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 Nov 2013 Jaz
Teri Bennett
I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen

Your emotional issues are starting to glisten

Your anger's so obvious to everyone you know

They're aware of your issues hidden deep down below

Your insecurities show in your demeanor

You'll never admit your underlying demons

You have a new love and she's not aware

Of the tortures I went thru while under your care

She'll soon see the monster that's hidden within

Your smooth side conceals it until we've moved in

I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen

You'll never admit your secret condition

You broke my heart you created a hole

You're alone again you're out-of-control

I wanted to help but you decided to cheat

You brought in a new one to keep your deceit

Did she figure it out is she gone from your house

Looks like she left as quiet as a mouse

You keep your heart hidden you think it's sublime

Alone again was not your design
 Nov 2013 Jaz
Sameer Chhetri
don't know whats wrong with this world
animals are better then people
people are too busy to even help each other
there's swag and yolo
people want gaps between their legs
the **** life is choosing people
lady gaga is "fashion"
acting like a stripper is called twirking
twirking is called dancing
not liking rap is sth to be ashamed of
******* is considered art
literature is dead
music is dead
love is materialistic
 Nov 2013 Jaz
Sameer Chhetri
 Nov 2013 Jaz
Sameer Chhetri
suicide comes a lot to mind
when every thing you hope for
nothings good not even your time
you hate the bed and love the floor
its like you want to live no more
this is not a suicide note just a poem :\ because im a coward
 Nov 2013 Jaz
i dreamed of a rainbow forest with lots of rainbows there
rainbows scattered all around rainbows everywhere
spread across the sky and bending over trees
with little pots of gold blowing in the breeze
there were lots of colors of yellow blue and red
shining very brightly hanging overhead
it was very beautiful  a lovely place to see
there in rainbow forest is where i long to be
 Nov 2013 Jaz
 Nov 2013 Jaz
a piece of paper really
with bunch of faces and numbers printed
all coated with green
just a piece of paper

funny how it controls the way we act, the way we talk,
it controls the future, eh?
people say it doesn't matter how much you have of it
but we all know that's the biggest *******

a piece of paper
shouldn't define where you sleep at night, what you have for breakfast
shouldn't define how you get your education, how much more successful you will be
shouldn't embody tears and hearts
shouldn't depend the loss of innocence

a piece of paper really
just a ******* sheet of paper

oh, and in case I forgot to mention,
it controls everyone's life
 Nov 2013 Jaz
AP Beckstead 2014
The sands of time,
far more numerous than the sea,
outweigh the odds,
cast back the fleeting,
see things as they are,
the truth of all things.

If time is a cage,
then truth is the key,
and if what you need is change,
then release the safety,
and break the bulwark,
the safety you've always known.

The grass is always greener,
things are always better from the outside looking in,
always better from far away,
good things do not come to those that wait,
they are snatched by those willing to reach.

In time all will come to know the sting of sadness,
the ache of regret swelling in their veins,
but know this,
time heals all wounds,
and death is not the refuge you seek,
fear is for the weak and stupid,
the reaper comes to collect,
not to free.

Don't fight the flow of time,
accept its crushing embrace,
forge from the fires someone you respect,
a persona worthy of your love,
and cease murmuring of what you hang on your cross.

Never take it sitting down,
fight fire with fire,
strike down conspiring fates,
be your own person,
never heeding popular demand.

You are who you choose to be,
tendencies may exist,
but raise your fist instead,
there is you and there is your shadow,
choose the better of the two.

Slice it down the center,
tear apart all conventions that misrepresent,
seek only truth,
don't change for anyone,
change only for your own sake,
fight for what you believe,
that's the only advice I can give you.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
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