Any slave that escape bring him back and torcher him.
Strange, but mostly true were slave masters mentality.
So it's amazing, we still, have these slave matters today.
Oh, I forgot, we call them business owners of professional teams.
Have dictated to their slaves?
I'm sorry players.
What required of them?
When the national anthem is played?
Oh, yes it's America.
And we have the first amendment as freedom of speech.
You BETTER stand during the playing of the national theme.
No choice!
Yes, your master has spoken.
You better listen?
Do the players realize the power they posse?
Unions, years ago brought manufactures of product to a halt to settle deals.
Players, especially the National Football League African Americans can HALT any season from being played?
Power in numbers.
Would be hurt?
The masters of the slaves.
They business owners.
Many locked into deals with a various organization to make a profit.
Cities, the economy will suffer.
All those tax breaks that cities cheaply gave to get the team.
All those soda, food businesses that make money during athletic seasons.
Sure, you lose some fans than many are like fair weather friends.
When winning, they there.
When suffering you can't begin to see them.
In modern time, the slaves have the power.
Oh, my fault, the players has the strength.
And forget about threats from THIS president.
Years, ago.
He played the owner of a franchise in a sub-par league.P
Probably, still holding a grudge cause we see many present owners gathering up to him.
And, what if?
The NBA players throw ALL their support to their fellow group.
Heck, imagine the thunderstorm of losses.
Only ones safe is the baseball owners.
The odds of these players supporting them is slim.
And that based mainly on the racial hue.
So just think of the power that players got in the NFL/NBA?