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jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Love is a dangerous business.
Men aware of it even if they fail to admit it.
That love is a game of plot and thoughts.

Men plot too.
Except women better at the game.
Men just try it.

Long before DNA men been accused of things against justice.
Fromm allegation of a woman.
Some true.
Some unproven.

On an Episode of Marcus Welby decades ago.
A woman had pleasure with another not her lover.
To be vengeful she called the spur one that turns her down and scratch him.

And that when the set up begins.
The thought and of course the plot.
And we aware of the two that became the main suspect.

Yes, love is hazardous to your life.
When anyone let evil creep into their mindset to be vindictive.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2018
Cupid was stupid.
He shot an arrow to her.
And she never waves back.
Figure that.

Sarah told Abraham to select another.
Then proceed to get upset.
Was it just an act?
Yes, figure that.

We use things as an attraction than cry foul by our reaction.
Figure why?
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Have you noticed the power that is?
Those deciding major things in various fields and area.

Banned from playing in the NFL is Kap.
Have you noticed the power at hand?
And who they are?

With the decision of the nominee to the Supreme Court.
Have you noticed the power that is?
And the age of those judging him.

Older WHITE males dictating the schemes.
Not that any minorities don't support them.

For many have and still do.
Same with the NFL dictating rules to who.

Masters of power control the game.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Michael Vick, career derailed cause of animal mistreatment.
Out in protest was many.
Crying foul at every corner.

But notice, his fame created that thing.
For we presently still see what they complained about centering around him.

Is still in society now.
But the abusers not famous and many barely face time.
Just my summary of truth.

And more protest always seems centered around a black male.
Do tell?

Roman Polaski, Woody Allen been alleged by many for high profile subject matters.
Worst than what BC locked up for?

None, was minors like some allegations alleged.
We saw Stephen Collins treated with kids gloves.
But when it came to BC we placed him in prison for decades of allegations.

Again, my summary of truth.

And then there is he, the Almighty reddish clown of chief.
Where is the major white women protest?

Why isn't high profile face of justice Gloria Allred challenging him?
An admitted on tape that he worst than many getting harsher treatment.

Makes you wonder about justice.
Is it justice or racism in play?

Again, my summary of truth.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Love **** them with kindness.
To the point, they cease to debate it after speaking in anger.

In other words, let not your mindest be controlled.

In church, where we find the best acting of pretense?
Put on a customer service performance that even God be impressed.

Think Jesus, think service.
Be so generous when the worst customer comes or approach you.

Show them, why you represent the company views?

Sure, sure for sure many customers you meet just not worth the effort of you being disgusted?

Remember, as an employee yours is based on performance.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Scriptures speak the truth.
We constantly seeing it played out.

Tempted men falling by the waste side.

We see this in scriptures with three.

And they created their own destructional mess.

David, so-called man after God's heart.
Yes, brought down by a female.
Lust, greed for another man woman.

A loyal soldier wife.
A view created his trouble that preached about.
But edited down in sermons by ministers.

Who barely addresses his sin of adultery?

In church some clean the mess of with a message.
Of what he did for God?
After following his heart.

We aware of the man with the hair?
A man called Samson.
Which proves women are wise and manipulative.
Far from the weaker ***.

Notice, all the tricks she tried and succeeded.
A tempted man that failed.

Then word to the wise?
This often quoted man has more than enough to be pleased.
So how wise was Solomon?

Women, know what skills to use?
Especially if you reveal your weakness.

Which we see with the wise, the strong and man of God.

****, we can trace this even back to Eve.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Silent, when required.
Silence when needed.

Men around one another discuss events dealing with a woman.

Some men disagree with the conviction.
And all the years it took to convict if the evidence existed for decades.

We aware he attended ******* parties and why various marry men go there at the time?
Is a mystery only they can explain?
Some became mistresses and wives to movie executives and actors and athletes too.

With fame, many truly believe he didn't have to take.
Many offerings came.
These are things men's debate.

Even creating scenarios centered around the status of limitations.
About things occurred with them with violent women and mother of their child.

Should he prosecute?
Or wise up and admit it was a learning lesson for the two.

We, who had those firm disciplinary parents?
Who molded us into productive citizens?
Sure we go back to our youth and sue them for multiple whippings.

Let's remember, we in the era of the new term used in the shooting of a lot of people called "mental issues".

Hate to say it, but most black males long been told to avoid anything dealing with white women.
Oop! some just never learned this issues.

Most must recall black mothers saying them the most trouble.

Mmm Tiger.
Mmm Bill.

Get not upset any reader this is just a summary cause no man should take advantage of any form of woman.
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