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 Dec 2013 Jaz
maybella snow
real councillors
over used
to people who
understand more
than people

dark corners
with mysterious
invisible eyes
visible to those
unlucky enough
to see them
with eyelids

light traces
and patterns
lacing bodies
with streaks
of red
and stains
of pain

toilet bowls
lent over
by overbearing
starved and
of bones

shaking hands
firmly planted
against brick
cracked bruises
harshly noticeable
and starkly

dried tears
only means
they were
wet once
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Maytin Paige
I am selfish.
                   You are nothing of the sort.
I am cliche.
                   Of which you are not.
i dream of boys like every girl does
i dream of love under the timeline of forever
i believe passion drives us to insanity
i believe that we're born to waste away this planet, only to die
i dream of freedom
i dream of kindness and fantasies
                     This sounds of similarity and unlikeness.
we are all selfish. whether we are kind or arrogant. we are all selfish and are too blind to see. but one thing is true: ignorance is bliss.

because being non-knowing cannot hurt you.
                     We don't hurt ourselves.
oh, this is very untrue. we do, indeed, hurt ourselves.
                      How is that so?
we create so much passion for something that does not return it in any form. therefore, we set ourselves up for failure.
                       But when the passion is ubiquitously returned....?
we still set ourselves up for failure. even when we are being adored, we dream of better, wishfully hoping, therefore, setting us for failure.

*in this way, we are selfish.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Linda Diane Daniels
The death angel

The death angel makes her rounds through the rooms of the dying, She lays her hands on them and prays for them, tells them Satan is only lying.

She feels so good inside like she did some good deed.  She feels like she curing the dying, curing a need.

She goes home to her family believing that she did something good for God.  Husband, children at the table, smile at her, and nod.  

She cannot feel true love for she is a narcissist.  She buys, she lies, she prays, what she does best.

As she makes her way through each and every ward, making beds, sweeping away dirt, telling the dying to pray to the Lord.  

She tells them they can be given a new breast, a new lung, a new leg.  Little does she know or care that that their graves others will soon dig.  

It's been said that people that don't know they are fools are rather sad, but this death angel is truly bad.

She tells people that have a year to live or less, that they can be made whole again if only to the Lord they confess.

She visited me one year ago and lay her hands on me, she said I would be healed that day and spend my future in eternity.  

As time went on, I got worse, to the point of my last breath.  That is when she finally came back around, that sweet Angel of Death.

The Angel of Death gets ready to make her rounds for tomorrow.  Never in her heart feeling an ounce of pain or sorrow.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Adam Burke
Do you remember the tale?
You think you know how it goes
But what you knew and what I thought never coincided.
We've ran our course and deception should end
So let me tell you how we really began.

Standing silent across the bar I spy a rose.
But by this dark and these glazed eyes all I can tell is that the petals are more red than black.
As pretty as she is,
I am more beguiled by thorns than a rosy red leaf.
Thorns that I will only find if I can caress her neck for a while and trace my fingers down her spine, Slicing my palms and pretending that our hearts are of the same shade.

If I pressed this thorny soul and it's black heart to your window would sanctuary be offered with open arms and pitying eyes?
Is there safety in those walls that I shan't be part of?
I can't miss what I've never had
And I will never have her.

But will she know the difference?
Do I look like the rest?
If I sing the song and dance the dance could I be ignorant and happy like them?

I've seen their kind a million times
I've seen the flowers dance and entwine their stems to grow together and die with each other.
Roots can be poison.
Especially mine.

You see I love me more than you ever could because you never met me.
Bloodshot eyes and a ***** filled disguise are all you've ever known
I am not what you thought me to be.
I'm a rose darker than the lies.
Now I've wiped away the ****** disguise to reveal to you a simple ruse to no end.

This letter meant goodbye.
Goodbye Rose.
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The fight to keep us together
Is certainly unbelievable
The fights we have
Hurt, like hell but are retrievable

You are affectionate and extroverted
Your full of wonders of joy and your heart felt
But me I was introverted but it's different now
U helped me with stress and pain I've dealt

It makes you sympathetic when you listen to my problems
I know I complain and whine a lot, it's just this love is divergent
When I say I feel ugly you say the opposite you say beautiful
You make me smile and giggle, when I need you sometimes it's urgent

But if we take out our fights and out in good times
Everything seems to align like the stars, just right
To me ur my world and larger then life
You are my BOOBEAR and my hubby, I'll be holding on to this love very tight

I love your smile, it's so cute with ur messed up tooth
Stop calling yourself ugly, you know I don't like when you do it
I think you are the cutest most sexiest man alive
And don't forget it(;
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Sameer Chhetri
no im not a strong man
its because i dont stand by my rules
i tell people to open up
i tell them to live
but when it comes to myself ? nop
when people are low i tell them to cheer up
but when it comes to me? nop

maybe its because i dont want to change my self completely
may be im just to ignorant
i dont know what it exactly is
but maybe
just maybe
 Dec 2013 Jaz
Cats and Dogs
 Dec 2013 Jaz
You are like rain

I can't see the individual droplet of your heart hitting mine

but suddenly

you leave rippled marks all over

as the blood of cat's claw marks and dog's bite ink my heart yours*

then you disappear
Raining cats and dogs
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
 Dec 2013 Jaz
The Noose
It's amazing,
How when one is down in the dumps
one finds melancholy in everything
Like the simple sound of water as it collects in the porcelain sink

Stark loneliness like razor blades licking the flesh
The piercing silence once cherished becomes unbearable
Sometimes all a human needs is the sound of another person flipping pages in the next room

No trace of the morning's lucidity
Or serenity

Like clockwork the numbing ensues

The perennial rain complements the lingering depression
And so does the black hoodie on my back.
Another sad one.
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