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jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Life, just don't feel the same.
Now that you are gone.
All the happiness that was here.
Left with you.

All the joy that I had.
Left with you.
You leaving was the sadness of a dream coming true.
Sometimes losing make you the picture of the word fool.

Ever sign that you were here.
Has now disappeared
Not that I'm in fear.
Now that you are gone.

I can't request a return visit.
Because at one time you were more than a visitor.
You were the object of my love.

All my dreams?
Left with you.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
I looked in your eyes.
I saw it.
I've seen it before.
Yes, there it was.

The expression many have stated as being wonderful.

I held your hand.
I felt it.
Almost professed it's beautiful.

Once asked?
To describe it.
And all I ever did was point to you.

Cause you fit the description.
Which left me in suspension.
When I came to the realization.
Love was you.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Why women use this?
When accusing others?
Hadn't heard this phase, this what happens when women come forward?

But you in a society already treating you ahead of the game?
You level allegation and bam they male at a disadvantage.

We seeing this attack of the males from things twenty/thirty years old.
And that same coming forward excuse is used.

For a man gone out the door innocent until guilty.
Or he has money that is why he got off?
None, ever address the ladies in present or past that settle for MONEY.
Or that some ladies create tales out of revenge.

Attack politicians aren't new.
Blaming or shaming entertainers isn't new.
Many know the tagline-Settle the cause because it would ruin them."

So if attack hiding years in the shadow was your choice.
Because BRAVERY means you step up.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Wow, that all I can when I see you.
You worth all the wows in the world.
To me in my heart, you're very special.

From that smile that radiates with others.
From that walk that has me hooked.
And it's not just the physical.

I know you have wonderful wisdom.
Which stands for the W.
I will be honest, you're a wonderful woman.

You deserve constant observation just for the things you do.
Don't think for a second I don't notice you.
Cause I truly do.
Which is, why you're the Object of my affection.

My world, which completes the last W about you.
My WOW child of a lovely lady.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Scriptures, states, a child should lead?
And many do rightfully.

Does, the scriptures says, a fool should guide?

We see that the evangelical community is blind?
Standing behind, an idiot a fool and forgetting about the golden rules.

Then, in church, we see more sin.
Cheating pastors, ministers, clergymen harming children.
So supporting a man that racist shouldn't be shocking.

Most of all this fool is the best liar.
And has nothing to new with fake news.
Heck, ****** twisted stories and opinions about the harming of the Jews.
And this what many folks do?

And business leaders love when they catch a break.
But when you got a misguided visionary in power this when exposure begins.

A man that educated intimidates the weak.
Notice, all the fool behaviors and the way he acts.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
Have you noticed, with honesty and truth?
That most news stations cater to the police departments instead of being up on their jobs.

To be unbiased in reporting.

Notice, the way these public relation stories come out to the public?

But when facts point to a rogue hothead they don't drill in on the story in fairness.

Why is this?
They need that inside source for information.
Or has become close to a few officers as friends.

And this is where the trouble beings?

Do many police forces cry about an outside investigation?
This most likely where you find fairness?
Not geared toward one side or another.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2019
At first, everything was good.
We created joy by being in love.
Then the facade came down.

Reality set in before us.
And we soon saw love wasn't that fantasy of dreams we thought it was.

We begin to see each other ways.
Some worth the trouble.
Other having us thinking why bother?

Arguments started.
And honestly many was strictly minor.
More like us just seeking something to say.

To rile one another.
This, we were great at?
Then why we together images came rushing back?

And once they did?
I started smiling all over again.
There's something special about you.
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