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The world is a big garden full of flowers
But there are only two flowers in LOVE
In every flower Nature has left
The symbol of LOVE for us
Thus I adorn your fragrance and colors
For the world to call me your LOVERz

Like the ever flowing water in rivers
I flow from mountains to oceans over YOU
My LOVE flows over your secret earth
To fill your mysterious under-currents

Like mother's compassionate touch
On her new born baby's being
That's how....
You own my body
You own my heart
You own my soul
You own my spirit

Now what is there
Remaining with me?
Everything of mine
Is owned by YOU

Till the last breathe
I will write, sing and dance
In praise of your LOVE

On everyone you shower your blessing
Being with them, staying with them
Working with them, eating with them
Smiling with them, living with them
Sitting with them, roaming with them

But it is only on me
You shower your hidden blessing
By giving me a little space
In your heart for me to remain alive

Thus I will spend the rest of my life
In your LOVE... near your feet
Like a devotee in front of divinity

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