the urge to Be compels
realization of landscape
in a soul
landscape made of
lines on a graph made
natural by Love
moving those lines into
an art beyond the known
a Love beyond the known
captured within the
landscape of the wing
and the dancing flight
of the butterfly
how is faith, Faith?
Faith is Constancy
from egg to worm to flighted
no matter the changes
Constancy abides within each
remarking the moment when
coherence meets Coherence
movement meets Movement
and the egg expands
into the infinite
inevitability --- its
ineluctable moment of Love
when love meets Love
and Is
how is love, Love?
Love is Knowing
from egg to worm to flighted
it is knowing which flow
contains me
which flow is mine to express
and which expression ---
each minute expression ---
has precedence in any moment
and thus I eat
I fulfill myself
until the leaf has been
finished and I am full of
the Knowing to stop ---
to allow the expansion of faith
the expansion of Love
into another coherence
another flow
another containment within
expanded beyond my present
into Presence
into a Being unknown
by any but Love
as Love
each coherence
carried on the wing
the landscape of the butterfly
painted on its wing
by Love
c. 2018 Roberta Compton Rainwater
We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis ― LeeAnn Taylor