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 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
At night
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
At night
I get so restless
Words swimming inside my head
Dazzled by the bright orange-like glow
Emitted by my desk lamp
I see letters of the alphabet
Drifting in the air
I get mildly agitated when I cannot string them
to pen something decent

My lamp illuminates
All night
Afraid to sleep in the dark
And yet not fearful
Of playing with fire in the daylight

At night
I get so restless
Through my bedroom window
I gaze at the pale moonlight
And wonder
If I ever crossed your mind, today

Just once
Wrote this at midnight when I couldn't sleep.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
 Dec 2013 Jaz
If I could get closer to a tiger then
i would

                                                            ­then maybe
                                                           ­            i could absorb its strength

and **roar
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
I sat to ink a piece of writing....

About you


My words  

Cast adrift

In the Atlantic of......

Immense anguish

All my pen did was bleed.....

 Dec 2013 Jaz
Vivian Ienello
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Vivian Ienello
You take up all the s p a c e in my head

                     fragments of you, in there, till I’m dead

                     I want to wrap my arms around you

                    like the mist surrounding a mountain

                    or the earth beneath the sea

                    and the way you look at me

                    is enough to make the stars **shine
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Vivian Ienello
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Vivian Ienello
I used to pray to god, but he was never listening

everything felt so distant

and nothing seemed to change

sitting on the window frame

feeling shame, for cheating the game

I used to speak aloud but no one would ever listen

so that’s why I became so distant
In this human petting zoo

with fictional delusions of faith

where we think we can save ourselves from fate

but in reality it’s already too late

I used to pray to god but he would never listen

I used to pray to god but I felt so distant

all these people

with their deluded allusions

of a man who said he can create the world.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
In a prison of our own design
Held hostage by our disturbed psyches
We are robot-like beings
It's as though we have been programmed to perpetuate the  destruction of our selves

Products of faulty wiring, we are
Razor blades tickle our trembling wrists
And we beg to the gods to vanish without a trace

I am not afraid to fall deeper into the murky waters as long as it's with you
The sadness in your eyes complements the sadness in mine

Let's drown in wine, shall we?
Feed our arteries with substance so we can feel
There won't be any healing, I know
The depression is forever in  presence
Our pain is a chronic wound.
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