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jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Families left sad.
Families left wondering when they have 911 memories.
Innocent folks just doing their jobs.

And now they were gone.
We reflect and wonder why?
Then it's hard to explain any criminal mind.

Just think of why America stand strong?
You can attack us and we will survive.
It's within to not give in to cowards.

It's just not our nature.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
God, must be sitting back and smiling.
Smiling that within time his world will seek to be better.
He aware of the storms to come before us.

From the president, the governors, the judges, the mayors, the lawyers.
And mainly mention in his scriptures.

Power is a corrupt tool, if not used for the purpose he selects to do his will.

The Devil must be sitting back smiling.
Just like the serpent of disguise in Genesis he manipulates.
It's us that react to the scheme.
And many times Satan doesn't have to do a thing.

We hardly blame him in harm.
We seem to state Jesus told me to do this.

And nowhere in scriptures did our mightly Lord ****.

So God must be smiling at us.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Do overpaid millionaire bring politics to sports?
They should just play the game that's what getting paid to do?

Do we talk about racism?
Just forget what happened in the past.

That's where the problem lies?

Notice, something that the two statements have in common.

It's racist based.

Cause many loves to eradicate into a dream world that doesn't exist.

Players, seem to be the ones able to create havoc for the world to see.

Ministers afraid to go against the grain.
Afraid followers might find another church.
Like many good ministers preach you can leave here for another church of faith.

And realize one truth.
There's no PERFECT church.

Jesse Owens stood up.
Jackie Robinson stood out.
Yes, athletes some not seeking attention or glory.
But leveling out that one group leads in avoiding their creation.

Let's not talk about racism.
Sound great!
Then it does pinpoint that group creating the hell from it.
Mainly for profit.

While many against a player focusing and losing his career for his principles.
Where were the haters when Nazis/Aryans/Klams rising up?

Afraid to be seen.
There lies the problem.

We center on things that don't spotlight our reason to seek the truth.

We sit and simmer and cry over the wrong thing.
When we should see injustice effects many every day.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
We need to quit seeing this world in a liberal or conservative view.
And adjust to a world better for the people.

Fools, which we all are.
Fall for this political stylizing conservative values.
Heck, they cheat.
They lie.
They racist more.
And dictated to by the church.
That's how they get you.
Women realize it's men perspectives being taught.
Which is why a woman might never be Pope.
It will shock the people.
Especially that religion.

Heck, Barack Obama shocked the world.
Then anything possible.

We need to stop seeing it from a liberal view.
Then it mainly because of liberals you able to do the things you do.
Conservatives not big on change.
They stuck on this Mayberry theme.
Still highly afraid of change.

But one thing for sure, they love to call out liberalism quick.

We need to halt seeing this world from and black and white view.
Yes, there are other hues.

The world only comes together when we try to make it better.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
The biggest lies told is we talk to our children.
Especially about ***.

Many adults avoid it mostly.
And at a high rate.
And only in certain circles and surroundings do truth ever spoken.

Church, speak about saving yourself for marriage.
Sounds good.
Sounds really good.
But once trapped into a marriage by saving your purity.

And finally getting hitched.
Or marry.
What if?
The lady of choice states she likes to make love once a week.
And the man of choice seeks it more.
Or vice versa n this situation.
Don't you see a mess about to be created?

Some have nothing against premarital ***.
So is it right or is it wrong?
Remember, as with all things it depends upon the person.

And many of these loving saints failed to follow things they preach.
Many of their own kids know math and can add.

If you seventeen and mom and dad only been married for sixteen.
They you know what happens?
They probably never told the truth to the whole story.

So saving yourself is a personal choice.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
There they were in their own land.
Then came the visitors and captured them.

Enslaved them to take to another land.
Without choice, they were kidnapped.

Treated harshly, whipped and abused.

Totally confused by things that occurred.
In truth, they didn't have a choice in coming to this new world.
They lost their family, friends, and tribe heritage.
Thanks to the visitors.

In this new world, they eventually came.
Just to be unpaid slaves to the visitors.

Treated like property on the auction block.
To be hired out to various selected function.
By the visitors.

Some ran away to freedom and some made the attempt.
Just to hindered by the slave house servant.
Who had it slightly better?
Then those in the field.

Laws enacted to state slaves had no rights.
Still thanks to a few free slaves and some that weren't they continued to fight against the visitors.

Soon, many lost completely their given names.
Often taking on the visitors last name.
Women slaves, ***** and men hung, whipped more and shot by the gun.

Mmmm make you aware they the visitor's nothing without a gun.
So we see why they favor the second amendment?

Now, here we are in modern times.
Still surrounded by the visitors perspective racist views.
Who only aware of partial history?
Cause many white schools avoid the truth.

Like scriptures, we get an edit down view.
Especially if it places the visitors in a bad light.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2018
Okay, it's time to sail.
So what's stopping you?

Now, if you a minority?
You have heard this from them.
Don't you go back from where you come from?
And if black you have heard this the most, why don't you go back to Africa?

Now, wait?
The boat is waiting for all these whites hatreds folks to sail.
England, Scotland, Ireland strange all three end with the word "land".
So what stopping you?

You upset.
You enraged.
You mad for what?

Cause you can't control the directive of a changing society.

Strangest thing, many never visit England sent the troublemakers from their country to the new land to become America.
So the boat is waiting

Your choice to depart.
We have planes to get you to any country outside of America.
And I forgot there is Germany.
Then don't live in Oz.
Many of you might not be accepted back.
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