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jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Silent, when required.
Silence when needed.

Men around one another discuss events dealing with a woman.

Some men disagree with the conviction.
And all the years it took to convict if the evidence existed for decades.

We aware he attended ******* parties and why various marry men go there at the time?
Is a mystery only they can explain?
Some became mistresses and wives to movie executives and actors and athletes too.

With fame, many truly believe he didn't have to take.
Many offerings came.
These are things men's debate.

Even creating scenarios centered around the status of limitations.
About things occurred with them with violent women and mother of their child.

Should he prosecute?
Or wise up and admit it was a learning lesson for the two.

We, who had those firm disciplinary parents?
Who molded us into productive citizens?
Sure we go back to our youth and sue them for multiple whippings.

Let's remember, we in the era of the new term used in the shooting of a lot of people called "mental issues".

Hate to say it, but most black males long been told to avoid anything dealing with white women.
Oop! some just never learned this issues.

Most must recall black mothers saying them the most trouble.

Mmm Tiger.
Mmm Bill.

Get not upset any reader this is just a summary cause no man should take advantage of any form of woman.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Money attracts.
We know it?
We see it?

Men mainly know there's no romance without finance.

Many women might like to dismiss this.
Many quick to admit it.

That nothing going to occur if you can't someway impress them.

Wealth is a magnet.
Like a woman's beauty is a tool.
If used correctly it will be proven true.

Wealth, women is a trouble for men.
It has always been a destruction for them.

With money ladies notice and we as a public shouldn't deny it.
Men upgrade to the best when offerings come.

Sure men create their own mess but the trouble is within their view.
When they have options of choice.

Which is disturbing to most of us.

All the powerful executives accused of this and that.
Did some of these ladies profit from the attention?
A ring here, a necklace there.

Whatever given as a gift?
YOU BEST believe there's a motive behind it.

Tiger Wood fame attracted his.
Cosby celebrity created his.
And all wealthy athletes can testify many offerings of phone numbers and invitation constantly coming to them.

Take ten married men?
You find a few have stepped out.
And in most times crime was never their intention against a woman.

In many cases, the playee in the tryst knew the man had a woman.

Women, wealth and trouble seem to be facing various wealthy guys.
We can get on the "sympathy of denial" we will find we only fooling ourselves.

Musicians, probably level more truth through interviews.
Women constantly throwing themselves at them.
It just a matter of choice and wants.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Like the breeze of the wind slightly blowing against your skin to the point you not even cold.
This is how I feel?
Floating on love whenever they mention you.

A smile comes to my lips.
A gleam across my face.
An image that can't be denied or ever erased.

Sure, maybe it is a temporary feeling that eventually will fade in time.
But for the moment this being in love feel is divine.
When the one you adore constantly crosses your mind.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Secrets and there are many that many of us don't speak.
Things we know and things we have seen.

And then the story turns into a victim game.

Somewhere presently in society now.
We must have seen the teenager with the slighted older adult.

She might be fifteen and him twenty or in some cases may be a lot older.
Where he pursue?
And she surrenders for some materialistic gains?
But laws dictate to adults why this is wrong?

But did the parents "spot check" the society of your connection?

A child with jewelry and no job?
Is an investigation on how that occurred?

Look into the matter and you see truth somewhere.

Spot check and see of what I speak.

All these students of teens leaving with the teacher.
Sometimes, the news and others put a spin on the situation.
And rightfully so.

But if you question some friends the honest truth will be exposed more.
That the wicked teachers yearning for teens might have moved on a sign from both direction.

With anything immoral, it deals with the invitation.
Remember our seven deadly sins exist for various reasons to avoid.
But many get captured in the word called explore.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
You asked me, just today.
Just what I feel for you?
And I replied right before your eyes.

That a day without you ruin my mood.
No words from me ever spoken would be untrue.

You told me, just today?
That I am the center of your universe.

Shocked and surprised I truly was to hear these words from you.
But then again, you were very open about your love for me.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
We live in this world of denial.

Racism exists.
While used to be the masters of it.
Now they even seeing the bond they have is breaking down.

None seems to be intimidated by them.
The groups they level their hatred toward.

Stronger than they ever imagined possible.

So why?
Are we living in denial?

Anyone from Egypt in America is mainly considered African heritage or to some African American.

And that's a history lesson.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
So, here we are?
In a world of secrecy and selected memories.

We have a world leader admitting his wickedness for grabbing and paying.
Stupid that you can't offend the word "dumb".

Here we stand, with a judge heading toward the Supreme Court with a past shocking to some.

But a famous comedian convicted of something that happens thirty years ago.
And many pondering why it took so long?
Or why he in jail/prison at all?
Nothing stopping these women from coming forth.

Judge none by this "MeToo" movement cause not all men completely guilty cause in many cases it takes two to party.

Have we heard "****" alleged in all these "sue the man" complaints?

Now of course, what many failing to admit?
In all our youth we have a secret we not admitting too.

Many cheaters that hadn't gotten caught hadn't come out.
Many ladies with kids by married men not coming out.
Some not trying to ruin theirs or his happy house.

Finally, more men have secrets to expose the females.

Then you pay attention to the excuses we hear.
This what makes many not come forth?

Sounds good.
But when under attack many these guys MUST fight back.
Ok, this a matter of opinion.
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