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jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Girl, you been giving yourself away.
Just to have a place to stay.
You have been used and abused like a garden tool.

But when you were here you had self-pride.
And now I here hurting deep inside to see you without that self-pride.

Stop and think,  and renew yourself.
If being lonely what you must do?
Then make that decision to just leave men alone.

If they can't place you as their Queen upon a throne.

No need to be the subject of a sad song.
When I very aware you have this strength within to be strong?
And rely back upon your self-pride.

A fool, will use and use again?
Hold you down until you're longer needed by them.
But when you were here, you were well taken care of and had self-pride
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Able to love.
After all the stress.
After all forms of depression.
And yes, they come in many forms.

Able to love.
After all the hurt.
After all the confession.
Now, I'm in this session of love and romance.

Never thought I take another chance.
But you were appealing and attractive.
So my feelings we reactivated.

So I'm able to love once more.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
We work at it.
Keeping it surprising.
Keeping it inviting.
Least, here in the house of unselfish love.

Oh, it's far from Disney's theme movies.
No sleeping beauty.
No fairytale princess.
Although a beautiful Queen is within the house of love.

You must do what required?
To keep inner love inspired.
You must adjust accordingly to attitudes that sometimes emerge.

But in the house of love.
You realize soon why love is very special?
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Slute, to those with an open mind.
Doesn't just go along with the regular premise of words said?

If you step into someone personal face to attack?
Get not into your feelings?
When they clap back?

Be real?
Ladies, in truth, step not before a man talking tough tones of badness and slap him?
And when he reacted with a slap back?
See it for what it was?

Days, are gone where free hits are accepted?
Well, we still have these dictated abusive fools?
Where in some relationships?
They let the fool rule?

Least, until she awoke and love her life more.

Boys, been taught not to hit girls as a youth.
Got challenged by mothers to not.
But these guys, do grow up?

And their views and perspectives change.
Of course, we let public opinions try to dictate?
Except, stand not before another and expect hits to go one way.
Not Today.

Personal opinion: To anyone walk away.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Oh, in this modern world of society.
Where disrespect is the new trait?
You still got to be careful with your wording of expression.
Even if protected by the first amendment.

To the mighty males that toss around calling females that infamous B-word.
And find the rage of some, if not many.
Be not shocked when one or more attack.
Just say, you got what you deserved?
And if they in a group?
You might get a little more.

Same, if you a high powerful racist.
Remember this GREAT advice.
You might be able to say it, in your comfort zone.
You know, same race, the same place.
But accept this truth?

In this society, you might find more than you bargain for from your rights to speak.
Then some will say and there's no might to it.
You got what you deserve?
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
One thing for sure that we all know?
In all states, we have boys trying to be men.
But far from the role of a man.

Their resolution to a conflict deals with guns.
Then talking "big boy" stuff like they rough and tough.
Until they appear before judges and find something more.

Yes, a conviction.
Handed down by the judge of twelve people going by evidence to convict them.

Then, while locked up behind bars.
Now, they want to be a good son.
Seeking to challenge that verdict that placed them in prison.

But let's remember they were boys trying to be men.
While never understand?
A gun doesn't make you a man any more than saying it.
While you still a teen?

Now you lost a chance at all your dreams.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Life, just don't feel the same.
Now that you are gone.
All the happiness that was here.
Left with you.

All the joy that I had.
Left with you.
You leaving was the sadness of a dream coming true.
Sometimes losing make you the picture of the word fool.

Ever sign that you were here.
Has now disappeared
Not that I'm in fear.
Now that you are gone.

I can't request a return visit.
Because at one time you were more than a visitor.
You were the object of my love.

All my dreams?
Left with you.
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