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jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Some ladies love to seek a Boaz.
While overlooking some plain, simple men.

Some ladies love to seek a King.
Without admitting the man you had has been dethroned.
So what man like to be her second royal?

He might as well settle upon being an Emperor.
Making her his Empress.

Some ladies seek one gorgeous attracted man.
Nothing wrong with that.
He is someone to talk about and brag.

Some ladies can't admit they at fault for their single ways.
Sometimes, mistakes aren't always the man.
They just stay quiet to preserve her pride.

Some ladies just different than men.
A man with less accepts a woman in that way.
While a woman with more seeks one her equal in things.

While looking passed a good man for her.
Then that just some women of the world.
And it's her right.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
What if?
All American forces just stop fighting.
What would happen?

Then we aware this will never happen.
And it's not about being unamerican or patriotic.

Some just won't stand up to the challenge.
Are the brave souls still in confliction in other countries?

We probably have lost more brave soul in present wars than other nations.

None, we have in any offices trying to seek peace.
Then, after all, we deal with males mentality.

War is something for some to brag, boast on.
So some things like it will go on and on and on.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
As much as many like to push it.
It just never been as true as we like.
Yes, it's about image.

Bull Connor Alabama boys image isn't respected or adore during his terrible reign as a law enforcer.
And presently law enforcers image is highly respected today.
Yes, it's about image.

With every minority killed by a white officer injustice.
That image sinks further in the eyes of the public.
Many can't explain the capacity rate of minorities dying more than the white youth with better weapons.

When it's one of their own their sympathy of holding off the trigger kicks in.
And when it dealing with any minority their FEAR takes over.

We love this diversity training they love to report.
Even in truth this a joke.

More likely officers need to adapt to taking sociology class to adapt to each situation they face.

Mobsters always knew how to attract a crook in uniform.
And they were illegally caring guns in past times.
So as with any job.

It's about image.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Remember them classic songs that state you must use what you got to get what you want?
And as upset, mad, disgusted some ladies in this Metoo campaign might get.

Many entertainers, lawyers, comedians might get accused.
There's more to the story beside a lawsuit.

We know, yes we know, "it's about the principle" that mainly many will state.
A sympathy scheme taught to say to the public.
But some of these ladies played the pay to play the game with some of these wealthy men.

Notice, just notice many rock stars, musicians, in general, have had their fair share of groupies and doesn't face this allegation.
Well, they have one accused on a harem of ladies kept in his mansion.

But his track record messing with minors sealed his guilt in the eyes of the public.

We can support this or deny this claim by some.
The fact remains that many aren't giving back the money they brokered to stay quiet and then spill their guts out.

Not all men are guilty.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
They run for political offices based on lies.
And foolishly the fools still support them.
Watch your advertisement for candidates?

Some Republicans using this lying Hillary to win the fools that placed the nut in chief in office in ads.
So if she lying Hillary than the nut is the best fabricator to be president.

Dumb, idiotic, foolish, words we hate associated with us in life.
But can be level toward the reddish clown in office.

Or they use this Obamacare in campaigning and failed to comprehend the men/women in Congress scam citizens to keep their best health care in place.

Heck, which is worst Trumpcare, sure he does.
Like a millionaire afraid to lift a hand to help another in need.

Vote according and WE might get good candidates.
And beware of some kinds one might be a woman.
Vote according to some misguided church leader philosophy and you most likely get what you get?
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Your eyes, see in me all the things I could be.
I know for sure, you have confidence in me.

Your eyes, see more than I thought possible.
It's because of this support I just love you more.

Your eyes, see just what make our love so strong.
Your eyes see my right when mine see my wrong.

Can I not do for you?
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
The hicks and fools voted him in to be the leader.
And now we see fools crying foul cause of his deceit.
Some of the ladies might call him a creep.

But not those suing him now.
One took the money and broke the deal.

Other took the money and now love to reveal.
Yep, they no better than him.

Funny, everyone that conservative mostly can't admit we have a fool
Who trying to ponder if firing the guy?
Would stop the investigation.

Well, he might as well face hearing you fired!
Cause trouble is mounting.
Of course, he was an easy pawn for others to use.

Trying to bring rich executive into his arena.
Some of the best crook work upon wall street.
Which only exposed them as underhanded.

Pardons, all he wants.
We aware of his friends of crooks surrounding him.
Because he is one of them.
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