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 Jan 2014 Jaz
I'm a bore
 Jan 2014 Jaz
When I feel like the world is falling
It's pieces crumbling
I held out a hand
Reach out the stars
And let them fall like grains of sand

But today
I feel like the grains of sand
Had turned into rocks of gray
I can't gather them
They're tied in bond

My heart is full
Pain is there, I know
I still try to act cool
And ,secretly, the constellations I've gathered
Rip me apart and all I feel is sorrow

When I see him
It's not butterflies I feel anymore
Fear is what it seems
Fear of losing
Losing what I don't have and for him
I'm a bore
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Shane Bernardo
I close my eyes,
you're there,
silent and still
Then you suddenly love me

My eyes open,
only to realize
that you only stay in my mind,
a thought that I created
 Jan 2014 Jaz
 Jan 2014 Jaz
all these miseries you say
lost inside you
shivering, crying at night
lean against my soul
I will shove your demons out
eat them all alive

just to see you and your smile
the eyes that glitter in a while
because *a day without your smile
is not a day at all
The type of love that makes you selfless is one of the best kinds of love. Be sure to appreciate those who love us selflessly.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Alex Caldwell
She is perfection,
Wrapped in an enigma.
With passive aggressive undertones,
Shrouded by brilliance.
She is the dew on morning grass,
So thick and hard headed.
Molasses filled blood stream,
Slowing her heart to a crawl.
She is everything I want,
Hazel eyes filled with tears.
Looking for a way out,
Walking away from the world.
She is,
No longer mine
 Jan 2014 Jaz
I'm the girl who is lost in space, the girl who is disappearing always, forever fading away and receding farther and farther into the background. Just like the Cheshire cat, someday I will suddenly leave, but the artificial warmth of my smile, that phony, clownish curve, the kind you see on miserably sad people and villains in Disney movies, will remain behind as an ironic remnant. I am the girl you see in the photograph from some party someplace or some picnic in the park, the one who is in fact soon to be gone. When you look at the picture again, I want to assure you, I will no longer be there. I will be erased from history, like a traitor in the Soviet Union. Because with every day that goes by, I feel myself becoming more and more invisible.
my bipolar just hit me,once again.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
They were right
 Jan 2014 Jaz
They were know
No matter who you are
or who you think you are
there is always someone better
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Maytin Paige
It's just an old beat up truck.
Nothing more.
It's nothing
but it means so much.
There's too many memories.
I watch in silence
as she tries to switch gears
with a frustrated attitude.
She yanks the gear shift back
trying to shift into second.
I set my hand on her arm
She looks up and stops.
Clutch in and ease into second.
She takes a deep breath and starts back in first.
She shifts into second easily now.
I smile
and stay in silence.
She cruises down through the field
and I set my hand on her arm again.
She looks up as the truck slows.
I tell her it'll all be okay
and that she's doing great.
Which is true.
I tell her I love her.
Because this is just another memory to add with this
old beat truck.
The same one I've been told that I should trade in.
But it means so much more than getting a new truck.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Shane Bernardo
I want you to remind me
that I loved you
You have to fight for me
because I'm weak
and I tend to forget
and give up
I want you strong
Because we both know
deep inside me
I want you
for Al,

 Jan 2014 Jaz
rained-on parade
Life is meant to
go on


nothing lasts forever.

Life is meant to have
ups and downs


flatlines mean death.
With yvk.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Abi Perry
Broken Love
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Abi Perry
I didn't grow up with broken bones
I grew up with broken hearts
Stemmed from broken homes
that had been built on broken starts
I believed love was a theory
or something you could chart
some how
you do not fit the patterns
Don't merge with other lines
Don't begin to fit the profile
for someone I should like
maybe should just let it happen
let the chips fall where they may
Let myself fall in your arms
arms too far away
Everyday I question
how much those arms can hold
how far those arms can stretch
can they hold me above my past?
can they reach me?
I never broke a bone
I've had many broken hearts
Come from a broken home
built on a broken start
I taught myself love was a dream
A fairytale never meant to be
like a house built in a stream
It would drown eventually
That's always how it seemed
I'm kind of shocked I love you
I hate knowing how I feel
my solid bones don't matter
nor the casts around my heart
love is not a theory
it's very much an art
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