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5h · 23
Oh, you forgot?
You forgot my kisses; you forgot my hugs.
You forgot the one I truly love.
Go figure?
I tell you every day.

Oh, you forgot my effort.
You overlook my messages.
You forgot what I told you many times before.
Oh, go figure.

Don't be shocked?
When you call me?
And I go---oh.
4d · 33
Has this world revolved?
Has this world changed?
But some through centuries opinions stays the same.

We, hear scriptures say this or that.
And guided to control folks' perspectives.
God so love the world about the gift he gave us.

Still, some twist the scripts right before us.
If two are happy of whatever gender they might be?
Just watch how some uses the scriptures to lecture a different theme.

Some, even attack another minister for their view.
Without realizing the disciples had disagreement too.

Men treated more righteous than the women that more faithful.
And to some that's a serious problem.

Trouble of the world does not outweigh love.
Thats the strongest emotion motivating us.
Even, if we ALL see things different.
I can and will whisper, I love you.
In the morning when we are laying there.
Even, when we are dancing close and slow.

Read, my lips so you know.
I shout it out louder for many to know.
But love whispering I love you.

Just to see your eyes a-glow.
And that sweet smile below your nose.
As I whisper, I love you.

Many doesn't hear it enough.
Some hardly at all.
Like it not meant to say.

But to you, you deserve to hear it.
I love you.
I love you.
Hear my whispers, feel my love.
I am me; you are you.
And this touching and agreeing only works for a while.
Because you will disagree.
Believe, you me.
You will disagree.

Might be about time.
Might be about claiming a person as mine.
Or money or bills.
Folks just doesn't keep things real.

A liberal speaks their voices by choice.
A conservative stays silence upon things needed to know.
Then, becomes that whistleblower, we soon come to know.

I am me and forever will be.
Love me, like me, it's irrelevant to myself.
Maybe to someone else.
7d · 28
Do fool uses the word supremacy?
Without comprehending, you're no better than anyone else.

We ALL, can play that game to think it.
And that all it be.
But the TRUTH will tell you various things.

You a fool, living in falsehood.
Or discriminated and secured only in your neighborhood.

Or created laws to only benefit you.
And you think you a supreme race
Look in the mirror and check your face.

Apartheid, used by South Africa back in the day.
And various Jim Crow's laws in grand America.

And this group lost in falsehood thinking they love competition.
7d · 42
Now, that it's ending, finally over.
You are forgetting all the good things I've done.
Totally negative.

Now, that this concluded.
You are just plain nasty with lies to everyone.
I figure you would be.

It's just a part of your personality.
What's in you?
Did I ever, ever did see.

I heard the rumors but played no part in my chase for your heart.
Only if I had the mind of God.

Figure, you can't admit your wrongs.
Good thing my heart still standing strong.
Jul 17 · 37
Each Morning
Eyes, open and I speak to you, yes, each morning.
Even, without a warning.
Each morning, I speak to you with love.

Just to see the glaze in your eyes.
Just to see the brightness of your smile.

Each morning, I say I love you.
Like each night too.
That's what those in true love try to do.

There is no certain routine to it.
Or any command to do it.
I just have to stick to it.
Jul 17 · 34
Hard To Say I'm Sorry
Hard, to say I'm sorry when they are gone.
They can't hear you their soul has moved on.
And your guilt has come along.
And you crying out your regrets.

Mabe, the wickedness of your mouth.
Or the many manipulations that you played to get your way.
Still, it hard to say I'm sorry when they gone.

The only ones hearing you is those that's alive.
Those that saw you, heard you when you cried.

Sometimes, loss makes you check your heart.
Which many of us should have from the start.
Not when they now assigned to another place.
Jul 16 · 47
You're (Royalty)
You wear no crown.
Except, you're royalty.
Doesn't need to be call even a Queen because your royalty.
Just be being you.

So sweet, so true.
You stand out in your talk.
And a graciously style of walk.
Just being you.

Even, in your modest home, it seems like a palace.
Your presence demand respect.
Because you're royalty of the highest degree.

So, thankful for you loving me.
Jul 16 · 46
You Didn't See Him
Like many in the world.
You saw everything but what you should have seen.
You saw his Jewlery.
You saw his clothes and cars.
But you didn't see him.

His love, his heart.

You saw what you wanted to see of a profited.
And he strictly could do for you.

You saw his world.
You saw his house and good furniture too.
But you didn't see him like you should have.

A sincere heart of a man that truly cared for you.
Wanted to love solely upon you.
Now, here you are in this world feeling blue.
Jul 11 · 45
This Gift
I accept it.
I cherish it.
This gift you're giving me.
So, unselfishly.

I will honor it like its mine to give.
And I will give it totally and only to you.

This gift is potent.
Hypnotic and magical.
But adored by many.
I guess, you can say plenty.
Yes, the gift of love.

And chased more than you are aware.
This gift will last forever.
Jul 11 · 44
Hate Not
Hate not, those with wealth.
Some earned it.
Some inherited it.
Hate, not their blessings.

Hate not, those striving and surviving.
Some are determined to make things better.
Some just don't apply the effort.
Hate not, upon them.

In a world of jealous people.
Hate just arises and it's not so surprising.
And many times, it's for no apparent reasons.
Like folks' opinions of various seasons.

Hate not those with confidence.
Hate not, those seeking joy.
Hate not, the life you live.
It takes so much to live it and share it too.

Hate not, those that believes.
Or those yet to adapt that way.
In times, they come around to see why folks pray.

Hate not, upon any race.
Some are simply stuck in a forgotten time.
Just don't be led by those not adjusting the changing of time.
Jul 11 · 57
That's You
Beautiful, that's you.
Delightful, that's you.
So, many words to describe your heart.
But those two I have mention is a start.

Very intelligent, that's you.
Never, belligerent, that's you.
I guess this why I am so in love with you.

We, all seek qualities in the person we admire.
And there are so many within you that's touches my heart.

Adorable, that's you.
Wonderful, that's you.
So, many words to describe your heart.
And I seen these two of you from the very start.
Yes, I am running away from love.
Because it's just not what I want.
So, I'm running away from love.
Because it creates so much trouble

We all want to be needed.
Sure, wants to be wanted.
But I been free for so long and happy being alone.

Then you came, suddenly and turn my life around.
And it affected my whole life more than I wanted.

So, I'm running away from love.
Because it creates so much trouble.
So, I'm running.
Yes, I'm running.
Trying not to be captured.
Or feel like a love's prisoner.
Jul 10 · 37
Do What You Gotta Do
Do, what you gotta do to survive?
Many always will take side to your choice.
But remember the decision is yours.
To do what you gotta do.

Many righteous sinners sit in that house in that pew.
Thinking they are better than you.
But they not telling what they done.
To do what they had to do to survive.

In troubling times, many things will be done.
But if you don't regret the things, you did.
Then why it my perspectives to talk negative.

In life, we all talk about someone.
And upset if it turned around.
And all they see is a enraged frown.
You better believe it.
Yesterday love, isn't the same as today love.
I love you better.
I am loving you more.
More than I ever done before.

With each passing day love grows stronger and stronger.
Not to apologize for or about.
Without a doubt you worthy of every inch of it.
Because yesterday love, not the same as today love.

There always something different to reflect upon.
Your mouth.
Your attitude.
You created your loneliness and never seen it coming.
And it was right before your eyes.

Constantly, things appeared before you.
And you act like it was regular.
Words shouldn't have to be told to you.

On, what you must do?
But you let that mouth run off the one that loved you.
Yes, you created your loneliness.

So, when you look at the door and don't see what you expect.
You know why?
Jul 8 · 35
Somebody found a treasure and it's not hard to measure its worth.
Somebody found a gem and it worth more than anything it this world.

Somebody found a love, one that eventually was discovered.
To be
To be
To be made of pure gold.
Least this what I have been told.

Somebody had been blessed, this I do know.
Least I have been told.
That-that somebody is me.
And, yes, I must agree that this somebody found love.

Who is my everything.
No longer a dream but my true reality.

Yes, somebody found a treasure to be cherished forever.
Jul 8 · 42
It's Just Us
I imagine us on an Island.
Yes, just us two.
Exploring the joy of the scenery.

No electronic devices anywhere around.
We, not lost, but just can't be found.
Not that we bother by those we know.

We just decided to be alone with you enjoying me and I enjoying you.

It just us.
It's just us.
Jul 8 · 107
I Recognize You
I give you praise like I give you, my heart.
No other deserves to be known for the good she does.
You so deserving of love.
And I recognize you, each and every day.

Yes, in so many, many ways.
I constantly giving you praise.
You deserve so much more.
Then even possible.

You're a Goddess.
You, my Queen.
Exactly, the woman I imagine in my dreams.
So, be not upset that I recognize you, my love.

And I will forever, forever, forever, recognize you.
In ever poem I write, I'm recognizing you.
In everything I do, I'm recognizing you.

Constantly, giving you praise, and I thank the Lord for you.
Jul 8 · 43
Brag On
She yours.
Totally yours.
No one know her better.

So, brag on.
Brag on about your lady.
Who going to stop you?
Because she yours.

Who been in your corner doing good and bad times?
There whenever you need her.
So, brag on-brag on about your baby.
All because she not theirs, but yours.

So, brag on.
Brag on about your lady.

When you have someone that's good.
They deserve all the recognition you can give her.
So, brag, brag, brag on.

Remember, this your woman.
Who is forever in your corner.
Jul 7 · 39
The Door Always Open
Not one to hold on what don't want to be kept.
I understand freedom, ewe all seeks.
And if my love, my love, isn't enough for you.
And deep within your soul I'm a burden to you.
The door always open for you to leave.

Don't stay here out of pity or sympathy.
That just show within yourself, you don't know me.
Stronger than you ever will see.

And if..
And if what you seek just can't be found.
Just know the door always open for you to turn around.
Maybe I am a fool
Maybe I am a clown
But one time your sincere love turned this fool around.

So, the door always open to you.
I can't wait for your return.
Although you call and I hear your voice and it makes me smile.
You are just not aware that this lonely house-in need of love.
Yes, this lonely house (is in need of you).

You brighten my day just by being seen.
You motivate me by the things you say.
You make me smile just by being you.

But when you're not here, this lonely house in need of you.
It's hard to sleep when you are not next to me.
And I welcome things you say you do upon your return.
You're the fire and I'm the flame.

So, I can't wait for your return.
Let the candles burn.
Let the music play.
Let your sweet voice just call out my name.
Jul 7 · 44
I'm Yours
We go through changing of many seasons.
And it for many reasons.
But through each one of them, I'm yours(forevermore)

It's not my job to question it.
If facts, we both are suited for all of them.
Just know, I'm yours forevermore.
Whether it's cold-I'm yours
Whether it warm-I'm yours
And yes, it's forevermore.

I can't picture me without you nearby.
And If I lost you, I be in lots of tears.
That just how much I love you, my dear.

I hope you believe this and know this truth.
I am yours, yours, yours, forevermore.

Believe it.
Yes, believe this.
Yeah, believe it.
These spoken words not used as tricks.

I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours forevermore.
Jul 7 · 104
Blessings Coming
Blessings, came to us, and it simply was a matter of time.
We didn't rush it.
We didn't push it.
But blessings, came to us, when just being patience.

Love, came to us, after meeting and dating.
Life blossom for us more and more each day.
And while we were happy with less.
Now, we happy with more.
Who wouldn't enjoy more love?
More joy.

More joy, more love.
Which was already coming from both of us.
We are blessed, so blessed than ever before.

I am blessed to have you.
And you are blessed to have me.
Some blessings, we can't foresee.

But, when comes just say, you're so happy.
Jul 6 · 31
My Forever
You forever in my dream
Forever in my heart, forever.
Like a memory that won't fade deep within my heart you stay.

Like, it been said somethings never go away.
Like when we met.
Like when we kissed.
Somethings, stays forever, yes forever.

If I recall, you walked into the room and affected my soul.
I knew at that moment meeting you was my goal.
And nothing could stop me.
Nothing could and nothing would.

You are eternal, yes, my forever love.
Yes, forever, forever, forever.

Like, it been told with honesty and truth.
Somethings just requires proof.

So, I'm here to tell you that you are my forever love.
Yes, forever, forever forever.
Now, that you see me in a better light.
You are talking about me making you, my wife.

But I remember all the rough spots we went through.
And I didn't see any sympathy from you.
Even when I reached out to you.

These are the things that I remember.
Now, you want to claim me as yours.

All because, now you see me in a better light.
But what you prove to me?
You only be temporary in my corner.

And gone the moment when trouble is seen.
Jul 5 · 41
I'm Not Your Man
I'm your doctor.
I am your counselor.
I am your friend.
But still not your man.

I'm your comfort.
I'm your need.
I'm your friend to the very end.

I know you in depth than possible.
I have seen you at your worse moment.
All because, you're aware I am forever in your corner.
But still not your man.

I guess what he needs to know.
You don't tell him.
All because I feel he doesn't get you.
While deep down I do.

I guess that's why I secretly in love with you.
So, it's true.
True that I love you.
It's real.
I been convicted of loving you.
And I do it without regrets.

But I am also acquitted too.
It wasn't no tricks to my schemes of desiring you.
You a beautiful woman others would adore too.

I been accused of many things.
And hardly deny anything.
Jul 3 · 42
I Love, Love
I love, love and I love you.
Nothing has calm me more from being a fool than you do.
I love, love and everything about you.
Truly, I do.

Who goes chasing hate?
And what the purpose of chasing it.
When it only leads you into too many mistakes.

So, I am admitting with truth.
I love, love and I love you.

With you in my life I stay on the right and narrow.
Why knowing being with you have never brought to me any type of sorrow.
Jul 3 · 44
There Always One
There always one that think they can do it better.
Yes, love you better than me.
Will sell you a summary of things they can do.

But mine is in the proof that you still here.
And for sure anything relationship can be better.
But you can't deny I have done the best I can.

You still happy.
You still smiling.
You know all the efforts I put into keeping you amused.

Still, there aways one that think they can love you better.
Yes, yes, better than me.
Will spin things this and that way to impress you more.

But mine in the proof that this is where you chose to stay.

Things only greener in our minds.
And it best sometimes to leave it that way.
Jul 1 · 29
Plot, Plan and Win
FArom the moment I saw you my heart was hooked.
You have all the quality that it took.
So, I plotted, I planned to win you.
I wouldn't rob for you.
Although you have convicted me.

I won't even steal for you.
All because I enjoy my freedom.
I do whatever it takes to make you, my lady.

I planned; I plotted in various ways to get to your heart.
And not for a moment I regret it.
Why, because here you stand before me?

Yes, loving me.
Holding me.
Supporting me.
Been young and foolish, solely concerned with myself.
While overlooking the love and touches you need.
Made me wake up to reality.

While deep within myself I know I could have loved you better.
Now, within myself I have so many regrets.
While knowing, I could have loved you better.

Maybe being called a complete fool made me realize of the hurt I bought to you.
Maybe, not having you now make me misses you more.
While knowing I could have loved you better.

I still admit you're a wonderful woman.
Jun 28 · 37
For My Mama
How many?
Can say this?
For my mama I would do anything.
Nothing would stop me.
Nothing will disrupt me.
All because she has done so much for me.

Sacrifice here and there many times.
Went without to support me.
Maybe did things I shouldn't know.
But for my mama I would do anything.

How many?
Would follow this truth with all honesty.
Even, without a crown many mothers are royalty.
Jun 28 · 44
This Love (We Share)
Something, everlasting, with no ending in sight.
It's a guarantee the sun will shine in the morning and the moon at night.

This love (we share) has no ending in sight.
It more than a fairytale going on between us.
Although it's very beautiful.

This love (we share) is like glue, not made to float loose.
It built around confidence of trust between us two.

While others treat it like a come and go game.
We went into it being nothing but the real thing.

Talking about this love.
Yes, this love that we share.
Nothing can break it.
Nothing can bend it.

Nothing or no one upon this earth.
Jun 26 · 71
Oh, what about this color that intimidates you?
We, see many insecurities kicks in quickly.
When facts remain it's stronger than all the rest.

Accept you jealous of the blackness.
And few jealous of your hue.
Be proud it represents you.

With less this color strives.
With less it excels.
And more than any color around its impressive.
Love, why you running away?
From someone asking you to stay.

Love, why you playing games?
When you have someone serious as can be.

It seems you heading in many directions just to avoid this satisfaction.
Which been waiting awhile upon you.

Love, why you running away?
When all you have to do is accepting my invitation.

My love does have you as my reservation.

So why?
So why?
Yes, why you running away?
Jun 25 · 48
(Just) Love Me
Love me from the beginning until the end.
Love me, not when in between others.
That my heart couldn't accept.

Love me, in the morning as you would at night.
Surround me with hugs and your tender love.
These touches of you can't be enough.

Love me, when I'm sick.
Just as much when I am well.
Love me, more.
I don't care who you tell on various ways you love me.

Just love me, just love, just love me.

Love me, when I am up.
Love me, when I am down.
Think nothing of others' opinions.
That my heart couldn't accept.
You stand with me.
You protect me.
Most of all you defend me.
As long you're in my corner I can do most anything.
But fail.
As long you're in my corner I can do most anything.

Never once, have failure came my way.
You're a promoter, a supporter pushing me every day.
And I'm thankful every day.

As long you're in my corner I can do most anything.
Anything, anything but fail.
It's just a word I don't know.
Jun 24 · 168
Our Love (Keep Rising)
To you, my love.
Yes, only to you.
I say these sincere words of truth.

You my blessing, you, my truth.
You, my inspiration on everything I do.

And each and every single day our love, keep rising.

To you, my love.
Yes, yes, to you.
I blessed to have met you.

You my heart, my soul forevermore.
You motivate my effort of growth, and our love keep on rising.
Higher, yes higher than I could ever imagine.
You love to argue, more than you should.
And when you get no response.
You still carry on until you see it not affecting me in anyway.

All I say, I love you.
And go on doing what I am doing without a concern.
Because you can't disturb my peace.

I learn long ago.
It takes two to make the debate grow.
And things might get say that an apology can't erase.
So, all I say, I love you.
Because you not going to disturb my peace.

Say, what you will.
Say, what you feel.
Because you not going to disturb my peace.

Because I learn long ago.
It takes two to make a debate grow.

So, say what you feel.
Say, what you will.
But you won't disturb my peace.

So, I say I love you hoping you see you're not getting anywhere.
Jun 22 · 52
So, he taught you how to shoot?
That makes him a great dad.

Or was he guiding you through life to be a good man.

Did he teach respect for another regardless of color?
Ask a good soldier on the battlefield that something you can't see.

Did he guide you to respect women?
A great dad doesn't tolerate you disrespecting mother.
Just doing that, you find yourself before trouble.

Did he install in you to protect your sister?
And later from all that you learn that falls down to protecting your daughter.

Did he guide you through working hard for what you seek?
Not to be like beggars seeking things so easily.

Reflect upon the man, you think you are.
Then you must acclaim you satisfied with the dad you had or have.
All because he raised a great man.
Jun 22 · 42
Nothing Like Mom
Upfront, when young this one woman is your world?
We just don't see it but in truth, there is nothing like a mom.
And to those that lost them, you miss them more when they are gone.

Because it takes some longer to see there was nothing like a mom.

Think, think about the things many deals with.
And abusive spouse, a wayward child, and so much foolery.
In these situations, too, there is nothing like a mom.

Sometimes, when they should turn away.
Many in bad situation still stays.
Because of choices many decides to stay.

And the kids just don't see the things they done to even save them.
Many cry and gripe about the problems, they have caused the.

She deals with the fool child that love the life of crime.
After warning them of stupidity many of times.
The same fools that sit in prison crying about the harm mom done to them.

Now, of course there are some wicked moms too.
Who lost in a world of craziness?
Hooked on things they may or might recover from.

But in many cases, mom is that guiding light.
The pusher of faith in God to save your life.

Just think of the mom that affected your life for good.
Proclaim her your Queen without a crown of royalty.
Love me, when I am struggling and trying.
Don't love me less.

Love, me more, when you see me striving and trying to the point almost dying.
Don't love me less.
Be not superficial like many athletes and celebrities with fake lovers and spouses attracted to them because of fame.

Love me more, when you see my effort.
Cherish me more for even that.
Cause within it, you will see smiles and happiness while inside I am doing my best.

Just love me for the man I am.
So, many mistakes, I do regret.
And one is losing you to another.
And not trying to make it work.
When you ask me to try?

So, many mistakes, Do I regret.
And many I can't forget.
If fool was printed upon my forehead.
I just have to wear it without pride.

Somethings, we wake up too late.
And losing you to another is one of them.
And I reminded often by friends about it.

Some lessons we learn from.
And this is one I know very well.
Jun 19 · 46
A Friend
Guess, I'm cut from a different breed.
I stick with a friend through various things and themes.
When others abandon theirs?
I am in their corner.

If judged upon a crime or something wrong, they have done.
Are we all saying, we are better than anyone.
Don't get me wrong about my friendship t you.

I be the first to call you a first-class fool.
Long before you made that choice to travel that road.
I am sure your conscious told you not to go.

Even, when under all levels of attacks.
Here, as friend that has your back.
Whether you're famous or simply not.

Sometimes, in this abusive world some friends all you got.
Judge me, hate me, that is your right.
But don't tell me I can't be a friend to someone, you dislike.
They knew.
You knew I am in love with you.
It was communicated in various forms.
From the warmth of arms.
From the look within my eyes.

So, loving you shouldn't be a major surprise.

From the little poems I wrote to you.
Always including with love.
That alone should have spoken volumes.

So, loving you shouldn't be a shock to you.

You knew it.
I showed it
Jun 18 · 39
Before You
There, been many.
Yes, there been plenty.
Before you, I was a man on a mission and with good and bad intention.
Before you, I had many quests.
But only you seem to pass the test.

From the way you hugged.
From the way you kissed.
From the way you did many things between us.

Yes, before you, I was a man on a mission with good and bad intention.
Before you, I had many quests.
And only you seem to pass my test.

But realize within me there is no regrets.
But with you I have found so much joy.
Only because I went out an explore.
What's right?
What's wrong?
Just defends of the scenario.

Some will always see things a certain way.
While others will try to always explain.

Concerning age, you figure common sense would come into play.
Now some trying throw that to the waste side.
Like apologizing when wrong.
Some stays lost behind pride.

So, what's right?
Your conscious will advise you.
Then, what's wrong?
Your mind and heart should tell you.
Unless you happy being label a fool.
Never, one to use the word perfect.
All because no one fits that term now or before.
All the lies that been told served a purpose.
All the wrongs I've done wasn't meant to hurt anyone.
But they did.

Never one to follow rules I didn't create.
All because I hated to be boxed in like a child.
Who must ask permission to simply roam.
All the wrongs I've done wasn't meant to hurt you.
But it did.

And here I stand apologizing to you again.
Proving I have yet to learn from all my crisis.
And I doubt I ever will.
So, all the wrongs I done wasn't meant to hurt anyone.
But they did.
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