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 Jan 2014 Jaz
Shalini Ray
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Shalini Ray
Unspoken words,whispers and mummers
She takes a whiff,smoke rising from her lips
And she blows them softly away
Those tattoos on her arms
Those scars on her wrists
Each tell a story,she is a running history
Wind blowing on her face
She laughs those scandals away
Her lipstick slightly smudged
Her hair falls loosely on her shoulder
He watches her in awe
She is a bird so free
On the other side of everything he has seen
He wants to hold her
She wants to be held
She wants to be used
She wants to be loved and then abused
Unspoken words,whispers and mummers
They slowly spin out of sight
Not talking tonight
For some reason I wish I could add stuff to this poem.Any suggestions?
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Riley Ayres
Her name leaks truth,
an outer beauty oblivious to human eyes,
but a beauty within is found in the depths of her heart,
delve deeper into her mind and find a writer,
an artist careful of how she crafts her words,
a voice of obsessing lovers,
she creeps into the back of my mind.
what is so wrong about our names entwined within a love heart?
an ethereal sense of desire overwhelms me when I am with her,
wrong but right,
an angel in the eyes of many,
never to be forgotten...
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Aiden Williams
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Aiden Williams
Disappointment & anger
Cloud my emotions.
They've been played with,
Toyed with like
A ball of
In a one sided war with a cat.
Feelings of contempt
Are forged in iron upon
My eyes.
No secret
Hidden from the
Furnaces of dragon breath
Burn against my forehead
Cloud my vision
Of sense.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
When I find a place that invites me in like I'm a long lost relative,
I would do anything for them
and that's a weakness because when I let myself be pushed around,
these strangers I call family
will treat me exactly like how my family did.

Here is where I find myself conflicted
running away just to find another home that ended up to be
the exact home I barely got out of;
like escaping from a lion's mouth straight into a crocodile's.

Why am I always fooled by gold-painted stones
why do I always fall right into the wrong book
I've come across these type of characters so many times
why stay and taint their existence that even they wouldn't claim.

I try to fix the broken but my hands did anything but
and left inked-fingerprints on shattered glass
it's only about time until they discover whose it is-
I hope maybe I'll be gone by then.

I try to pull away from the hook that's been tied to my spine
realising it too late that it's slowly ruining me
reeling me back to a home I desperately want to get rid of
but I know these ghosts won't find peace if I keep falling back to them
and that's the curse of leaving a mark.
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Abi Perry
 Jan 2014 Jaz
Abi Perry
Growing up I was always told to pretend
To make-believe I was a princess
A mother
A warrior
Whoever I wanted to be
With a little imagination and some time spent outside
Could be real,
But who was I really fooling?
Not myself
After turning the pool into a beautiful dress
After putting my "babies" to bed
After slaying the evil swing set
I was still me
Maybe that's why I got bored
started trying to make others believe my stories
Not worried about what I thought
More how much others did
I can control the radio
I can make it so you can't move
I can levitate
I can read your mind
I am a famous singer
I lied to you about all of this because if you believe it
you might be able to make it
that's all they were
I wanted them to be true
Tried to make them true
They never were
They never will be
Pretending it doesn't hurt
Pretending It does
Never knowing who I was
still searching for who I am
I am NO princess
I am NO mother
but I can fight
I wage wars with myself
battle scars taking residence in my heart
I wasn't lying
I was pretending
Pretending to be okay
Pretending I believed
Just like you pretend you care
About me
About what happens to me
If i were to die now you would be at my funeral because it looks right
If i die in ten years you wouldn't show up
Pretending you care or
Lying about caring
if it's the same for me it's the same for me it's the same for you
maybe if you
spend a life hiding wounds
spend a day in my shoes
spend a night in my dreams
you'll see why pretending i'm okay
pretending i believe
pretending i'm a princess
a mother
A warrior
None of it works
Nothing ever did
nothing ever will
pretending to be someone i'm not
I'm not you,
I pretended to be
I imagined a world where I could make-believe to believe and have it be true
When I slayed the swing set
I killed myself
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