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jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
No ifs about it.
I just got to shout it.
I love you
I love you
I love you.

In these words is no doubt.
You must admit you aware of what I about?
No liar here.
All my words are sincere.

There are no ifs about it.
I just have to shout it.
I adore you
I adore you
I adore you

If there were no fairytale stories.
Then our love would be one.
You could be sleeping beauty.
And yes, I would be the prince.
Except, when they narrate our story.

There won't be any ifs about.
Cause the Lord has sanctified it.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
There's a smile upon your face.
Cause I am the one that placed it there.
I know that gleam in your eyes.
Which many recognize.

But more than anything on this lovely earth?
I know your dad is smiling?
(As long)-as you are happy.

Sometimes all we wish for is for someone to keep your child joyful.
Protect and cherish like we were when young.
So I know your dad is smiling.
Cause he sees your happiness.

When you even speak?
Your voices say so much more.
Just to see the words of joy roll right off your lips.
Let your friends know, with you, I found a good thing.

I have been blessed, with your loving self.
Yes, I have a true love that I cherish so much.
Yes, I know your dad is smiling.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Find, the one you like?
Who simply make you smile?
Cause love is everything if the two of can make great memories.

I said love is everything.
If you know the one you love just have your back.
When you under attack?
From all direction and they stay by your side.

Don't turn and run leaving you all alone.
But pick you up and advise you to carry on.
Yes, love, love is everything if you two making good memories.

Whether with or without the one you love near?
You know your involves solely around them

Hey, I believe that love is everything.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
A word that ring with truth.
Sometimes, may you question those claiming friendship with you.

Those that down with you?
Doesn't adjust because of pressure coming to you?
Those become dictated friendship.

We, see protest tossed to entertainers in various friends?
And this showcase friend that false and those that are real.
Sure, some distancing themselves to protect their careers.

But true friends don't abandon you.
They go the distance pointing out to others other qualities about you?
Show me, one perfect person walking among us?

You must admire the ones that don't cut and run?
Especially when various troubles come.
To them dictate friendship doesn't exist.
They there through thick and thin.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Jealousy seems to rear its head.
When the one sees you getting over them.
They say what was great about them?
The one you got now can't please you the way they use to do.
Oh,  now that you're happy.

You'll find others trying to ruin your mood.
Yes, now that you're happy.
You find jokers coming at you to bring you down.

Might be your friends, might be your kins.
Except never let an old lover hurt you again.

Just stay focus on the one that loves you more.
Who made you not regret the fool that walked out the door?
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
I've been hurt
I want the world to know that love not what it seems?
I've been hurt.
I seek no sympathy.
For love been said to a hurting thing.

It can pull you in and have you hooked.
And suddenly disappear right into the wind.
While having you looking for it to return.

I've been hurt.
I need no counseling.
For telling another my problem won't solve anything.

Just release some build up emotion deep down inside of me.
Which should have left the day she decided to leave.

But if there is one thing I know.
Hurt will never linger long like many says.
I've been hurt.
I just want the world to know.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
You don't have to ask?
Everything that I have, is yours.
You don't have to ask?

I can't give you any more than my love.
Cause myself is already yours.
It's been that way since we met on that first day.

Everything I own is yours.
You don't have to ask?

Some people base their world around selfish purposes.
But I have been blessed.
Then I could have ever imagined.
Finding you were my treasure.

No gold.
No wealth could make happier than your love.
So you don't have to ask?
Cause everything I have.
It's yours.
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