judged upon that
jeffrey conyers Apr 2021
Yes, we live in a changing world and the one place getting left behind.
Is the place we attending to relax and be revived?
Yes, church.

Some still clinging to old ways and standards and not adjusting to a changing world.

Some will never budge but use all types of logic and reasons not to.
But, are we the same world created in Genesis?
Oh, no-I'm not trying to be your preaching.
That's not my calling.

They say transform from the world.
But look within various churches and you seeing bibles disappearing.
Even before old school complaining ministers.
Many with the tablet upon the stand talking about the word.

Songs aren't sung like those gospel tunes of the fifties down through present times.
We in a changing world and knowledge can only be accepted by an adapting mind.

Remember, back in the day many ministers stood at the door shaking hands.
Try to meet them in these megachurches?
You must travel through three giving excuses about the senior minister speaking engagement.
jeffrey conyers May 2024
We see it.
We know it.
Those that grew up in racial society.
Still lost on a changing world.
When they reflect back it's on a time of lost memories.

When one group was seen as less of them.
When in facts they must admit many then as now, are better than them.

And in a changing world, they feel left behind.
And if they don't change in this changing world.
They just have those golden memories.

Time waits for no one, no one at all.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2018
A changing world intimidates a conservative.
They stuck on limited views and afraid of you know who?

But society has been changing since the beginning of time.

A changing world is like this computer generation.
Many not use to it.
So their view of it isn't high.

Like conservatives that hate a changing world.
Every decade has a change that changed the world.

Until laws are imposed to fight them.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2014
I know, I am one.
And hope you are too.
A charter member of the love club.

There are no fee.
And only a small amount of restriction to conform too.
The main one being loving the one that loves you.

We accept all.
Least those willing to be loved.
And know the path to sharing love.

It true.
It doesn't take much to be a charter member of the love club.
As hard as people think it is to love.
They be extremely surprised to know those in need of love.

Who would be welcome instantly?
To be a honor member of this club of love.
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
To the cheaters of the world.
Do we really understand them?
Do we really sympathize with them?

From a pure perspective,
we see fools chasing a desire of lust.
Which only satify a need for a moment.

To the husband.
To the wife that cheats.
And gets exposed.
How can you cry?
Someone's done you wrong.
What about the spouse?

And, if for some reason's of stupidity,
you marry your cheating soul-mate.
And they cheats upon you.

You must have realized,
you were playing a game that has no rules.

Where the word faithful seems to be news to you?
Now, you using the cheater's cry.
Trying to get folks to understand your side.

Strange, you will find a few.
Except, when you both was cheating with one another.
And carrying on this secretive affair.
It spokes volumes about you.

So some folks just won't care.
Cause you didn't show concerns for the spouse.
Who were always there?
jeffrey conyers Dec 2023
In the distance I saw a diamond.
A rare find.

It radiates with a shine that you couldn't help but see.
Yes, it hooked me.

In the distance I saw a pearl.
A cherished jewel of many upon this earth.

In the distance I saw you.
That rarest of diamond and pearl wanted by many.
A cherish Jewlery missing from the Jewlery case.

I accepted my find like a blessing from above.
And gave it all this love deep within me.

Watch us shine.
Watch us be others living dream.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
A child sees things from a different perspective than an adult.
An adult sees things from a different perspective.

Take for instance the infamous switch some knew as a child.
They go and get the smallest one.
Different perspective, different outlook.
Least to a child.

Now, the adult, the parent is upset.
They a little angry go and get the bigger one and returns.
Different outlook, different perspective.
Least to a parent.

But put yourself in a child place and you see things look accordingly.
To them, things fit their visual.
A child just see what they suppose too?

And at the end of the day, they can brave up say I love you.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2016
A child will be just a child until grownups intervene.
A child of any color will adapt and get along playing.
Only when stupid comes along, does a child comprehend color?

A child will act and protect one another out of love.
A child makes us see what we ALL should be when young?
Only when stupid brings stupidity to the front.
Do we see why some of us should regret being an adult?

A child know no racism until told.
A child raised with love will only show love.
Which makes me proud to have been one.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2018
A child only see what's put before them?
Some love to argue around them.
And some don't.

Even when advised not too.
You find one out the two refuse to abide by it.
A child only learns from you.

If you speak negatively of your spouse or even ex.
A child adapts to your habits.
And start to be a copy of you.

Cause a child only do what they learn from you?
jeffrey conyers Aug 2016
So innocent.
So sweet.
A child.
One precious sweet thing.

But from news reports you think many parents doesn't get it.

Many don't understand this precious gift gifted to them.

Not if..
They left home alone.
In withering heat of cars.
If they must assault and abuse them.
When all they got to do is love and raise them.

Guide them.
Mold them.
Uplift them to be a better person.

Oh, a child.

They teaches you patience.
Teaches you love.
But then they should be loved before they ever born.

What God plants within your life?
It's a test to see if you do right.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2013
What's offensive to a parent?
Might not be to a child.
All because of their innocence.

Many times a child learn sometime from the parent.
When they was lost in the message directness.

Parents creates fear.
When there's no need to be.
Parents creates hatred and refuses to admit to it.

What you say?
A child repeats.
What you show?
A child'll show too.

It's the child that the smart one.
And the parents that's a fool.

A child will learn eventually.
Except parents rush them to learn unwarranted things.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2018
A child died today.
It the worst way.
At the hands of his parent.

No more birthdays.
No more smiles.
No more days to play.
Cause a child died today.

What makes a fool act this way?
Just **** an innocent child.
Once they use illogical thoughts to explain.

We instantly complain an adult should have died instead.

But instead, it's a child that died today.

My man left me.
My wife left me.
Satan ordered me.
But we barely hear that version.

We hear Jesus told me.
And we know that's not true.
That command would never dictate as a rule.

Well, maybe.
But only to a fool.
We know the defense will be claimed around mental illness.
And hear various family member claim they been seeking help.

But all we remember in our minds.
A child died today.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2016
Within that small casket lies a child.
An innocent body caught up in the stupidity of males.
Many with no conscious to what they done wildly shooting with a weapon.

A mother and maybe father cries restlessly.
For death has took their child.
A child so innocently affected by males stupidity.

An the strangest thing you will ever see, is males within a gang?
Answer to a higher rank member running things.
Who dictate when?
And to who you attack?
But when locked up and seeking assistant from them.
None, of the rank killers decision makers are there.

And still a child death has left many numb.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
As a child you expect adults to act better than you.
But sometimes, they acts completely like a fool.
When many should stand up against they own.
Many pretends to act blind.

A child of color.
Don't matter which race.
Shouldn't be picked up.
Because of their skin tone.

History has shown.
Since the beginning of time.
That many that should have stood  up.
Simply, witnessed all kinds of wrong.

A child of color.
Doesn't ever learn hate.
Until they witness adults being a disgrace.

Some tries to justify their stupidity.
And they always seems to be the type.
Asking for forgiveness?
When they are exposed.

We all have family.
And a few friends too.
Who we know will never step foot in our house again?

A child of color.
Picked on because of their race.
Should never have to point out the bigots to their face.

Be you black.
Be you white.
Or Latino or Asian.
And Native American.
We all in someway is trying to reach the kingdom of heaven.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
Whatever happens before a child is born?
A child only know love.
What evil a parent have done?
A child would only know love.

We can't blame them for being defensive.
When it's their parents you're talking about.
They only find out things when others speak.

That they this.
Or they that.
Without realizing, a child only know love.

This judge not to be not judged.
Seems to be only to some spoken words to some.
Especially when notice the harm others loves to create.

But make no mistakes about it.
A child only know love.
It been placed in them from their beginning.

Besides many parents have made sacrifices that a child might never know.
But you do wish adults would act grown.
Sooner or later, a child'll find out on their own.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2018
Scriptures, states various things of truth and one is a child shall lead.
And rightfully they should with strength and support.
It's a tough stance sometimes disagreeing with your parents.

But truth usually wins out.
Especially when expose.
In the sixties the youth of that time protest against wrong.
Stood out, stood strong.
And of course, many parents disagree.

After all, many never confronted anything.
They were living by the word of comfortability.
So they would think right was totally wrong.

To rise up and raise cane isn't a supporter of the NRA thing.
When a youth works to change things.
After all, many politicians are afraid to take a stance.

Afraid to go against something that controls them.
While a child shall lead the way to change things.
Youth, folks, in general, getting assaulted and killed by HIGH powerful weapons.

And all the so-called leaders are cried mental illness.
A tool used by many to avoid a tough sentence.
Which many aren't ill at all.

In the fifties, many didn't like Elvis.
A youth just enjoying what he enjoyed?
And what did we see?
Folks attitudes begin to change?

Folks, a youth must always be the one to change things.

Get behind your child when they push for changes,
It takes them to accomplish a righteous mission.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2014
A child will only remember when you left.
When you let them all alone by themselves.
When they only saw sadness upon their mom/dad face.
And words you say then won't replace that image they seen.

Yes, you'll give reasons of various kind.
Some legit and some they just won't buy.
A child will only remember when you left.

The hurt.
The anger that they will express.
Might not be justify to you.
Except, it things they been waiting to tell you.

The days and weeks and months too.
When they notice upon that one parent face just stress.
Stress you contributed too.

Where would they live?
Or even find food.
What would happen to either one of them?
Remember, a child only remember when you left.

When through the good will of unknown blessings.
Things turn for the better in their lives.
Don't be upset when years later you come to apologize.

And all you see is anger with your child's eyes.

Then again, they just might forgive you.
Just remember, a child will always remember when you left.

Leaving them along requesting for help.
And now that they have succeeded against the odds.
Remember to thank GOD, they have a forgiving heart.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
Acknowledge me.
In all the days of your life.
And wattch the many ways I acknowldge you with great blessings.

Be up front.
Be direct.
But be sincere and respectful when you walk toward me.

I knew you when you were just a thought.
Now, here you are requesting a private talk.

Speak my name.
Be not ashame.
For I am God.
Acknowledge me.

Walk with you.
I'm willing to do.
Talk with you.
I'm willing to do.
Just show reverence to my name.
By acknowledging me.

I'm the air.
I'm the sun.
I'm the moon.
I'm the stars.
I am God.

You don't have to be sick to know me.
You don't have to be well to speak.
Cause I'm the one above everything.
jeffrey conyers May 2018
I  can hate you but I choose to love you.
For that what we all required to do?
But you make it hard.

Thank God for a clean heart.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2020
A man just doesn't cheat without various reasons.
But lady act like you might not being apart of his problem.

Lockdown, shutdown or maybe not adventuresome enough.
Don't be like many thinking because of them in a relationship.
They don't have to compete to keep him.

This is a competitive world.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2016
It's a compliment that you want me back.
Although it will never happen again.
Been there.
Done that.
Just refuses to return back.

It's amazing now you see my qualities that when you had me.
You over looked so desperately.
I've heard whispers you wish you had me back.

I heard them constantly.
I smile.
Cause I'm aware you want now what you had?
Especially when you see me getting so much attention.
jeffrey conyers Aug 2021
I understand me.
Me understand I but still get deceived.

We understand us.
Us understand you.
Still we ALL are confused.

Well hell, this is just a poem.
Which written to confuse those like us
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
A country without people is just land.
A King, Queen, Dictator, would be powerless.
You can't demand loyalty if you're harmimg people.

Every revolt that comes about against rulers.
Was created by the way you handle the people.
People makes the world go around.

A country with presidents.
Are controlled by the people.
With that strength they request to be respected.

Except be aware and alert.
That a country without people is just land.
You can't dictate.
You can't command.
If they rise up to retrieve the land.
If you been evil handed.
With the people treated like trash.

Pleasants, slaves and simple folks.
Has power to eradicate you.
And controll-what you had.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2021
Act accordingly, we hear in church.
But kids will be kids, especially during a long, long service.
Adults, do too.

Some, say the church is just about money.
Then that's no totally true.
Although, some loves to request extra loot.

And love to preach a certain scripture too.

Would a man rob God?
Well, they probably would rob us.
Words, states let God handle your enemies.

Act accordingly, is great to say.
But in truth, we act in the church around those we despise.
I guess the church is all about wearing our disguises.
To act accordingly.
jeffrey conyers Jun 2012
I say I love you.
And you say it too.
I say I adore you.
And you say it too.

Am I acting a part of life.
Just to try to please you.

I'm there.
When you deeply in need.
I'm not ashame.
That you truly needs me too.

Many relationships stays together in pretense.
Some to us simple minded folks.
Makes no common sense.

Am I acting out roles that I saw before me.
Where for the sakes of others?
We simply refuses to leave.

To love someone deeply.
Takes only a caring heart of one.
Altho' two makes it more fun.

Still I feel I acting a part.
To please a certain someone.
A someone, I claim to honestly love.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2013
This story, I'm writing.
Will be about us.
It will describe in Act One the joy we have found with one another.
The smile.
The laughter in the mist of our troubles

It will detail the cold in winter.
The love in spring.
And the warmth of summer.
Yes, it will be all together in Act One.

In Act Two, we'll find us getting to know one another better.
Through talking.
Through even our letters.
Least to the point that we can answer any question.
Yes, it will be all together in Act Two.

We'll be the actors, producer and director too.
And this play will be finance by the love of us two.

Lights, action, camera.
Let this story flow.
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
You come across sincere to some.
And real to others.
When all you are is an actor of pretense.

For as soon as they turn their back.
You're talking about them.
You're like an informant.
Working to get an upperhand.

And once the information is received.
You advise others of the contents.
Which only benefit you.
Cause you an actor of pretense.

You could win an Oscar.
A Tony.
And a Emmy award.
Cause you know ways to put on a false face.
And fool many of us.

Be honest.
Be true.
Cause you can get sources of info to suit you.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
When we asked if a cup is half this of that.
Just remember it's, how you see the cup?
It can be a reflection of your heart.
Which is a reflection of yourself.

Let's call it.
A cup of love.
Something so wonderful.

With this cup the ingredient will describe us.
Nothing about it should surprises us.
It will contain kindness.
Within this cup.
It will contain respect.
Within this cup.
Within hold temperance.
Within this cup.
And that's just a smart part of it.
In this cup of love.

A tastefulness of sweets.
That will knock you off your feet.
That you be requestioning for a repeat.
Of this cup of love.

We could bottle it.
And make a profit.
But it's simply better to give it.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
Faith was my cup of love.
Miracles was my blessings.
Blessings filled my cup of love.
What more am I in need of?

Any miracles that I have found.
You best believe my faith got me through.

Any blessings that touched my heart.
Was guided by the Spirit of God.

Any drink, of the word has a flavor.
And if you're a believer.
Then you know God is able.

To fill a empty cup with  his love.
But then it was never empty.
Rights belongs to Jeffrey T. Conyers- From Standing Before God With My Sins
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
For us.
Who had or has a father?
It's a joy to know.
This man who pretend to be a kid.
When he playing with his kids.
And similar to most mothers.
We knew he were strict on discipline.

We knew from mom that she would say.
Wait, until I tell your dad.
Okay, some folks likes to say father.

But we knew.
Who was king of the punishment.
But sometimes dad used tricks.
To pretend he was harsh.
When sometimes he simply wasn't.

But, we knew not to disrespet our mother.
Cause that in general was a different subject.
Mom was the boss.
Dad was the enforcer.

If she states to do something.
And you didn't move quick enough.
God forbid, if dad had to get involved.
Because you would regret not moving quick.

But in general.
He were fair and firm.
Even when we wanted to question's him.
He wouldn't play one over the other.
To him , we were sisters and brothers.
And we knew that he loved us.

There's no love like a father's love.
He just don't rank high in the eyes of children.
Like that of our mothers.

But his love was sincere.
And that what's truly matter.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2016
Some kids will never know their father story.
For years of manipulation of their brains has changed them.
When they state my dad was never there.
Realize he has a another side of the story to tell.

Sure some will lie and have those alibis to defend them
Then there are those will nothing to gain by telling you everything.
Even if you must look at your mother in a different way.

None, can honestly say men doesn't protect lies mother's tells.
Some told to a child over multiple times to no avail.

Analyze your mother from a different view.
And most likely you can tell if she manipulating the truth.
Not that your father is innocent in anyway.

But life's mistakes leads us in different ways.

Her past might holds stories she don't want to reveal.
And his life might be one of the reason's you'll not ware of the real deal.
Some kids are born of some wicked ways.
Some kids are born when your dad didn't know a thing.

A well known line of a Temptations' song.
Proudly states "mama I'm depending on you to tell me the truth".
Still many lies.

So many men has a dad's tale to speak.
Until you talk to them you barely aware of anything.
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
If you hadn't gave me her.
I wouldn't be going through this mess.
Oh, Adam, Adam, Adam.
Why did you say that?

According to perspective.
She was made from your rib.
You both was disobedient together in trouble.

She was deceived by the serpent to taste the fruit.
And in returned offered it to you.
And when challenged by God's questions.

You tossed blame back toward him.
For blessing you.
Scriptures has the evidence as living proof.

Power of persuasion got the best of you.
And this is , where they say sin begin?

And we been sinning every since.
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