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jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
We all love in a different way.
So it's amazing when others think it should be that way.
As long as it's not abusive or intrusive.
Then I am open to it.

But realize from my perspective of life.
I don't want a love like yours.
Where just to say the word I love you?
Is met with frowns and stare downs.
When words of love should turn that frown into a smile.

Then maybe, it's just me.
I want a love to keep me happy.
Without any questions asked?

By just anyone looking at me.
They already know the answer.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Joey, his dad Mike.
Kendra, her dad is Josh.
Chance, his dad Robert and the mother turned to her son and stated, he shouldn't be having all these baby mamas.

Sheila, a child by Rick.
Sherry, a child by Rick.
Andrea, a child by Rick.
Vicki, a child by Rick.
And when his mom pushed back about his children.
The son shot back with look in the mirror.
Are you one to preach?

Many, within society mirror this.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Unlike him.
I love you.
Never thought for a moment being physical with you.
Unlike him.

Unlike him.
I adore you.
Respect you from the moment I first met you.
Unlike him.
But that behavior was all you knew.

So it's amazing to get all these accolades on the kind ways I respect and adore you.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
You laughed?
Many still do.
At the homeless standing on the corner.
And some for scamming.

Instead of offering them a job.
Or recommending where to go?
We laugh.

Then get hypocritical when anyone offers money to them.
Now, you became a preacher.
To some very judgemental.

You laugh.
So self-righteous.
Except for putting yourself in their shoes.
What if?
This one day is you.
Would you feel comfortable when someone laughing at you?
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Visited any church and witness the differences.
Watch them act out and perform and it's not all any song.
You in some cases hear these "sudden on the point" God just spoke to me" with a word.
So singular instead of plural, he spoke.

He never seems to address the ministers creating their own mess in church.
But to them to preach to the congregation of the church.

Visit and see ministers go on this journey of scriptures.
Editing the full scripture which doesn't address the issue.
Classic example "MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL"?

Pushing aside "The Love of".

Visit and watch so many sermons about this honorable woman/man of God with the anointing.
When many times God hadn't jumped into his/her spirit in that form.

You know a sincere soul in the shepherd hood to lead a flock by his wisdom.

He/she balance of teaching, guiding anyone to be a better person.
While knowing slipups does happen.

Visit any church and see if they are WELCOMING with stares and judgment.

Place that church under your own microscope.
Stay focus.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
We change.
Love change.
To deny it means you not accepting the truth.

We change from a child to a teen.
From a teen to an adult.
And love goes through various evolution too.

In the beginning, we put ion this performance.
Unpaid actors trying to meet a certain obligation.
Never showing our true color.
Least that what many say?

But we probably do?
Just with beginning bliss, there are certain signs we miss.
Especially if hooked or caught up in the physical.

To others, if not us, they see love evolution.
And if together long enough truest love turned out for the better.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Girl, you been giving yourself away.
Just to have a place to stay.
You have been used and abused like a garden tool.

But when you were here you had self-pride.
And now I here hurting deep inside to see you without that self-pride.

Stop and think,  and renew yourself.
If being lonely what you must do?
Then make that decision to just leave men alone.

If they can't place you as their Queen upon a throne.

No need to be the subject of a sad song.
When I very aware you have this strength within to be strong?
And rely back upon your self-pride.

A fool, will use and use again?
Hold you down until you're longer needed by them.
But when you were here, you were well taken care of and had self-pride
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